
Saturday 25 January 1930 CURISMO POLITICO EXPLANATION Atlantic Hotel you Sineu THE VOGUE Mbinu, Thanksgiving Meeting NEW YEAR AT LITLE PARIS from San Clemente Estrella Valley Así podríamos llamar a una tenden Tenemos en el actual Congreso cuaTo Searchlight of Limón Situado 150 yards from South of the Market in front of cia de nuestro pueblo, que cada día tro sacerdotes y la probabilidad de ver Mr. Editor: Orange Crush factory toma más arraigo; no se puede saber, a en el venidero cinco o seis. contando punto fijo, que móviles o que fuerzas entre ellos un Obispo. Continuando en In your issue of January 4th. 1930, ATLANTIC HOTEL offers to the public in gearticles were prepared against Mr.
esta forma, llegará el día en que nuesoperan en esra corriente de terco fananeral Clean confortable Rooms.
tismo; pero lo cierto es que toma in tro Poder Legislativo se halle integrado Hon Smith (President of the Port Limon Division en su totalidad por el clero, y nosotros delegate to the sixth cremento, y se hace necesario llamar la Meal Service to order, cakes, Ice Cream as per desire atención de los ciudadanos para que no seamos más que unos monaguillos international Convention of the Negro limiten este vicio o flaqueza a su mi que ayudemos a decir la misa.
people of the world of August 1929. We also attend to wedding feasts, Picnic Parties nima expresión Mientras otros países como ColomMr. Mitchell 2nd Vice President and Sucede my self. Now shall make no referenentre nuestros campesi bia van librándose de las prácticas del Spsoial dinners or at Home tea service whether at the HOTEL que ce with regards the other two names nos fanatismo conservador, nosotros varios también entre nuestra gente culta or in your own Homes.
hacia ellas, mentioned as de provincia, cada vez que tienen que know they are capable to strike back in Esto que digo no es hostilidad para Moderate Prices, all attention given to Boarresolver un problema local, bien sea proper style. Now issue este de fomento o de interés social, no Mr. Editor in a previous nadie, no me mueve mala voluntad ders English french spoken. Call be convinced.
encuentran otra persona de mayores para con los señores clérigos, entre tackled me personally, putting your criticism in the shape of questions, you Telf. 3271. Box 614. San José, luces, claro entendimiento o elevado los cuales hay verdaderos valores inteprestigio que los ayude a were very diplomitic from the fact that resolver sus lectuales y sumamente virtuosos, pero dificultades you know what surrounds the situation, que el señor cura de si combato el error de nuestro pueblo sus From the fact that during the holiday respectivas parroquias. Talvez a su lado al ver en ellos sus únicos mentores u tienen hombres capacitados por todo hombres capaces de dirigir sus inteseason we were very busy and could concepto en lo intelectual moral, pero reses. como también reprocho que los not really waste time about you, having Swi, ellos en su ceguera, no lo comprenllamados desempeñar una misión salittle, which tickling will be published den y se van como las agujas atraidas CAFETERIA MODERNA por el imán hacia el cura. Este feno. Sada como es la de enseñar la rell elsewhere so that an opportunity be gión en todas sus faces, se inmiscuyan meno se opera mayormente cuando se given you to see it demasiado en la política, descuidando presenta la campaña para la elección su misión y más bien contribuyendo As for you issue of the 4th. in prefDE Mrs. AIDA CRANSTON de diputados nuestra gente a los pricon sus discursos u otras maniobras a ference of wasting time with the press, meros que vuelven a ver como mag la disociación de sus feligreses. Los masuggest a challenge that you fix a When in Limon if you feel like a home served nificos representantes de sus intereses, les deben curerse a tiempo; por eso time in the columm of your weekl y.
meal, go to CAFETERIA MODERNA, Aida will es a los señores párrocos de sus pueto take the public platform, on which debemos desde ahora iniciar la camblos, y sus papeletas no pueden ser paña codtra el Curismo politico. you may get the only chance to appear make you feel at home. The only comfortable dilanzadas, si no llevan a la cabeza el on the platform of the Port Limon; Di. ning room of its class in Town, private and Cosy. nombre de su confesor.
ARTURO DEUJEP vision. Tea, breakfast or Luncheon for Picnic Parties, If you agree, suggest that you invite, your best and most intelligent private dining rooms to entertain ladies as well as friends to listen the debate will speak gentlemen. Banquets and dinners provided at Shortest to Mr. Orangotong later.
notice. Cream, Cakes, coffee or soft drinks as you CORNWALL order Special attentions to my customers.
JOHN ROGERS. TAILOR ED NOTE. This gentleman in at to Aida tempting to clear himself of the quesThe naine is the ball mark for Tailoring.
tions asked by correspondents to The 3rd Avenue and 7th Street Limon.
Searchlight. endeavours to throw his FAR AND NEAR responsibilities on me, by inviting me to step down to his platform, but would AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Among his clients are the most fastidious, the elite; the people that reply as Jesus did when Satan offered know. Convince yourseelf.
him the grandeurs of this world.
LIMON, Box. 83.
If he refers to my correspondent Mr.
Julio Arango as Orangotong can only infer that as a Negro he accepts the doctrine of Darwin which justifies my decision in not dropping down to a Do you love your family. Insure your life in monkey platform.
The Mt. Purilty lodge (1. of arks Said that he was glad to be in a He will not vvaste time with the THE NATIONAL LIFE ASSURANCE BANK of No. 32) held her thanksgiving thanksgiving meeting on such a time Press being too dignified, he prefers meeting on the above mention date and season. And he felt that not only his Platform vvhere he can indulge in ΟΣΟ ΟΣΟ MELE 3M abusive language was proposed by sister as a body of people but that every Abel daughter record. Was called individual has something to give thanks to order at pm. by Bro Henry for or to express his or her gratitude Opening Hymn Good our to God for the many mercies we have help in ages past Sister Copland had from Him in the past; another presided at Organ after Sister Wright Hymn was sung. Guide me oh thon Christmas is gone and you have proven that the only Store read Psalm 118 and prayed. The great Jehovah. The meeting was then In Limon where the needs of yourself and your kiddies were Bro. Henry then stated the aim and thrown open. When the members and satisfied was at.
object of the meeting and gave short visiting friends all expressed their apand stirring remarks relative to the se preciation of the invitation and joined THE LITLE PARIS OF Mrs. JACK DE PASS This Village was thrown into great ason and the occasion which made a in giving thanks unto the Lord after excitement on Wednesday 22nd when great effect on all those that, were there. a enjoyable night was spent the meeNow you ll think of your winter Spring wear Get your a most sad accident caused a gloom At this juncture he then intro ting was closed with the Benediction.
latest styles in dresses and Hats to Match.
over the entire Community.
duced Bro Davidson. And all retired to the Banquet Hall.
To be Fashionable you must wear the Sweetest Lace dresses.
For some vveeks now there has been as the Chairman for the ght. Who Beautiful silk laces of every colour and width just received at a few youngsters from San José relation taking the chair in a few brief remJ. DAVIDSON THE LITLE PARIS with Flowers to Match. See our new Hat Straws.
ves of our genial and kind Mandador of San Clemente Farm Mr. Ramon JiFor weddlog Trousseaus and Brides malds dainties, if you shop at ménez his wife spending Their vacLITTLE PARIS you can be certain of being in the latest Style.
ation here; on Wednesday they all in Company with the little Miss Quiros She supplies the last word in the world of fashion.
daughter of our Supt ot Farms for this Σας a few hours of recreation on hte seabeach a little distance from the Farm, on their Going Cheap, at a sacrifice way they met a litle boat anchored in House of six Rooms with comfortable Verandahs a small rivule which runs to the sea, the lads in their frocksome mood bent and all necessary accommodations.
on spending a happy day jumped into the boat, with the idea that their Companion There is a very bad habit getting hold ties, and the indications of our apMiss Quiros who had a Camera should litof our people nowadays and that is; proaching elections point to two more, tle snap a picture of them, but to their For leave to inspect further particulars apply to for getting our Church affairs mixed up and among them a Bishop.
great misfortune the boat capsized with in Politics. There are some people who We are among those who feel that them all, with the sad result that one take our Minister of Religion not only our Spiritual Comforters should not get of the lot Master Antonio Jiménez, son SKIP TON as their Spiritual Advisers, but also as mixed up in Politics, we think that if a of don Carlos María Jiménez of San their Legal, Domestic, Commercial and Priest is looking after the needs of his Jose got drowned.
Machine Shops, Limon Political advisers; in Jamaica this prac. flock, he would not have time to consi The sorrow and consternation can bettice was much pronounced but our der weighty matters of the industrial, ter be immagined than described among Parsons have been seeing lately the Commercial, economic and diplomatic.
all classes around this farm. The happy advisability of abstaining from Political progress of his country, one or the Comradeship that existed among the conflicts; but here in Costa Rica we other is sure to be neglected, and we and their pleasant manners note it is much on the increase, it would feel sure it will be the interests of his among the peasantry here has made the appear from this that we do not have Congregation that is going to suffer.
misfortune very keenly felt by all in among us sufficient men efficiently the vicinity and it will take a long capacitated intellectually and morally long time to wear away the sorrow of Dr. Elias Blanco to fit them for the high calling of lead FOR SALE that exists in the hearts of everyone ing our economic legislative ac around San Clemente.
Optometrist and Occulist complishments; or that the present state farm of 15 Hectareas with Train was brought from Limon Telephone 3085. Street Alfredo Volio Apartado 128 of legislative honours are not conducive with Dr, Jiménez brother of the unforcacao, bananas, yams etc. and small tunate lad who is only twelve years old to the coming forward of our best Member of The Optical Faculty of citizens in Civil life, hence our Priests Potrero, Admirable place for a start in and several sympathizers who did the New York.
have to be drafted in to stimulate our life SPECIALIST ONTNE HUMAN VISION necessary and took the body into LiMorality; right now we count on no mon to be conveyed to San José to less than four Priests elected as Depu Ask The Searchlight.
his grief stricken parents.
possesses the latest inventions apparatuses for examining The Limon Searchlight begs most the eyes, Special assortment of Spectacles with Crystals and sincerely to tender our heartfelt condo.
lence to the bereaved parents and friends lens of all kinds to suit your sight. With a special of the deceased youth. Green San Clemente Department for collocating Artificial eyes.
in a well Kept quarter should be the first thought of a stranger on arriving in any town.
Leghorn Eggs When in Limon go to Mr. Azevedo will sell you fresh Leghorn eggs for hatching from Prize birds costing male 25. 00 and female 15. 00. Price one Colon each.
at the Upstairs Stone Building North of the Wesleyan Also large Red Carneaux Pigeons Your life can be insured for more than five times what you church.
these are as large as a chicken first will get from your LODGE paying about the same monthly You can have no better service at the same rate class in sickness.
Start your Poultry Pigcon brood dues FANCY. LODGES bring ENEMIES by fruitless arWe also let furnished quarters to Single men at very from the right stock of birds it pays to guments and occasion many sleepless nights.
breed from good birds.
moderate rates.
The NACIONAL INSURANCE BANK is a GovernJ. AZEVEDO ment Institution, guaranteed by our GOVERNMENT.
SD BRITTON fa NacionBodeoregorin 220 dAvenue lea de Reliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica Cast Insure through THE SEARCHLIGHT FOR SALE Priests in Politics Beautiful Locality youngsters ELECTRICAL OPTICAL OFFICE For Old Folks CLEAN BED PROTECT YOUR FAMILY HOTEL ESPERANZA


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