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MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION 00 SINGLE COPY 25 THE LIMON SEARCHLIGHT EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123. CARTAGO PUBLISHED SATURDAYS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY 21. DECEMBER. 1929 A Christmas Letter The value of Knowledge what quite is sad or glad.
Message The Divisions of the LA.
Written especially for year after for centuries, yet you feel outward diversions of this happy seabrightened at the wish; you feel as if proven this by their various achievements son it is when the heart more than all Knowledge is power, is an aged THE LIMON SEARCHLIGHT some one else cares that you too sho calls for Home.
philosophy, but there seem to be more the Negro seem to be always looking By George Williams uld be merry, even if the wish extends On this day Christianity and Civilizaevidence of its soundness as we advance forward to the Almighty intervention only to the setting of the sun of this to do for him what he should acomtion embrace each other, they reassure from one stage of civilization to another. MERRY CHRISTMAS day. smile plish himself.
is When the Creator gave to man the to you by pergiven each other of the tie that unites them. intelligence which made him a living How the heart gladdens as we say The question is often asked. Why sons who at other times were indif For perfection for which mankind aims for ferent to you, you unknowingly smile soul we believe it was this power inficant the Negro as a race or group sucand respond to these three words. The again at a mere distant nite which was really part of God himthe amelioration of human comfort and whole world of hearts seems to revolve ceed in their attempts to put over big acquaintance.
You feel to smile with the greatest stranall during the year on a pivot of indifprograms? Some urge that the cause is and you feel to ask of every one ad those same that man could have a thorough concep due to the opposition of the more adference, each one having its joys oc Do you feel merry? Can help you objects taught by Christ himself. For this maintain fun fellowship with Him. ask. Is this the only reason for the reWhen one heart has any outward bereso to feel. The Christmas spirit evelopes after summing up the Commandments of you and dictates to you on that day, Jehovah, the humble intercessor for man This being the case, it is clear peated failure on the part of our race avement, some other heart or hearts hence the feeling of interest in your fe said Love God and thy Neighbor and that the more intellectually developed to succeed in Business and other venmay apparently or conveniently synllow man.
on these two commandments hang all an individual or race becomes, the more pathize, probably cheer. If some heart tures? We cannot but believe that there perfect must be their fellowship and are other impediments, as very often has cause for joy then other hearts may Even the Hebrew cannot help wish the laws and the prophets and fulfilled understanding of the Divinity of God.
of there are no noticable elements on Chrismas Day.
more quickly harmonize; but the revoорроing you MERRY CHRISTMAS, he The Negro race is reputed for being an sitions and yet failure seem inevitable.
lution continues, each one occupied in does not know why he too should feel ardent follower and adherent to the Limón, R, December 19th, 1929.
This being the case his we must look individual concern, inot knowing or merry on this day. But the fact remains principles of Christianity, but the care around for other causes. The matter of caring to know if his or her neighbor that he feel so. Thestrain of the merriness ful observer often entertains a doubt as of Christendom so hypnotizes him, that the necesary qualifications for Creative, to Whether they really have a true con constructive, and administrative positions But Christmas comes, and the whole he cannot help replying in the same may be looked into. The age in which revolution stops. The pivot, from the sweet tone, to the merry hearted Chriswas originally endowed with the abi we live is one of the survival of the pressure of the affinity of the hearts, tian salute, Merry Christmas or in lity to take care of the material side of fittest and in this it must be realized is arrested, it can no longer continue other words. My Saviour is born, rehis life, but while other races have that the individual or race that is to in its nonchalant attitude. Each indivi cognizehim, the Hebrew returning the succeed must necessarily he equipped.
dual heart is opened to the joys and salutation says Merry Christmas Our leaders have been for the most pleasures of other hearts, and so reci yes, do recognize him, feels isolated part superficial in their knowledge of pegcally the whole world of hearts in if he does not join in the celebration The hand of Time suddenly terest themselves in the necesities and of the birth of his neighbor or his swings counter clockwise through of business especially in these parts where the only source of information comforts of each other. trying, those country man Saviour, he goes with who are able to alienate the icyness of is the ready made methods acquired the majority, he accepts Christ even for nineteen centuries, and with the sadnes from that day and making by virtue of their contact with the it this day.
Judean shepherds we sit on the ope: warm with Interest for other hearts, Similarly it happens on this day with hillside and listen to the first rations of foreign organization; and it must he realized that the fundamental rightly making it the Greal Unselfish Day the Atheist, The Christian salutes him If the voices of those many millions Christmas carol, sung not by with Merry Christmas. or have principles upon which progressive or human voices, but by an angelic a Saviour. he in return says know of hearts could be concentrated into one ganizations are conducted cannot be grasped by men employed in minor large tube, and that tube erected on the it for although he hates to say Merry host Glory to God in the hiLimon Division most prominent altitude of the earth, Christmas yet the hypnotic pressure of ghest and on earth peace, goodpositions. Our would be leaders must understand that the mastery of any siand by some ingenuity that tube should the Christian man words rob from wili toward men.
This Divsion has brought off its Hartuation involving executive ability can be made to burst forth on Christmas him his admission when he says the The shepherds are directed to morn those three words MERRY only be acomplished through the prosame to you.
vest festival on Sunday 15th. but whethe birthplace of the world Re ther it was for lack of proper notificacess of systematic studies.
CHRISTMAS, the sound and trembling And so through all the means and deemer. Reverently we dog the tions or lack of enthusiasm among its Throughout the history of the various which it would awaken in the earth, races vve find that vvhenever tvvo or more would cause a greater effect than the Christmas is undoubtedly the great footsteps of the shepherds to members this function was not the sue detonation of the cannons of the com unselfish day. For weeks before we see Bethlehem and there we see the cess it should have been, the Harvest groups are thrown together under the some environments, the predominance bined nations of the world, for it would mothers and fathers happily engaged in child wrapped in swaddling clo offerings were very scanty the ladies of one over the other does not always the procuring of every thing possible thes lying in a manger. What a its absence of interest in handicrafts etc.
depend of joy, which would not only invigo within their means to make their young picture: beautiful, wonderful, awe. Mr. Cunning occupied the chair, and the majority but rather group rate but also stimulate the better feeling ones happy. You see them in the toy upon the intellectual standard. Evidence absent between earth inhabitants.
of this is seen in the history of the store. at tha dressmakers, you find them inspiring. In the distance the carol brought off a very pleasant evening CHRISTMAS DAY is one of the handful American Nation who from at the tailor and last but not least, in stili floats upon the morning air, Mr. Harrisons speec hon Harvest signifiof pilgrims were able through their great triumphs of Christianism, it is the kitchen preparing all that in their For unto you is born this day trayed. His references as to the need the day on which Christ own doctrine thoughts will bring happiness to the in the city of David a aviour of a greater harvesting of members and superior intellect to eventually extermin, is demostrated by a majority of the ciate the Red Indians, their less fortunate little hearts.
vilized world, for who is it but on that which is Christ the Lord.
The thoughtful husband in anticipazeal in the organization was well apprecia opponents. We further see the signs of day does not feel interested in his nei tion of Yuletide borrows from his busiWere it possible for us to view ted. The choir was heard to great adthe same extermination threatening the African Race, because of their failure to for himself, but there is that vacancy, something nice or useful to reiterate ghbor: He prepares all the delicacies ness hours enough time to consider over such a scene in reality am of vantage interspersed between the difdevelop an intellectual standard whethat lack of enjoyment if his friend or the opinion that every succeshis neighbor does not share a part of bis affections to his dear one. The wife sive Yuletide would mean more Campbell. solo by Mrs. Williams intrigue of the Comparatively small note was the strong Soprano of Miss. reby they may be able to match the this preparation, even though he never than a season of revelling more was the cream of that Department groups of other advanced races scattered way, either decorating the home with himself throughout the whole interested over the great continent. It is therefore some tasty ornament that she thinks will than a saturnalia. Would that Critisism seen that if the Negro race is to suryear whether his neighbor lived or died. specially please her governor, or some every reader of the Limon SearNo, he enjoys not himself except he is vive the existing conditions, we must daintiness worked by her own hands to chlight would pause awhile and we have been stronghy criticised and develop an independent mental and satisfied that his neighbor shares with him on that day, however small a por devotions. So the son and daughter Christmas festivities.
reassure him of the appreciations of his contemplate the real purpose of denounced as an enemy of the move intellectual standard through our own ment on a public platform by one Mr. efforts. There are several elements which tion it may be with father and mother, and we see There is no time in the world self the ne plus ultra of the coloured Cornwall who seem to be feeling himYou pass along the streets and you hear individuals travelling hundreds and must be given consideration if this aim is to he achieved. We should give more within and from without the aged wish thousands of miles to spend Yuletide at history when the Christmas mes race, for observations which appeared attention to our social intercourse, there MERRY CHRISTMAS it is repeated Home Sweet Home, for with all the sage of nineteen centuries ago is in this Journal on the 30th ultmo, fortu is a tendency among our various race more appropriate than now. The nately however this gentleman stands groups to mutually segregate themselselfishness and greed of the in severely alone in his Criticism. ves, no attention is given to the social dividual, the dominant world spi not know how to suck the humble plum, It is a pity that some characters do side of our life except where Fun of one Kind or another is the Chief fearit of the present age, the blun when they are kindly received and to ture. How can a race whose only hooby dering attempts of the nations to lerated by Social folks. Enemies to any is frivolity rise above the plane of serfGovernor and make a declaration that adjust international differences movement are those who help to work San José, November 30 the 1929.
queer how our people will the call loudly for the manifestation to the detriment or ruin of such moimitate all other traits of the more adThe Editor of THE LIMON SEARCHLIGHT intervene in his case for the protection of the Christmas spirit. Submis Carn wall whose name was associated vanced races except those which tendof his rights and with ample authority sion to the will of Christ and an with a letter in the hands of the proto lift our moral, Social, financial and in Limon tellectual standard.
to represent him in all matters perta application of His teachings are secution Agents against Mr.
Garvey Let us rise to the full sense of our Dear Sir: ining thereto. The Agente Fiscal or the the only solution for the prowhich letter helped in the imprisonment Defensor Público will draw up the neduty to our selves and like the Ancient The following may interest your rea.
blems of to day of that gentleman, this same name is Britons, find the solution to our disadcessary document at the request of the ders.
also associated with the wreck of The vantageous problems or make them.
claimant. Communications to the Asesor Let us therefore make Christ Siquirres Commisary and other ocuIn presenting claims for accidents or de Obreros should also be in Spanish. mas a dignified festival and not rrences, if this is the same character, is requesting the intervention of the autho In case the workman gets no satis an excuse for vulgar excesses.
faction from the Asesor de Obreros or rites, all communications should be adhe the Enemy?
dressed in Spanish. There is no obliga any other authority with respect to his Christmas with its joybells: ChriThis Journal has avowed itself at the tion on the part of the authorities to claim, he shoul write to the Tribunal stmas with its unfailing message disposal of the Organization at all calls, take notice of documents in any other Superior de Arbitraje and request that of cheer and goodwill!
Let us be in bringing to public gaze the benefits to be derived by enlisting oneself to language but Spanish although the clai they make an investigation with the happy in moderately eating, drin the movement for the uplift and intel ment, if he wants to can request that object of securing his full rights under king and making glad. May the lectual improvement of the coloured the authorities furnish him with an offi the Workmen Compensation Law.
cial interpreter, should he wish to de If claimant does not follow up his reflections which cluster around peoples of this country, but while other divisions have been recording their acnounce an accident or make any staChristmas be an inspiration to Our Costa Rican Aviator Mr. Bolacase and show an interest in same, he tement to clear up any doubt with has nobody to blame but himself if it pattern the life of Him whose been very much pronounced in its tivities in this direction, the Limón has ños, after several vveeks preparation of the Juan Santa María; vvent up most regard to his case.
is not pushed to a finish. The answer birth we would commemorate. Li silence with regard to these publications, majestically yesterday and flew around All accident cases in Limon should from the Employer that the case is in ke Him may we throw ourselves whether it is that there is no forward be attended to by the Agente Fiscal or San José, but unfortunately in landing the hands of the Tribunal and he must the Defensor Publico, on request. If due to a defect in the new propeller wait for a decision is not enough.
into the furrow of the worlds progress to announce, or that its prothere is any complaint, it should be prerecently put on, the plane did not anneed and live for the well being press cannot Stand the glare of a SearYours Very truly, sented to the Governor, in writing chlight of others.
swer to his directions, with the result we know not, but not even when the case is being tried by the an opinion on the intentions of the that he fell on a tree nearby the savTribunal Superior de WARING Keith Chesterfield Harriott recent Convention can annahs destroying the airplane but with claimant can request the intervention in the Limon delegate to that August fortunately no hurt to himself.
his behalf by the Asesor de Obreros Schoolmaster, Seventh day Adventist School Assembly relative to benefits accruing He recieved a tremendous demonsEd. note! We publish this letter from who will represent the workman in Mr. Waring thanking him very much to Costa Rica or Limon in these contration from the public.
San José in all proceedings, but the ferences.
for his kind attention, so that those of While Mr. Stevvart of Siquirres workman in order to obtain these be our readers interested in claims or claithe Costa Rican Delegate, has been venefits which are absolutely without mants may take note and be gided charge to him, should go before the thereby, yastiyserije cthis y espect canong his Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacio constituents along the lines, Accident Valuator dom. It The Juan Santa Maria Arbitraje the we get from As Obreres Limon Advertise!


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