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MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION 00 SINGLE COPY 25 THE SEARCHLIGHT EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123. CARTAGO PUBLISHED SATURDAYS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY 25. JANUARY. 1930 14 Another View Contract Rescinded Naval Conference how Hopes of Sugar Views for our Correspondents responsible for Beautiful Rendering The Naval Conference, was formally opened at eleven oclock on Tuesday by To The Editor of THE SEARCHLINGHT. who are thinking so of me, will retract The government through the medium 20 kilometers; from San Jose to Santa His Majesty King George in the House such an idea, for am greatly interested of The Minister of Public works has an Ana 18 kilometers; from Cartago to Sir: of Lords. St. James Palace has been put in this great Organization of ours. They nulled the Contract for the Construc Alajuela 46 kilometers; from Atenas to at the disposal of the conference and will Pleace give me space in your valuable appreciate the fact that it is with tion of Roads and Bridges which was Rio Grande kilometers; from Palmathis has given special space to the Press Paper to say a few words to those that the same interest. that caused me to in the hands of the Simmons Construc. res to San Ramon kilometers; in all it may Concern, and to congratulate Organize in July 1922 the Central Fran tion Corporation and demanded that 96 kilometers about sixty miles of Road Representatives for their activities, in which there are assembled over 400 you for a few things, first, it was a cisco Div. NO. 640 in Cuba, was the Office with all its Utensils docu which was contracted to this Company Newspaper men, one room is fitted out very good idea when you thought of President for two years and resigned ments and paraphernalia be turned over to be done on a Commission basis of with 50 Telephốnes, and special cablegrapublishing a paper for the benefit of in 1924. In 1925 readjusted the Cen to the chief Engineer of Public works so much per cent of the money spent the English fical lines fitted to all countries of the speaking people tral Vertientes Div. NO. 782 Don Juan Matamoros and the Auditor on these works, but which the Departnations The next is the brave and diploma also organized the Santa Cruz del Nacional de Carreteras Don Rafael Gon ment of Public works is now claiming world, from which there are 30 tie attitude in which you write your watching, inasmuch as this conference Sur Div. and left those regions in 1926 that the cost of the works are exceszalez, who presented themselves with is only on behalf of the five leading Editorials, but the greatest of all is the with a clean sheet, as can be found out three witnesses at six oclock on Monday sive and not in accordance with arranof your paper, THE LIMON SE by writing those places or the Parent Naval Powers of the World, and these last in the offices of The Simmons gements, that cost of Supervision are five delegationes are composed of over ARCHLIGHT Sir, you must have had a Body, but simply refuse to link up but unnecessarily exorbitant, Representative Company to receive the Olhice, the of the Coy for instance being paid one two hundred fifty diplomats, Techical wonderful Dream to get at that name, myself with Immoral, Spiteful and unfair Mr. Adams the Manager of it advisers Secretaries.
is indeed Searching in dark Cor leaders. Coy. refused to hand over, on the thousand dollars per month which was ners, and raising the vigilance of the This must not be interpreted to say grounds that by former correspondennot considered chargeable to the gover In all the history of London it has interested members of the Race. that all of the Officers are guilty of ees relative to the claims by the Coynment, but to the Coy, being the repre. never witnessed such a pompous and Every Negro residing in this Coun such faults. nevertheless all Officers must of considerable amounts due them for sentative of Mr. Simmons and should imposing, meeting of Diplomats and try should help to support this paper live up to a high order of respectabil works done and unpaid, it was agreed be paid by him from his Commission. internacional naval experts. So soon as for. as The Simmons Coy. claims on the the meeting is officially opened, in the some of our Officers of the Limon am now linking up with Parent which not having been done, he did other hand, that the works have been House of Lords, it will repair to St.
Branch of the LA are finding Kinancial one day God will help me to handing over, pending the furteer ad not consider the time bad arrived for declared by the Minister his Engi James Palace in the Historic chambers themselves in great predicaments and neers as perfectly satisfactory until now, where Queen Elizabeth interviewed Sir are also getting nervous over certain get to the place where will find real vices of his lewyer Don Luis Anderson. by correspondences and through the Frances Drake in 1858 to outline the publications in your paper about them. men and women, when there will be The government has taken complete Press, and that everything has been plan of battle against the Invincible ArIt has been brought to my notice that no reason to be afraid of losing one control of the works and advised the done in accordance with arrangements mada of Spain. This Conference is esthese ma have been taken to the Li prestige and respect.
Coy, that they will not pay for anything under the inspection vigilance of the timated to last anywhere between a month berty Hall and means and ways discussed Thanking you Mr. Editor, am yours that may be done henceforward by the Department, hence arbitration was agreed to six months according to the Harmony to plan to the publication of for the Race.
Company on these Roads. The Roads upon; but before this was arrived at the or nonharmony of the discussiones to your paper by these Officers; but may JOHN SAMUELS affected are from Alajuela to Grecia, government demanded the Office, which be put forward by the Representatives.
the Coy. refuse to turn over as he The principal points to be discussed entertained by the Officers of the Diviwould not then be in command of data is to arrive at a general disarmament sion in the Liberty Hall; for the public necessary to carry out arbitration. The of the Powers as was agreed on by the cations in the Searchlight does not hurt Department is determined to take decithem at the Treaty of Versailles.
the A. in any way, and there.
sive steps in the matter, hence developfore was not in order to be debated ment is being watched.
To arriye at a parity of Naval forces there.
The other Company which is opbetwen Great Britain and the United The Sugar Commission held its se as was the case in the other colonies, do not think either that this paper States to avoid a competition for Naval cond last public sitting at The Leis a partial one, so if anyone publishes perating on Roads, The Latino AmerMr. Farquharson, who was principal icano, altho too having differences has anything that is not supposed to be gislative Chamber Headquarter House spokesman for the Interests of Sugar, in Duke St. Kingston on the 3rd. Inst. showed him that it was true all he said not yet been stopped.
Continued in page true, then tackle the matter in the same There were present of the Commission at this moment, but as the Director of paper, thats what would do. If anyone touches my Corns falsely, would put Baron Olivier, Mr. Semple, Mr. Agriculture would inform him the Bathe whole weight of my feet upon Jones, the Secretary Mr. Caine nana desease was on its increase, and theirs. Another thing dont think Mr. Miss. Titchener then there the expenses for combatting the spread Editor you can be held were Lady Oliviec and Mrs. Jo. was a very serious outlay to the gov.
the opinions of your correspondents, ernment, and fears are entertained that Mr. Farquhorson, Chairman in five or ten years hence if the Panabecause they write under an assumed of The Jamaica Imperial Association, ma desease went on at the rate it is From Liverpool name, it can only be considered an act of Cowardice. can admire Mr. Arango, culture, Dr. Myers of the London Mr. Cousins Director of Agri going, the Banana Industry of the Island would be a thing of the past there Sunday Jaunary 12 1930, at 11. 45 a. dont know whether his statements Imperial Bureau on Entomology. Mr. fore it would be unjust to guage conm. will long be remembered by the The St. Mark Choir rendered a very are true or not, but congratulate him Officers Members, friends, and well beautiful Christmas Carol in the as a man with a backbone. Now this is Moodie Stevvart, Mr. Jerratte gested that some consideration should wishers of that community When that Church on the Sunday night of the 5th, just where we get off at, If Mr. Julio of the Jamaica Sugar Estates, Mr. Fred. be granted by the British government, division Obediently complied with the inst. In accompanying this very musical Arango or any other person statements Ellis, Mr. Goodman, Mr. whether by preference, subsidy or any order of the Parent Body In staging a selection the organist performed a perare not true, then let those gentlemen Barrett Mr. Whittaker and a few who are offended defend themselves other name, so as to place our Industry special meeting on the above mention fect Organ recital which exposed the thro the very paper and save their good other persons interested in the Sugar on a par with the Beet Sugar on which day. Success again crowned their efforts the instrument. Mrs. Daysley who led Industry.
there is a Bounty or Subsidy in Ennames, instead of taking an offensive After an exchange of compliments by gland and other countries, The opening ode was sung by the in attitude against your Paper.
the Soprano displayed the possesion The Director of Agriculture on behalf Mr. Jerratte proposed that as there audience and the Preliminary was renI have been asked by many persons of musical proficiency as she blended of the Governor Baron Olivier they vvas the desire not to increase Taxes dered according to the instruction of her voice to the tone of the organ with why do not visit the Hall as went into the question of the condition on the British Consumer, he suggested ritual by McCalla Pres of Cedar used to do, have never given my such ingenuity, that at times only a of The Industry.
the abolition of the Subsidy on Beet Creek. Div. as Acting Chaplain who musical ear was capable of making the reasons, but some say it is because distintcion, Mr. Vincent Gray who led have joined a Lodge why give up my Baron Olivier expressed himself, that Sugar at home vvhich would equalize punctuated with satisfaccion and in in the bass so emboldened the profumembership in the A. This is the Prosperous condition of Jamaica conditions give some help to the turn delivered the Meeting to Mr.
made it very difficult for him to prosion of music contained in the anthem West Indies.
Graham, President as Chairman a great mistake, because to give up that the congregation was tempted to pose to his majestys government any The Baron said he did not think Mr.
who in a few well selected remarks membership in the and to call for an Encore. But the thrill came give up membership in the Limon help to the Industry as it appeared to Snowden vvould consider it good eco introduced the purpose of the meeting.
when the whole Choir joined in the him in Jamaica Division of The A, are two nomics by exchanging te expediture of Along with a well prepared program.
His business was to investigate different things altogether, hence those money from one source to another Among the principal addresses delivered Chorus emphasizing and repenting the find out for Report to Lord Passfield simply for the matter of expediture, but were one each by Mr, Douglas of Rio words GLORY TO GOD IN THE of His Majesty government what ef that all the other colonies had asked Madre. Mr. Naaman Wellington of HIGHEST AND ON EARTH, PEACE, GOOD WILL TO ALL MEN, the feet there would be on the Revenue of the same thing as the best immediate Madre de Dios Mr. Kelly of Toro and the Colony and its labouring populavoices with their reechoing seemed to step. it was very interesting to hear Mrs. Kates of Zent. Meeting adjourtion by the withdrawal of the prefehave infused the hearers with an earnest Jrmaica asking the same thing altho he ned at 35 The members severed rence granted to West Indian Sugar in did not think that the amt. to be saved one from the other with the impression desire to Glorify God, and a convicIt has been always said that here in England which might kill the Industry from Beet Subsidy vvould anything near of determigation in the forehead for tion of the real Peace and good will Limon there is no place to go, Well altogether without any corresponding like covering the need of Imperial Suthe year 1930 Success for us is sure its which he brought among men.
have to introduce to you through this protective allowance to this commo gar. Mr. Jerratte said Possibly not; but here already wonderful paper called The Searchlight. that there will be a place to go and dity, as is in contemplation by the in the absence of other help, it would Naaman Wellington reporter Limon Friendly and government, but in Jamaica there does help at any rate.
spend a good time any hour, day or night in Limon.
not seem to be that seriousness in the Industry which is taken by other Coet thisestage the Barona accepted these BAD BEHAVIOUR Literary Association Only just watch out for the time, so lonies from the fact that Jamaica plan leman for their help and adjourned the read The Searchlight and look for the THE FOLLOWING WERE ELECTED ters change from Cane to Bananas and Commission.
It was indeed painful to realize that advertisment of the opening of the Y, AS OFFICERS FOR 1930 people of Limon Have yet to be taught are selling out their cane holdings at where you will have all kinds of fun.
greater profits than can be made by how to behave themselves in a place President, Monsieur Edward Carnier Skating, Dancing, and all other kinds Sugar of worship. Such was the case, sad Vice President, Mr. Frank Cox; Treasof amusements, with the best loe Cream, He pointed out that preference means Mules for Sale though it is that on Sunday Janua urer, Mr. Ernest Ruddock: Secretary, Soda and other refreshments, at hand. extra Taxes to the English consumers, ry 5th, the Rev. Archdeacon Oak Mr. Charles Hayling: Director of Sports, Keep looking for the advertisment and how could he propose what would Farmers, Cartowners others who made remonstrances to the worshippers Mc. Leary; Managing Committee, Mr.
ley in the most inoffensive expressions Mr. Stephen Roberthon; Librarian, Mr.
in the papers, don get tired, mean extra burden to the English la may need good mules should apply to bouring man when Jamaica was not Mr. Strachan at Peralta who will of St. Mark church of the attitude of Bloomfield, Mr. John Campell, and THE Mr. Alfred Hill dependent on Sugar for her prosperity, be able to sell them first class pack disrespect carried on in the precincts mules at prices to suit the Crisis.
of the church.
Ed. Note. It is with pride, we note If there has been cases where any the continued determination of this Club STRACHAN, Peralta. the adherents of the Church and the organized by the Revd. Raynes Waite misunderstanding has developed between to keep the banner afloat which was Venerable gentleman, we can safely say Smith of St. Marks Church some 18 that in this case although the Archdeyears agofor the intellectual, Social Airplane Accident acon made emphasis on the subject, All Eyes should be on the QUI VIVE for the opening of the Spiritual uplift of the youngmen of Lithere was not a single word uttered mon, it behoves every aspiring young y at Sixth Avenue (Back Street near the Free Adventist Church. that should cause offence.
man of the Province to think seriously Dance will be given for the Public on the 4th. FEBRUARY, From San Clemente, California comes We are sorry that such remonstranof The Limon Friendly and Literary SKATING ON THE 6th. There will be a good time at the the news of a terrific aeroplane disaster, ces were neccessary, as it reflects badly Association.
for Patrons all along. Day and Night service.
in which eight women and eight men Delicious Ice on the behaviourism of our community.
care to their death by the crash of a But it is an established fact that, abCream and other Refreshments will be on Sale.
passenger airplane belonging to the Trans surdness, discourtesy, repugnance and Your patronage solicited, and all accomodations will be always Continental Transport Coy. which was indecent language contributes so much An Organ for Sale given by Mrs. CLARICE CHAMBERS and her HOT SIX.
going from Agua Caliente, Mexico to Los Angeles California. The Motors got to the make up of the lives of so many of our people, that it has become simA fine eleven stops Organ for Sale IL DRUMMOND Press. Treas: in first class condition. Can be seen at BROWN Vice Presd. Sey.
out of condition and the plane erashed ply a matter of course to take these to earth, the gasoline Tanks exploding repugnances with them in every place, Mr. Bucknor home in Limon. Prices and a fire ensued which completely and scatter there, with an extraordinary very moderate for Cash.
Ndestrbyed everything and sixteen lives. amount of freedom and satisfaction.
Mrs. PUCKNOR, Limon.
Sports. Sports LOOK! STOP! READ!


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