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MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION 00 SINGLE COPY 25 e THE SEARCHLIGHT EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123. CARTAGO PUBLISHED SATURDAYS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY 18. JANUARY. 1930 13 Increasing Human Efficiency from New Castle THE PEOPLE FORUM Most people are inclined to consider There is no reason to doubt and every Dear Mr. Editor: the Newer knowledge of Nutrition reason confidently to believe that all gained through careful chemical res these findings in general terms here Referring to an article in your issue earch to be the class of fads and of stated, will apply equally in human exre, The New Castle Division of the little practical inportance, but when so perience and that longer life with a as an active member of this eminent an authority as Professor HC higher degree of health will follow an Div. permit me to say a few words of Sherman of Columbia University is improvement in the dietary of an indithis branch.
Unfortunately we lost a first class willing to prophesy a much more efficient human race by the application ewen where the dietary or food supply Smith, who worked here most creditably of the findings of food chemists to was already adequate according to diet. one must think well.
Standards. It may be yet too early to say for four years, during which time he Professor Sherman in an article in whether we should expect that improved built a New Liberty Hall. and kept this Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Nutrition will result humankind of su Division financial with the Parent Body recently stated that the experimental evi perior efficiency to any hitherto known. this gentleman was removed from the dence gathered from feeding rats over Until the experimental investigation has vicinity on account of his occupation periods equivalent to 600 years of expe been carried further and there has been calling for his services at Siquirres. Since rience in human history point difini more time for observation of human he is gone away it is nearly a year and tely to a lengthening of useful human experience in the light of Newer. Not no Reports have been sent up to Head life and increased human Efficiency. higher) knowledge of Nutrition we may office. This is causing much anxiety Not only did this Professor succeed in well hesitate to predict advances over to some of the members, and some of bringing his rats to Maturity earler but the most illustrious cases of individual us are only watching the workings of in the same individual he was able to efficiency. We may, how ever, expect our new President and his Cabinet, if postpone old age by improving on a with entire confidence that the average it is no better we shall have to call diet already believed to be adequate of health and efficiency of the great He also believes that these results can majority of individuals will be greatly Mr. Smith was so interested that he be easily reproduced in the human race sent his son to Convention to fit him advanced through the application of the for future services in the Organization, and says again. Evidences of higher New Knowledge of foods and nutrition while this Div. was reluctant to send health through improved Nutrition owing gained through the chemical research to the betterment of a food supply al. since the Golden Age Dawns, and that their Associate Secretary to get expeready adequate have been studied Sta this will bring to mankind that full rience in the working of the tistically in sufficiently large numbers of measure of health and efficiency even vement, We only wish that the Comcases to establish with certainty the fact more than which the most fortunate pany may return Mr. Smith back to this that all these differences are real and now enjoy. And where found in NatuLocality.
due to the improvement in diet that they res Laboratory, where the lower aniThanking you for your courtesy to us.
cannot be accidental nor due to chance mals find their full necessities except Yours faithfully.
or physiological variability of the ani when interfered with by thier unwise MEMBER mals. Moreover the improvements are Master. Man who calls denatured food.
even more noticeable in the second (Good food. generation than the first. HUDSON The Editor THE SEARCHLIGHT out for offensive derision, it is because he is despised because he has no flag Dear Sir: to claim protection under, no country of his ovvn: You vvill permit me space to call Should this not stimulate every right the attention of your readers to vvhat thinking Negro to emulate the spirit of consider a vvell considered burlesque Clannishness and adhesion to the cause on the Negro by a Caricature in La of Africa for the Africans as set forth Tribuna of the 7th inst, there are those by the intentions of The of my race who believe that they are originated by Mr. Marcus Garvey; should so appreciated and esteemed by the these occurrences not stimulate those vvhite race, because they may be in a Negroes vvho refuse to read your pa.
position of accommodation, so as to be per, the Gleaner, the Negro World and utilized in one vway or another, and The Blackman but rather spend their they are so blinded by an apparet cor money in advance to buy papers that dial shake hand or pretentious smile, they cannot e vven read? We could that vvhen such sarcasms are cast at us, understand the Cartoonist if he had they take no notice of the unpleasantness caught the Chinaman, or the habitual intended, but there are some of us drunkard as the subject of his theme, vvho cannot but notice these occasions but no, the Negro is unprotected so of ridicule. In this instance the carto angthing can be done vvith him. Counonist is serving no useful purpose by trymen note all these intentional slights his pun, because vvhat has the Negro and ridicules, and learn to live closer to do vwhether the governor issues one together, trade togther, cooperate toge: or one hundred Liquor Licenses, he not a habitual drunkard so as to be other and the cause of the Universal affected by the number of Licenses. If Negro Improvement Association. For ve you vvere to look at the records of the have nothing to be reproached of but Courts he yvill note that it is not the our lack of solidarity. For all who inNegro vvho is day by day escorted by habit this great earth, Whate er be your the Cop. to the college of correction colour, rank or vvorth; Are Kindreds for excessive indulgences, If the vvere Allies by Birth; For all are Made of the to look at the Statistics he would find Same Clay. Thanking you for the space that the Negro does not ovvn a Liquor allovved me Sir yours etc.
License therefore not interested in such things, vyhy then should he be singled TAMMUZ on him to resign.
The Shepherds Again MORE LIGHT OBITUARY one We feell pleased to state that the Shepherds had really fulfilled their LOYAL HOPE LODGE NO. him, especially among the members of promise, at p. Sunday Jan 5th.
the craft.
To The Editor THE SEARCHLIGHT. up by Ernest, one Cornet has been lost Bro. Chas. Morgan lined up his or stolen. The Drum was loaned in Ja small barrd headed by the GermaBox 529.
Be it resolved novy that vve the members in open session assembled Dear Sir maica Town.
nia Band, marched off for the WesPORT LIMON, C, bow our heads in silence for For the benefits of the members of In October some two hundred colo leyan chapel. They had a most pleasant Jan. 15, 1930.
minute in token of our deepest fratthe Limon Division of the nes was spent to buy uniforms for evening, their march to chapel was ternal affection for him vyhose memory permit me space in your valuable pa Scouts where are they? Lady Smith just fine, Bro. Shaw was at his vve shall over cherish.
used obscene remarks in the Hall has best and gave an eloquent and heart.
Whereas it has pleased Almighty God per to say a few things.
Be it also resolved that our dispenAltho there was never any correct she been called on for an apology? rending address dwelling on the life of in His infinite Wisdom to remove from Here is sation be draped in mourning and our rumour that The lan Tax minutes taken of what transpired at all a Shepherd compared to those mentioour midst our vvell beloved brother. flag be kept at half mast for a period is being paid by one of the gentlemen ned in Scripture.
the meetings but may ask who were of thirty days.
who own the land, the Receipts have the Auditors that audited the Books.
After service the shepherds again WILLIAM GREER The President said he had collected for been handed to Mr. Smith, but the were lined up and led by their band, to Be it further resolved that our sincere condolence de tendered to the bereaved the year. 20, 000, of which he paid money has not been refunded to that the tune of Onward Christian Soldiers. Whereas by his death our Lodge has vvidovv and that a copy of these resoout 3000, and yet he has not said gentlemen, Is this true? if true; why? Made their way to the Jefatura to show lost one of its most prominent memwhere the 17, 000 was spend, for the where is that money? The Ex their respect to the Officials of the town bers, lutions be spread on our minutes, a chest is dry and Parent Body has got president was invited by Mr. Cunning copy be sent to LIMON SEARCHLIGHT Bro. Morgan gave order all Shepnothing out of it; and there are about to give an address, and that gentleman herds were lined up in front of the deportment he gained the love and resWhereas by his exemplary life and and a copy to the bereaved vvidovy.
15 deaths grants not paid up. The same was insulted by Kaiser Cornwall and Offical house. The band played the pect of all vvho came in contact vvith Proposed by Bro. Nelson Seconded by Bro. Ayre.
men who are running the affairs of Mr. Smith quarelled much with Mr.
Costa Rica anthem, Don Nicholas rethe Society Kaiser Cornwall and Crown Cunning for doing so, why so, is he turned thanks to the Shepherds. WisPrince Mitchell who controlled the funcjealous of him?
hing them a Happy New Year. Don tions, and expended the money were Thanking your Sir for Space.
Yours truly, Alfonso Rivera busied himself in taking Extra month Automobile Tarrif the Same who took inventory and audisnap shots. Here again the Shepherds JULIO ARANGO ted the books; some of the officers were headed for their Lodge Room, The thirteenth month to vvhi ch vve The Chief of Traffic in San Jose has Trustees could not read nor write, inthis filled with pride as if returning from alluded elsevvhere vvill not come in put on a Tarrif on Automobiles for the some of Ladies on the Pres.
a. as they marched away force until day of De protection of. One Passenger so how will there be any check on the The Shepherds had scored first On Day.
That whereas have reliable informaother passenger is 50 each that is spendings of the income when the same reaching the Lodge Room their next Officers are Auditors especially when tion that there is a man of Straw from two passengers 50, three passengers performance was Installation of Officers, Agriculture not Politics Limon named MITCHELL who is tra 00 four passengers 3. 50, five you have two officers out of one faagain the visitors were highly pleased, Don Carlos María Jimenez, chief of passengers 00.
mily, do the members not know that velling along the lines defaming my Officers were By the hour, a five passenger Car this is against Constitution? No won character: having done this at Estrada the Republican Party has novy struck Bros. Knott Dennis.
is 00 per hour. and a seven pasder they did not want the Ex Lady with the consent of the Officers of that M: Morgan Best.
the right note, vvhich ought to bring Division on the 12th. inst.
all factions to his side. He is proposenger Car is 10. 00 President back on the seat Hayles. Sis. Hurdy. hereby warn all Divisions, that if S; Clarke. RC Wricketts.
sing to the present regime that tvvo Tarrif is highly necessary in LiThe Musical Instruments were taken out of the Control of Colonel Collins The Officers tolerate such actions on Cross. Cain. million of colones from the Loan for their public platforms, they are equally and some loaned out to non members Henry. S; Ellis Host. At this Road making ought be appropriated to Naval Conference of the Organization to earn a living. liable before the Law, for any course, the Assistance of agriculture in minor juncture Bro. Barnet from the Eureka that may be adopted to stop this unwaThe Saxaphone was taken away from Lodge gave an able adcrops: by forming Agricultural Loan There seem to be trouble brevving rranted vilification of onis character.
Lewis and given to one Gordon, one dress, followed by the closing address Banks in all the Provinces, to assist small for the Naval parley, because France clarionet was loaned to and broken NATION of Morgan, in winding up he cultivators vvho vvill plant such things will not consent to being placed on an invited one and all to the banquetting first necessity for our ovvn Consumpas Corn, Beans, rice and articles of equal Naval strength vvith Italy as is room when nothing but entire satisfacthe idea, and England vvill not agree tion was expressed by all present. This ption.
to lessening her present position on the VAYA AL CINE MODERNO DE LIMON spells nothing but good wishes for the Fancy Costa Rica having to import Seas except it is general.
improvement of this noble order. We Corn, Rice, Sugar, Beans such like No solamente debemos trabajar sino también debemos divertirnos. La wish the Shepherds Success.
articles, is that, not a Shame? Why, all vida sin distracciones es pesada y triste. EL CINE MODERNO le proporfor lack of help by the government to ciona la manera de distraerse todas las noches con películas y expectáculos Agriculture nuevos, que le dejarán sonrisas y descansará su espíritu para las nuevas luchas dela vida Steamer Arrivals Vuelvase modernista gaste la intima suma de 25 céntimos y gozará admirando las mas lindas estrellas de la cinematografia Among the passengers arriving per PASAJERO of the 15th was Mr.
Smith, formerly employed with the Hebbard Co. as General Time keeper Mr.
All work and no diversions makes Jack a dull boy Smith is on his way to Panama.
Going Cheap, at a sacrifice CINE MODERN The Passajero left on the 15th for gives you a new scene every night of your life, giving you a new colon, and will return here on the House of six Rooms with comfortable Verandahs 19th inst on her return to Bluefields and all necessary accommodations.
lease on life every morning when you get awake. You are not seeing Instead of the Ulua of the rethe best pictures if you do not visit THE MODERNO. From the 4th gular scheduled Steamers, the to the 16th a wonderful serial. Macabee arrived on Thursday to handle Ulua cargo while the Ulua ca For leave to inspect further particulars apply to me in on Friday doing Tourist service.
On Saturday See Your Lucky day and on Sunday see the prisoners of the Air T, Cavina of the Elders Fyffes line arrived bright and early on DONT MISS NIGHT SKIP TON Thursday morn. The SIMON BOLIBAR Be a MODERNITE and feel satisfied of The Netherland Co. arrived Machine Shops, Limon also on Thursday Norning, with 120 Natons cargobregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliote mon.


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