p. 4


Catal THE TIMES Sunday at Sovember 1911 La Mascota LISON THE GEM Banana bocoa. IMPERIAL EMBROCATION FORSE furter and miles nede Farinya The best Remedy for the worst. Pain. Canas Cia E Smyth y Cis and fruita ich miroad, three han last retarias Promerans are cult.
SAN JOSE pand The best Liniment for all Diseases that require antern Information application of a strong and antiseptic counter irritant.
The best assortment in the country te nel giren at Miles from THOMAS LEWIS Equally as Erications for Animal as for Han Manufactured by HERMANN ZELEDON Notice)
San Jon Costa Rica The undersigni begs to intorm Matina his purerons customers and friends that bite days from You cannot lose your money to day if they do not turn up at The Best Store in the Town his tailoring establishment oppo Cumplete Assortment of Goods Lowest Prices site Don Aaschs Store, Limon, their geods will be sold out.
Provisions, Liquors. Dry Goods, Boots, Crockery, For the modest Sum of 30 cents will spor your tetteh 25 cent for Re. JACKSON.
gistering and cents for turning Receipt llardware, Medicines Etc. Etc.
Send me your money for Checks, excharge on Jamnick 11. 00 Limon, Sept, 10, 911. 15 The most hp to date and reliable firm in Costa Rica.
All correspondence handled free of charge 20 CENTS 20 CENTS Mendez For Sale.
PO BOX 155 LIMON La Florida Milk That beautiful cottage with adjoining lot 200 yards more or west of Siquirres Railway Station and drafts on Jamaica at twenty cents per bottle. e: II. Thintepleidid business Tax CheAPEST AND MOST BELIABLY BOUSE TN Town site with house of three roome, Zo be had a The Costa Rika Sola Water Company.
60 yards east of Siquirres RailThe buyers of drafts are well protected by the reliability of the way Station. For particulars, firm. There is absolutely no risk in losing your money. AGENT for. Guaranteed always fresh enquire of Waltham Ker Score Elgin wateltes, and Singer Sewing Machines. sell the Iver Johnston and Harrington Richardson Revolvers, Lottery GAYLE Tickets Wholesale and Retai. Picture Postcards and Postage Stamps.
Spectacles of every desrription in gold and plate.
EXAMEL SITTER SPOONS WITH COSTA RICA VIEWS Siquirres, Box 16. R, Méndez Liinon. Sept. 13. 1911. 30 Money Exchange Stearn Wine of cod liver dit Water Cream TartuSÅS. GORE, NESTLE SWISS MILK milk sowie Only ask for Nestle Condensed milk Can be found everywhere The daily use of Nastle Condensed Swiss Milk instead of freshme, keep you leaths, artifice your health and preserves you from contagious sickenesses and disenses. Ench as tuberculosis an awer darnoet Nestles Milk is good for infants and anotte The analysind by the Board of Health of the most reportazh latio Reblos de given the following Expertence will demostrate that it is the most powerful for convitescence, RESULTS. general feableness and all stekne of bronet ind for a consumption, bronc kitis, etc. Cores annemia. lassitude. atimulateu napetite and gives strength and Sigour to system. Ask all way for the Stearns talent good pharm. cies 30. RTS PRICE IS EX 10 12:08 TREMELY HELP.
Caseine erstumine. 11. 03 EVERY TIVO Sus.
Corredor Suraló and commission Agent, Port Limon.
cos Nestles Your Wants. Fill Citas The Nestle milk is TOR SALE. One Giava iano Four large Cocoa Cineers. Fight Tron Bed Six Mattresses. Ten shares of the Juice kirg Co. Three Shares of the the richest. purest and Jamaica Telbphone etc, etc, the best to be tr.
WANTED. Members for the ICT Dirensar no certo per week.
on the market.
TWILL. Sell Callert Kents Dessor Und makrylowestions and Cojitions. Local oreign Tor 100 TREJLED BY HIS NESTLE No other is so sa weighs more than ouch of VEVEY SWITHERLAND VELL DET SETTAR LONDON Losleep for Monthly Nuction Sales any other brund.
voury or posesses its CALL WRITE. Che Street Post Box 418 Limon, Saoeoooo.
colour and its smc!
Fifty yards from the Central Parle.
SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA The best and most comfortable habitation in the city. First Class Meals. All serve guaranteed.
MADAME HUNARD, Tailor Lo VR. GALLEGOS, Notice Managere88. guarantee perfect workmanship American Dentist Wholesale and Retail Drafts suits are weli made and fit to perfectio Has returned from San José. on Jamaica, American Gold and OFFICE Notice.
Greenbacke abys on sale. HUTCHINSON Black and White PO BOX.
formerly located at South West the Market LINDI CO.
VETERINARY INFIRMAR. LINOS The best Store in the has been removed to Dr. Miguel Velsaquell house, in front of the Park. opposite th Uni teo Fruit Commissary nules, ere, on most apprend Market, Country Crowd and bridge work. Fitting plates Filings Wanted Painks extractions. Long experiene For Sale need ytrith; charges moderate Advice Reasonable prices. Julio free to cus omers. Your patronage od goods, Shoes, GroA competent baker to begin work fine dwelling in Cairo situated in the icited. Office at Rocke Photograpnic Studio Box 99.
on or before the 18th October Dest business centru, lirect in front of Win ceries, Lottery Apply to FASHION HOUSE. Le rocery, contatting Tipe Kitchen and verandab Chewn for Last Apply CENTRAL To the front again. Who?
Tickets The leading Fancy and Dry Goods THOMAS STCWRAN.
Siirres NOTICE Cain Pa Store in Siquirres. L ETGRAVE English and me FOR SALE Imen, Oet 14. Turn. 19 Tort im A3 rican Toilor uf Siquirres. Renas mouse cor, Sre Jack. tutin ever prepared to give entire satisfactisch in ditconion very young. t particulars apply large ssortment of Ladies Dress The ait of fast going suits. He is Furnishes. 1ry him and he cunvinced.
Wear are always on haud.
Boots and shoes a specialty Good Business!
DrT. Villa Haeusler Tweeds aud Coatings of different At kun, nr Sia One hundred at thirty colones (91390)from one thousan. PHYSICIAN ANL SURGEON Texture, tion. twilindrede manzanas first class for bananas.
Peña Brothers 11. transfeand his office and pri Hats! Hots of latest patterns. Apply in Limon to the Timo vate residence to upper hour of Mr. RiLTHON AVENUE 50 YARDS FROBI POLICE STATION BOX No. 5SOLOMON RODGERS. Managers and in San Jose to raro Moroton ice buuse Deur We keep a special Stordoaring ballons sino ceiling and partition Londra Hotel Proprietor, CARLOS GUARDIA We reporters from te Foreign Pitch Pine fem. ber Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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