
PAGE THE LIMON SEARCHLIGHT Saturday 23 November. 1929 EDITORIAL NOTES CURRENT THESE LOANS it over on the groun animal Stol died the An Appreciation Among the Lodges piring address was given by the This is the sort of careless actions on Bro Hart was duly insdelegate, as to the Aspirations the part of employees that bring about talled by Past Grand Master John of the Convention re the back disputes between the Company and the Wilson as Grand Master of to Africa movement. Some fine against the Coy, but whenever intelliAlthough there never was any inkling of such a project put the Loyal Fortress Grand Chris Welcome recitals were rendered gent representations are made to Mr.
forward in the visit of our great Financist and statistician Don tian Encampment Lodge on 14th by a Selection of children of the Sheehy, he is just the man to lay the Community blame at the door of the party blama.
Thomas Soley Guell to the United States, yet we find he has been inst; his associate officers were We have lost one of our ble and make the necesary reparations.
negociating and obtained a great Loan of Four Millions of Do also put in their respective chairs Water Supply lars to augment the resources of the governmental Banking Ins Bros Stiebel most respected members of the The Municipality of Limón has votitution of which he is Managing Director The Banco Credito Brotherton Cle: community in the death of Miss Hipotecario, while on a visit for other business.
ted 16. 000 colones for a proper water mente W; Brown. Grace Vaz aged 65 years.
The Nicaraguan government was so apreciative of the resourG. Henry Our much beloved Dr. Ri supply aj Matina and Estrada: The Seceful abilities of Don Thomas Soley Guell our former Minister of Brown Prelate; white chardson has been in hodaralti tretary of public health sent Mr. Magoon GT: Daniel Lee G.
now for some time, as it is exan Engineer of repute from the Jimenez as a banking financiering Expert that it commissione After the ceremony an The Exchequer during the Administration of Ex President Ricardo Gardner Bucknor pected he will soon be going Canal Zone to inspect a report on the for a change, we hope he will question of water for these two Towns. reccommends the sinking of four gements for the stabilizing of the financial Status of that country address was delivered by the Mont be well and active again and here we receive news of the arrangement for at lolant couple newly installed o. on the He is the main Column of this Dis montes. that he would supervised the millions y him. The Banco Credito Hipotecario was instituted us love of the Brotherhood, Bros. trict we therefore sincerely hope work gratitiously The question is however is Mr. Mawhich was inaugurated by our other financiering genius Mr.
ce spoke on the point. The Ban health. Two boys were playing Wells or are we groping in the dark for water? We have seen several wells sunk cilio Vernor Lindo, just then the great war broke out. gold re queting room was then repaired at fencing with machetes one to a depth of several hundred feet wit serves were tied up and he sold out to the government in the dent of Costa Rica was drunk hand, Dr. Richardson rendered hout finding an underground spring quid in sufficient quantities, so we became so numerous heavy that the Banco Credito Hipoteca to: Bro Stiebel then proposed first aid and sent him on to the would advise our Municipality to be rio was instituted to alleviate the strain on the Internacional, with the health of King George, which Limon Hospital. Careless Act.
careful and not throw away their money, the then intention that it should attend to agriculture, but just then drunk; Bro Brown of Lito hear well, we cannot strike Water.
the decadence in the Banana Industry made itself rigidly felt. and verpool proposed the health of on We can all dig a well but we are not the. Credito refused to make any loans on Banana Farms. deeming visiting Bros. which was ably cecil Dunn had a cow shipped to him all water diviners, get a expect to locate guarantee you water first.
the securities on these estates insecure it went largely into Urbanal responded to by Bro Fernán here for which he paid three hundred transactions; having got at this moment 28. 000. 000 colones tied up dez thus bringing a pleasant mee colones. The crew of the train which in one way or another. The question of Paving the streets came ting to a close.
brought the cow. instead of bra the train up to the platform and This News Paper by, and the financing of this gigantic work was also thrown upon From Cairo vering same as is customary, the Credito Hipotecario. Bonds were isued for four million dollars animal out the Car in the Railshed the yard, is sold at guaranteed by the government, and handed to the Credito to rea The of this locatoppling ground, with the result that the lize the Cash, she in turn got two million colores from the Banco lity had a fine Welcome mee. same night. The matter has been rede Costa Rica to pay the Bills of the Committe of Pavimenta ting in honour of the visit of ported to the Ry authorities. In all CIGARRERIA BRENES tion, now this Bank is calling for repayment of this Loan, hence Mr. Stewart, President of fairness to the owner, it is expected don Thomas without making a fuss, or noise, acts as all great the Siquirres Branch, who was that Mr Sheehy will deduct the value in front of the.
men do, quietly makes arrangements for the sale of these Bonds the Delegate of Costa Rica to employees concerned and repay the of the Cow from the Salaries of the in New York for the four millions of dollars, by which he will be Convention in Jamaica. An insHOTEL C, RICA owner able to reimburse those Banking institutions on whom he has been drawing to pay the Bills presented by the Committee on street improvements. It is certainly to be hoped that now the loan is secu immigrate these people here by the thousands when the Sanitary red that a millon colones will be spent in Road making in the Pro conditions of Limon was not conducive to the residence of white vince of Limon so as to help to alleviate the financial Crisis in labour, now that they have made it habitable, and these thousands this Province.
have propagated other thousands who are born bred Costa It might not be well known that in the Year 1917 when Ricans, it is time now that they should be considered as Costa November, 15 1929.
our old friend Dr. Miguel Velasquez was representative in Con Ricans and dealt with as other Provincial residents are being gress for Limon that he succeeded in passing a vote thro Con considered.
Mr. Nation gress of 50, 000 per annum to be spent on Road making in the Province, but until now not one Cent has been spent is there Editor, Weekly Searchlight none of our Municipal members or our Representative in ConCartago.
gress, who when they want to get elected make us all sorts of promises that are bold enough to ask Don Cleto what has hapDear Friend: pened to that Vote? It is now twelve years since that vote has been given therefore we now have a credit of 600, 000 poc When one wants to catch a glimpse You have certainly given me a shock, keted some where, and now we are in straitened circumstances, but must supplement, an agreeable through the lack of Vision of the majority in Congress by engione. You certainly kept your intentions neering through that Assembly a Banana Law which any schoof what is INDEED AN EXHIBITION under cover.
olboy would have seen liable to work untold hardships to the That interesting script of yours looks Province well as the Country, it is time now that a Loan for OF NOVELTIES as if its going to click. have heard nothing but praise of it. And justly so: Relief works, which will not only be Relief works but productive the average West Indian is a poorn works, in that, if a Road from Turrialba to Limon be constructed der and depends ord of mouth Such for his information, have a peep into THE LITTLE PARIS of Mrs. Jack DePass of we shall have new Villages growing into existence by which the on the proverbial Limón. We have been all through the stores of San Jose, but were Revenue will be augmented, the Land Values will be increased, a system of information is always so thus augmenting the Territorial Tax as well as more Taxes on certainly surprised when we had a peep into the enticing snuggy Corner of misleading that the effect is nothing short of bewildering If people were kept in wheeled Traffic so that this loan would soon be repaid and relief touch with events as they occur truly, would be provided for the unemployed men of the Province, conand their minds trained to look at sequently Commerce would benefit and the Customs duties would things in their true perspective, no increase, this would also help to provide a way of Escape from doubt they would learn to plan their One would certainly feel if a stranger that you would be called affairs with a Humiliation to the Coy because if we have works of improvements greater degree of preci upon to SPEAK FRENCH for immediately you feel like a sion, and less disillusionment and congoing on around us the surplus labour from the Farms would be Parisien translated on viewing. The great variety of latest French sequent disappointment would be the occupied, and we could better stand the siege until an amicable fabrics by the sight of the latest importations of silk and other result settlement of the situation be arrived at. If not, what is the governfancy dress goods, as well as LACES, SILVER GOLD BE. make bold to say that the pithy, ment prepared to do? What is our Representative in Congress ADINGs, and trimmings of all glow discription, and as for the concise, and readable statements in your Hosiery wedding goods, with presents gifts to suit all classes paper has been a boon, and must thinking to do? It is of no use blaming the President or bis Execuoh my? you feel like you are in a grand Rainbow fete, step in and add, an encouragement to many. Such tive body or the members in Congress; but rather our business is see for yourself a masterly and illum nating statement to make propositions to devise means ways to help the governTo our ladies we say it is folly y to go to San José, Jamaica or Colón of conditions as they are at present ment to escape humiliation in the Crisis; and thanks to Mr. Soley to do your Xmas shopping when you can get the same better affecting this land, could not help but Guell who has done his part we are able now to do our part by goods all selected by the proprietor herself on her recent trip to Eu gain the approbation of its readers. Let rope. You will admit she knows the trade, and knows to fit your judiciously appropriating this Loan for works of productive improme hope Mr. Editor that your paper taste and your pockets too of todays conditions. DROP IN AND which may in time be our paper, has vements.
SEE it is money saved to the ladies along the lines to drop in come to stay.
We have seen Alajuela, Grecia and other places where Roads see the wonderful assortment of dress goods and the marvellous Unlike other places, the West Indian are being built, praying the President to give all the labour to their bargains to be had in Little Paris before going to spend Hote, does not seem singled out for any.
local workmen why cant Cartago and Limon demand a portion of comments contrary or otherwise by the this Loan and seek to employ our surplus labour. Ofcourse the mapress of this country, notwithstanding the fact he forms an appreciable per jority of these are coloured labourers and the government does centage of the population, a percentage not seem to realize that she has an obligation to these men, but which is steadily increasing it must be recognized that she permitted the United Fruit Coy, to suggest you start a series of articles in Are from the best known makers in the world. Cotys perfumes Cotys your paper on the West Indian in this Powders are used by the leading actresses ladies of the world. There country, to cover from the time of the earliest are Houbigaunts Pivets all to suit you immigrants to the present time.
This would include points as His PILES SHO ESTORE SIQUIRRES contribution to the country, past and present. His present status from two points view, his bearing on the goLADIES! It is an acknowledged fact, that if you vermment, and the govermment attituare not wearing have always been acknowledged the best, from the cheapest paper de towards him, and a general forecast on his possible future Cards to the most up to date Cards in Wax Celluloid for lovers, tall order warrant, but do befriends or relatives.
lieve you are the only living man in this country who could, and it inforyou are not dressed. His best finest Tapped AND NOW FOR THE KIDDIES mation would be mighty glad to get.
uppers are bound to attract the attention of passSincerely yours; ersby. for they trim your feet. His gentlemen working dressed shoes are a specialty, come in Santa Claus is right here with everything for Xmas. His lucky bags, RATTRAY and say no if you can.
Lucky stockings, Miniature cottages, Bungalows, Castles Fortresses for the Doll homes and all its furniture, crockery utensils for ED NOTE. My esteemed corresponDollys home, autombiles, horses, dogs, cows, teady bears, Toy Pistols Pile. back of the post office dent in his friendly appreciation of my guns, Balls Balloons, Fee Fees, and everything that will amuse efforts has certainly apportioned me the Kids. this is a special Department of Little París; Come See.
a lall order but shall endeavour to live up to his estimation beginning in my Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. DAZZLING EXHIBITION The Little Paris Our Perfumeries Beauty Aids would My Xmas Cards of PILES STYLE OF SHOES met


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