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MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION (1. 00 SINGLE COPY 25 EDITOR MANAGER CNITION THE LIMON SEARCHLIGHT APARTADO 123. CARTAGO PUBLISHED SATURDAYS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to the Interests of the Province of Limon Costa Rica generally YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY 23. NOVEMBER. 1929 El ex Presidente de la República Lic. don Ricardo Jiménez contesta a don Carlos Orozco Amador. su carta abierta publicada en este periódico, portavoz de los intereses de la provincia y del país en general Fruits of Confidence Dice el ex Presidente y esclarecido patricio, que hizo por Limón todo cuanto estuvo a su alcance y no hizo oposición a ninguna iniciativa de los limonenses. Que son sus deseos no volver tampo Caveat had been entered by By Antonio Cruz co a puestos oficiales.
Mr. Leo Grant in the sale of The Liberty Hall of The Kingston Di One day a fisherman found a beaut of the coast lines to the refreshing coolness of the high interior plateaux.
Cartago, Nov. de 1929. En el Continente Americano vision of the asking tiful pearl in the shell of an oyster which he had dragged from its bed in the Exports: Bananas, coffee, gold, silver, votarían también: México, Bra that the property of 76 King St. be ocean. He gazed in rapture at its won woods, hides, skins, rubber, cocoa, etc.
Sy don Carlos Orozco sil, Argentina, Chile, Perú, not registered in the name of Mr.
drous beauty; for although he had Imports: Flour, cotton fabrics, rice, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay, Elías Alexander, the purchaser heard much about pearls, he had never electrical materials, railway material, pharLimon Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, of the property under the order beheld one before, and he never tired maceutical products. Etc.
Cuba, Panamá y Puerto Rico, in Courts, in the Marks case of watching the sunlight play upon Chief Physical characteristics: The mountain range which extends throughMi buen amigo: En Centro América, si ten against the U, Meanti its glistening splendor friend said to him: have heard out the entire length of the country, dría el eximio ex Presidente me the appeal is being considethat you found a fiue pearl. Will you is the predominant feature. Sixteen naAsí como hay cartas desa Lic. Jiménez, alguna oposición, red; but the Chief Justice ruled tell me what it looks like? vigable rivers, the most important being gradables las del cobro de un The fisherman answered: No one y esto, por no haber aceptado against the Caveat as The Trusthe San Juan, which forms part of the Fagaré hay otras, como la suya ya como diputado, ya como ciu tees said that they held the pro can describe the true beauty of a pearl, northern boundary and which right now You will have to come and see it for is in consideration for the big NicaraFue lo reconcilian a uno con la dadano y mucho menos como perty in Trust for The Univeryourself.
gua Canal; and its tributaries; several wida, por la dulzura que pro mandatario, la Unión Centro sal Negro Improvement AssoThat is much like my feeling for the volcanos in activity, are the important lucen las palabras sentidas de americana, que ha sido y es, ciation and then afterwards came capital city of Costa Rica: had heard topographical features Auien las suscribe. Mil gracias el sueño dorado de algunos po back and said they held it in much about San Jose, but it was only son muy debidas por la Means of approach: With a seacoast líticos ambiciosos de Nicaragua, Trust for The Kingston Division recently could behold it with my own on both the Caribbean and the Pacique Ud. me escribió y que yo Honduras, El Salvador y Gua of the two separate and eyes. have gazed in rapture upon its fic, the Republic is accessible through con tanto placer contesto. temala, distinct pleas. The appeal will watching the play of clouds and sun Limon, its chief port on the former, Lo que Ud. dice con respec De los Estados Unidos, la however came off in January shine upon her encircling green guardian from ports of the United States, Europe, to a mis sentimientos por ese primera voz que se oiría en when the whole question of mountains.
West Indies and South America. ExceAnd yet, should a friend write to me, lent service is maintained by the United puerto, no lo podría yo baber favor del Lic. Jiménez para ownership will be decided.
and ask: Tell me what San Jose is dicho mejor. Es muy difícil para presidente, por tercera vez de Fruit Company from New York, Boslike. would answer as did the fis ton and New Orleans. On the Pacific un Presidente colmar de bie Costa Rica, sería la del insigne Mr. Garvey seat in herman: No one can describe such beau side, Puntarenas is the principal port nes a todas las poblaciones de Jorge Washington, que si bien ty: you will have to come and see for Council la República. Ni Dios tiene conand is in communication with Panamá, es cierto que está muerto el yourself. William Carey.
San Francisco and West Coast ports.
tento a todo el mundo Por Li cuerpo, vive su espíritu genial As was expected Mr. Marcus COSTA RICA IN BRIEF Regular steamer service from Colon, Panama to Limón is well established.
món hice cuanto tuve oportueg la conciencia del pueblo Garvey has won in the election Area: Twenty three thousand square San Jose the capital, 104 miles inland nidad de hacer. la magna americano.
his seat in the Kingston St. miles (59, 570 square kilometers. from the Caribbean, is connected by obra de cañería y cloacas, le Bieo dice el Lic. Jiménez. Sa Andrew Corporation Council, Population: The latest census was not rail with both, Limon and Puntarenas.
metí el hombro. Inicié el plan lió del poder para no volver a but being in confinement he has taken up well, but its population is (Next week. will give a historical de canalización de las lagunas, puestos oficiales, pero en casos written the Council asking for nearly half of a million inhabitants.
sketch of Costa Rica. Capital: San Jose, with 70, 000 inhaque algún día se habrá de rea de peligro, el Lic. Jiménez no months leave before having bitants.
hizar. Quise mantener y desa es dueño de su ser. Si la Pato subscribe the oath preparatory Climate: Varies from the tropical heat rrollar la industria del banano, tria lo llama tiene que acudir to taking his seat. The opinion de interés primordial para aquepara que al pasar la lista de of the Council Solicitor has la provincia. Di fondos para los que forman la legión de los been solicited in the matter who eunticios públicos. En realidad hombres probos y se oiga el advises that it is entirely for the The Liquidation of Messrs.
no fuí a banquetes costeados nombre de Ricardo Jiménez, discretion of The Council to Rivera Co. has, had a most con fondos municipales. No contestará firme!
do so if they feel that the cir We are pleased to see that satisfactory arrangement on aceché brindis de politico, pero En el horizonte económico de cumstances warrant same, so it there is a possibility of Jamaica count of which his business hice por Limón lo que pude, la nación, hay algo de anormal!
is left to be seen at the next two leading lights in the Legal was reopened on Monday. This is y no hice oposición a nioguna Algo fatal se adivina en lonta meeting of The Council what profession meetingonce more mainly due to the honesty of puriniciativa de ustedes.
nanza que amenaza tempestad, they will do, it is beleived that on their separate platforms. Mr. pose, and rectitude of his mode Solo en una cosa me aparto y si llega, el único y eficaz cathe leave will be granted. Brown, first puisne of transactions all thro his life.
de su.
Judge is back again at his post; He is perfectly solvent having and the Assets of de él para no volver a puestos ésta pusiera en manos de este oficiales otra vez más. Esos son experto de las finanzas, a esta For the two weeks ending ly, speculations are rife that thousand, the momentary paramis deseos muy sinceros, como eminencia continental, de due 16 th Oct there have been im Mr. Hector Josephs now Attor lysis of his business was only son los que hago por su salud vo eo sus manos, las riendas ported into the United Kingdom ney General for British Guiana due to a ruse in banking Ciry prosperidad del Estado, porque, con el Lic. 778 429 stems of Bananas, of may be given the appointment cles, by his inability to meet one Su amo amigo, don Cleto González Víquez, this amount it was only 133. 487 as attorney General for Jamaica; or two accounts coupled with aunque él no lo crea, vamos stems which was British grown, there are some who are even a desire of an Institution to (f. Ricardo Jiménez al abismo, ya que su tempe the balance was from foreign so optimistic as to be hoping monopolize the Banking busiperamento bonachón es incapaz countries of which Honduras expecting that our much estee ness of Cartago.
No obstante que esta carta para conjurar el mal que se sent 236 567 and Columbia med is in a fair run The entire Community symno debía ver la luz pública, lo avecina, 178 043 for Costa Rica only for Chief Justice of Jamaica. pathizes with the Firm, and hago porque considero de alta Culpa, a la verdad, no la tie. 81 897.
Then would we feel that the some wealthy men have come trascendencial los conceptos en ne el actual Jefe del Estado, This goes to show our goMotherland should have started forward placed their properella emitidos, sobre todo en lo sino que la tendrán los direc vernment officials, our Bankers, to do the right thing to Jamaica. ties Cash at his disposal.
que respecta a esta provincia, tores y admiradores de la Liga and our large Farmers that en lo cual pueden ver los ene Civica, así como la tienen tam we have dropped to 4th place migos sistemáticos de ayer y bien la mayoría de un Con instead of nd in the banana de hoy del Lic. Jiménez, que greso imprevisor.
sphere. Its time to devise éste jamás ha sido ni es, ene.
means ways to regain our migo de Limón Carlos Amador place in the worlds Markets.
Creo más, que en el actual Situado 150 yards from South of the Market in front of momento político económico, el Orange Crush factory único hombre que puede salvar ASSOCIATE CORRESPONDENTS a Costa Rica del caos, es don ATLANTIC TEL offers to the public in geRicardo Jiménez, y ninguno neral Clean confortable Rooms.
otro, y estoy seguro también, in Jamaica other Islands Meal Service to order, cakes, Ice Cream as per desire que si se somete a votación mundial su presidencia, los priMANUEL SOLERA VIQUEZ We also attend to wedding feasts, etc. etc.
meros que votarían en favor de Ricardo Jiménez, seríaa: La ATTORNEY AT LAW OF SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA Moderate Prices, all attention given to BoarGran Bretaña, Francia, Italia, ders English french spoken. Call be convinced.
Alemania, Rusia, Japón, BélHandles business in the West India Islands through his corresgica, España, Austria, Suiza pondents. Also important matters in the Courts of San Jose.
Telf. 3271. Box 614. San José, y Grecia. Miquel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotec Box 940. San Jose Sons of Jamaica nuevo en el Poder; y yo sali una Constituyente. para que Our Bananas Cell as leaving the island short habilities of only eight hundred Atlantic Hotel Este doc Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. Highest References. NB


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