
Courting Trouble When gest Naval power of the world, and have the necessity of being NEGRO APPRECIATION vve vvould гасе.
leader San Jose on an Were a a Negro cate the EDITORIAL ΚΟΣΜΟΣΧΟ 133M To the of The Editor Searchlinght NEW YEAR AT LITLE PARIS Limon, Jan. 8th. 1930.
Your position as editor of the LIMON Christmas is gone and you have proven that the only Store SEARCHLIGHT at present reminds me of In Limon where the needs of yourself and your kiddies were a little joke read sometime ago.
It is entitled IN FIX. and reads satisfied was at There is unquestionably great unrest among all Nations and as follows peoples of the earth today, some seeking for Peace and rest, THE LITLE PARIS OF Mrs. JACK DE PASS Little Phyliss asked her mother: grow up will have a hus.
others endeavouring to thwart every effort that may be put forward for an amicable solution of the problems that confront us Now you ll think of Your winter Spring wear Get your band like Papa?
for the future safety of our happiness.
latest styles in dresses and Hats to Match. And if don marry, will be an In Europe we find the powers of this world contending to To be Fashionable you must wear the Sweetest Lace dresses. old maid like Aunt Susan?
arrive at a reasonable conclusion to make War an outlawed pro Beautiful silk laas of every colour and width just received at Ves Dear.
cedure of settling diferences; but right there we find unpleasant THE LITLE PARIS with Flowers to Match. See our new Hat Straws.
The youngster thought a long moment, then shook her head.
nesses, Italy demands equal Naval Strength with France, while For wedding Trousseaus and Brides maids dainties, if you shop at Well, AM IN FIX she said France, will not tolerate such an idea, having always from time LITTLE PARIS you can be certain of being in the latest Style. slovely immemorial maintained a Superior Navy Army to Italy she When you started writing, or shonaturally will not consider today an equality of Armament with She supplies the last word in the world of fashion.
uld say printing, articles in connection her South Eastern neighbour Ally. England comes in, and as ADVICIONI vvith the you came in for quite a bit of adverse criticism a means of amelioration of the hitch says well, am the stron from the Anti Garveites. They said the paper vvas subsidized by Garvey, and so, having Colonies and Dominions scattered on the four seas, didn have long to live, and overheard but will agree that we abandon all ships of war, as a means a WIT say that soon re ery: stolen from Africa. Who does the of putting us all on an equal footing, thus far the arguments Dear Mr. Editor: quire a light to search for the SEARCHdirty work but the Negro. He is the have gone, what the next step will be we know not, and so it As an ardent reader and admirer of lowest paid, and the first to be thrown such articles as vvere offered you, and LIGHT!
Anywvay you kept on printing is all over the world, disputes and contentions are rife in spite THE SEARCHEIGHT. beg that you will out of jobs. It of the efforts of the would be Peacemakers.
be good enough to publish for the and help Garvey to put this program is time to get together the intelligent public enjoyed reading Here in Costa Rica we are no exception to the general Rule speech delivered at the New York Liover for the salvation of your race.
the paper, realizing that articles appearIF ing in a newspaper are not necessarily of unrest, some trying to court troubles which they might not be berty Hall, by judge Nicholas Klein of were a Negro would be proud.
of the editor So far so able to stand. There are some who are dissatisfied with the ruling Cincinatti. a white American who feels You should be proud of Gardeur his gord Then comes your issue of January is a leader that has never sold out his 4th, in vwhich appeared a a letter under administration, and really cannot even give a real reason for such Kindly towards the Garvey movement of Africa for the Africans dissatisfaction any one. He could get whatever he the caption LA LIMON DIV.
yours truly. FAITHFUL Oh! the Nation is not in a prosperous condition, we will wanted; but no price can Sam Wollaston BER.
Novv many of your readers like your call on the President to vacate and put some one else in Power, remember visiting him in Atlanta myself do not knovy vvho a Faithful forgetting that this wave of distress is a general calamity felt all From the Negro World jail, and asked him how he was Member is, nor care anything about feeling. was greatly surprised when over the world, and to be fair it is well known by the sober his he if he has de; but feel grevance, Hon. JUDGE NICHOLAS KLEIN told me that he was feeling fine; minds that the Administration did not bring on the present state and that the fight had just started. Yes, of the column. It must have been sure in saying that the letter vvas Vich of lack, but simply was unfortunate enough to have come in PoMy dear friends, am very proud to he is beyond any price that can be tening to many, and it certainly was be with you again.
wer just in time to inherit the wave of illluck which is encircling offered him, for the great work of amusing. Nevertheless, it has brought left last Spring for Europe and vithe world. Those whom it is proposed to ask to take control of sited Northern Africa and Nubia, Nitrying to completely emancipate his dovvn heaps of coal, or ink, or the wheel of State, feel it impossible at this moment to bring geria. found there the darker races tever comes down editor head.
about any Miracle and so very prudently decline to shoulder such having all things in common except hate the Uncle Tom Negro, have The held a special meeting no use for them. If God created all responsibilities today, as Don Ricardo Jimenez for instance says, to their religious beliefs. There were men equal, then there must be someMiracles only belong to The Saint and am no Saint nor do med, their Budha, their those who believed in their Moham thing wrong somewhere. Do not be been placed against you. Therefore, Mr.
Editor you are IN FIX.
hner and believe in Saints hence all we can do is to wait and act pru their Shinteu. They had never heard divided against each other; for then ED NOTE Yes in consequence, dently until by our prudent actions we bring about a change of of the Christ Jesus whom you will spell your own defeat. If vve understand that one, Mr. Mix Heli we scem to preacher, would advoConditions, but no sensible man changes his horses in the mid worship, but they had heard of Marcus a bird of passage member of the orgadle of the stream; but this unrest among us goes even worse Garvey, the Negro leader. Their chief Mr. Gan ram of the nization is endeavouring to boycott the expects every man to do Light. from his Pathuvay by entreadesire was for the getting of Liberty.
than this.
his duty. The wealth of the world liesting Subscribers not to buy it but It was peculiar to me, for MohamThe American government has named a successor to Mr. Roy radium med was only a camel driver. Where and ivory. It is yours to be gotten; when they buy he scoob a read, and Davis as American Minister to Costa Rica, and there are has expressed that he will see to it that those who are opposing or believing that they can oppose such When brought before Pilate he was nized and stick together. for the time expoliceman he ought to know what nomination on whimsical causes. Mr. Ehrenhardt who is named charged with stirring up the people, such Minister happened to have been Minister to Nicaragua duis not far distant when you shall have the lavy on Boycotting is vvhen but Pitate said he found no fault in what is yours, if peace is wanted by this man, yet they cried crucify him. can get tvvo good vvitnesses vve may ring the Revolution in that country and earned a reputation there the world.
see him leaving that shop in a hurry crucify him. This reminds me of as being a stern man in the interests of his Country and on this Garvey imprisonment. It was the ignoand cant get back into the force, or into Cuba excuse hangs the reason for asking our President to veto such rance of his people whom he had co Mules for Sale do consider am betyven a Hot nomination, but certainly Don Cleto takes no cognizance of such me to serve and reform, that caused his suffering. Ignorance is a man Farmers, Cartowners others who place the deep blues for the opirequest.
may need good mules should apply to nions of my correspondents, but such Mr. Ehrenhardt had to be stern and vigilant at every thought be enemy. Get rid of that and the job will easy.
Mr. Strachan at Peralta vvho will is the life of an Editor.
and deed that might have put his country troops in a difficult While you are worrying over religion be able to sell them first class pack position in trying to quell the revolution which his government you are experiencing so much hell mules at prices to suit the Crisis.
was asked to do but coming to Costa Rica a peaceful country miserable existing living conditions that STRACHAN, Peralta.
An Organ for Sale living among people who are no intriguers against law and orA fine eleven stops Organ for Sale der, the position would be entirely different, therefore there is we find your people surrounded with. Dr. VARGAS ONLY OSTEOPATH in Costa Rica, no in first class condition. Can be seen at not the slightest cause for alarm; Is would advise that you stick, and give drugs, no surgery. Office 125 yards Mr. Bucknor home in Limon. Prices just, is it reasonable to your north of Botica Oriental. Box 534, very moderate for Cash.
condemn a man before he has committed himself?
gram of the Universal Negro Improve. San Jose Those who are making such propositions do they not feel ment Association, for in it is the solving Mrs. BUCKNOR, Limon.
that they are hampering the prosperity of the Country? At a of your vexed problem, which con time like this when we are in dire necessity and trying to invite fronts the Negroes scattered the worid American Capital and Technical experience in the country for its over. For instance your Insurance poliA CLEAN BED cies are paid up after death.
development can they expect that by provoking the peace go welfare and your posterity welfare are in a well Kept quarter should be the first thought of odwill of the powerful factions of the world that favours can be wrapped up in this Organization, therea stranger on arriving in any town.
bestowed on us?
fore support it to the best of When in Limon go to We would therefore advise and invite saner methods and ability. have said if the Russians, the Japacalmer deliberations on the part of our representatives who are nese, the Chinese have a homeland, set to guide our destinies as the only means of assisting the what is the matter with four hundred present regime to tide over the many difficulites that surround us.
million Negroes? When they put yºur at the Upstairs Stone Building North of the Wesleyan By way of advise, we recall a similar occurrence some few leader in jail. and when they robbed years ago, for some reason or other the residents of Liverpool that the Association would go under.
Liberty Hall from you, they thought church You can have no better service at the same rate England had cause to ask the American govt. to recall the Con What fools are they. The masses are elsewhere.
sul at that Port, what happened, he was withdrawn but not rep crying for more leaders like Garvey. We also let furnished quarters to Single men at very laced, with the result that merchants and shippingmen had untold Traitors should be kicked out whenemoderate rates.
difficulty in their Commerce having had to travel hundreds of ver found in your ranks. They mean miles to the next Consulate to get their Consular invoices BRITTON Africa has been stolen from the Neother maritime documents signed for trading with the United gro. He did not fight back. Friends, States.
you need not be ashamed of Garvey.
If this happened in England what of Costa Rica? Again we The same cause that sent Garvey to will advise to leave trouble alone, it will get you without courjail, sent Jesus to the cross. Look at You would not have seen the best in Siquirres, if you ting it, much quicker will it get you when you look for it.
the great movement he has started did not visit This is not an easy job, nor a School We want honest minded men and women to help on this THE PEOPLE MARTER work in behalf of the struggling Ne.
We are novy in the year 1930, Li The convention that was held in for your supply of general merchandise and groceries for Mr. Editor: mon Division 887, am asking you Kingston, Jamaica, during August was Sir, thanking you for space in your as a true blooded negro to change more talked and written up about in the liome or the Farm.
Valuable paper for those fevy lines.
your ways. style and attitude of vvorParis, than in New York. It meant Are Our Ladies fancy goods gents shirts and underwear a vue the negroes, vvho claim our more to the Moroccans than you can king. Things are going rotten. Officers, selves to be be members of this great and stick up to your constitution. Members, percieve. Just think that Chinese are noble organization, specialty by the the seek out for the rights and vvelfare of not allowed to sit in their own parks.
Universal Negro Improvement Ass faith the Div. 887. Negro race There is a reckoning day coming, fult, loyal, sincere and truthfull? Con see and listen of what is taking place and somebody will have to be reckonsider vvell yonrselves before Answering in other countries with us ed with. Two hundred years of slav.
this question. Members vill franFor instance, in Cuba, Panama and because kly say to some, No. Why, have seen and noticed many signals of even here in Costa Rica and many other untruthfullness, Who build them up to civilization?
Leghorn Eggs disloyalty and We and today we are bathings which do not con rred from going to and fro. Is it Mr. Azevedo will sell you cer nor pertain to this noble cause.
tice? Men and Women open your eyes.
fresh Leghorn eggs for hatching from Are yve vvorking With, for, or against Can the division be vvorked by one or Prize birds costing male 25. 00 and The Hon: Marcus Garvey? Negro men tuvo men? No. Take men and female 15. 00. Price one Colon each. NELSON and vvomen of my race and colour, stories and matters from the NI.
Also large Red Carneaux Pigeons am asking you all to link up and fall these are as large as a and vvork the cause of the Ass: chicken first TAILOR PO BOX 466. PT. LIMON, in line vvith our all in all of Members be cautious. Wake up.
class in sickness.
our race. Put avvay personality, traiI trust there will be a change soon Start your Poultry Pigeon brood tory, and house fomicating, person from the right stock of birds it pays to Remember when you need, a snappy suit.
to future prosperity, May God bless see me. My best advertisment is always a Call love from the association. We must our leader breed from good birds, each other, but love that the Ass: calls Customer, my price is within he reach of all. Call satisfied for, mean uniting and spiritual love am. Your sincere brother. AZEVEDO be convinced.
as brothers and sister of one race and colour.
Bootust8bfcon 2010 Ayseura Renaithe Este documento espropiedad de videoteca Naplane ORE here you Your your HOTEL ESPERANZA you no good.
picnic a Sunday BETTER SERVICE carry on groes of the one world.
name of Mc. INTOSH. Siquirres the Negroes, fraudulents thin It jusTHE STANDARD vvomen leader uventud, Costa Rica.


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