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Adventists Dispute Mc. INTOSH. Siquirres they voted THE STANDARD pated that am urging my own inasmuch as Section Health Talks grounds that property for General Conference in the office Delaney. They expressed But suppose said given off LIMON SERVICE BUREAU go The Pacific Bananas You would not have seen the best in Siquirres, if you Reports are showing that the Piris Farm Coy of Puntarenas is progressing did not visit From the Panama Tribune of 24th as a result of the attempt, had it not steadily, and the class of Bananas is Nov. we take the flolowing.
been for the timely interference of improving. In this month it is espected Coloured adventists vote to quit white the Elder himself, at the special meet they will put 25. 000 stems in the Ca. THE PEOPLE MARTE Leadership and form independent Body. ing Gilled by them from that purpose lifornian market, the price, of which What promises to be a nationwide Saturday evening, were Louis Dic is now at the rate of cents per Ib.
movement of colored members of thekson, president, and John McMillan, Private fruit is now being bought along for your supply of general merchandise and groceries for the coast since its own boat was bought; the home or the Farm.
draw from the General Conference of ference, William Spicer, president, and last Month over 000 stems were that denomination and white leaderConference of the World. Myers, secretary of the General bought at 55 cents oro per straight Our Ladies fancy goods gents shirts and underwear a ship was started last Saturday evening The Pacific Railroad is transporting the After hearing the charges, pandemo fruit at fifteen centimos per stem. They specialty lem First Seventh Day Adventist Church, nium broke loose among the members have several offers from European who not only showed their resentment firms to transport the fruit to the Norforcefully eject white officials of the with hoots and jeers, but threatened to thern Markets.
Greater New York Conference and the throw the accusers out of the church. After General Conference who came to press quiet had been restored charges that would lead into the ousting unanimously to withdraw from the GeMr. Marcus Garveys of their pastor, Elder James Hum neral Conference and to re organize inSeat phrey, 141 West 131st street. from the dependently of white control, Conference In an interview with a New York The seat on the Council of the Kings.
The auditorium was crowded and News reporter at his home last Monday ton St Andrews Corporation to adventists representing churches in New evening, Elder Humphrey who did not which Mr. Marcus Garvey founder of NELSON Pennsylvania, New York and seem to be perturbed connecticut were present and particithe situation, The Universal Negro Improvement Asdeclared, There is TAILOR. O. BOX 466. PT. LIMON, sociation has been elected is causing than showing their discedings outwardly in the in any other. They bar colored of the action officials adventists from the schools and sanita much anxiety in legal Circles.
of the church The opinion of the Council Solici.
riums and refuse to employ them in tor Mr. Dunn was taken on the Remember when you need, a snappy suit. Call Charges against Rev. Humphrey in any of their institutions. have been see me. My best advertisment is always a vexed question and he decided that the volved his participation in real estate satisfied here 26 years. They think have been seat is vacant, because section 39 of Customer, my price is within he reach of all. Call transactions which refer to plans to here too long purchase a large tract of land in Atlan the Law art (b) provides that if a be convinced.
people to think for themselves and build fic Highlands, to be known as their institutions.
The church over person elected to corporate office is absent from consecutive meetings topia Park where a sanitarium for co. which have charge, asked for the prolored adventists would be com Med without the leave of the Council he be constructed perty which they hold. The Conference not only refused but took away my Shall immediately become disqualified and eventually a community established. cease hold office He credentials and threw me out on the goes on to in a reso lution drawn up and adopted by the say that 34 of the Union Conference which includes the purchased wa law provides, that a person elected my people with out their consent.
Atlantic States and approved by the The members of the First Seventh to the Corporate office. shall not act until he has subscribed the the Day Adventist Church who lead the oath of office, but this is an act to be conference voted to take the Elder cre. fight for their pastor and instigated the Taenia Saginata (Unarmed, Fat, or Beef the eggs in the stools by microscopic dentials and to bar him from the performed by himse further examinations. The patient may complain move for withdrawal were: Messrs: MoTapaworm)
Mr. Penso asked what would be the service until the pastor showed a dis rrile Voodle, Edward Seely, Herbert of pain anywhere in the abdominal situation if the Council declares the position to refrain from further partici Gauntlet, Enos Warren and Samuel This is a longer and larger parasite cavity, nausea, diarrhea and sometimes the land project which they seat vacant.
pation in than Taenia Solium. It may attain the anemia. Sometimes the apetite is all great con The Solicitor said an Election within length of 15 or 30 or even 60 feet.
claimed to be a serious infraction of fidence in their Elder and promised to nous. After eating the symptoms disapthe church rules.
30 days after, Mr. Peuso. And suppose The head is larger than that of Taenia place his cause before the colored adpear, and are most prominent when The dignitaries who sought the apMr. Garvey goes to court to have the Solium. It is square headed and provi. stomach and bowels are empty. In maventists all over the country and seek question of his seat tested?
proval of their action from the memded with four large sucking disks, but ny cases the patient claims to feel the re organization into an independent debers of Rev. Humphrey congregation nomination.
The solicitor. It is open to him to there are no hooklets. The and who nearly suffered bodily harm do so before the election. Mr. Simpson.
are from to in. In le pe se movement of the worm but this may length and be imagination. Many nervous condithe election comes off 14 before the court gives its decision. section consists of a middle stem with also The St. Vitus dance are believed breadth.
The uterus or breeding tions, such as convulsions, or epelepsy The Solicitor think the Court will from fifteen to thirty five lateral branches to be caused by Tapeworms.
decide before the election.
which are in a more double The Dibothriocepalus may cause a Mr.
Simpson the issue involved formation than Taenia solium. The eggs fatal from of anemia and in some cawas an important one, and he moved that the Council ses hemorrhage.
are much larger, and the shell thicker.
into Commitee to The ripe segments are passed as in consider the matter fully.
Prevention: The prevention or proTaenia Solium and are ingested by philaxis is extremely important, Careful Businessmen Protective Agency Equipped and Organized Mr. Drew, here thought there was in the flesh or organs of no need for the Bureau established; for the greater convenience, understanding, Commitee, and moved that the Council worms or CYSTICERCL.
declare the seat Vacant.
satisfaction and protection of the English Speaking public, in their legal destroyed by burning. They should Heated debate here arose, when be mentioned. Dipylidium Caninum An other form of Tapeworm may affairs and a Collection Department annexed for the protection of Businot be thrown in the water closets or outside. Secondly, careful examination Dessmen against unscrupulous debtors.
small kind very common in the dog of meat and fish before cooking, and Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to love; a Collection prejudice exhibited in the whole matAgency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the public for lionesty and elaborate and sometimes found in man. The larter, he made an show thirdly cooking the meat or fish sufefticiency. Both now operated under the direction of a Barrister with over vae develop in of the dog ing the damage ficiently to kill the Parasites.
twenty five years practical experience, acquired on the Bench of the Himenolepis Diminuta This small various Circuit Courts. He presided as Judge and by practice before the to representative Institutions, cestode was first found in the intestines Circuits, Superior and Supreme Courts of the Republic His best testimoBy Perrival Bedward Bacteriologist. Siquirres nials are the records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel pointing out that it was simply from of a child in Boston some thirty years why ago, and has since been found in maMAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE all this was being done, but the people To be Continued ny cases. It is common in rats. The José. So yards West of the Presidencia had elected him, and if the Council larvae develop in Beettles. HymenoleEMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ went to the expense of another election, pis nana (Taenia nana. Its a rare form Ed note. Being a weekly health talk, Investigator. Boliciting Manager Marcus Garvey would certainly be found in the States and in Italy. Taenia for public good: The Bacterioligist elected again, for he said this prejudice confusa. new kind.
might give the cure as well as the Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua is because many of you feel his SuDi bothriocephalus Latus. form of prevention.
Cuba and Jamaica, L, California, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, periority over you; You may imprison Tapeworm found in solthern Europe his body but you can never subjugate China and Japan, and in the vicinity his of the great Lakes where the fish moved that the opinion of these lakes, have become infested, in as Limon Local Talent ΟΣΟ ΣΟΣ Counsel be taken on the matter, for whicases have increased in years. This le he has the greatest respect for the Solicitor, he was not prepared to accept parasite is large and long, measuring While speaking of our Coloured Artthe dogma that his opinion should be it if also called the Fish Tapeworm from twenty five to thirty or more feet.
ists vvho attended the Welcome of Mr.
the last word on the matter.
from the fact that it develops in the Marsh. The same thing occurred Which was adopted, and the matter Christmas is gone and you have proven that the only Store was refered to Mr. Manley who Developement is also taken place in stomach of the pike and other fish couple of weeks ago when the As tor came home. Professor Gibbs (8 In Limon where the needs of yourself and your kiddies were is Counsel to the Corporation and whose the satisfied was at advice is anxiously awaited.
the flesh, head and other parts of the monly known as Yankee) vvas calles of a large variety of fish.
to Symptoms of Tapeworm Infection: sic for the occasion and after spending THE LITLE PARIS OF Mrs. JACK DE PASS Leghorn Eggs These parasites are found at all ages. a ferv pleasant hours in the home of They are found in children and are all expressed themselves Now you ll think of your winter Spring wear Get your Mr. Azevedo will sell you sometimes found in sucklings. as highly pleased with the classic mulatest styles indresses and Hats to Match fresh Leghorn eggs for hatching from There are cases in which the Tapesic rendered by the Troupe. There is no To be Fashionable you must wear the Sweetest Lace dresses.
Prize birds costing male 25. 00 and worm has been found in infants of doubt about it that Yankee, band can Beautiful silk laces of every colour and width just received at female 15. 00 Price one Colon each four or five days old. The first symptom fill the Bill on all occasions vvhether Also large Red Carneaux Pigeons may be the elimination of detached or THE LITLE PARIS with Flowers to Match. See our new Hat Straws.
you vvant The Jazz, or classic Selections he can find the artists.
these are as large as a chicken first disjointed segments, or the discovery of For wedding Trousseaus and Brides malds dainties, if you shop at class in sickness LITTLE PARIS you can be certain of being in the latest Style.
Start your Poultry Pigeon brood from the right stock of birds it pays to She supplies the last word in the world of fashion.
ELECTRICAL OPTICAL OFFICE breed from good birds AZEVEDO of Dr. Elias Blanco Boot store in 2nd Avenue near the Post Ohce.
Optometrist and Occulíst Telephone 3085. Street Alfredo Yolio Apartado 128 VAYA AL CINE MODERNO DE LIMON Member of The Optical Faculty of New York No solamente debemos trabajar sino también debemos divertirnos. La SPECIAUST ON THE HUMAN VISION vida sin distracciones es pesada y triste. EL CINE MODERNO le proporciona la manera de distraerse todas la noches con películas y expectáculos Duevos, que le dejarán sonrisas y descansará su espíritu para las nuevas luchas dela vida The parents of children at Beverly, possesses the latest inventions apparatuses for examining Philadelfia and New Castle write expres. the eyes, Special assortment of Spectacles with Crystals and Vuélvase modernista gaste la infima suma de 25 céntimos y gozará admirando las más lindas estrellas de la cinematografia sing their pleasure in the mantier Miss D. Wynter Teacher at Philadelfia school lens of all kinds to suit your sight With a special is attending to the education of their little ones. The Communication says Department for collocating Artificial eyes.
All work and no diversions makes Jack a dull boy she has only been there for six months, but the improvement made CINE MODERNO pils in the three Rs. is marvellous.
gives you a new scene every night of your life, giving you a new She staged a Concert at the Newlease on life every morning when you get awake. You are not seeing castle Liberty Hall for the breaking up, the best pictures if you do not visit THE MODERNO. From the 4th by her children and all were greatly to the 16th a wonderful serial.
pleased and surprised at the efficiency of the pupils. We congratulate Miss Your life can be insured for more than five times what you Wynter her successes. and would will get from your LODGE paying about the same monthly advise all the minor Schoolteachers of dues FANCY. LODGES bring ENEMIES by fruitless arOn Saturdays Your Lucky day and on Sunday see the prisoners of the Air Limon, the A. and others to guments and occasion many sleepless nights.
DONT MISS NIGHT bring off such functions by their puBe a MODERNITE and feel satisfied pils with more frequency so that the The NACIONAL INSURANCE BANK is a Governparents could see what their children ment Institution, guaranteed by our GOVERNMENT.
Naatkal doing rigsn the moneya Nexpended liotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica ade the Council speecould be the lice Limon. Oposite Arrasty Theatre Barrister Attorney at Law Notary Public brains.


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