p. 4


Maritime Movements Clipping from the Gleaner THE KEITH BANK Bocas lin Adellan, Slad White, Vernon del Toro.
needs ase the first been per cent Bute, leave this occupy the ELENA altho Anne For Puerlayton Among Πονν Tuesday vyho and died Gladstone Wilson Vaya al Cine Moderno de Limón OF WEEK AGO The TOLOA of the United In consequence probably of a nu Monday, 20th. Motor vessel PASAFruit Co. arrived with an unusual Last Obstacle To Young Leeward Islands will attend the Confe. mour that some Bank had gone insolnumber of Tourist on Friday morn JERO Captain Cooper sailed for Plan Is Overcome rence while the College will be reprevent there was an avvful run an John Bluefields and other ports of the Atlan 24th inst, leaving on the 25th evening.
sented by the professional staff.
Keith Bank in Limon a vveek ago The IRIONA of the tic Coast with over 40 passengers from From THE HAGUE, January 17. The last all quarters depositors could be Co. arrived from New Orleans the on this port. The following is the list of Genl. Smuts Advice obstacle to the adoption of the Young seen hurrying down to go and vvithpassengers showing the different ports 22nd, and after discharging her cargo dravy their deposits, they would not Plan for reparations by the Chief Crewhich PHILADELPHIA, January 17. Men and mails left for del booked.
they Toro, she be advised of the ditors of Germany was over come tountruthfulness of the returned on the 24th, and completed For Bluefields; Harold Stanley, Ros.
of War have become the most practical rumour. they rushed in, and Mr. Bovv.
Stanford Allen, Exequiel men of peace, General Smuts told a her cargo of Bananas for her return night when the French and German Delegates agreed to the conditions untrip. These ships making their forntnighmeeting at the Philadelphia Forum last den the Manager met them all vvith a Seaton, Ellza Theodore, Charles Loveof reassurance, and kept on pay.
der which the first reparations bond will lace, Frances night. Conquest, subjugation and explotly George trips Mar.
in this vvay facilitates mail and be put on the market.
cation of ing out until by his calmness and passenger service to add from Bocas alien peoples he added is tin, Jane An Tordan, Thomas Daniel Fuller, confidential readiness in meeting every In order to furnish Germany the impractical, dangerous and old fashT.
money required for railways and other ioned. He asserted that avoidance of demand made on him, confidence was Dalton, VR Reddi, Debique, The Gasoline vessel ELENA usualLibs, ly engaged in the traffic betyven this internal it was decided to increforeign entanglements was commendaregained, and all began feeling foo Hugh Boyer, Anable Tatinte, Joaquin da lishly sorry ble but national aloofness was imposfirst issue from 400. 000, 000 for their eagerness to be port and Colorado Bar, arrived here Montiel. Maria lieve to 600. 000, 000 with the amount of sible.
gossip on Artur Santiago, Rondel, Leonor Mena, the Street de from the latter port on monday 20th.
Santiago, Cor The institution of Mr. John Keith increase assigned to Germany. The Bonds under charter of the Limon Trading The United States in her national Co.
Fehroy Hinds, Bank in Limon has will be issued to bear from five to six Dall Andre, of adolescence the speaker said has acgreat conWilliam Claremont, Cyprian Old Harbor, vvhere the Limon and interest.
venience to the inhabitants of Limon, quired an amazing amount of world Aston Fraser, Berta Gamez, has The Germans agreed to abstain from coming as it did at a time vvhen there vvith tyvo children, Clarice McLeod, large Cocoa interests. The Elena kena seeking other loans in foreign markets teristic of adolescence.
Adolescents have power, but wisdom was never charac vvas novvhere in the Province where María Morales, Carlos Segundo C, Rallie hovvever left on Saturday for Bueuntil next October at which time it was one could get a draft vvhether inland Malcolm, Herbert Alexandre, Maud fields, and if the vessel of the Lia tendency to grow mischievous if they Alexander Trading Co, is not ready for supposed the first issue of the Repahave power. There is a question. or exterior to remit money vvhether for want rations Bonds will have been floated ones family, relatives to put to the American people before For Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua: Ro service very soon, they may continue to for Commerce, If they have not been then, the Gerindividual who on her returu sendo Laguna, Josephine Eccleston, mans have agreed not to seek money from Bluefields.
in the diplo position Do you belleve that you are using occupyiug a high abroad before a year from next April.
the your power wisely and not mischi service, yet very often sold drafts passengers arriving per Castilla, Honduras. Canute ahout having a don dollar in the Bank THE HAGUE, Jan 17. The Little evously, in other words, for the general Reid, Alfred Chalk, Florence Smith, Toloa vvas Mrs. Miller of Pa.
Entente Nations notified the big six Stanley Griffiths, Aubrey Griffiths.
namá. vvho has come to spend time human welfare dravvn upon to respond for his bit of or simply for your own powers at the Reparations Conference Paper. It is therefore ence selfish pleasure?
ungrateful at Cartago with her relative Mrs. Bell.
21st SUTAGO. of to day that they will not sign the Young My first trip to this country has that due to Mrs. Bell and other friends vvere at the to the cruel, dastardly act of the Elders Fyffes line arrived and Plan unless an agreement is reached pier avvaiting her with hearty greetings.
convinced me that wisdom will come foul rumour (vvhether intentional or sailed on the 22nd taking over 8000 with Hungary. The powers discused the to you people as a nation. It probably casual) that such a dirty trick should sacks of Coffee, The MAYARI of Co.
matter later.
line arrived (Sunday) handling freight come sooner to have been cast on the name of one you than it has We were informed that deck passenlived a come to other nations like your world great benefactor to and from New York, leaving the Big Agricultural Conference gers were accepted in this Steamer for power did. As a people you already to the Tourist service entirely to the Toloa.
Jamatca at the rate of 12. 00 each, vve do not know if these Steamers vill Opened In Trinidad 23rd. are instinctively liberal minded.
If people would only think, they Greatness and strength in a nation vvould soon realize vvhat to believe continue to do so, but yve vvill search PORT OF SPAIN, January 17. only excites envy and malice in other tainly no name in the Banking busiand vvhat not to believe. There is cerof our subscribers.
Mules for Sale The announcement is made in the local nations if that greatness and strength The ORINOCO of Ham press that the Secretary of State for the nesses of Limon that stands out in such is not mellowed by kindness and made merica line arrived on 22nd, and sailed Colonies has appointed a Conference bold relief as John Keith, indeed gracious by benevolences.
on the 24th, also taking quite a load Farmers, Cartowners others who of Directors of Agriculture and Agriso long as the United Fruit Coy name of Coffee, Cacao and other exports.
is associated with this country, the Caribbean The Palace Circus sailed on her after Mr. Strachan at Peralta vvho vvill may need good mules should apply to cultural officers of the British as a result of the resolution which was name John Keith must be respected, months stay and performances in seto the name has earned in governmentale say uothing of the admiration that veral Provinces be able to sell them first class pack passed last year at the second Standing Conference of the West Indies held The JUNO of the Netherland mules at prices to suit the Crisis. under the Chairmanship of Sir Edward circles. If we would therefore only Co. also arrived on tuesday and Davson.
Jamaicans ought to be pleased when stop to think at times when a rumour sailed on the 24th. STRACHAN, Peralta.
The Conference will take place at they read in the foreign periodicals of gets current, the vvhys, the vvherefores the Imperial College of Tropical Agrithe high honours acquired by this and the circunstances surround ing such culture under the Charmanship of the young man of their own kin.
a slander, vve vvould never be so apt It Principal, Mr. Evans, on Thursday is said that among addresses that to throwy mud into the faces of those 23rd. instant, and will be opened by His Holiness the Pope listened to in vvhom we ought to love and respect. The Actig Governor, the Hon.
30 languages by the Students of the Grier. Delegates from Trinidad, Urban College in the Polyglot Academy British Guiana, Barbados, Bermuda, the in the celebration of the golden jubilee of his ordination; the most popular comAn Organ for Sale position was that rendered in Italian by THE REPORTERS SCRAP BOOK Gladstone Wilson fine eleven stops Organ for Sale Wilson entered this University at in first class condition. Can be seen at THE CHIEF OF TRAFFIC enviable carreer. He is now following Mr. Bucknor home in Limon. Prices No solamente debemos trabajar sino también debemos divertirnos. La the calling as a priest in the Roman very moderate for Cash.
vida sin distracciones es pesada y triste. EL CINE MODERNO le proporOF LIMON Catholic faith.
Mrs. BUCKNOR, Limon ciona la manera de distraerse todas las noches con películas y expectáculos nuevos, que le dejarán sonrisas y descansará su espiritu para las nuevas luchas dela vida The ire of all automobilists and cycVuelvase modernista gaste la înfima suma de 25 céntimos y gozará admirando las mis lindas estrellas de la cinematografia.
lists has been aroused against the gentleman who is in charge of free passage VISIT CINE MODERNO along the Roadways of this Town.
This Officer is making himself most JOHN ROGERS, TAILOR All work and no diversions makes Jack a dull boy objectionable to the citizens who move up and down on Wheels in our Town The name is the hall mark for Tailoring, CINE MODERNO limits.
gives you a new scene every night of your life, giving you a new He pulled off a stunt some few days FAR AND NEAR lease on life every morning when you get awake. You are not seeing ago that could not fail to incur the he best pictures if you do not visit THE MODERNO. From the 4th discontent of the general public, He Among his clients are the most fastidious, the elite; the people that to the 16th a wonderful serial.
blockaded all the Railway Crossings at know. Convince yourseelf.
which are posted the sign, Stop! Look!
Listen! and every vehicle (Bycicles incLIMON, Box. 83.
luded) that did not come to a stand the conductor was lodged in the jail and a fine of 5 00 five colones inflicted Do you love your family. Insure your life in Now every officer ought to have and exercise discretion in his official capa THE NATIONAL LIFE ASSURANCE BANK city, certainly we expect that any careless driving or riding across such places 3ΟΣΣ ΣΣΕ incurring danger to life property GRANT to be punished; but where preiken by slowing down and Suits made to order in the Shortest notice. Comtion is taken across the Rails plete stock of English and American tweeds, sergiogs ho the arbitrary step of introduction to the Christmas is gone and you have proven that the only Store Flannels always on stock, come in when in San José cuartel should not be resorted to; and In Limon where the needs of yourself and your kiddies were see my recent arrivals.
besides the Traffic Law does not in satisfied was at clude incarceration, it says that the veNorth East Corner of Central Avenue where the Plaza Viquez hicle shall be conducted to the cuartel and the conductor be warned to THE LITLE PARIS OF Mrs. JACK DE PASS Tramway starts.
before the Magistrate, therefore to con Now you ll think of Your winter Spring wear Get your Suits also made on the Raffle Series system come fine young lads on Bycicles and the owners or drivers of automo.
latest styles in dresses and Hats to Match.
in and get a number.
biles for such offence is contrary to To be Fashionable you must wear the Sweetest Lace dresses.
BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 Law, and our Governor should inves Beautiful silk laces of every colour and width just received at tigate and correct this abuse of prive THE LITLE PARIS with Flowers to Match. See our new Hat Straws.
In this raid Mr. March, General MaFor weddiog Trousseaus and Bridesmaids dainties, if you shop at nager of the United Fruit Coy. was LITTLE PARIS you can be certain of being in the latest Style.
also taken, and it cannot be expected that he could have been driving care.
She supplies the last word in the world of fashion.
lessly across his Railway Track. Such Aux to make a ΟΣΟ ΣΟΣ reactionary movement against pos lities of Kindly actions of those in autfor the benefit of the Community You would not have seen the best in Siquirres, if you Cartago as a Health Resort is THE SWITZERLAND of the Americas gone by when Don Juan Visitors from the Canal Zone sing the Praises of the attention Romagosa was Governor here, the Raildid not visit care taken of them by the Administration of way brought all the ballast that made the Cieneguita Street, almost free of Charges from Yas, because there THE PEOPLE MARTER was THE HOTEL FRANCES OF CARTAGO that affability between the government officials and those of the Company, but Nice, comfortable airy Rooms, beautiful Scenery of the surrounding how can such favours for your supply of general merchandise and groceries for be expected when such arbitrary measures are being the home or the Farm.
country adopted. It therefore behoves Don Jose Hernandez to see that such conduct is Our Ladies fancy goods gents shirts and underwear a Convenient Trains to visit the country East or west. To spend a not exhibited that will tend to react Vacation at THE HOTEL FRANCES CARTAGO is always to return.
unfavourably to his regime.
specialty Thanking you, Mr. Editor.
Charges and accomodations to suit all Purses.
YOURS Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Biblioteces del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.
WHEEL TRAFFIC THE VOGUE Sastrería Grant laces MEG NEW YEAR AT LITLE PARIS appear ladies Hotel Frances hority for In days Mc. INTOSH. Siquirres


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