
PAGE THE SEARCHLIGHT Saturday January. 1930 When thinking to buy a VICTROLA or RECORDS Our Changes and our Prospects in 1930 XX y pundono nary Pérez say no.
that are working se lugar to stop que EDITORIAL The Chiriqui Lands Co.
To the Editor of the Searchlight.
Of any kind, as well as general Merchandise you will get the best Sir, vvhen vvill the Chiriqui Adminisat lowest prices from trators use their conciences? Does the Boston office know what is taking EDWIN RAMIREZ VARGAS place with the laborers in the L Co?
one block South of Banco Costa Rica or write to Ap. 1079. went to Puerto Armuelles in the month of October 1928, to work for Gran surtido de VICTROLAS DISCOS de la mejor calidad también mercancías en general, consiguirá Ud. donde: The year 1930 has dawned upon us and there does not exist to a place where could better my EDWIN RAMIREZ VARGAS a man capable of thinking who has not had his prognostications condition, but, when arrived and saw Cien varas al Sur del Banco de Costa Rica, Apartado 1079.
pro and con, as to the possibilities or non possibilities of prospe realized that one could not live on the sa ΗΤΣΟΣΟ XT rity which might follow in the trail of events which must be the results of the different changes that shall take place in the world months and only worked six months during this year.
and two weeks. BUT WHY? Not be. Here in Costa Rica we have been looking forward to great fasts could want to work, but. las 30 a. del de los coSo soon as our representatichanges in the marketing of our produce which might lead up to that was offered as Foreman of track ves in Congress found that the a very great wave of prosperity in our Agricultural lines but by Who are the cause of all this will trientes, y cuando la ciudad comenzaba a mover sus actividades en todos los nomination of Mr. Charles Eberone stroke of the pen conditions have been so changed, that ins frankly say. The General Manager Órdenes, un grito de angustia sorpren hardt as American Minister to tead of prosperity we are staring face to face at the greatest farms. Mr. Blair is not a man that can dió el hogar del caballero Costa Rica, was confirmed they roso militar, General Carlos Presti made formal representation to the adversity that could possibly befall a Nation. In 1928, every farmer and will go by his ovvn opinion, but was encouraged to go forward in the planting and caring of his by some one else. Stater believes that the laborers have no use for money. Fan Una ola de luto embarga todos los President, to ask the Senacrops, in 1929 it was all the same, go ahead 1930 we are going to corazones, al recibirse la noticia de la te to cancel such nomination as a new farm at have a great change, our Concessions will soon be up and by cy; cuttig fruit from a three dollars per hundred. Can one live muerte de este buen amigo nuestro, Mr. Eberhardt has proven by his the great change to follow we shall have competition in our In from that? will quien un día antes había compartido actions in Nicaragua an enemy dustries, we shall get better prices for our goods, labour will be There are more men walking around con nosotros sus alegrías y sus tristezas.
Al momento se vio invadida la casa del to the freedom of the Press, more satisfied and everybody will be contented and happy; but Puerto Armuelles without work, than thopor and one who exhibits a fondness while we are thinking to benefit by these changes some one else e cruelty To see the monense, of the Co officials, of meddling in the Internal woris also thinking. Our greatest benefactor on whom we are thinking there are men idleing by having no paba distinguido kings of the State, thus not lito throw our backs is also thinking. The United Fruit Coy. she work, and yet they are having agents las p. m, por medio de invita kely to be well accepted in Costa ción secures an immense tract of land in Jamaica through the purchase outside picking up and sending in men especial de la familia doliente, Rica.
of the Lindo Estates; she secures vast territories in Panama, Hon and women on every boat thats going toda la sociedad y miembros distinduras and Guatemala and last but not least she dominates the from Panamá to Pto. Armuelles. Is that a shame? What are are the labourers guidos de la clase obrera.
activities of The Cuyamel Fruit Coy. on whom rested our HoCuatro coches del tren compusieron Railroad slides pes in Nicaragua and the foreign markets, and we realize. now getting for their labour? Only 16, 20 el comboy fúnebre, el cual fue lenta.
that not only this year, but for the next five years she is thoroughly and hrs perday, can one live? Fo mente hacia el Cementerio General, lle On Sunday the Bonilla cut behavando los despojos mortales del buen independent of Costa Rican Territory, therefore instead of needing remans pay from 25 to 35 per hour ved itself very peculiarly it allowed the familia, que se llamó train to pass by, a Concession she will have to concede something to us for by for the same and hours. What caballero, de! leal amigo y ejemplar paen vida cutting out all appropriations for 1930, as we are very confidently about the Commisary, are they cheap Carlos Prestinary Pérez.
but as the down passenger train informed, those of us who have been relying on the advices of bet salary? Oh no, things are to its height meda bóveda, don Carlos Orozco A, impeding Traffic until Monday Antes que entrara el féretro a la hú came in sight the hill slided down terments by the coming changes find ourselves in the condition of in prices, begging to be conceded to, because all those Contracts that expire There are reductions of salary, but pronunció la siguiente oración fúnebre The gangs worked hard all Sue Señores: in 1930 to 1932 what shall happen if those farmers are not con not from prices, Un soldado más cae en la fosa que day night so as to open Trafceded an extension of their contracts? Are they not liable to be The Co. went so far as avara guardará los despojos de este viejo fic on Monday.
told we dont need your fruit or will buy your fruit for thirty peddlers from selling on their bounpaladin, que rendido al golpe inexorable de la muerte, baja tranquilo al secents? However we are among those who believe that changes stood and witness ed once or twice must come and now it is time for a reverse change. The Co. has two pay days at Corredor and Espeno de la madre tierra.
And Aurevoir Uno de los buenos hijos, uno de los been the means of inducing thousands of West Indians, Europeans ranza that white engineers for the drapay sanos patriotas, uno de los firmes soland Americans here to join in the ranks of the Army of their gline drew 700 dollars off the dados de nuestras cívicas Ilbertades, de The San Jose Athletic Club gave Mr window. And how much do you think Suppliers and they will not allow those people to suffer in the their helpers get? only 25 Roy Tasco Davis, American Minister to esos for vieron cara a cara el error y catastrophe we can see ahead of us if the Coy. so desired, but we Costa Rica, a wonderful send off hrs.
lo combatieron con virilidad en las ur2. 00 per day. Men, men, conon know they are not so desirous, they realize that there are people sider before taking your trip to Chirinas y en los políticos círculos, ahora New Years night with a dance in the nos abandona, soñores!
here who have been and are still faithful to them foreigners as well quí, a man who does not know life all attended. The fore the time now that all our small cultivators ought to continue so suppose to know when a place is boere the diseven faithful souls the City shall be saved, it is there place good name, barem ili good sietiegtica Veranda monandoa enfermedad de toob the Republic with his staff and am a traveller of eleven republics así, el corazón fuerte y sincero de este Queen of the Carnival presented him. caring and planting their crops, for the Coy. will realize that she good and prosperous, and would ad. Sobi departí en el Gabinete Dental de su leaf being inscribed with the Coat of is responsible for our, being here, and change the existing condi vise no one to go there 100 mere left este amigo mío que en vida se llamara sobrino Carlos Manuel Prestinary. De Arms of Costa Rica to Roy Davis.
tions, so in the meantime we must advise all farmers to continue on the boat did, and left 140 ready Carlos Prestinary Pérez. De Hortensia II, Queen of the 4th Carnacaring their farms to meet the change, for there are immense chan with their papers, to quit that place.
Thanking you for your valuable space laba Ricardo Jiménez, que fue antes que gran Coronel Prestinary, como lo señages for this Year, for instance the most perplexing one is that there val of San Jose The San Jose Athletic Club. And the fourth the emblem has been under Consideration for some time now the Changing of yours truly. GAYLE ahora un baluarte de nuestras liberta of the Club des ciudadanas, y no por sabio, sino por the Calendar; but it would involve such a gigantic alteration of all He left us on Saturday last, one of el pundonor militar que hicieron de el the best friends Costa Rica has ever Calendary calculations, religious as well as Commercial that it had un santuario!
had in Diplomatic Circles.
to be put in the hands of the League of Nations which Assembly EARTHQUAKES has now issued Circulars to all the Nations of earth to approve of THE LIMON SEARCHLIGHT envia su the move.
On Tuesday 7th at 10 más sentida condolencia a todos los FOR SALE The idea is to divide the year in thirteen months of 28 days quake was felt.
a very heavy shock of earth miembros de la familia doliente y muy especialmente a don Walter, don Otto, farm of 15 Hectareas with each, the extra month is to be inserted between June and July, The Government astrologist doña Niní de Robles y don Carlos Potrero. Admirable place for a start in doña Evangelina de Mora Fernández, cacao, bananas, yams etc. and small June 17th will close the first six months of the year, and with 13 notes predicted the 7th as a cri Manuel Fernández days of June and the first 15 days of July will form the extra month tical day. Since then the cold which will be called the month of Sun from the fact that at this wave in the interior has chanCronista Fisgón Ask The Searchlight.
time the Sun passes though its Summer Solstice thus giving us ged somewhat.
instead of the 21 st day of June as the longest day of the year, the fourth day of Sol will be that day.
Ofcourse this is a matter of very great consultation and dis NOTICE cussion, as one may well immagine the enormous changing up in religious festivals as well as in Commercial life. There would be Mr. Intosh is the Agent Situado 150 yards from South of the Market in front of Orange Crush factory one great change once for all in our Almanacs etc, as it would for THE SEARCHLIGHT at Sithereafter simply be a continual repetition of the days and dates, quirres, all moneys there, and ATLANTIC HOTEL offers to the public in geso in Printing alone it would mean a wonderful economy, in the from the old Lines and the ad neral Clean confortable Rooms.
United States it is Calculated as an economy of forty millions jacent sections can be sent in to Meal Service to order, cakes, Ice Cream as per desire annually in printing establishments. There is no change that does him, with a receipt got for same.
not bring the human family some good altho we may not be We also attend to wedding feasts, Picnic Parties able to understand it, hence we must be optimistic in all these changes for there is always the Silvery lining behind every dark An Organ for Sale Spsoial dinners or at Home tea service whether at the HOTEL cloud. The change in the Calendar will handicap the Printers for fine eleven stops Organ for Sale or in your own Homes a moment, but that very change will compel them to think of in first class condition. Can be seen at Moderate Prices, all attention given to Boarsome other industry to recuperate the value lost, as the Breweries Mr. Bucknor home in Limon. Prices ders English french spoken. Call be convinced.
and distilleries, but they soon broke out into other industries very moderate for Cash.
Telf. 3271. Box 614. San José, which has brought greater fortunes, so it will be in our case, Mrs. BUCKNOR, Limon.
we shall be led into greater thought as soon as we find ourselves with our backs against the Wall; a way out of our diffiFOR SALE culty will soon be found. farm of four Hectareas of Bananas a house at 24 miles of three apar tments and a horse.
DE MALICK Enquire this Journal JOHN ROGERS, TAILOR at Eastern gate of the Market, 25 yards south The name is the hall mark for Tailoring, Also a house of large rooms on the of the Botica Oriental 9th Street in Limon.
When in San José do not fail to give a Call on FAR AND NEAR Por prices enquire this Journal.
your old Friend MALICK, He is ready to serve you again, with his latest arrivals of ladies gents Among his cli are the most fastidious, the elite; the people that dress goods, leather purses, Sweaters, and all sorts of know. Convince yourseell.
Mules for Sale fancy goods suitable for fashionable wear.
LIMON, Box. 83.
Farmers, Cartowners others who Gentlemen dress Suitings as well as working Drill may need good mules should apply to Mr. Strachan at Peralta vvho vvill pantaloons, his Shirts underwear a speciality.
be able to sell them first class pack Do you love your family? Insure your life in Remember the sign of the GOOD SAMARITAN mules at prices to suit the Crisis. Box 824 San José THE NATIONAL LIFE ASSURANCE proBANKislioteca Nacional Miguel Obregos. STRÄCHAN, Pedallisten TELEPHONE 3345 del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
este life Atlantic Hotel LA SAMARITANA THE VOGUE wees

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