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PAGE THE LIMON SEARCHLIGHT Saturday 14 Dicember. 1929 EDITORIAL FOR SALE Happy Greetings to you all Hotel Frances farm of four Hectareas of Bananas a house at 24 miles of three apartments and a horse.
Enquire this Journal.
CARTAGO CURRENT ITEMS should women seem a vvell she Cartago as a Health Resort equals anywhere in the To Mankind this day is born a Saviour, which is Glad tidings of great joy to you and all Mankind, Known World and when going there advise by TeAlso a house of large rooms on the gin Street in Limon And so the season in the ordinary evolution of time has arrived which reminds us all that a great occurrence happened legram the Manager of Hotel Frances Cartago; the Por prices enquire this Journal, some two thousand year ago tending to make glad the hearts best of Associates are there, the most comfortable of men; and what was that great occurreace, and why the Rooms and cuisine especial from Panama, and fancy necessity to be ashered in upon mankind in such a spirit of Also a farm of 15 Hectareas with Joy rejoicing, heralded by the most exquisite Band of Mu all this for only 00 per day.
cacao, bananas, yams etc. and small sicians and Songstresses? it was, that Jesus the Saviour of Potrero. Admirable place for a start in life mankind was born to redeem a lost host of people from the Ask The Searchlight.
curse of sin, and to bring Peace on earth and good will to all mankind.
Portray to yourself the picture of a beautiful child bora to you from a happy wedlock surrounded by the best associates of The Community. That child grows amid all the affections food carresses of a loving home father, mother and From Pacuarito Matina Division child lavishing upon each other those tendernesses Sweup to Siquirres yve vvere also informed eaesses that can only be born of true loving Associations; serious misdemeanour occurred The members of this Division are of the death of his brother Mike, both when of a sudden, that child of your heart grows ill, you at Pacuarito by the Agent of Police highly pleased by the visit and address brothers joining each other in the Great summon the doctor, but day by day you get more more at that place which calls for investiga of Mr. Stewart from Siquirres, Beyond within tvvo days of each other.
disconsolate, you see the skin of your child becomes puffy, tion by the Governor on the oth inst when he explained fully the ideas This journal extends its condolence heavy and after a while you half incredolously are forced the LA Festival comes off on 22nd. instand to the bereaved ones.
to accept the doctors suspicions, you child is doomed to that ves at a Social gathering at that place, were enjoying themsel our Great Garden Party on the 23rd.
dread desease Scrofula, immagine the anguish of heart when in marches the Agent of Police and Murray Reporter Traveller you must realize that your child must be alienated from yourself, demands that the literary meeting should 24 Miles We met Mr. Walter Baer in Limon must be shunned by Society, your friends your Associates. enjoy himself, on being told that could Months pass by and some physician arrives by whose advice not now be done, he draws his revolver a shooting affray when Foreman Adan of From 24 Miles comes the news of back from Chile yvith his wife and five children. Mr. Baer came here as that child is coaveyed not even by your loving self but by a insists that this be done, one Damascus Farm shot a Contractor on an Engineer and so manifested his ca.
stranger to the hot springs, and there by the cleansing balm brave man resents the interference and the Santa Marta Farm one Pedro Mi pabilities that he was soon made Traof those mineral waters, you child is cured, its skin comes back grabs the gun which went off in the scuffle guel, this man was taken to the Limon velling Engineer on the FC Norte a new to you as ever it was, silky, soft and healthy, what joy, magine the Stampede of the bullet going though the floor. Im Im Hospital vvhere by his amiability among those he supervised he captivated the love what ecstasy; is it any wonder that on the day of the restora children. screaming to get out of the The sick list esteem of all those with vvhom he tion to your household of that your house goes ablaze building.
It is a pity the government vvas concerned. It is said he is here to with decoration amid the strains of music, dancing, siaging and wont place serious men in such posi We are sorry to report our Agent succeed Mr. Manly as Supt Master at Liverpool Teacher Brown, has Mechanic, Who will be transferred else.
amusements and happiness among yourself your friends tions, such men as Mssrs Jenkins and Eustace at Matina and Estrada and been confined in the Limón Hospital vvhere. We shall miss Mr. Manly very associates? and so it was when God saw the innocence of man, our friend at Madre de Dios.
for a couple of weeks, he has had to very much, as he too has made himhis image and likeness, the perfection of his Creation, defiled by The Judge at Cimmarrones is also undergo an operation in that Institution, self much esteemed and respected by the scourge of Sia, making him unfit for his presence, unwor. a serious man, but at times, he but vve are glad to say is recruiting the entire Community. We wish them thy of his great love; He decides that a Remedy must be found, too serious; being an old man, when from the effects, we sincerely hope he both further successes, for the redemption of his perfected idea, and so his Plan was disorder crops up, he hides away him will soon be well again.
La Rose de France brought to bear. His son must be seat, as an Ambassador of self, so on Sundays there is generally a melee at this place for want of Convalescent Peace and Goodwill to earth, and thus the Commemoration stern preserver of the Peace, We are very pleased to see our Ma have lost its charm early, from the fact This dressmaking establishment vvill of this great occurrence. We find ourselves enveloped year by year by a Season of mirth, of goodwill, affection happiness NIA. Presidents Confer trona of the Liverpool District Mrs.
Harry Ricketts well enough from her that vve learn that both proprietresses one for the other. Man meets his fellowman on this Christmas Presidents conclave was held at are leaving us soon. Mrs. Hart leaves recent operation in Doctor Beeche CliDay in a spirit of gladness enjoyment. You might never have Pacuarito on the 15th inst when eleven nic at San José, to be out Convalescing.
early taking her children to the Isle of been acquaintances before, but you meet in a friendly way you branches were represented. The officers She is loud in her praises of the Skill Springs for further education, and Mrs.
and attention Shown her by Doctor Nicaragua.
Eccleston goes to join her husband in greet him with the usual Salutation Happy Christmas to present being Messrs Farquharson of Madre de Dios L. Stewart of Si Luciano Beeche an old Limonense as you he replies with a feeliog of Satisfaction pleasure The quirres Josephs of Pacuarito, Well One by one Limon is Losing her as the affectionate care of his same to you or many happy returns. And so these happy Murray of Matina, Graham of charms vve vvish them both a pleasant nurses. We hope she will soon be pleasant greetiogs continue all day long; you may meet a China Liverpool. Important business was trans enough to Skip about as Voyage and ourselves the fortune of a maa, a Turk or a Jew to each of whom the omnipotence of acted and Election of Officers for the successor of equal affability.
was used to Confusius, Mahomed or Allah reigas supreme is his acknowledgPresidents conferences will be held at Our old friend Mr. Arturo Rivas ment of a Superior being and yet you Salute him as you would an early date. The report of the AudiInspector of Telephone for the Coy Distinguished Visitor any of your christian acquaintances, happy Christmas to you scrutinized and all Divisions were per to his residence with an attack of FeLord Olivier again visits Costa Rica.
he acknowledges the pleasure of your Religious belief and fectly satisfied. Unfortunately the Madre Some years ago he visited this country ver, he too is recruiting vue hope vvhen he vvas Governor of Jamaica, and de Dios Division is broken up, in conwishes you the same, and why is all this Kladliness among he vvill soon be out on duty again.
sequence of a dissatisfaction over the novy that he was made Minister of men? because of the fulfilment of the greatest promise made visit of Mr. Theodore Smith President Obituary Agriculture, he is entrusted by the Mcmaokind, as witnessed by the humblest class of witnesses The of The Limon Division to that Division, Donald government, vvith the CommisShepherds. child is born, who shall be the Saviour of steps will have to be taken to reorga. We vyere indeed sad to learn on our sion of enquiring into the condition of mankind, and in consequence of this birth there shall be a murecent tour along the lines of the death the Sugar Industry of The West Indies tual understandiog among all Nations of this earth, on ac1. MURRAY Secty at Estrada of an old employe of the it being the idea of the present governPres Conference Co. Mr. Jim Green; on coming Tarif on Empire grovvn Sugar, Sir Sydment to abolish the existing Preference count of which there shall be, Glory to God in the Highest, and to The Earth Peace. Goodwill henceforth among all men Shall been sent to the begin and never cease. And so may it be that from this Chrisof the Colonial governments in such a drastically damaging move, to enquire tmas of 1929 may that Goodwill be put in practice, not merely preached but practiced, may all hypocrisies pretensions begin capabilities of the West Indies and the to cease among us all, so that our greetiogs may be sincere, effects such abolishing would have on may our wishes for the happiness and Successes of our friends than acquaintances be carried from our in most Souls, then shall Lord Sydney could be appointed.
He is Suits made to order in the Shortest notice a Comthere be that exhibition of Love and Goodwill among men, the guest of Mr. Cecil Lindo vvhile his ship takes her Cargo.
which must result in Peace on Earth, and crowned with the plete stock of English and American tweeds, sergiogs The Searchlight vvishes him a ple.
Glorg, thanks and Adoration to God in the Highest; thus May Flannels always on stock, come in when in San José asant stay among us, and an enjoyable this Christmas be the brightest and happiest to us all, bringing see my recent arrivals.
trip to and stay in Jamaica vvhither he goes.
Rays of Sunshine to our lives. For christmas is not merely a time, a season or a day on the Calendar, but a State of mind, North East Corner Central Avein which we cherish Peace Goodwill. If we think on these nue where the Plaza Viquéz Un buen Pastor things, the Saviour will be born im us, and the Star will shine over us, sending its gleam of Hºpe and Love into the Tramway starts.
The Revd. Forde, pastor of the Baptist missions in Costa Rica is also ex.
world for the succeeding year.
Suits also made on the Raffle Series system come pected this vveek. Mr. Ford has been in and get a number.
travelling for about tvvo years in AmeBOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 rica Europe, in the interests of Churchvvork, and has raised vve understand sufficient funds abroad to clear the debts on his Missions, and is returning novv to take up his duties among us No solamente debemos trabajar sino también debemos divertirnos. La again. This journal heartily Welcomes our old friend back home among us.
vida sin distracciones es pesada y triste. EL CINE MODERNO le proporciona la manera de distraerse todas las noches con películas y expectáculos buevos, que le dejarán sonrisas y descansará su espíritu paru Ins nuevas luchas dela vida DE MALICK Vuelvase modernista gaste la infima suma de 25 céntimos y gozará Leghorn Eggs admirando las más lindas estrellas de la cinematografía at Eastern gate of the Market, 25 yards south of the Botica Oriental When in San José do not fail to give a Call on Mr. Azevedo will sell you All work and no diversions makes Jack a dull boy your old Friend MALICK, He is ready to serve fresh Leghorn eggs for hatching from Prize birds costing male 25. 00 and CINE MODERNO you again, with his latest arrivals for the Xmas of lafemale 15. 00. Price one Colon cach.
gives you a new scene every night of your life, giving you a new dies gents dress goods, leather purses, Sweaters, and Also large Red Carncaux Pigeons lease on life every morning when you get awake. You never feel the all sort of fancy goods suitable for Christmas presents. these are as large as a chicken first strain of work in your jobs. The latest and most up to date class in sickness.
Gentlemen dress Suitings as well as working Drill AMERICAN. FILMS Start your Poultry Pigeon brood pantaloons, bis Shirts underwear a speciality.
from the right stock of birds it pays to every night, leading you into a life of expectancy and Smiles all the while, for just a Nickel, enlist yourself a Remember the sign of the GOOD SAMARITAN breed from good birds.
MODERNITE and feel satisfied for tomorrow. Box 824 San José TELEPHONE 3345 AZEVEDO Boot store in 2nd Avenue near the Post Ofice nize same.
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