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MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION (1. 00 SINGLE COPY 25 THE LIMON SEARCHLIGHT EDITOR MANAGER S: NATION PUBLISHED SATURDAYS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to the Interests of The Province ofl Limon Costa Rica generally YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY NOVEMBER. 1929 For the benefit of English readers, the much appreciated letter of Mr.
Amador touching all the points affecting the Province is translated THE STREETS OF SAN JOSE Recent Accident OUR ROADS Limon, 28 the October 1929. as also other works of minor imporMr. Samuel Charles Nation, tance, are iniprovements which, would not only benefit us alone, but the country Director of the weekly SEARCHLIGHT. generally, because all these works are of undoubted material progress, but in Limon carry out all these aims, it would need Esteemed Friend: seriousness in the government, so that have before me your much apprethe populace would confide in it and asciated letter of the 21st. inst in which sist in the Excution of them, these cannot you ask my humble colaboration in your listic literature, and ejaculating work!
be achieved by meetings and journa It is certainly a pity that the Muni working Guvernor as don Macedonio, cipality of San José, has allowed the he had to rush to the rescue of the the first number of which saw the light domestic affairs, which is what we lack Streets to get into such an abandoned labourers on Public Works of Tres condition.
Ríos a few weeks ago to get their Pay of day on saturday 26st. inst.
in tackling such difficult matters, without city where Tourists are being invi.
With much appreciation have seen and here now he is directing the imand read the first issue of your important without subjecting ourselves to the weak, fear of capital, the force of bayonets, ted, and Commercialmen, Bankers, En provement of his Streets to make them weekly, written in English Spanish nor humiliating ourselves to the powergeneers of note. Diplomatic and other passable, it is not always we find such which has come to fill Visitors are continually coming, passing public spirited men, we compliment a great want in this Zone, aud as you have said in your ful.
through the cities of Panamá, Colon, him.
Editorial, your chief aim is to work The Banana problem which we have Kingston and Limón where the Streets The Pavimentation had been going tenaciously for the best interests of Litaken as a shield aud base of the crisis are a pleasure to drive over, on coon in such an aimless manner that a mon a the country generally through which this deserving Zone is ming to San Jose, to find streets coveMass meeting had to be called in the Such being the case, in this critical passing is not altogether the mother of red with cesspools of ugly water, Theatre Raventós by a committee of Much sympathy has been felt Coment, viewing the many national the Saviour, nor would it be as serious Ruts in which ones bumping out the influential gentlemen calling on the by the populace in the sad acciproblems which confront us, it will be as it is made to appear, if the Gover Car, feel it more comfortable walking committee in charge of street reconsnment would but shut its eyes to all than driving and are naturally inclined very difficult even to the wisest statestruction to resign, as they did not seem dent that has been the fate of man or the most cunning politician to perplexing thoughts, and decide to pro to go elsewhere for pleasure. It is to be doing anything but signing Bills young Mr. DePass son of Mr.
touch these matters without wounding ceed with justice and administrative ho mainly for this that instead of coming presented.
the susceptibilities due to the varied Tour by dictating laws applicable alike to the capital, the few tourists that now Karl DePass caused by being This body has resigned in block interests created by these problems, to great or small, nationalists or foreigcome, go to Turrialba, Guapiles Pijiand President Conzález Viquez sees struck down by an Automobile which valles; its better walking around the are a Social, political, eco ners, without granting any special privinonric international nature.
leges to any, because such being pasFarms than driving in San José. We nothing else to be done but to accept a few days ago he is however Simon the chief Port of the Republic, sionate, suck the life of all progress and are glad however that the indefatigable their resignation, as he is anxions that is that which needs now in the near wellbeing of the Communty especially Governor don Macedonio Esquivel, the Streets should be put in order be recovering from the shock future, energetic action not alone by the fore his term is up.
if they be as weak as are ours.
feels a bit ashamed of his City, and This journal joins in tende.
government but also by national repre Stronger administrative power and has jumped to the front personally di. Now that a quarrel is on, the Latin sentation, without which, its decadence less politics ought to be the watchword recting operations in filling up some American Coy, in charge of this work ring its heartfelt sympathy to which is already being felt in all its of the government as well as of the of the Ruts with macadam to make is making rapid headway on the Ave. the family DePass, who have forms will day by day be more disastrous deputies to Congress from today for travelling over a bit more endurable in every walk of life, to confront this im ward and with this, the decorum dig until The Committee on Pavimentation Atlantic Station towards the Savannabis always by their amiability to all pending danger by such energetic action nity of our healthy institutions would decide what course they shall adopt and the streets around the Morazán coming in their way gained the it requires no cheap patriotism but be saved.
with regard to paving the streets. Park. If they continue at the rate love respect of all classes With the ideas expressed my esteeThe Province of San José, should they have now begun, there can be no sound judgment and deep sincerity of med friend shield my pen for a more congratulate itself on having such a more quarrelling.
purpose. If we wish that the country of our community should rise triumphantly in this decisive propitious opportunity as am thinking struggle we ought to be more liberal, should not be the one called upon without prejudicing our conservative to deliberate on such high aud weighty autonomy.
matters there being more efficient perThe many things that are required to sons to do so.
be done in the Province of Limon; However should you find it convewhat with the canalization of the Tor nient to give publicity to these few lines tuguero Lagoons, the canalization of in your esteemed weekly you may do so Moin, the nationalization of Talamanca, without reserve.
as well as, the Roadway from Siquirres With my highest esteem regard, believe me always your sincere friend, tong been acknowledged as the most The means of Commnnication has nour to their names, yes we say among to Turrialba, that from Limon fo Talasee the completion of the Cartago to all these eminent men none have tho San Carlos Roadway This, il view of manca by way of Estrella, from Li.
essential project towards the enlighten ught of anything but the glory of ge to Moin by way of the Cemetery, Sgd. CARLOS AMADOR the coming into a reality of the Cons ment and intellectual prosperity af a tting into a Railway coach thought truction of the Nicaraguan Canal wir whether in times of peace out by someone else and run through be a means of greal prosperity to the or war, the facility to move in any di the vast extent of Forest lands to Port country and ought to be pushed with rection has been found the greatest Limon, without ever thinking of the all dexterity humanly possible, because CARLOS OROZCO AMADOR más liberales, sin dejar de ser menos factor toward successful operations. possibilities that lie behind those hills with a good Roadway from the mouth conservadores de nuestra autonomía.
If one lays down an immense tract Experto en asuntos for the prosperity of his country. of the Canal into Cartago, consider Judiciales Lo mucho que hay que hacer en la of land, he will find that if he does However the day has come when firstly, the health resort San José Car.
provincia de Limón, ya con la canali not make ways to convey his plants some one is thinking and thinking in tago will be for tire fagged out opeLimón, Costa Rica zación de las Lagunas del Tortuguero, whether they be Bananas, coffee, cacao, the Direction of quick and efficient rators on the Canal, then next consiLimón, 28 de Octubre de 1929. ya con la canalización de Moin, ya con beans or corn he will find that his Transportation, don Cleto González Vi der what an outlet for our products la nacionalización, de Talamanca, ora Plantation shall have costed him twice quez has come and is carrying out that will be, next immagine what a budon Samuel Charles Nation, con la carretera de Siquirres a Turrialba, as much as it should have done to what he promised as one of his plat siness in the Motor Traffic we shall be Director del Semanario SEARCHLIGHT.
con la de Limón a Talamanca (via la plant it, then when his products are forms, that is he is thinking Roadwise. having, and if the Revente Dept. is at Estrella) con la de Limón a Moin, con looking towards harvesting if he has In spite of the fact that one or two al alive, there is no reason why the Cartago.
la de Limón al cementerio y con tantas not made good sufficient Roadways members of the opposition party are wheel Traffic alone on this Road shoEstimado amigo: otras de no menos importancia, no sólo to get his crop to the marketing place worrying his life out. as to why such uld not be made to pay for its consnos beneficiamos nosotros, sino que he will find he is a ruined man, and a Road should be lifted out of a ditch truction. And while we are on this En mis manos está su muy atenta también se beneficia el país en general, so, like the individual so like the Na or why such a bridge should be built thought Should we not ask, don Cleto de fecha 21 de los corrientes, en la cual porque todas estas obras son de pro tion; any country which has not the in a more sane and safe locality, yet in the Interests of the Province of Lime pide Ud. mi humilde colaboración greso material indiscutibles; pero para facility for quick movement is a sad he is successfully carrying on and ans món what has become of the money para su semanario SEARCHLIGHT El llevar todo esto la práctica, se nece spectacle to civilized eyes. One there wering all these questions to the satisFoco. cuyo primer número vió la luz spent on The Peralta, Siquirres, Road?
sita seriedad en el Gobierno, para que fore wonders in coming into Costa faction of the public, and above all, pública en esta ciudad, el sábado 26 de Is it entirely lost? Why is this Road el pueblo confíe en su labor Rica how is it possible for a people to the Roadways are being built; and we este mismo mes No es solamente con mitins y litera be content to live in a country where the sincerely hope he will be spared to Continued on page Con general simpatia he visto y leído tura periodística como se hace labor y only means of transportation, pedestrian el primer número de su importante se patria, sino con valor civico, que es el or vehicular is by means of a three manario, que por estar escrito en inglés que nos hace falta para poder afrontar feet Railway. We have read of and seen y español, viene a llenar un gran vacío las situaciones difíciles, sin temor al ca some very eminent men in the Con.
en esta zona, si como dice en su edi. pital mi a la fuerza de las bayonetas, ni gressional hall of the Republic and torial, su principal objeto es, trabajar avasayando al chico, ni humillándonos yet among those men away from don con tesón por los intereses de Limón al grande Thomas Guardia, who centered his life y generales del país.
El problema bananero que hemos to on putting a Railroad throughout the IN SIQUIRRES Tal y como se encuentran en la ae mado aquí como escudo y base de la country but unfortunately died before tualidad los diferentes problemas nacio situación porque atraviesa esta zona, he could see his scheme carried out, BY Mr. SEGISMUND CORNWALL nales, el más sabio estadista y el no digna de mejor suerte, no es precisa and don Rafael Yglesias who was bent menos hábil politico, le será dificil to mente la madre del cordero, ni es tan on making Townships and putting DENTAL TECHNICIAN OF BROOKLYN car, sin herir suceptibilidades por los seria como parece; si el Gobierno, cemodern Streets through them, all ho.
intereses creados, estos problemas, que rrando los ojos a todo prejuicio, se deYou must show your appreciation of ambition by supporting son: sociales, políticos, económicos e cide a proceder con justicia y con honit. You send your son to Jamaica, educate him; bring him back internacionales radez administrativa, lo cual se estimado amigo Nation, hoy por hoy, only to serve in a Commisariat or on a Farm; instead of sending Limón, puerto principal de la Repúnecesita que se dicten leyes parejas para guardo mi errumbrada pluma hasta mehim where he can learn something to serve the Community, blica, es el que más necesita ahora y todos chicos y grandes, nacionales y jor oportunidad, pues pienso que no THERE THE MAN, who found counter work not good en el futuro que se aproxima, una enér extranjeros nunca hacerlas exclusivistas, soy yo el llamado a hablar de estas coenough; had the pluck to go to the United States of America learn gica actitud, tanto del Gobierno como porque estas por ser apasionadas, matan sas tan serias y tan altas, habiendo como the rudiments of the Dental profession, and has come back to you.
de la Representación Nacional, pues sin el progreso y bienestar de los pueblos, hay, personas más capacitadas para ha.
SUPPORT HIM esta, la decadencia que ya principia a mas si son débiles como el nuestro MR. CORNWALL, in conjunction with Dr. Soto CARRILLOS cerlo.
Sertirse en todas sus formas, será cada Más administración y menos política, Si le parece oportuno darle publici dia más desastrosa en todos los órde debe ser la consigna del Gobierno y San José guarantees satisfaction in all kinds of Dental work, in the dad a estas líneas en su estimable seconstruction of crowns, Bridge Inlays, Porcelain fillings, castings nes. Para afrontar esta actitud enérgica de los Diputados al Congreso de hoy manario, désela, y sin reservas.
etc. at moderate charges, he also repairs Vulcanite plates.
ante tal amenaza, debe haber juicio y en adelante, y con ello se salvará el de Con mi aprecio y consideración disLet him do your work.
sinceridad, no patrioteria barata!
coro y la dignidad de nuestras sanas tinguida, créame como siempre su Atto, He is in front of Pena store, near Dr. SHAW DRUG STORE Si queremos que el pais salga airoso instituciones. cumento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacioga! Bigyel amigo Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Biblioted Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.
en esta decisiva jornada, debemos ser Por las razones que dejo expuestas CARLOS AMADOR Country DENTAL PARLOUR
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