
PAGE THE SEARCHLIGHT Saturday Ist. February. 1930 British Protection VA UD, CON FRECUENCIA SAN JOSE?
FOR SALE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN AN APRECIATION Jan. 14th, 1930 Our ex British Consul Mr. Douglas is gone on to THE LIMON SEARCHLIGHT.
Jamaica where he is explaining some of the difficulties being met Limon, Costa Rica by the British West Indians out in these parts.
Among them he explains the difficulties existing between Mr. Nation, Editor.
Si no ha hecho, hágalo y entonces quedará convencido de que the Government of this country and the United Fruit Coy. in Dear Sir. We are today placing you es el mejor de la Capital, es más cómodo y económico.
consequence of the passage of the unwise ridiculous Banana on our exchange list. as yve greatly ES LA DELICIA DFL PUBLICO Law and the natural diversion of all appropriations for operations Wishing for you more success in the 100 varas al Norte de la Botica Oriental.
in this country during 1929 to 1930, by the Coy. hence the great Nevy Year than ever, am.
pressure in financial circles being experienced in all Commercial Yours for service, DO YOU GO FREQUENTLY TO SAN JOSE?
deals; consequently, there being no work ef any kind going on NEGRO WORLD in the country he advises that labourers seeking employment should Have you visited THE HOTEL LATINO?
not come to Costa Rica as they are apt to get Stranded. It is very Sgd. ST. CLAIR, It you have not do so and you will be convinced that it is the nice of Mr. Douglas to have taken the pains to do something Bus. Manager best in the Capital, it is certainly the most comfortable and economical.
It is the delight of the general public.
that will tend to protect the Jamaican Emmigrant even in bis ED. Note: This we hope will speak unofficial capacity. Ofcourse no officer can please everybody no for itself to the jealous members. We Tourists seeking rest and quietness do well to try matter how painstaking he might be in his duties, but we know thank the management of the Negro HOTEL LATINO that Mr. Douglas did much to facilitate the British subjects here Wrold for its recognition.
100 yards to the North of Botica Oriental while acting as Consul. British Consul in Port Limon has no easy life in his capacity, judging from the variety of circumstances surrounding his office as well as from the cosmopolitan crowd characters he OBITUARY has to deal with, but that does not mean that he should insult In Limon on the 7th. inst. Samuel his subjects when they seek him for protection, we know has Gordon of Hartlands, Jamaica in his 48th.
been done by several Consuls who have been here, especially the year leaving a sorrowing Wife.
one who vacated in favour of Mr. Douglas, He takes the Cake The Revd. Wm. Forde administered Going Cheap, at a sacrifice for abruptness, insolence, dishonesty of purpose and ingratitude the last religious rites to him, in a most House of six Rooms with comfortable Verandahs even to the Jamaicans who brought him here, sheltered him and happy and Christianlike disposition.
Aplace is vacant in my home.
and all necessary accommodations.
maintained him till he was able to stand his own ground Mr. Dou Which never can be filled.
glas coming at the time he did has done much in helping to MIMI Beautiful Locality tide over the troubled seas, he came when the British Consulate had lost every vestige of Dignified influence, was a nest of deFor leave to inspect further particulars apply to falcations and fraudulent transactions, by selling fictitious drafts to the very people whose confidence instead of protecting, was Murderer escaped SKIP TON betrayed, hence, he had to meet an atmosphere of distrust as well Machine Shops, Limon From what we can gather there were as angry, disgusted faces everywhere he turned, thus we say he two brothers by the name of Wade has done well and is still trying to protect the people to whom living in Limon, One seem to have he was sent.
defrauded the other of some money office, because any business Concern sending out a representative frauder plunging a Knife in his brother Ofcourse there is no one to blame but the British foreign sent him from the States, and they had to conduct a branch of theirs, first satisfies themselves as to the which caused his death and he escaped efficiency and dignified deportment of its representative, but lat towards the Panamanian border it is terly apparently no care has been taken to see to this most ne said.
cessary attribute in the representative of the most respected Power This is to notify the public in general, that in consequence on earth. We are glad that this laxity has been remedied, and of the misconduct of my wife Emily Peart nee knowls we have we hope that the present holder Mr. Bowden will deport himself FOR SALE now been separated for the space of nearly six years.
in an affable and congenial manner toward the West Indian, so therefore do not hold myself responsible for her any longer farm of 15 Hectareas with as she is to be seen continually in company with another man. they may get to love and respect him. His dignity we are assured of, as he hails from a dignified family but his kindliness and cacao, bananas, yams etc. and small am thus free of any obligation to her and intend to get married within four months from date of this publication.
attention to his people is what we shall be expecting, ofcourse there Potrero. Admirable place for a stare in have been some Consuls in the past who have asserted that they ROBERT PEART are not here to attend to coloured British subjects, only the British Ask The Searchlight.
Shipping and Englishmen, this was the remark why it was proGuacimo, Costa Rica, posed in the Jamaican Legislature to send a Protector here simifar to that obtainable in Cuba, when the Hon. David CoriAdvertise SMEGENING naldi argued against the measure for days and had it thrown out and got representation made to the Foreign office by which Mr. Eberhardt better protection was to be given the West Indian Element here.
There is grave responsibility hanging over the shoulders of a British Consular Officer, what with the application of the The National Life Assurance el non grato Accident and Insurance Laws, what with other necessities such Ya se ha hablado bastante sobre el as the transference of properties by death Legacies etc. as well nombramiento hecho por el gobierno as the obligations falling on The Co. our principal employde Estados Unidos, del diplomático ers of British labour here, in a territory in which there are apEberhardt, como su Ministro represenproximately 20. 000 of these people, needs very great care on the tante ante nuestro país.
part of a British Consul, who ought to be a whole time Officer De las opiniones dadas a la publicidad privadas, se desprende, que and not a half time Officer paid by fees as is now the case.
nuestro pueblo no no acepta con agrado We are afraid Mr. Bowden has got the time of his life cut esta designación, y que si por desgraout before him, in attending single handedly these 20. 000 persons cia los Estados Unidos insisten en sosof all grades of intelligence and habits. It is a serious mistake TEN CENTS DAY el gobierno le concede el Agriment a este diploon the part of the Foreign Office to again reduce the Status mático, nos veremos en el conflicto de of the Office here to a Vice Consulate subject to the Colon will bring a thousand colones to your Family poder llegar a lastimar sin in con la office, This means untold inconvenience to the subjects of the suceptibilidad y buenas relaciones king as well as to the officer, in getting their Passports and other at your death.
hemos venido cultivando con la shipping papers, and we would advise at once that every Brigran nación del norte.
How dimes do simple vista puede many tisher here puts a Petition to the Ministers of State for Home you. Foreign affairs to appoint a whole time Officer here, and bring each day thoughtlessly?
estas condiciones, se tendría que enOnly one of su alrededor, back the Status to an independent Consulate which will give these dimes invested in a life insurance debido a la mala atmósfera ha hecho de antemano, y estas y otras que more time and attention to the twenty thousand Britishers domise le ciled in this Republic.
policy will save your family the anguish muchas circunstancias pueden ser causas de males para nuestro país. Por of a penniless bereavement. life poejemplo: el Sr. Eberhardt, debe de baberse enterado de nuestra rebeldía para licy will supply ready money to cover aceptarlo, y si por disciplina se ve en el the expenses which the death of the caso de venir a Costa Rica, procuraría por todos los medios de la diplomacia father or husband may bring.
astuta vengar el agravio que le hayaD. NELSON mos causado TAILOR Si desde un principio nos hemos PO BOX 466. PT. LIMON, Life policies without medical examination, for one and two thousand colones.
mostrado esquivos para con este MinisRemember when you need, a snappy suit. Call Fill in the attached coupon, send it to us, and tro de historia sospechosa por sus inwithout any obligation on your part we will send tromisiones en la vida intima de nuessee me. My best advertisment is always a satisfied tra hermana República Nicaragua, deCustomer, my price is within he reach of all. Call you an application form and rate of premium.
bemos continuar en esta lucha hasta conseguir que nuestra voz sea oída, y be convinced.
Our policies carry the full guaran que tomando en cuenta nuestra protesta, nos envíe el Gobierno Americano tee and responsibility of the State otro diplomático, que aunque no venga precedido de grandes títulos de ca.
rrera, si, sea por lo menos una persona (DETACH THIS COUPON)
bien intencionada, que traiga la mejor buena voluntad por estrechar más los Banco Nacional de Seguros vínculos de amistad entre su patria y la Dpto. de Vida.
nuestra, y en quien podamos confiar sin recelos en todos los momentos de All Eyes should be on the QUI VIVE for the opening of the San José de Costa Rica nuestra vida republicana y libre. at Sixth Avenue (Back Street near the Free Adventist Church. Dance will be given for the Public on the 4th. FEBRUARY, My name in full is.
ARTURO DOUJEP SKATING ON THE 5th. There will be a good time at the My address is.
for Patrons all along. Day and Night service. Delicious Ice My occupation is Dr. VARGAS ONLY OSTEOPATH Cream and other Refreshments will be on Sale.
in Costa Rica, no Your patronage solicited, and all accomodations will be always was born at drugs, no surgery. Office 125 yards north of Botica Oriental. Box 534, given by Mrs. CLARICE CHAMBERS and her HOT SIX.
on the. day of.
San Jose. DRUMMOND Press. Treas. would like an Insurance for BROWN Vice Presd. Secy.
Think Over the Future of Your family y las quererlo, nes que throw away contrar con un vacío THE STANDARD LOOK! STOP! READ!
in the year.


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