
CURRENT ITEMS Unity Among The Mechanics deceased.
Like a cigar, boy 2:33 292225 To whom it may Concern LIMON SERVICE BUREAU Joseph Crawford the Ball given in his honour by the UNION DISTRICT NO. Irishman Philosophy of by the Council has been declared Va6 3, 022 (Three Thousand and Tvvent cant by opinion advice of The Coun Jamaica Imperial Association at Myrtle Tyvo Colones. We vvere glad that th woman Bank Hotel on 6th inst in a Casket The Union District No. I.
cil Counsel and Solicitor Messrs illnesses of our brothers vvere none o held their semi annual meeting in (From a Cocktail Continentale) Manley and Dunn, from the fact Made of Yacca inlaid with Satinwood, a serious nature, and of short duration he was absent from three consecutive and the root of the Braziletto with a the rooms of the Progressive Lodge of Three deaths vvere recorded, and 900 woman is like a train Siquirres on Saturday 11th, of January, vvas paid for funeral expenses of the meetings of the Council without leave. silver plate on top engraved with the She often gets off the track; 1930.
Another election within 30 days name of Lord Olivier.
The follovving Officers vvere present: Like a Timetable must of necessity be held, when it is The presentation was all by Jamaican Seventy Three (73) nevy members Bro. Nelson, Bro. John Liable to change without notice. expected that Mr. Garvey will be a Talent. The address was got up and vvere admitted Like an otty mo bile, Candidate again presented by Mr. Farquharson Lynch, Bro. Franco. Jime And the total receipts for the year Often runs people down.
He is also actively engaged con chairman of the Association, was illumi nez, Tres. Bro. Ayre, Sectyshovved 29, 000 00, while the total Like a lamp dueting his Campaign for the St. An nated by Miss Nash, the Casket was Bro. Langlin, Bro. expenditure vvase 9, 000 00. The same Often flares up and has to be turned Arroyo, Bro. Chas. Creighton, officers, vvere elected for the ensuing drews seat in the Legislative Council made by Mr. Headlam, and the Endown. Tyler. Bro. Houston. Chaplain.
against Mr. Seymour Seymour.
graving was done by Mr. Henterm.
Like a banjo.
riques. At the Ball presentation all REPRESENTATIVES Ovving to the financial depression Thanksgiving Fund Often picked on.
Jamaica was present.
of the country, many of our members Bros. Manuel Martinez and Jose have Tour In april last a Fund was opened up sought asylum in other countries, Inclined to be puffed. Chaves, of La Fraternidad No. vvhere equal rights and protection is as a Thanksgiving offering for the reThe first Match of the CC. 10. Bro. Wilson and Isiah Harris of given them by Lodges of our Order.
covery of His Majesty King, George tour of the West Indies, was started the Progressive Lodge No. 20. Bro. The future out look appears to be woman is afraid of a roach, from his serious illness. This fund has at Barbadoes on 2nd Jany. At 11 o clock Salmon and Alfred Gibb of the gloomy, but vve trust that conditions She ll scream at a mouse; reached a Total of 689. 597 of which with the Barbadians batting; at luncheon But she ll tackle a husband as big may soon change for the better. 218. 397 has been apportioned to Loyal King Charles Lodge NO. Bro.
time rain prevented further play for the Louis Escoffrey of the Loyal Mizpah This being a Universal Benevolent as a house.
King Edward Hospital day. On the second day Barbadoes NO. Bro. Robert Burke of the Loyal Society, ve vvould strongly advise She ll take him for better She ll take him for worse; other charitable institutions, 93187. 012 finished their innings for 345 runs with Hope Lodge Nero Bros. Sam Babb Challenor 51 Francis 39 and the School and Marshall of the Concordia conduct to affiliate himself with one She ll split his head open and then apportioned for Radium purposes in Sealy 100, Tarilton was unfortunatily Lodge No. and several prominent of our lodges, so that he may have be his nurse.
curing Cancer etc. 192. 478 for difbowled for. one) the Englishmen went brethren.
something to fall back on in case of And when he is well and can get in and at call of time had 173 runs for The first item on the agenda vvas More than 140 Hospital have been sickness out of bed. wickets.
benefitted by this Kings Thanksgiving the conferring of the Past Master, and And not have to depend on charity She ll pick up a teapot and again The third days play the Sir Knights, degrees on the following and made to feel the sting of vvant.
bust his head.
team closed their innings for 513 Runs, brethren: The Presentation Also, vvhen old age creeps on that he The Garvey Seat Pat Hendren carrying his bat for 223, Rogelio Carlos Mendoza, Gonzales may not become a burden on the GovLord Olivier (former Governor of and Gunn 60, thus ending the first Hernandez, Irvin Ayre, John Rad ernment.
The seat to which Mr. Marcus Gar jamaica) who was sent out as President Match in a draw.
cliffe. The Sir Knights, degree only very appreciable banquet vvas provey was elected in the Kingston St. of the Sugar Commission to enquire Scott Headley of Jamaica vvas conferred on Bros. Grocher, vided by the Progressive Lodge, ProAndrews Corporation Council, but to into the existing conditions of the Su will go to Barbadoes to play in the Javan Richards and Phillip Thomson, gressive in name and nature and we which he had not been able to subs gar Industry of the West Indies, was test match, and Constantine of after vvhich the lodge adjourned for could not for one minute forget the cribe the oath of Office inconsequence the recipient of an overwhelming ova Barbadoes will play in Jamaica in the test. thirty minutes.
kindness of the Ladies in attendance.
of his Incarceration in the Spanish tion in Jamaica, and on leaving on Wed French Cruiser When session vvas resumed the se They surely knovy hovy to make sandTown Prison, and for which purpose nesday of last week for Cuba he was cretary read the first annual report, which wiches. Bravo! Ladies of Siquirres; he had applied for leave of absence presented with a most elaborately illu On Saturday 18th the French Cruiser shovus a great improvement. There vvere vve vvill come again.
until his term was up but denied him minated address, presented to him at Antares will visit this country at Port recorded 56 members on sick roll AYRE, Limon. This is the first that a French receiving sick benefits to the amount of Secretary EEEEEEEEEE man of War will anchor in Limon great preparations are being made 0000 for entertainment of the sailors. special train will be run to take the officers 50 men to San José where they will be entertained by the French Community there.
AND Cooperative Schemes BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY EQUIPPED AND This is to notify the public in general, that in consequence of The Citrus fruit Cooperative AssoORGANIZED the misconduct of my wife Adella Grawford nee Morgan, we have ciation has at last been formed in Janow been separated for the space of nearly six years. therefore maica. The Pimento growers AssociaA Bureau established for the greater convenience, tion is in course of formation.
do not hold myself responsible for her any longer as she is to understanding, satisfaction and protection of the English10 So we have in that little Isle now, Speaking public, in their legal affairs, and a Collection be seen continually in company with another man.
The Banana Producers Cooperative As.
Department annexed for the protection of Businessmen am thus free of any obligation to her and intend to get sociation, The Citrus Fruit Cooperative against unscrupulous debtors.
married within six months from date of this publication.
Association, and soon The Pimento Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to spices producers cooperative Ass.
lose; a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute conThe Citrus fruit of Jamaica was forfidence of the public for honesty and efficiency Both merly bought and marketted by private novy operated under the direction of a Barrister with concerns, but now the growers have Port Limon, Costa Rica.
over tvventy five years practical experience, acquired on combined, and have made their first the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as 22sees. shipment, as a present to Lady Willing, Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and don wife of the Governor General of Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials Canadá for introduction to the Canaare the records of the cases he has conducted as Judge on man for proprio amor dian public. Pamphlets will be distribuand Counsel.
ted praising the excellence of the fruit, EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ their trade mark The National Life Assurance an Orange Tree Standing on a Map of Jamaica with Barrister Investigator the words Jamaik Brand in a circle Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager with labels of Orange Yellow.
Knighthood Honours MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE San José, so yards West of the The King has been lavish with his Limon; Oposite «Arrasty Theatre Presidencia concessions of New Year honours to India; no less than fourteen have been Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of conceded to that postion of the Empire, Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, California, in Spite, of Ghandhi propaganda for New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, Independence.
One Knighthood goes to New Zeaeeeeeeeeeeee TEN CENTS DAY land, one to Queensland, and five to the Colonies.
OOOOO 00 lo will bring a thousand colones to your Family The Secretary of Lord Willingdon, Governor General of Canada, who pasat your death, sed thro Costa Rica some weeks ago with Lord Olivier, has been created How many dimes do you throw away a Companion of the order of St. Michael St. George.
each day thoughtless y? Only one of Destroyers Exercise 150 varas al Norte del Mercado. Calle vs. Casa 335 these dimes invested in a life insurance Next month will be great Exercise SERVICIO DE HOTEL RESTAURANT practises by the United States Destroyer policy will ve your family the anguish Comida de la. Clase. Habitaciones Higiénicas. Asco Esmerado.
fleet in the Carribean, and after their Se atienden Ordenes para Bodas, Bautizos y otras Fiestas of a penniless bereavement. life poexercises they will Spend a few days in Jamaican Harbours. from the 10th.
To our friends und patrons when visiting San Jose do not fail to come to licy will supply ready money to cover to the 16th Destroyer Tender Dobbin along with fifteen destroyers with the the expenses which the death of the Concord bearing the flag of father or husband may bring.
Rear Admiral Sexton will visit 150 yards to the North of the Market in 8th. street in front of the Kingston for sixdays shore leave.
Candyshop of Juan Enciso In April the Detroit, the flagWhere you will be accommodated as if you are in your own home Life policies without medical examination, for ship of Rear Admiral Clark ComFirst class meals, comfortable clean airy Rooms.
one and two thousand colones.
mander of the light cruiser Division of We take orders, for weddings, Baptisms, dinners and all Fill in the attached coupon, send it to us, and the Scouting Fleet will also visit KingsKinds of picnic and outing parties.
EDWARD LEWIS CROSSLEY Proprietors without any obligation on your part we will send to Cincincompany with the Milwaukee you an application form and rate of premium.
The United States Consul at Kingston Mr. Jose Olivarres wife were booked Our policies carry the full guaran to go to Italy but have postponed their trip until after the visit of the fleet.
tee and responsibility of the State Wealth of Nations The Dresdner Bank of Germany has (DETACH THIS COUPON)
issued circulars with the estimated wealth of Great Britain, United states, and Banco Nacional de Seguros Germany, The United States, comes first with This wonderful preparation preserves the health of your AniDpto. de Vida mals. Feed them on SAL SOL.
four hundred and twentyeight thousand, San José de Costa Rica five hundred y sixty million dollars or It purifies the blood of your COWS. HORSES MULES.
My name in full is.
eighty eight thousand million pounds It keeps them always fat gives them a good COAT.
stirling 428. 560. 000. 000 88. 000.
My address is.
000. 000, England next with 109. 575.
It is a preventative against Black Leg, other infectious deseases.
My occupation is.
000. 000, 22. 000. 000. 000, Germany next It cures Sunstroke y Morriña in your calves.
with 94. 965. 000. 000 19. 500 000. 000.
It cures all animals that urine with blood.
Sex Great Britain comes first in foreign The milk from your Cows, will always be rich pure so was born at.
Investments of 000 000. 000; United that the Hygiene officers can find no fault with your milk man.
on the. day of. in the year.
Statescomes second dwith 000 000. 000 Cows fed continually on SAL SOL are not attacked by Torsola, Sold and Germany third with 000. 000. 000. would like an Insurance for at all Drugstores, for only a few cents.
So it will be seen that with all the disastrous consequences of the World ADOLFO DE LEMOS, Manufacturer War Germany is by no means. dastein Nathe Hile for worla Wealth Think Over the Future of Your family Hotel Estrella HOTEL ESTRELLA SAL SOL


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