
TILSLAR EDITORIAL CURRENT ITEMS To Alleviate Distress those at then patient dies same cause sick Tricks in Water supply our Understanding of things as we York does not cease at once from its ought to Mrs a Bougle then exhorted hungerings after Mammon the love of The attention of the Governor and the audience to continue living in the gold in the United States, they will exthe Municipal officers is called fo the right line of thought to be able to perience a panic never before heard of.
litle tricks that are worked upon some Due to the distress caused by the flood of over a year ago attract the appreciation of the commuNaturalizations nity in their movements.
to residents in Chirripo, Estrada, Matina and La Junta Principally, unsuspecting citizens at times by some song was nicely rendered by Mr.
By the official Gazette it is seen Mes.
an amalgamated meeting of all the Churches and Fraternal So for the purpose of earning pocket moJ. Mason accompanied by Miss Nezzie srs Josiah Barrett Gordon and Ezekiel Franklin on the Organ. After which cieties was called for the purpose of creating a Relief Fund for ny. Mr. Boothe of fourth Avenue states Warren Williams, both originating from Mr. Reid the President thanked relieving the immediate suffering of the sufferers in those Dis fried from a stoppage of water in his the Visitors nda friends who so heartily Jamaica have been granted letters of tricts. Representatives of a few of the Lodges came out promifen has complained to Naturalization as subjects of Costa Rica contributed to make this Harvest such sed to cooperate in the laudable undertaking, but whether their fen tending to such affairs repeatedly, only a success at the end of the Function, promises did not meet the approval of the Lodges to which they to be told that his pipes were bad Happenings in Haiti Mr. Franklin druggist for the belonged or what, we do not know but they never did assist as and wanted to be dug up and repla Coy. in these Sections promised to Republican Senator Blaine for Wis.
ced but not being in funds to institute a Sunday School to take care consin, is opposing the suggestion of they promised.
of the Religious bodies, only Ensign Wright of the Salva: by getting water the best he could tackle the job he contented himself of the Spiritual needs of the young President Hoover, to send a Com.
ones in the section which was telco mission to enquire into the incidents in tion Army cooperated in the charitable cause. He was named from his neighbour saround, until by me news to al Ipresent Haiti, he said it is unnecessary to send Treasurer of the Committee of the Fund and Mr. C. Nation accident he appealed to one of any Commissiou, because it is vvell in his capacity of Presiding Ex President of the A. was the peonies in the Department to see JAMES FLEMMING Known that the causes are due to the what was wrong, when to his disgust Insults offered by American officials to named Chairman.
Secretary the Haytians.
We approached the Co. for aid in the cause, and the and surprise, the man went to the lock out valve and showed him that his For Gobernmental Aid management in their usual generosity gave us an Excursion train water was locked off from him on the Mellon criticized free of Cost to Siquirres. Well it rained all day and Mr. Perña, Sidewalk, when on turning the key From Madre de Dios comes the Secretary Mellon is also accused by of Siquirres very kindly placed his Theatre at our disposal to the precious fluid rushed in in great News of what seems a peculiar sickness the prohibitionists for not doing all that entertain our pleasure seekers with the music. The Committee quantity. This man let the secrets out in that locality, resulting in the death he should to make more effective the of school and told him that this is accumulated a neucleus for this Fund of 166. 95 which was done at times when some of the of several people Mr. Farquharson dry lavv. Senator Harris says he refu.
placed in the Hands of the treasurer Ensign Wright, and is still writes to say the subject is taken ill sed to spend the additional expeditures bosses are in need of a twenty with a feeling of nausea in the Stomach colones tip, he pretends to dig up necessary to carry out the prohibition there, we tried to devise means of enlarging that fund but with which soon develops into vomiting plans.
rectify the pipe for a couple of hours no success.
the loss of speech, then follows Sometime ago asked the officers of the to let then turns on the water and earns his Propina to the great pleasure convulsions and in a day or two the Expected rupture in Film us draw the money (for it is in John Keiths Bank) and distribute.
Companies satisfaction of the owner of the lot, it, but they said they had nothing to do with it, as it was enti never dreaming that he has been duped. Mrs. Henrietta Grant in October last This malady started in the home of Isidore Oscar, President of the Gaurely the business of Mr. Smith, Ensign Wright and the chairman mont British Pictures Coy is gone to News of Cedar Creek she lost a son by it; on the rd, Deof the Committee am subsequently informed by Ensign Wright Nevy York to intervievy Mr. William cember the lost a granddaughter, on that some of the officers of the Limon Division have written him Mr. Calla of Cedar Creek the 17th. Jany. child died from it; on Fox, of the American Fox Film Corwrites to say that the inhabitants of the with a view of putting that money at their disposal; to which poration over difficulties which are 20th. January another woman died on object, and am proposing, that as this Amt. so long kept away surrounding Districts Toro Liverpool 21 St. inst she herself took in and died arising betyven these tyvo Companies, from the distressed people it was intented to serve is now unneand Sandoval are much grateful to the and there is another member of the which conjointly control three hundred cessary for that purpose, we will by these means invite public Coy, sending their travelling Dispensary same family is now on diyng from the British Theatres.
Indians condemned sentiments to say to what charitable purpose calculated to serve attended to by their very Kind sym Has this not been reported to our the coloured Community shall this Amt, be spent. have not had pathetic Druggist Mr. Binns to attend very energntic Jefe Politico don Lesmes Due to the unrest in India on acoportunity of seeing Mr. Smith, but Ensign Wright myself to the needs of the sick in these parts. Suarez, so he could see that the Me count of which, Ghandhi is demanding have decided on this Step believe Mr. Smith will agree.
This is indeed a great boon to our dical officer goes to investigate this the independence of India, tvvelve le poor people here and supplies a long illness?
ading nacionalits Indians have been We therefore invite through the columns of this Weekly dufelt want. There are scores of poor It might be a form of vomiting sic sentenced to death. Hhey have appealed who do not care go into kness and delay might be dangerous to to the Supreme Court of Calcutta.
ho say tiventy lines from our readers what best shall be done with The Bonds of the Indian government this Amt of 166 by way of charity to deserving causes. getting out door treatment and remain have fallen to its lovvest ebb since last in their homes to be attended to by Successful Jamaican year.
their family and to be able to watch Extradition around their interests in their small stock It was our great pleasure to meet etc. around their holdings hence this Dr. Uriah Murray, who is now 3rd The Nicaraguan prisoner Jose Euloaccommodation is much gio Castro Gonzalez vvho is alleged to Assistant Medical Officer at the Mental by nu gratefoed them, and they are all very be inplicated in a plot to assassinate Dr. Murray started his Medical career President Moncada escaped to Costa the timely aid and Hospital in Jamaica ed them by Dr. Salbury and his Asin Costa Rica, having kept a DispenRica and vvas arrested detained in sociate Doctors. These attentions are of sary at San Jose Creek (now Estrada) San Jose at the instance of the Nicara twofold benefits; it is a means of cau some years ago. He had the aspira guan government, pending the Extrasing a greater satisfaction and endear tions of a Doctor profession, and as dition papers these have arrived, but ment by the peasantry towards the soon as he accumulated sufficient funds, Castro Gonzalez pust in a claim on Company, as well as lessening the cost he left for the United States and took Costa Rica proving that his father vvas No solamente debemos trabajar sino también debemos divertirnos. La of the maintenance in Hospital expenup his studies, and passing creditably a Costa Rica.
vida sin distracciones es pesada y triste. EL CINE MODERNO le propor diture.
his exams. he went home to Jamaica The matter vvas referred to the Suciona la muera de distraerse todas las noches con películas y expectáculos We beg to congratulate the Depart. in private practise, but the government preme Court who decided that Castro nuevos, que le dejarán sonrisas y descansará su espíritu para las muevas luchas dela vida ment for their thoughtfulness in this soon saw the Doctors capabilities and lost his rights of protection by Costa Vuelvase odernista gaste la intima suma de 25 centimos y gozará direction engaged his services in the Lunatic Rica by his having occuped Governadmirando las más lindas estrellas de la cinematografia Assylum.
mental positions in Nicaragua. Hence News of Estrella Valley He recently obtained six months leave he will be sent across the border to VISIT CINE MODERNO This Division held their Annual Harof absence and went on to London Nicaraguan outhorities who have pas.
and took up a further course in mental sed the death sentence on him.
best Festival on 19th. inst got up by All work and no diversions makes Jack a dull boy Mr. Reid President and his Asdesease work, and on his way back to CINE MODERNO sociate officers. The function was ope.
Jamaica to take up his duties, he called gives you a new scene every night of your life, giving you a new ned by Mr. Spencer by Singing here on the Sutaco of the El Dr. VARGAS ONLY OSTEOPATH lease on life every morning when you get awake. You are not seeing From Greendani Icy Mountains; the ders Fyffes line coming direct from England by of joel was read. He then chapter he best pictures if you do not visit THE MODERNO. From the 4th way of Trinidad.
drugs, no surgery. Office 125 yards to the 16th a wonderful serial.
commented on the words Put in thy We met Dr. Murray by accident in north of Botica Oriental. Box 534, Sickle for the Harvest is ripe.
Dr. McRae Drug Store and spent a few San Jose.
The people of the vicinity turned happy moments together in recollecthe out in great numbers, Several addresses good old times. Every Jawere given, among the speakers being maican must be proud of Dr. Murray Messrs Alwood and Forbes ambition and his consequent success who spoke on our Opportunities Mrs. THE SEARCHLIGHT) congratulates Johnson also spoke on the theme of Dr. Murray and will wish him more successes It is vvith great pleasure that vve Prophecies for 1930 announce to our readers that Mr. MorNAVAL CONFERENCE.
gan vvho vve are vvell acquainted vvith and who vvas Teacher at one GRANT Professor Dr. Hugh Robinson who Contd. from page time in the Baptist School here, has has been brought into notoriety by his Suits made to order in the Shortest notice. Comopened educational establishment in prognostications during the past three Supremacy which may lead to a rupthe city of Panamá called THE PANAplete stock of English and American tweeds, sergiogs years, in which time he proved to sciture.
MA TUTORIAL SCHOOL, he adver Flannels always on stock, come in when in San José ent To reduce as far as is possible the ment that he was constant communication with the Planet Mars. training and preparation for secondary tises to give a course in Commercial see my recent arrivals.
Construction of new ships of war, with examination.
North East Corner of Central Avenue where the Plaza Viquez a view of savings to the Nation of considerable sums of money, thereby the great prophet Ukonga in Mars that the year 1930 will be filled with hor high scholastic honors from his island Mr. Morgan posseses certificates of Tramway starts.
relieving the Taxpayers of the necessary demands on them.
rrible that the prophet refuses to give restlessness in establishing himself in Suits also made on the Raffle Series system come To avoid the rivalry of France and details, but suffice It Italy in the Establishing of an amicable to say we shall his in and get a number.
have disastrous earthquakes, Tidal waprofession as a understanding of vigilance in the MediBOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 terrean suitable to Great Britain, France ves, openings and sinking of the earth, Stilities may be appreciated. There are inundations and such like calamities, he of his qualifications as Italy.
refuses to give extent of mankind Aikins novy employed in the Limon a teacher in the person of Miss Lioni To seal the understanding in Naval Armaments among the Powers arrived from panic at the thought of the horsuffering, for fear of some going mad Service Bureat, vvho attended private at by the Conference in Washington advanced classes vvhich Mr. Morgan 1921, but which broke down by ror.
in He predicted the fall in New York conducted here. We vvish him good the disharmony over the questions of luck in his vocation, Cruisers submarines in the Geneva money marhet six months before it Conference of 1927.
The insistence of France to conserve And now he prophesies by a mes.
the force of submarine warfare as a sage sent from Ukonga that if New Cartago as a Health Resort is THE SWITZERLAND of the Americas principal factor, to which England is Visitors from the Canal Zone sing the Praises of the attention opposed supported by the United States.
The desires of Japan to increase care taken of them by the Administration of her Cruiser force and her auxiliary ships including submarines THE HOTEL FRANCES OF CARTAGO The adherence by France Italy for a general limitation of land and sea NELSON forces, rather than by a categorical limiTAILOR. PO BOX 466. PT. LIMON, Nice, comfortable airy Rooms, beautiful Scenery of the surrounding tation, and to dedicate their strength in country.
light Cruicers and submarines, which must be considered in equality conjointly Remember when you need, a snappy suit. Call Convenient Trains to visit the country East or west. To spend a and not individually as is proposed by see me. My best advertisment is always a satisfied Vacation at THE HOTEL FRANCES CARTAGO is always to return.
England, United States and Japan. Customer, my price is within he reach of all. Call These are the points being watched by Charges and accomodations to suit all Purses.
be convinced.
the different delegations and the world Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Margbregón Lizan de preparacignal deneas adontion by the league of nations Vaya al Cine Moderno de Limón 3rd tions of New School Sastrería Grant an Hotel Frances Advertise THE STANDARD de Cultura y ventud Costa Rica.

    Death SentenceEnglandFranceItaly

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