
EDITORIAL CURRENT ITEMS Bankers meet President im partiality. the Church holdings what it is today, in he made that Mrs.
ries credit stopped.
Our Elections After 20 years Orchestra of six pieces, assisted by accompaniments from Miss Iris Penso Judging from the outlook of the It was indeed a delight to meet the and the Misses Franklins way our electors are deporting them Ven, Archdeacon Swaby in We wish the happy pair much sucThe Bankers have all been called by the Minister of Finan selves, our election of Deputies to Con Limon after over twenty years of ob cess and joys in their New Venture, ce during the past week at the instance of the President to see gress to fill the places of the retiring tence from the Country. Archdeacon will pass off on Sunday coming served this diocese as Priest in Boy Scouts charge of the country. At present the Banks have been abstaining from Mution at neutrality so as not to improved considerably the property of Community. He has always taken very the President is is taking It is with pride that we can write of every number of years, during which time he the activities of Father Ryecart in the making any advances to Merchants or Agriculturists which would help to circulate any money whether for Comercial, Industrial or give rise to any give rise friction din from the in Limon, infact Agricultural exploits, hence the reason for calling this meeting. annot help thinkin however that Keen pleasure in the interests of the the The Bankers attending the meeting were The Royal Bank from the class of men we see being put He bought the cornerlotin youths of this town.
forward, The St. Marks Sunday school a choir of the mistakes of many of Canada, The Internacional, The Credito Hipotecario, The Banthe Church property with his own mo have developed wonderfully under his co Nacional of Seguros, The Banco Anglo Costarricense, the as to insure for us a more prosperous would have reimbursed him the cost the past Congress will be remedied, soney, with the idea that the Commitee took up the Presidency of the A but at a time when cirBanco of Costa Rica, Banco Coliado and the Banco John Keith, 1931, by granting reasonable Concessions of the property when they could accu. cumstances ren rendered its functioning impress their debtors, but they did not promise to let out for agri be willing to spend their millions for room on it, which was also used as possible, consequently he had to close culture or other Industries which is what is necessary. If a man the future development of the country, Town Hall in the old days, and later down its operations for a while but The dog in the manger way of hopes soon to start on a better basis gave birth to the Limon Friendly Liis engaged in any industry and his creditors refuse to make adthinking is being overcome by more terary Association. Most of the young He has now thoroughly reorganized the Church boy Scouts, having been vances to carry on that Industry he may as well be told to close reasonable minds who realize that the down, because every day his interest and overhead expenses are lands without the means of operating day were made efficient by the good appointed Commissioner from England.
running and he cannot improve the business to withstand such them have little or no value.
efforts in Educational activities of Archall the Scouts have got their new expenses, he may as well hand over rather than get deeper day his millions in extracting the gold that a Capitalist comes in and spends deacon Swaby.
Unfortunately for Limou, the health plements fittings and hope to give by day in debt.
of Swaby could not withstand the a great demonstration soon to The cilmate and he had to give up the officials Consuls What we would have expected was that promises would have was in the soil, success should not be the Community. Fa.
been made, following the suggestions of don Carlos Maria Jime cause, success was realizable only by diocese and take up his residence ther Ryecart must be congratulated for nez to provide loans from each Bank to launch an Agricultural his millions, and the accomplishments work in England, from where his is his Zeal in the interests of the young were equally available to you or anyone people of the Town, and we wish for Loaning Department, by which this could be fostered, so as to now coming.
provide food for ourselves, wthout having to import Sugar, Rice, those who can. these are the feelings Charity exhibited by Archedeacon Swa him a bright Career among us so that Many, many have been the acts of his name too may go down with enMilk, beans, Corn, Lard and such like articles, the money from which are now prevailing in this Elec by in his Sphere of labour here; and dearment in the History of Limon.
such products would come in and support the Merchants in their tion and which we feel spells prosperity we can say without fear of contradicFrom Pocora importations of such things as are not produced or manufactured for the future. All Liquor establishments tion that no Priest has been able to will be closed on Saturday Munday. do for this Community what he has very enthusiastic meeting of this here; therefore in our opinion the promises made did not amdone during his time Division was conducted here on Sunount to much significance, nor help to the country and must agree Proposed Savings He is here on a short visit to attend day 26th. After the usual ceremony was with don Carlos Maria that until the government realizes that to some business of his own and hopes gone through The chaplain expounded Agriculture is the main stay of this country and operates in this The Secretary of Hacienda is making to leave by the next boat for England brotherly Love as outlined in the 133 direction to devise means ways to foster and exploit intense drastic moves to save every dollar he vía Jamaica. We cannot but reiterate Psalm can possibly from the appropriations our great pleasure in seeing him once After the Negro world was read. Mr.
cultivation, the commercial section will for ever be ruined.
We note that a Dr. Joaquin Gomez supposedly a Nicara many Expenditures which have been Stay will be a most pleasant and provoted by Congress, so that there are more among us, and trust his short Johnson the President gave a few impressive remarks, Master Sydney guan writes in La Tribuna showing how Bananas started to passed by congress that he is refusing fitable time and that his journey home Brown gave a fine recitation in his usual be cultivated on a very Small Scale along the Nicaraguan bank to carry out. He is disposed to wipe will be filled with pleasing me forceful manner Mr. Henry, coun of the San Juan River, and how it is being increased and ship out all Pensions of the hundred fifty of the past.
seled his hearers to stick to the proped through Colorado Bar by small boats up to Bluefields where he has notified the Municipality that gramme, the teacher Mr. Chas Thompis Wedding Bells it is bought and shipped by the American Fruit Co. We wonder this son gave an inspiring address Mr. Brown chaplain, then exhorted the whether this is done so as to show don Cleto what would be He is Tha wedding of Mr. Johnson ladies to be more energetic in their the use of the Canalization of the Moin, Tortuguero. Lagoons in the presupuesto and is determined and Miss, Iris Smith both of Jamaica duties.
Everyday it is manifested more more the support that the to strike out any item that is not of residing at Estrella took place in Limon Several fine renditions were given by on the 25th of February.
Province of Limon, has been to the Commercial Life of the Caurgent necessity.
the choir. Mr. Johnson made the final He expects to save by these measures The Contracting parties left for their address and the meeting was brought pital, by her output of Bananas and yet instead of doing some three Millions of colones.
home in Estrella on Monday 27th. Feb. to a close after a fine evening was thing to stimulate this output the government is only thinking May heavens help Limon that he and where they were greeted by their friends. spent with much Unity exhibited of building Roads etc. which do not result in productive works, the President may divert one million When a very happy evening was these Roads only go through properties belonging to the rich to the construction of The Moin Canal. Spent enlivened by Mr. John William SAMUEL ANGLIN planters who rent their lands to favoured peasants at exorbitant An Adornment rates (fancy one hundred colones per manzana for a crop of Corn or beans) and yet the government does not get an increased va After reconstructing the Avenue in You would not have seen the best in Siquirres, if you luation Tax on such lands, what can 50 per 1000 00 per the Coy, has seen the unsightliness of front of the Northern Railway Station, did not visit annum do towards Road Construction. These Roads are only enthe sidewalk alongside of this Avenue, courageing importations and not exportations, and the money goes and have very judiciously decided to out of the country for importation of automoviles, etc. instead of construct the walk in keeping with the THE PEOPLE MART tile lands from which we would produce millions of stems of sand colones, and judging the stringent This work will cost four five for your supply of general merchandise and groceries for Bananas, and thousands of tons of Rice, Sugar, Corn, Beans, economic policy of the Company, it the home or the Farm.
Lard and such like articles of consumption; no, we are building may well be considered how necessary it Roads and yet it is observed that with all the millions being spent is seen to be, when this appropriation Our Ladies fancy goods gents shirts and underwear a on Roads in, and around Cartago and San Jose, there is no com is allowed to pass for construction works.
specialty mercial Life, why is this? Where is the money gone? Is it not It will certainly be a great adornment evident that the loss of the influx from the prosperity of the only a pity that the street to the Souin the appearance of the Station, it is Province of Limon by our banana Industry is the cause of the ther side of it was not also fixed. Mc. INTOSH. Siquirres paralisis of the Commercial life of San Jose? then why not appropriate a million of all this Road moneys on the Construction Lighting facilities of the Canal which would result as the cheapest Roadway in the At last vve see the distriet Knovvn in оооооооооооооооооооооо country. No repairs, no bridges, no macadam, no asphalt. once Limon as Jamaica Tovun is being made fovever done only wants one dredge to Keep it open after supplied wystis Electricitye vandaar water very heavy floods.
Where is the throughtfulness of our Congressmen and Ex Limon is just novy being made haecutives, that they cannot see the utility of a Canal running 90 bitable, it is only a pity that conditions miles up the interior of a Country at a cost of only 250, 000. are now so difficult to live economi150 varas al Norte del Mercado. Calle vs. Casa 335 Why not get a tender from an American firm to survey and cally in this little tovvn built up mainly SERVICIO DE HOTEL RESTAURANT construct this work, and so render one half the population free habits of the coloured people of the Comida de la. Clase Habitaciones Higiénicas. Aseo Esmerado.
of the much abused Railway Co.
Se atienden Ordenes para Bodas, Bautizos y otras Fiestas We do sincerely hope that our article will catch the eye of Don Cleto, as we write this not by way of Criticism, but as a Theatral Fire means of offering a thought that will stimulate his administration to While the Cine Moderno of Limon HOTEL ESTRELLA do something that will certainly help in bringing back the comvvas operating the first performance in mercial status of the Country.
this town of the Talking Pictures, the 150 yards to the North of the Market in 8th, street in front of the film caught fire and vvas enterely desCandyshop of Juan Enciso Everyday we see criticisms of the government in the daily troyed.
Where you will be accommodated as if you are in your own home papers, but there is never a proposal to help to aleviate the dis This proves the stability of the ConFirst class meals, comfortable clean airy Rooms.
tress, here are two. Get the necessary loans from the banks to crete department of the Moderno in We take orders, for weddings, Baptisms, dinners and all intensify cultivation, compel the large landowners to rent their which the Machine is Kept. Had it Kinds of picnic and outing parties.
lands at reasonable rates to the settlers say twentyfive colones theatres EDWARD LEWIS CROSSLEY Proprietors per Annum per Hectarea, and assist by loans to the bona fides have had another disastrous theatre fire?
in tovyn it is probably that vve should cultivators to produce crops; and Canalize Moin to Tortuguero but as vue said last vveek, the proLagoons.
prietor Mr. Ernest has spared no pains to secure the comfort and security of his patrons, thereby avoiding vvhat he suffered last year, he has been put to the test and stood it.
Notice to correspondents JOHN ROGERS, TAILOR If articles are not written in copy This wonderful preparation preserves the health of your Ani plate or Typevvritten they cannot be mals. Feed them on SAL SOL.
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LIMON, Box. 83.
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Do you love your family. Insure your life in coming in manuscript that are impossible of matriculation. Please form your ADOLFO DE LEMOS, Manufacturer THE NATIONAL LIFE ASSURANCE BANK letters correctly or get some one to do Biblioteca Nacia forumOregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Biblic Hotel Estrella To our friends und patrons when visitug Sun Jose do not fail to come to THE VOGUE SAL SOL This Este documento es pri


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