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MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION 00 SINGLE COPY 25 EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123. CARTAGO PUBLISHED SATURDAYS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to the Interests of the Province of Limon Costa Rica generally YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY 10. FEBRUARY. 1930 15 OF ALAJUELA not one of the ordinary. His courteous El Nuevo Diplomático delayed.
PRIMO DE RIVERA pabilities are recognized by the leading Movement of Diplomats dadano Indecent Crowds. English Cricketers CITY SPRINKLER We are proud to see that at last the Municipality of San José has invested in a City Sprinkler to keep down the dust.
From New Castle From San Clemente Burial Association We have often wondered how is it ossible that the Merchants here could Division The Editor of THE SEARCHLIGHT. The Editor of THE SEARCHLIGHT.
have kept so quiet, year in, year out, Sir: We the officers of the Pleasant Sir: without making serious demonstrations mount race track in front of The San It is with pride and pleasure we against our City Fathers, for the damage To The Editor of THE SEARCHLIGHT Clemente Mandador house hereby re Your valuable paper has been throvv read of the nomination of Mr. Teodo caused them by the dust on their goods.
quest your publication of this, the ing light on many subjects around us, ro Picado Michalski as governor of the Any way two have been got, and in Dear Sir: result of our last Races in your SEARCH. you vvill permit me space in attemp Institute of Alajuela. This appointment days like these of dry weather and breeLIGHT for the benefit of the public. ting to get some light in a matter which is certainly a great recognition of Talent. zes it is a great acquisition and fills a Please permit me space in your First race as follows. Gentleman concerns me. Not being a member of Mr. Picado was one of the young long felt want; and we must congratuvaluable paper to say a few words to hack Race winner. Smling Boy. The Limon Burial Scheme Association Lawyers of the United Fruit running late the members of The Municipal a sluggard who dropped in a report in Second race. Untried horses. of Limon, cannot get an opportunity along the lines, signing escrituras of Council for this progressive Step an issue of THE SEARCHLIGHT of the Winner. Water Rock.
of putting my case fairly before the Contracts etc. for the Coy. but one 18th inst. Mr. Member where are you Third race. Maiden. Winner. Water membership, and as do not think that could discern easily in him that he was when the quota from head quarters is Rock fifth race. Ladys purse. Winner. the Officers are placing my case in an being read every month except when Jolly Boy sixth race Pleasant Mount impartial manner before them crave your cultured bearing to all and sundry that we ve got hard pressure of work it is purse. Winner. Fabric, The Bananito permission to do so.
came in his way was indicative of a Mare.
Mrs. Beatrice Burke for whom am Por últimas noticias recibidas, se sabe man born for higher spheres; one born The New Castle Division was never que Ministro Americano Eberhardt Our next Race meeting here will be Legatee, died on June 3rd. 1929. Her to make great men.
yet reluctant in sending off dues to on Easter Tuesday: death vvas reported to the Association, Mr. Picado acceptance of the position embarcará en el vapor Calamares el 15 de este mes, estando en Costa Rica then how is it that you are an LAWRENCE PROMOTER and vvas advanced eighty colones to proves his desinterested Patriotism, beactive member and dont know what assist in preparing for her burial, and is cause he loses money by the difference el día 28.
going on in your division you speak vvas told to call back at one o clock things which are eroneous and also in salaries, but he realizes that his cafor balance of money, vvhen called contrary to the working of this divivvas told she was nonfinancial and sion this is to show that you could not entitled to anything.
himself lacking of appreciation of connever be an active member as you say, Novy at the time of her death she fidence and lacking in the highest aims We are in a position to state that with all the premature opposition, the New will give the public your title that un idolo que se derrumba ha ovved one month dues of one colon; of patriotism, should he rather to give American Minister to Costa Rica Mr.
you are an active liar where e er you caído de su pedestal, el dictador espa vvhich vvas due because Mr. Cameron his talent which is called for by his Eberhardt, leaves New York on the ars such class of members as you are ñol que por algunos años ha sido el one of the sick visiting Committee called country to a Foreign Concern we wish Calamares on the 15th inst. and will traitors to the Association and like wise amo y señor de nuestra madre España. at her home and took avvay her con Don Theodore higher aud higher suc arrive here on the 28 th.
a disgrace among Societies you, are so El orgulloso general que se había soste tribution Card, so when the month cesses in his Educational abilities, May the illiterate that you say you are watchnido sobre los hombros de las milicias dues vvas to be paid it would not be How will the oppositionists feel when ing the present cabinet.
del Reino, fue perdiendo su apoyo y men of the next generation say with pride this gentleman proves by his activities accepted vvithout the Card; hence that of him waht Don Justo Facio says to Since you are so deeply interested se vio de un momento a otro sin ninhere that he might have been the best vvas the fault of the officers and not come in and do something which vvill gun sostén. Prueba de esto fue la de the deceased.
day, and as things are today we are seeing friend in the diplomatic service of his in him a future Minister of Education.
be beneficial Country that Costa Rica has known?
to you in the future, cepción que recibió al convocar diez It is claimed that she ovved one coMs Davis wife of Mr. Roy. Davis You want to criticise but since you de los principales Jefes Militares, para lon, assessment death Tax, for death of are not intelligent enough, leave it alone que le ratificaran su adhesión, los cualate Minister to Costa Rica, leaves here Mrs. Thomson, but she vyas only dead today to meet her husband in Panama, to the intelligent ones.
les se la negaron, no quedándole más 15 days at that time, vvhile the Society who has been transferred to that country Any way we, as working bees in this recurso al dictador que pedir su renun allovvs months in which to pay such division are warning you to be very cia y retirarse a la vida de simple ciuin a similar capacity. Our best wishes assessments.
of happiness goes with them both in careful in your report to know how to It is claimed that she ovved tvvo cocriticise, what, to criticise and when to Este acontecimiento trae un dilema lones for a Bench Taxation, but surely their new Sphere.
criticise after you have finished your para la monarquía española, que puede that should not be used to debar a report you Sign your name to it as variar completamente el orden o siste member from their benefits all that member am only sorry to know ma en que la venido viviendo el Reino: could be done would be to deduct it.
that you never was christened through o viene otros Dictador de mano de hie.
The registration of the Society before in West Indies which it is evident, you neither have rro a poner las cosas en su lugar, o se the lavvs of Costa Rica, enforces the surname nor a christian name, but since ve el Rey haciendo frente a los Socia payment of monthly dues and death From Pacuarito a correspondent wri Barbadoes was saved defeat at the you sign your name as member listas, Comunistas y Republicanos, que tes calling the attention of the Police hands of the English team touring the assessments but other Taxations cannot will respond to it as luchan por terminar con los viejos sismake one nonfinancial.
to a band of loose, common young West Indies by two Babes in the game; FRIEND temas de Gobierno de Dinastía.
It is these dishonest acts of officers girls who patrol the Railway lines from that make coloured Associations a reSiquirres to that place throwing out Sealy a Schoolboy of the home team proach to the Race, and a failure for and Headly a youngster of 21 years the vilest expressions in presence of the from Jamaica who made 100 and 176 uplift.
police as well as the respectable women runs respectively Dr. Vargas report to his college am avvaiting further actions by the among themselves; the Police does not of the vicinity aud continually fighting is all out for 107 Runs due membership before pressing for more understand the Filthy language that took and wickets respectively. They to bowling of Stephens and Voce who exposures before the Lavy Courts.
My benefactor ovved one month dues, Pedlars and hawkers, and so they spit 9, Christian 5, Willis Merry 30, Seemanates from these lawless groups of had the home team men ali baffled, Roach vvhich vvas the fault of the officers, retaining her Card. one death Tax which out these vile utterances to jeer the folks that they know abhor them.
aly 8, Small 2, Grell 8, Constantine 10, was only 15 days. death Tax does Yeasts 10, Dewhurst (Cap. 6, Achong not become due until after a month.
These things in human form should 12. not out. Extras 10. Total 107.
Is this the way you expect to gain to inoculate the youngsters of the Villanot be let loose by the Hygiene officers From Star Herald.
membership? this certainly spells ruin.
To the senior class of The Philadel is injected with blood. The treatment The Society gains money by the ges along the lines, a Police man should phia College of Osteopathy.
then consists in massaging very lightly death of be engaged who knows English and be The Cine Moderno a member because she makes the sensible zone for a few seconds one fourth of vvhatever is collected at able to prosecute these hawks.
the death of a member from the conOfcourse the residents of the districts By Dr. Alexander Vargas, San José, and repeat this every three days untill The popular proprietor of The Cine are loathe to come forward and inform tribution of one colon per member, so results are shewn.
Costa Rica.
Moderno Mr. James Ernest is sparing no can only deem it dishonest in Keepagainst them for two reasons first they pains to make his patrons comfortable.
Dr. Asuero theory and ing me out of what should fall to would have to use the vile language He is putting in new seals and making Some twenty five years ago, Peter me; and a lack of discretion on the in evidence, secondly they would always special family Compartments, and this Bonnier, a french neurologist, gave to Osteopathy No. part of the officers for every act of brood trouble, but the Police should the Talking Pictures.
be abused by the Marauders and so week he will show for fhe first time the World what he claimed to be the As all osteopaths can readly under defrauding a Shareholder in any Insurgreatest medical wonder of his age. His stand, the idea is to convey the irritation urance Society Knovvn to the public of necessity know Spanish English.
VISIT THE MODERNO, theory was given at the end plates of the sensible The Pons Varolii (Bulb) being the that Society loses tenfold by the loss of zone, through the conductivity of the nevy membership.
center of all the sensory nerves and Trigeminus nerve, to the dormant centhe comptroller of the physiological ters in the Bulb, Thanking you Mr. Editor.
Your truly equilibrium of the body, therefore is The sensible zones in the nasal fossa ARCHIBALD BROWN the center of a common pathology that are secondary lession brought by the gives rise to all the nervous deseases primary lessions in the Bulb through AND due to functional fatigue.
the reflex arc.
Politics in Limón BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY By using the nasal branch of the The stimulation of the bulbar centers Trifacial or Trigeminus nerve, the dormant ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED as explained, works with some times This is a hot week for the Province centers in the Bulb are awakened and astonishing results only in cases where of Limón. There are four Political ParA Bureau established for the greater convenience, normal physiological equilibrium restor no organic or trophic changes are man ties contending for the post of Deputy understanding, satisfaction and protection of the Englished to the organs impaired.
ifested as in the nervous deseases in Congress, and all four are preparing Speaking public, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Bonnier got some results, but failed and it cures all kinds of pain inmedia most energetically for the final struggle when he tried to show every organ of tely.
Department annexed for the protection of Businessmen to be on Sunday 9th of February the body related to a determined spot against unscrupulous debtors.
The suppression of pain, alone, is There are some men who at times Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to in the topography of the endo nasal a fact worth investigating by Osteopathy. make good money by betting on the mucosa. They laughed at him and was lose; a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute consoon forgoten.
The whole theory comes harmoniously winning party, but this election so far fidence of the public for honesty and efficiency. Both with the osteopathic theory that Struc asLimón is concerned is very treacherous, Dr. Asuero, the spanish doctor, has novy operated under the direction of a Barrister with tural Integrity is the one most impor because there is no telling who may worked on Bonnier findings and has over tvventy five years practical experience, acquired on tant factor for the maintenance of health. win, any one of the Candidates can the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as giving more light to the theory. It should be understood that by no come ahead.
have had the opportnuity of being insJudge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and means can Asuero theory becloud Dr.
tructed by Dr. Asuero assistant, Dr. Still therapy, but it could be incorpo Dr. Velasquez young Fernandez Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials as old Limonenses have a very influential Goñi who are the records of the cases he has conducted as Judge was in Costa Rica for a rated as a part of Osteopathic research. following, so as Don Paco Gutierrez and Counsel.
month, and it is my opinion that this If this article develops any interest and Don Filadelfo Granados, Mr. Elatheory is osteopathic and should be on the students to the Philadelphia dio Calvo is not much known to LiEMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ College of Osteopathy, am ready to mon, but his associate Don Ricardo AlBarrister Investigator Dr. Asuero found by exploring the give all the information needed or varado was born there and much beAttorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager the endo nasal fossa with a silver esti could arrange to go to the United Sta loved; then lastly comes altho very late lete or probe that has six small bals, tes for demonstration in clinical cases.
just a bit larger than a pin head, that in the struggle but by no means last, MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE With best wishes for students and Lic. don Luis Cruz Mezaan astute there were sensible zones, just the same professors remain for the improve lawyer also with a very strong following y Limon; Oposite Arrasty Theatre San José, 50 yards West of the Presidencia as there are sensible spots in the spinalment of Osteopathy always traly yours. of the Reform Party supported by the column, which we find by pressure.
Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of As soon as a sensible zone is touchDR. ALEXANDER VARGAS Republicans, so with the votes split up Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, California, ed, the patient shows eye reflexes, January, 20th. 1930.
as it is there is no telling but what the New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, the face blushes or the corneal tissue San José Costa Rica es propiedad de la last horse may come in ahead. We will Kewatch see, egon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Olle OOO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Trinidad Dr. Asuero Theory and Osteopathy LIMON SERVICE BUREAU eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee investigated.
nisterio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica

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