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MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION 1. 00 SINGLE COPY 25 EDITOR MANAGER NATION THE SEARCHLIGHT APARTADO 123. CARTAGO PUBLISHED SATURDAYS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY 11. JANUARY. 1930 12 RIGHT ABOUT FACE With the Druids Obituary New Year Celebration POLITICS New Year Resolution We are sad to record the death in The customary New Year Fes Limon on Monday last of don Carlos The Christmas and Nevy Year ce FACE time. With compromises star and to increase the attractive appearance tival of the Pearl of Limon Lodge Prestinary. He has been associated with lebrations are novy terminated. Ge ing us in the face, jobs shaky if any, which the paving of the streets and No. 2363 Order of Druids took Limon for a number of years and has nerally these celebrations occupy our and those in jobs shaking as to vvhe other improvements in sanitation has place at their Lodgerooms on always identified himself in everything thoughts for many months before, and ther they will be released or not. The given bottom We were wondering that the morning of the ist inst. In interesting to the alice ieft the providere so as to keep in line, and many times Company still carrying out its econoso as as to keep up appearances we go mic programme. It time now that the Banana Business, could not some of spite of the heavy showers that der its sincere condolence to don Walto extremes, facing ourselves after, vvith we leave off jazzing a bit, and vve too our bravvny and brainy farmers use fell; by a. the spacious Hall ter, don Otto, señora Evangelina Mora, compromises which, vvith a little less get down to economic measures, and their surplus bananas for fattening pigs was filled with members of ihe doña Nini Robles, don Carlos Ferpretensions on our own part could at least commence to think seriously of on a larger scale than has been have been much more moderate. the march of life.
mary. We notice quite an importation Order and their friends.
nandez Prestinary, and all the members ECONOMIZE. Why that is easy But the recent celebration has affecof Lard in the Why could not the country The function started at 30 of The Prestinary Family, which has always lived under the highest respect ted us to a greater extent than other if vve just make up our minds to. RE Limon supply some of that even a. with Bro. Doyley and appreciation of the entire Limon vvise, from the very fact since October TRENCHMENT. No very much trouble for Local consumption. Eggs and Chi acting as Master of Ceremonies. Community.
of the past year, we have been on a in that. But vvill that alone solve our ckens are supplied to Limon from the single stretch of celebrations. Our Car problem of limited cash circulation? Interior, and during the Railroad interHe gave a brief history of the ANOTHER nival cost us a few dollars if vve vvish Order and its connection with We are not sure it vvill. But vve are ruption last year they were imported New Years day after which he to be conservative about the matter. sure it vvill help from the United Death has claimed another of our But if appearances counts, then, vvhat We must see vvhat can be done to not supply enough chickens and eggs introduced the Chairman the most esteemed citizens don Auibal Sanvvith the estrenos. the parading and our earning possibilities.
even for her own consume?
Revd. Pitt; who after giv tos in San José.
parandas, the tons of confettis vvhich The Municipality planned the road What about a venture in Corn? This ing a short address, very cred Don Anibal was among the leading vve got rid of the joy rides, and the to Moin, and that to the Cemetry.
is records of the Government Guaro dis. They also planned a modern Bathing beans vvhich can be harvested within itably carried out the splendid lights of the Legal profession of this pensary, vyhy vve spent a bit of Colo resort. If these enterprises should be three months, just exactly in the real programme provided for the ocwith the late Don Aguilera won the nes.
carried into effect, they would not vvarm summer. Why fold our arms casion, and closed with a most famons lawsuit Merrill vs. El Tiempo In the interval betwveen the October alone release the tension on the labour and mope? Now is the opportunity helpful lecture on the aims of de Limón. He was one of those, who, fiesta and Christmas season, ve kept proposition to a certain extent, but they for men to shovy vvhat they are made the Order.
would not be bought. All honour to three theatres busy rivaling each other vvould place in Limon some enticement of. All these things need a bit of priin putting up the best pictures. Of the for the Tourists, vvhich would result vation, but that only for a short time.
Much credit is due to the the memory of such men.
We beg to tender our condolence to tuvo large circus outfits, although we probably slowly but surely beneficial Remember the old saying NOTHING rendering of the Choir under aplaced one on the bum. and which to the Province. As it is, there is no TRIED NOTHING DONE. Take op the able leadership of Mr. Reid, the family of don Anibal Santos.
vvas sensible enough to get avvay thing to entertain the tourists here, con portunity of the facile possibilities of Organist of the Baptist Church, ANOTHER vvith their passage, vve came near sequently they pass through with out occupying the lands in and about the and the wisdom of the «Wee keeping the Lions of the last one for even knovving Limon. Something vicinity. Νονν the time to turn dots in their recitations, Songs faithful employe of the Fruit Coy.
ourselves, and vve sent avvay a vuell should be done by the Municipality, RIGHT ABOUT FACE.
in the import equiped and fancy Carrousell vvith their dialogues; as also little Miss Export Department the leading merchants and other men valises jingling with coins and entire named Willie Jones from the island of of enterprise so as to advertise Limon Lena Bucknor who presided at St Kitts died on Saturday after a painly satisfied with the liberality of the the Organ in accompaniment ful illness in the Hospital of The Coy.
Limonites, all classes included. In addiwith the little ones.
and was buried on Sunday last. He tion every dancing hall and club room vvas so engaged during the season, After the Literary sparks had had an immense following to the cethat an additional Sport rendezvous flitted The Visitors were At metery, needing five Coaches to corhas been erected at Cieneguita as a Home to the Lodge, where all vey his friends. He belonged to the orders of Free Gardners and Mechanics, kind of auxiliary and a preventive and Sundry enjoyed themselves it was significant to see the Captain against future congestion.
To The Editor the SEARCHLIGN destruction. As dravy a vivid picture inmensely.
Picnic trains and Garden dances, of the scene in my mind eye, hear a Dear Sir Cortege. as it is not often we find the who said vve omitted them? Not bit a voice crying. Will anybody come to Officials of the Coy. paying the last of it. Our sporting faculties vvas sharpPlease permit me space to express the rescue? Are all the Good Samarirespects to their dead comrades of the ened and why should we have left tans» deaf and blind to the appalling my sentiments on behalf of the Nevy rank file.
our pet amusements? Why some of us Years celebration and its affermath.
sights that present themselves daily?
sandvviched in a petit carnaval right Cannot the men of mental and finThe nevy yearvvas ushered into in between the big one, but Limonites existence with great pomp and vanity ancial ability contrive ways and means kept their place and vvould stand for by its celebrants. At 12 oclock at midto save those youths vvho though atno rivaling, so those folks had to do night all the bells rang joyously to the tired in rags and encumbered with On another page we publish the theirs at Siquirres and be satisfied.
advent of the nevy year. The inhabivice, have the potentiality of the genius? platform of the Partido AntireeleccioAs adherents of Christ have vve for nista de oposicion of which Lic. Juan THE MIAMI FOLLIES tants of Limon vvere (en fette. Skygotten that he said inasmuch as ye Raf. Guzman is President, in which we motorhorns did it to the least of these e. those are heartily in accord with articles II, Yes, you hit it you thought vve had and human voices all joined in celeforgotten them. Not a bit of it. Hovv brating the birth of the New Year.
in dire circumstances, those who through III, IX There is certainly no reason why we Here we are at the beginning of a could vve? When the fact stares us in Indeed! the spectator had everyright to ignorance and blind folly have deterioshould have more than four deputies new year with all its habitual custom s, the face that they were the debutan feelfelicitous, because a nevy era has rated into brute beasts, and those who we make resolutions which is essential tes of the season. Lots of people had davvned upon us. Whether yve enjoy through unforseen circunstances are una for San Jose three for Cartago and two each for the other Provinces making 15 lots of fun out of them, and they had ble to reform themselves. ye have done but only according to our individual the momentous event vvith festivity or it unto me. The Negro race vvants men state, circumstance and conditions; it not, the fact remains the same; because deputies instead of 43, this in an age of lots of fun out of lots of people.
But let us look on the other side of may be of much importance for one the feel! ng of joy and happiness perof ability therefore we cannot afford retrenchment and in this direction alone to allovy promising youths to join the meating every heart and impregnating We would be saving nearly a quarter to resolve to abstain from some habit the sheet. There we find that simultaof a million in salaries per annum.
confraternity of non desirables in their that sometimes belittle him in society neously with the October Carnaval the atmosphere is bound to make the or that drains him like the parasite his deadly march to dishonourable grave.
Then there is the Cuartel, from which came the Company retrenchments, remost conservative mind yield to the victim, another may according to his ductions of force or vvhat is so hu bevvitching vibration. As yve vvished Hovy many a vvaif and Stray have another immense saving could be affecbeen snatched from the scrapheap of ted in a quiet lawabiding country like convictions see the great importance in morously termed in Costa Rican vereach other prosperous greetings every this with a resolving with grim faith to give the million inhabitants what nacular cortando rabos. and other one felt that the old vvith all its defects humanity and manufactured into men had of renovvn. Its never too late to try.
is the idea of maintaining a spiritual part of his life to the Great economical measures of all class and pased avvay and the nevy has Had the white race refused to reform AM, another may according to circumsArmy to do what? to fight whom? If conditions, naturally affecting the vvhobrought glad tidings. As one passed we were to disband the military, and tances and conditions have every right le province, but especially the laboring along the paths traversed by the cele their degenerates, their suns would to resolve with the determination of a class. But the Fiesta and Christmas brants of the new year different remhave been set long ago. The retrogres improve the Police force, we would Bull Dog to make and take care of the vyas too near for us to regard the nants are observed remindful of sive, illitterate, and unrestrained youths have an immense saving and better the stringent measures taken by the only excessive indulgencies. Topics are disof Limon can be saved. Wake up! to Civil protection, now that all the Pow. Almighty Dollar, whatever the resolve may be, we all ought to resolve for source of money circulation, and well cussed relative to the manner the difers are discussing Peace, its not likely your duties ye soldiers of Christ, and some good to ourselves and mankind.
every body just decided to have a good ferent parties enjoyed themselves. Here pick up those vvho have fallen on the that we will have an aggression, and if we should have, such would soon be Our resolution may be called a plan time, leaving things as usual to take and there are gossipers who cither battlefields: nurse them, heal their wounds and render vvhatever necessaries are ended by arbitration rather than warlaid out for the year with a determinacare of themselves.
abhor or appreciate the manner the tion to be lived up to, and after all no Now this is the RIGHT ABOUT fare therefore Don Cleto ought to see required, and the Master celebrants conducted themselves. And give unto living man can afford to start a year though one has no right to condemn us according to our duties, some thirty, the feasability of dismissing his Milithe other in the manner he or she fifty and one hundred fold. May vve tary that would be so much money (nay a day) with out knowing what he choses to pleasure him or herself, yet realise our imperative duty to save the saved and so many men to go back to is going to do and with sleaves rolled up to start at once.
there are times when certain people degenerate youths of this tovvn ere it Agriculture the mainstay of this CounI suggest to readers that in making because of lack of equillibrium, carry be too late; so that 1931 may find a try.
resolutions it should not be done hapthe excessus so far that public sentiment saner mode of rejoicing that has been zardly less happly you find yourself Webeg to call attention to our is compelled to rebel against them.
exhibited this year.
promising to do something you did correspondents, that this weekly Among the celebrants of the nevy DAVID LUKE not decide to do, it is for this reason there were some unrestrained youths is got up in a Spanish office, Limon.
that so many resolutions are forgotten vvhose deportment yvere so ridiculous in which there is not a man before the close of January. According that the casual observer is bound to to my individual state choice the still who knows five words of Encomment. Of course the group vvas hours of night to fit my plans and reglish but the writer, so if you cosmopolitan but as the Negro is alsolve anew; those are the hours in have no Typewriter at hand vvays the scape goat all the sarcasm in which we the Masterpiece of God please write clearly, otherwise cast upon him. The Negro Youths vvho creation do mental work. The Great demoralise themselves so as to merit Creator has endowed man with a large very good articles are at times public censure should be studied serioamount of knowledge, placing at his laid aside in our busy moments usly disposal wide amount of possibilities, and our advise is, be not long Whether they are children of the consequently man is responsible to his wearying but evermore be aristocrats or the lovver class it matters maker for much, hence it is of great This is to notify the public in general, that in consequence of brief and witty with your articles. very little. The fact is that they cast a importance that at the beginning of this blurr on the Negro race. The public the misconduct of my wife Adella Grawford nee Morgan, we have year all men that are worthy of the vvill alvvays say the Negro and not now been separated for the space of nearly six years. therefore name man should resolve with grim some Negroes. These youths are the determination do not hold myself responsible for her any longer as she is to To our Subscribers who of the future and for better conditions be seen continually in company with another man.
throughout this year.
is done to save them they will be We beg that you will help us irrevocably lost. Society looks on and am thus free of any obligation to her and intend to get BY WARREN financially by paying up for all Bananito passes satirical comments, forgetting married within six months from date of this publication issues to date, as we have to that evil is contagious, and if these pay in advance for all work done. youths are allovved to revel in their This is our twelvth issue and wickedness, sooner or later the vvhole we want to start a clean sheet that all the youths of this town vill environment will be so contaminated Port Limon, Costa Rica.
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