
SASTRERIA GRANT Western Interest in Sports and Queen of Belgium are gone on a 500 children were in attendance. panic double mission, on a visit to His Ho occurred and stampede ensued, the The greatest competition in games liness The Pope and to attend the Ro attendants got confused and could not This wonderful preparation preserves the health of your Ani.
mals. Feed them on SAL SOL.
and sports of all classes will be wit yal Wedding. They will be met at the find the Exits, with the result that the nessed in 1932 at Lake Placid New Station by the king Queen of Italy. children crushed and trampled each It purifies the blood of your COWS. HORSES MULES.
York where the world will be repre. The Duke of York is also gone to other in heaps; eighty got killed and It keeps them always fat gives them good COAT.
sented in the great Olympic Sports, represent King George of England. 150 sent to Hospital.
Fifty two Nations have been invited to It is a preventative against Black Leg, other infectious deseases.
The Prince of Wales The Proprietor Charles Dorward has participate.
been aerrested.
It cures Sunstroke y Morriña in your calves.
Trouble in India Instead of assisting at the Royal wedIt cures all animals that urine with blood.
ding The Prince of Wales is gone on The milk from your Cows, will always be rich pure so The Excecutive Committee of Naciothat the Hygiene officers can find no fault with your milk man.
nalist Congress of India have passed He left on the 2nd from Southampton Dr. VARGAS ONLY OSTEOPATH in Costa Rica, no Cows fed continually on SAL SOL are not attacked by Torsola, Sold a resolution demanding their indepen on the Kenilworth Castle, but a wiredrugs, no surgery. Office 125 yards at all Drugstores, for only a few cents.
dence, at the instigation of Gandhi, the less message says he has been caught north of Botica Oriental. Box 534, 26th inst has been set apart as a great in bad ADOLFO DE LEMOS, Manufacturer seas on the route Anti British demontration day. The de This was the hunting tour he started San Jose.
mand will be established in February. on when the illness of the king took Everything British will be boycotted, him and he had to hasten back home Among other things Gandhi to his father bedside.
says The British Empire is not really Postal Robberies the Union of her peoples, for its embrace is more dangerous than it is During the Xmas seasons several roprotective.
bberies of great value have been comThe League of Nations mitted in the London Post offices, but the Postal Department is Keeping quiet Our Finances on the 1st Jany 1930 he had a piece of This vvill be a very hard hit to the Tuthe grand Prize. He was induced to buy rrialba intermediate section merchants On Friday last the second Conferen over the loss with a view of discoveThe first instalment of our million the whole Ticket by the woman who vvho had the chance of running into San ce of the League of Nations was con ring same.
dollar Loan is now at the disposal of sold it, but he would not he persuaded Jose to do their business and get out vened, to prepare definitely the Young This now Totals seventyone robthe government for Road construction, to buy more than his accustomed one by the early morning train, now they plan of Reparations thirteen Nations beries committed in the Postal Departbut the President has only sanctioned bit, shall have to be avvay for three days the were represented The United States was ment of Great Britain during 1929. a withdrawal of 100, 000, as his sursame as Limon. The Local Train shall represented extra officially. The Belgian Politics of The More Economy plus from 1929 is not yet exhausted, also leave San Jose tvventy minutes Premier Jasper presided over the deli he has one and a half millions yet to earlier and Limon thirty miúutes eartier berations.
Ceneral Pershing has gone in for diaw for Road work from his own The Northern Railroad Co. has decided to suspend the San Jose Turrialba being San Jose at 40 and Limon 30 Politics he is a Candidate for the SePopes brother dead reserves of last year economy plus a a. as from 14th inst. The regutrain which formerly left San Jose for nate.
half million colones which was setTurrialba at a. and returned at lar passenger vvill also be affected.
Count Fermorratti the Popes brother aside to finish the Puntarenas wharf, died sud denly in his Hotel. His Holiness. Magnate Arrested p.
besides the Treasury has a balance of was just about thinking to visit him Francis Lorang born in Luxemburg, 1. 938, 000 of last years savings to but on account of the rains he post but now resident in London, a great carry forward to 1930.
poned his visit.
Petroleum Magnate has been arrested Coy Profits Hindenburg on Peace in Paris on charges of fraud.
He lived at Kensington up to 1918 The statement given out by the Speaking generally on the atlempts as a very poor man, but got inmmense Coy. States that after spending. Ten We notice that there is another Can three Candidates in the field. Don Luis disarmaments, President Hindenburgly wealthy by forming his famous million dollars for acquiring new proof Germany said that himself and his is a personal friend of ours and vve Blue Byrd Petroleum Co. He is perties and reserve areas of lands as date for the representation of the Pro70 millions of Germans are sincerely now charged with Fraud in connection well as new Ships, she shows a profit vince of Limon in Congress. Don Luis vvish him every success, but we will in sympathy with any propositions that therewith is arrested in Paris, and his on her operations of 1929 of 20. 100, 000 Cruz Meza has come forward on behalf expect him to leave the dravving room aim to make war impossible, becau extradition asked for. Police from Bri which equals a value on her shares of of the Reformist Party to represent Li at home, and adopt the real fighters tain have been sent across to scort about six dollars and seventy cents per se prosperity can only be attained by mon; this Party presided over by Ge attitude, so very necessary today, if he Peaceful efforts neral don Jorge Volio has alvvays been share, last years valuation was seven is him over.
to make a first class politician. Lidollars and eighty five cent per share, strong and vvelt represented in Limon mon is much depreciated in the ConBelgian Boyalty Fire in Theatre but there was not such heavy invest working men, therefore there is no reamong the best elementof the thoughtful gressional Halls, possibly because she has been made inhabited by Negroes In consequence of the wedding of From Glasgow comes the news that ments in properties etc.
ason why don Luis should no be able chiefly, so to get what allotments she Prince Humbert crown Prince of Italy Cine Glen of Paisley caught ablaze on Lucky Ones to give a good account of himself. We merits vve need a fighting man, who to Princess Marie of Belgium. The king 2nd inst, during a Matinee at which do not knovy up to novy vvhat is his vvill not scruple vvith regards to the Some persons are particularly lucky platform as he has come into the fight feelings of some one else, to call a at Lottery games; according to La Tri rather late, but being knovvn as he is, spade a spade.
buna a man named Tobias Carvajal at to be a zealous, industrious Conscien Negroes are known to be persistent Coronado, won three times in the grand cious (perhaps too much so) vvorker, if fighter and if Don Luis expects to gain GRANT prize within this year.
he vvould adopt a littie more of the appreciation and results in the Black In the drawing of 1st Jany 1929 he traits of his chief in Radicalism, there Province he must fight. novy go forth Súits made to order in the Shortest notice. Com had one piece of the grand prize, in is no reason why his chances should to Victory and vve shall be behind you plete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings October last he did the same, and again not be as good as any of the other for we need Reformers. Flannels always on stock, come in when in San José see my recent arrivals.
North East Corner of Central Avenue where the Plaza Viquez Tramway starts.
Suits also made on the Raffle Series system come By Hudson in and get a number. In our drawing for the New Year Mr. Armando Rosales Won our series with No. 11.
We are living in an age of nerve taining billions of cells and each cell 18 hrs daily year by year. The world Mr. Carlos Lopez won the Series With No Strain. The terrific strain of the present with its seven Compartments every vi is full of men vvith the brain, ability, Mr. Auriel Sancho won Series No. 15 getting a suit each day Electric cal Speed life, is slowly tal organ every muscle in fact every talent (black, brovvn vvhite) and Drop in and take a chance you may get a suit for only one or two payments. but surely underminig the very founda cell of the body is directly governed genius to rise to the top, but most are BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 tion of our existence.
by the Nerves and recieves its power afraid to search and find the necessary The more intelligent vve are the more through them. Nerve Force, therefore Nerve Force to push them forvvard.
sensitive and high strung vvill be our is the basis of all effictency Mental, or Try to become Efficient.
Nerves. It is the mental dullard only ganic and Muscular. The presence or Succesess and greater povver are consvvho may be immune to nerve strain. lack of Nerve Force is exemplified by tantly rapping at your door. but it An alert mind and keen senses demand the difference that exists between a slow takes red blood vvhich gives Nerve first of all sound and normally balanced plodding cart horse, and a high spri Force to grasp them. Woman, too must nerves; nerves that need not be artifi ted race horse. or a dull brained tramp have Nerve Force and health to be succially shocked or stimulated into action. lazily sunning himself, and people who cessful, beauty and loveliness last only What is the nervous System? The ner lead in making history; progress so long as the eyes sparkle vvith Nervous system consists of a vast net vvork.
higher success.
Cartago as a Health Resort is THE SWITZERLAND of the Americas, ve Force. Our Health Strength enWork of fibrous tissues, the fibres Nerve, is the basis of real success. durance are directly measured by the Visitors from the Canal Zone sing the Praises of the attention varying from microscopic size to a size Every successful man, be he a farmer degree of our Nerve 95 of humanity care taken of them by the Administration of as large as a finger. This netvvork of a merchant, lawyer, Mechanic or states. are led dominated by the other tissues may be compared to a vast, man on Editor owes his succes to that it is Nerve Force that does the leading, THE HOTEL FRANCES OF CARTAGO telegraph system with vvires running wonderful power we call Nerve Force, from a great central station (the brain) Dr. Walter Rittman the Scientist who to many stations (plexuses) through which gave to man a practical knowledge or Nice, comfortable airy Rooms, beautiful Scenery of the surrounding millions of messages are sent to every plan for trebling the amount of gasoEscaped Prisoner country part of the body at a speed greater than line that may be produced from Crude The life prisoner Lindor Salazar who 100 ft per second says. Alfred Schooil: in commenting on his success said Convenient Trains to visit the country East or west. To spend a field The nervous system consists owe my success to my physical conKilled some time ago a Jamaican by of tvvo sections (1) The Internal Ner. ditions which gave me the Nerve Force name of Simpson in the Roadway at Vacation at THE HOTEL FRANCES CARTAGO is always to return. vous System (2) The External Nervous to continue my experiments for 36 hrs San Pedro de Poas, escaped from the Charges and accomodations to suit all Purses.
System. The External Nervous System without sleep or rest. The same is Prison in Alajuela on 1st January.
governs mainly the skin surface and ex true of Edison, who works from 16 ternal muscles of the body, in other vvords, it governs movements of the 0 arms, legs, head and other external muscles, and makes our skin sensitive CAFETERIA MODERNA to heat, cold and injury.
The Internal Nervous System, knovvn as the Sympathetic System governs DE Mrs. AIDA CRANSTON the Internal Body; e. the vital organs, The Nerves fibres consist of millions of 150 varas al Norte del Mercado. Calle vs. Casa 335 When in Limon if you feel like a home served cells neurones which may be said meal, go to CAFETERIA MODERNA, Aida will to be reservoirs for the storage of a SERVICIO DE HOTEL RESTAURANT make you feel at home. The oply comfortable dimysterious pouver termed NERVE FORCE What nerve force really is science has Comida de la. Clase. Habitaciones Higiénicas. Aseo Esmerado.
ning room of its class in Town, private and Cosy. not really discovered as yet just as no Se atienden Ordenes para Bodas, Bautizos y otras Fiestas Tea, breakfast or Luncheon for Picoic Parties, one can really tell vvhat light elecTo our friends and patrons when visiting San Jose do not fail to come to private dining rooms to entertain ladies as well as tricity is though men generate; control gentlemen. Banquets and dinners provided at Shortest and use them in myriads of useful notice. Cream, Cakes, coffee or soft drinks as you vvays.
We may reason this of Nerve Force.
150 yards to the North of the Market in 8th. street in front of the order It is the dominant power of our exisCandyshop of Juan Enciso Special attentions to my customers.
tence. It governs our whole life. Infact Where you will be accommodated as if you are in your own home, to Aida it is life. If we under stood what Nerve First class meals, comfortable clean airy Rooms.
Force is, we could know the secret of life.
We take orders, for weddings, Baptisms, dinners and all 3d. Avenue and 7th Street Limon.
Have you read Judge Rutherford terse Kinds of picnic and outing parties.
Book entitled Life? Our brains is diviEDWARD LEWIS CROSSLEY Proprietors VARROPLAM ded into two dobes, deachamdobegnamintos siyadan and 00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The Nervous System Hotel Frances Hotel Estrella HOTEL ESTRELLA ጥጥጥጥጥጥጥ o

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