
Saturday 1st. February 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT PAGE CURRENT ITEMS News of the World Weak men and women Should drink Toddy Atlantic Hotel Railway Mishap Registration of West Indians Those who travel The English language tvvelve years of such exile apparently happy and reconciled to his lot, sur Mr. Cecilio Lindo and his family left In consequence of difficulties arising By the latest Bull etin in Army Headrounded on this his seventy first birthWhat might have ended in a serious us for Nevy. York on Saturday.
and several complaints being made to loss of life was fortunately averted at quarters of the United States Army, day by all his family, including the Mr. Lindo came here from Jamaica the Spanish Language is made a comthe British government that Consuls do the last moment to only the loss of a Ex Crown Prince and his vvife, Princes some months ago, and spent some very pulsory item in the Education of the Adalbert and August Wilhelm, the DuCar. On monday evening 20th while the not give the protection required at useful months among us, being of in Army thus every soldier must learn the times to British West Indians in foreign ke Duchess of Hesse.
Estrella Train was coming towards LiHis household and family all attended calculable help to the government. He language of Latin America.
mon at full speed being about fifteen parts. It has been brought to the atten set the ball arolling by giving the It is time that this should be reci. divine service vvith him and the Impeamount necessary to pave around the procal with the Central American Mili rial Flag vvas flovvn all day at the the Orlanda Switch she came upon Mr. that these do not register at the Consublock on vvhich his house and office tary departments, especially the Police. castle.
District coming up in opposite directherefore it is impossibls to Knovv vvho is located and since then many of the Police man can hardly be conside Communists arrested property holders have follovved suit by red an efficient officer of Public Safety tions from a tour of Inspection of the are really British subjects at the spur of doing the same thing.
if he is not conversant with the princi great demonstration vvas inade by Farms under his control, luckily himHis Excellency directs it to be noThen he loaned the government a pal language of the world, much crime the Communist element in New York self and his motorman had time to throw themselves into the adjoining tified, for general information, that in quarter million of colones to be spend would be detected and with a greater on account of the execution of Steve ditch, when the Car was smashed in order that His Majesty Consular Of.
on reconstruction of the street which degree of accuracy if our detectives and Katovis in that city over 400 Commuhas been a great relief. We wish Mr. police had a knowledge of the English nists met in the City hall and made a pieces. We rejoice with Don Alfredo ficers may be in a position to interfor his escape.
vene on their behalf should occasion Cecil a pleasant stay abroad and hope language. THE SEARCHLIGHT will help demonstration as a protest they had arise, British West Indian Subjects vvho he vvill soon come again.
The Kaiser to be forcibly dispersed by the Police, may go to reside in foreign countries during vvhich tvvelve persons got inThe Simmons Coy.
The World not round should register themselves at the BriOn Monday last 27th inst found jured and several arrests made, among tish Consulate as British subjects and The Minister of Public Works has William, Ex Kaiser of Germany altho them being three girls.
According to Scientist Miller that for this purpose they should pro taken over completely the Roads attached to the Dominion Observatory wide Mattoselves with evidence of Bri: Bridges that were under the Control of paratively happy with his wife and Exemption of Custom dues of Canada, the world is not round but certificate of British Nationality or a By an amendment in the Customs children all surrounding him at the is an Ellipsoid, and flattened at the Offices and all paraphernalia and work Castle at Doorn. It was the occasion of Lavys of the United States, members Poles with a pronounced heaviness about birth certificate Shovving birth within ing implements connected and is conthe Centre.
the 71st birthday of this outstanding of Congress and other high Govern.
Majesty dominions all the works novy by depart figure in World affairs, who in conse ducting all ment Officials are no longer exempt After completing his most minute and Consular Officers are empovvered to mental Officials.
quence of his failure carrying out from Customs duties on personal imdifficult measurements, which are considerequire such further evidence of iden Those of the Simmons Officials bro his projects in the vvorld vvar, vvas portations as formerly.
red the most accurate up to date, he tity as they may think ught here under Contract to be returned sentenced by the Povvers to imprisonnecessary, and This privilege is only in continuance reports that the diameter through the application for registration should be at the expiration of the Contract vvill ment for life in the Doorn Castle in so far the Foreign Diplomats are conPoles is twenty six miles less than made upon a form of declaration, co be given their passages home by the Holland; and here vve find him after cerned.
through the Equator. He accomplished pies of which are obtainable at Con government chargeable to The Simmons, his measurements with a pendulum sulates, and it should be clearly unders so only the Superintendent Mr. Deuthit tood that the absence swinging in Vaccuum, which was carof adequate and Mr. Adams the Representative will ried to Berlin, Greenwich, Washington evidence of identity may make it im remain pending what arbitration vvill and back to Ottawa. Where at each possible for Consular Officers to accord say as there are many who are feeling point he says the swing varied accorprotection to British subjects.
that the action of The Fomento is very ding to the different pulls of gravity.
Arbitrary and will stand for a heavy Among all the food products that have arrived in this country none of Emmigration to Costa Rica lawsuit.
them are as of a recognized Value as Another Newspaper Trains Timetable During the month of Dec mber 107 TODDY persons left Jamaica for proclaimed pla. Every other vveek novy a days, the an ideal food for children and mothers; for adults that work excessively in We understand that by suggestions ces, of which amount 23 came to Cos. Railvvay authorities change their Time mental onerations, for CONVALESCENTS, for wasted Organs and word out OP The President on Tuesday night a ta Rica, 42 to Panama, 14 vvent to tables apparently experimenting to see energies, Toddy, the most frail is the nutrition most adaptable, and in conweek ago The Limon Div. of the Spanish Honduras, and 10 to Cuba a vvhich vvill be more convenient to the sequence of its agreeable fovour, its efficacy as an easily digested food, it has rapidly been accepted in this Republic, as the best. will start early a newspaper in proclamation has been issued advising public and most economical to them in food made up of fats which must be taken in large quantities to be our opposition to THE SEARCHLIGHT as this intending travellers not to come to Cos present crisis, recently vve had the nutritious to the system, MEATS and their complicatious is unneccesary inspaper is thought by him not conducive ta Rica nor to go to Cuba, as there is change which gave us the Passenger from tead of being beneficial result PREJUDICIAL, which is not the case with to the best interests of that Division no works going on at these places. San Jose leaving at o clock instead TODDY which in small quantities acumulate greater nutritive energy.
as it is being run nowadays.
Mothers ought to take in consideration the delicacy of the digestive Mr. Douglas our Ex Consul is of 35 and that of Limon leaving at Organs of their children and therefore provide them with a healthy food. There So this Div. will depart from the novv in Jamaica and has advised the 10. 30 instead of 40, vvith the Local is nothing better than TODDY which taken in adequate meals is a marvellous rulings of the Organization in creating Governor of the embarrassing condi train leaving Limon at 40 and San builder for children its own Official Organ quite in Keeping tion existing here.
Jose at 30 a. and the suppression Cold or Hot in any way you like it, it will be found palatabe, agreeable it seems, if they are to cut lose from Several Jamaicans have had to be of The Turrialba Train. efficacious Headquarters in truth.
This precious FOOD may be had in all Drug stores and Rstablishments.
repatriated to Jamaica from Cuba in It yvas hoped by some that a Train consequence of the distress existing would be run from Turrialba at a.
there among them.
so as to take the place of the o clock Travellers The United Fruit Coy Ship La Pla train from Cartago, but novy vve find ya took over last vveek several of them instead that a midday train will be giAs was announced some weeks ago and one undesirable from Cuba to Ja ven Cartago as from the 3rd. Feby.
in these columns that Mrs. Sam Ecc maica leaving San Jose at 11 a. and returnleston was being called from us to the ing to San Jose, leaving Cartago at side of her husband in Nicaragua, she Coffee Adulteration 12. 50 vvhile the regular morning left us by the Pasagero on her recent train leaves at a. still, and leaves Situado 150 yards from South of the Market in front of trip to Nicaragua The Secretary of Public health, has San Jose on the return at 15 Orange Crush factory The ladies of the young ladies Stan advised the authorities all over the Rethis midday train vvill Corta el Rabo dard clubs of which she was the very ATLANTIC HOTEL offers to the public in gepublic to prosecute rigidly any adulteof the Camiones very seriously.
life, gave her a most pleasant send off ration of ground coffee offered for Sale.
neral Clean confortable Rooms.
at the home of Mrs. Aida Bucknor.
Suicide If coffee is adulterated, the purchaser The name of Mrs. Eccleston will almust be told vvith vvhat vvhat it is Lovemore who Meal Service to order, cakes, Ice Cream as per desire was for a long vvays be associated in the memory of adulterated, if they vvish to buy it is time employed as Foreman on Rio Jeall the achievements of this club. up to them, but if adulterated coffee is sus Maria Farm for Mr. Rogers, but We also attend to wedding feasts, Picnic Parties THE SEARCHLIGHT vvishes Mrs. Ecc sold as pure coffee, and proven adul left to do his own business when Mr.
leston much success and happiness in terated, the authorities are asked to take Jose Rodriguez bought the Farm, Spscial dinners or at Home tea service whether at the HOTEL her nevy sphere steps to prosecute the vendors.
committed suicide, it seem as if he has or in your own Homes.
met with much loss of money and on Moderate Prices, all attention given to Boareen Monday last cut his throat bowels ders English french spoken. Call be convinced.
open at Siquirres, and died in the Limon Hospital on Thurs day morning, TH Telf. 3271. Box 614. San José, he leaves a wife and two little children.
Football game most thrilling game of Football 150 varas al Norte del Mercado. Calle vs. Casa 335 was played at the Stadium on Sunday weinig last beteveen the Libertad and The HeSERVICIO DE HOTEL RESTAURANT redianos in benefit of Juan Goban (ne CAFETERIA MODERNA Comida de la Clase. Habitaciones Higiénicas Aseo Esmerado.
gro) from start to finish there was never Se atienden Ordenes para Bodas, Bautizos y otras Fiestas a let up, and resulted in a tie of one goal each DE Mrs. AIDA CRANSTON To our friends and patrons when visiting San Jose do not fail to come to The Officers men of the French HOTEL ESTRELLA gunboat Antares vvitnessed the game.
When in Limon if you feel like a home served Retired Public Officer meal, go to CAFETERÍA MODERNA, Aida will 150 yards to the North of the Market in sth. street in front of the Candyshop of Juan Enciso most. Cordial meeting was held make you feel at home. The ooly comfortable diWhere you will be accommodated as if you are in your own home at the Head Office of the Public ning room of its class in Town, private and Cosy.
First class meals, comfortable clean airy Rooms.
Works Department of Jamiaca, vvhen Tea, breakfast or Luncheon for Picnic Parties, We take orders, for weddings, Baptisms, dinners and all Mr. Duncan Feurtado, Assistant Di private diniog rooms to entertain ladies as well as Kinds of picnic and outing parties.
rector said good bye to his colleagues.
EDWARD LEWIS CROSSLEY Proprietors An illuminated address and Souvenir gentlemen. Banquets and dinners provided at Shortest vvere presented to him, and very pleasnotice. Cream, Cakes, coffee or soft drinks as you ant expressions exchanged.
Mr. Feurtado (Dunnie) as he is afSpecial attentions to my customers.
fectionately called by all his friends has to Aida served the Dept for 45 years, rising from an office boy at Spanish Tovun 3rd. Avenue and 7th Street Limon.
to Assistant Director of Public Works, and during which time he has been ԻՊՈՊՈՊՈՊՈՊՈՊՈՊՈՊՈՊՈՂՊԱՏ more of a friend than a boss to every employee in the service.
This wonderful preparation preserves the health of your AniA Paper Factory mals. Feed them on SAL SOL. very favourable report has been It purifies the blood of your COWS. HORSES MULES.
given of the svvamp grass that has It keeps them always fat gives them a good COAT.
been sent avvay to investigate the possibility of paper made from it. From this Your life can be insured for more than five times what you It is a preventative against Black Leg, other infectious deseases report it is understood that a Factory It cures Sunstroke y Morriña in your calves.
for making Paper in the Island vvill will get from your LODGE paying about the same monthly It cures all animals that urine with blood.
soon be erected in the parish of St.
The milk from your Cows, will always be rich pure so Elizabeth, this vvill be a means of find dues FANCY. LODGES bring ENEMIES by fruitless arthat the Hygiene officers can find no fault with your milk man.
Cows fed continually on SAL SOL are not attacked by Torsola, Sold old St. Bess, so as to alleviate some of guments and occasion many sleepless nights.
the distress alvvays existing there in at all Drugstores, for only a few cents.
dry seasons. If the government will The NACIONAL INSURANCE BANK is a GovernADOLFO DE LEMOS, Manufacturer only see about irrigating the dry area from the waters of the Svamps and ment Institution, guaranteed by our GOVERNMENT.
the Black River, this parishna wouldecas del Ministerio de Culturalnisure through THF SEARCHLICHT non beflovvishing again. Nacional de ellele Hotel Estrella Sintitoiminti SAL SOL PROTECT YOUR FAMILY


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