
Saturday 1st. February. 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT PAGE BANANA REJECTIONS News of the World Our train service vera The Peoples Forum then Life is but a dream but Death is certain Chief Justice Taft The Belgian government has refused We beg to call the attention of Mr.
Doland as Asst. Supt. of Traffic on the proposals to resume frindly relationship Rejections, and uncalled for rejections have been the practice in Ex President Taft who was Chief vvith the Soviet government of Rusia.
Railways to an oversight of his or his Limon, so we have got accustomed to it that it is a Natural cons Justice of the United States, has taken Superiors which may result in serious equence with us nowadays; but last month and last week in Seriously ill and had to resign his occurrences, and damages to the RailWith the fall of the government of particular seem to be the limit. Some couple weeks ago when position as his condition is considered way Coy.
the cutting was given for the Ulua and she was suddenly changed very serious.
Primo Rivera, King Alfonso has issued Ever since the suspension of the TurMr. Charles Hughes has been a decree of general amnesty to all his rialba Train, there has been a conges for a much smaller boat without change in the cutting orders, there named his successor in office. He has subjects who had to get out of Spain tion on the Local train from that stawas a great dump; but this week has been the climax. The been withdrawn from the Commitee during the dictatorship of Primo Ri tion to Cartago San Jose. The Local leaves Limon with two fruit was just simply not wanted. It would have appeared that of Peace Negociations before the League Coapassenger the Company suddenly found out that the Costa Rica bananas nomination to the position by President ches to Siquirres where one is left.
had developed Smallpox or some other infectious desease render. Hoover was a great surprise in its raThis one Coach is over crowded from Costa Rican coffee in spite of the Turrialba to Cartago where another ing it unfit for human consumption; it is highly neccesary there. pidily being decided on in four hours speculations of the Estate Ovyners, gi Coach is added for the Cartago San fore for governmental investigation. Some farmers cutting 200 after Mr. Taft resignation was handed ving out that the prices had fallen so Jose run.
stems some 30 some 40 were taken, one farmer reports cutting in by his son.
lovy that they could only pay 30 and Does he not observe that this one 57 stems only two taken and so on throughout the Atlantic zone; War not Peace 40 colones here, has been realizing good Coach is inadequate to the Passenger prices in London Humburg markets Traffic between Turrialba and Cartago?
there has been a general cry, the government should certainly The Sovie lation Commitee repre being sold at betyveen 12. and intervene and see what it is, whether the bananas have develo senting two million boys and girls, are We have seen him at Turrialba looking 17. per cut.
at the Passengers crowding in on this ped a special desease during the last week, whether it is the fault making a Nation wide drive to collect one Coach, packed like Sardines with great Alforjas and baskets and other their own fruit also, whether as Guatemala Honduras are flood re an international attack on the world baggage, the passengers standing or raing the market with Superior fresh fruit. our dryweather fruit for their intrigues against Communism.
ther crowding on the platforms of the.
are not wanted, whether the size of the boat will not admit of Mexico has broken relationship with Coach; one day it is expected that some passenger will fall off the Steps plattaking but a small quantity. but if so why put us to the expen them, they attribute this attitude to the form on the way up.
he will refuse se of cutting and exhibiting the fruit only to be dumped) we assert influence of the United Pacuarito Feb, 4th. 1930 States, who responsibility in an accident, beagain that an investigation should he instituted, this looks revenge long ago came to the same decision.
cause he has a notice stuck on the door, Hence while the great Powers are lesse.
ful, and the government ought to enquire why it is so.
Editor of the Limon SEACHLIGHT that Passengers are not allowed or ning their Naval armaments the Soviets In our present economic embarrassment when the govern are increasing theirs so as to strike an expected to stand on the platforms.
Dear Mr. Editor.
This one Coach is so packed at times a ment is entreating our Bankers and financiers to be lenient with International blow, as soon as they are especially Tuesdays Wednesdays and their debtors, these actions of the Coy. demand an explanation, strong enough. read with wonder and amazement Market at Cartago and returning on Thursdays with people comiug up to so as to set the minds of the populace at rest, because there are an article from Pacuarito written by those of the people who are feeling lhat these acts are the dea correspondent; under the Caption.
Thursdays that its very difficult for the The arrangements made by HonduRivisores to collect Tickets, he cannot signs of antagonism, as Indecent Crowds, Calling the attention a punishment for the passage of the ras for purchasing eight Army Airpla of the Police to a band of loose, commove through the Coach. We are fearBanana Law, therefore an explanation is incumbent on the part nes from the United States is very sig mon. young girls who patrol the Rail ing one day a Repitition of the Virilla of the Company, to prove their immunity from such considera nificant, while the Powers are lessening way lines from Siquirres to Pacuarito.
accident, hence his attention is called.
It is hoped he wont take this in tions, and it is an obligation of the government to protect the Armaments of war she is beggining to populace from such onslaughts tending to impoverishment. If the purchasing 26 war planes, what does am living here over 30 years have never seen or heard such a thing. This Manner of adverse Criticism but rather must must have been a night mare. or a timely warning from one who travels Company can prove that the Bananas are deseased then they should this mean?
an invisible gang of hawker and ped and get inconvenienced by being tramthrow out a statement publicly so the people can know, and steps be taken to remedy the defect.
Nicaraguan Consul lers of whom the writer of this foul, pelled and spat upon at times in these evil malicious article is king, think he Crowds. If the production is more than the demand why not come Mr. Elie Hazera who was formerly is not Sane. He is suffering from menout boldly and say so, so that the planters may be guided and Chief clerk in San José for the United tal depression Thanking you for Space am yours make special selections in the farms, and the public would be Fruit Co. has resigned his position to be better able to attend to his duties bound to be sympathetic in the conditions.
FOR SALE as Nicaraguan Consul in this country DAVID SMITH If the ships are inadequate of capacity why not correct the Following the programme of retrenchА farm of 15 Hectareas with notice of cutting orders by a limitation and show some sort of ments, the United Fruit has decided not ED NOTE Would be sorry to cooperation with the suppliers, rather than an exhibition of indiffe to fill the position vacated by Mr. Ha know that my correspondents notes cacao, bananas, yams etc. and small rence at a juncture like this when the greatest lack and ecccnozera, but to Split up the work among are incorrect, but as Mr. Smith lives the other clerks in Office.
Potrero. Admirable place for a start in mic stringency faces the populace.
nearer Pacuare than Pacuarito, things Mr. Hazera is a man of extensive are liable to happen that he may not life.
We say again there must be a cause and it is up to the admi Diplomatic abilities, as well as a most know however the correspondent may nistration of the Company to state such cause, and since they have affable courteous gentleman to all be able to enlighten him on the subject. Ask The Searchlighe.
not yet declared such cause, it seems incumbent on the govern who may approach him. He served Prement to institute an enquiry into the circunstances to set the sident Zelaya as Private Secretary as well as President Madriz.
public mind at rest, that there are not evil intentions promulgating He is certainly a great acquisition these actions.
in the Diplomatic service of his Country. He quits a Salary of 400 00 per month with the Co. for his Country Call Protect your family by insuring yourself in The Nacional Assurance Bank a governmental intitution.
Dr. VARGAS ONLY OSTEOPATH NELSON in Costa Rica, no The Cost of a Policy of 1000 ranges fron three to five drugs, no surgery. Office 125 yards TAILOR. PO BOX 466 PT. LIMON, north of Botica Oriental. Box 534, colones per month according to your age Dont delay. Write the SEARCHLIGHT at once for all particulars, up to 50 years old Remember when you need, a snappy suit. Call see me. My best advertisment is always a satisfied Our Roads Reconstruction no doctors certificate.
Customer, my price is within he reach of all. Call The Public works Department has be convinced.
taken over all the Roads that were under the Control of The Simonds Co. and are organizing the works under the! own plan.
Many Foremen. Timekeepers and Supervisors have been dismissed as being This property consists of 7040 hectareas, and has a sea beach unnecessary.
facing of 2672 miles on the Carribbean sea as the eastern boundary Mr. Percival Archibald who was Fore.
The old Cocoanut grove is a belt extending the entire length of man in charge of works for Hebbard the coast line of over 7000 bearing trees. The new and unexploi Co in Limón has been cabled for ted grove consists of over 60. 000 bearing trees.
in Panamá by the government to do The southern point of the property is miles from Greytown the Asphalting of the Cartago Alajuela or San Juan del Norte as properly named. the entrance to the Cartago as a Health Resort is THE SWITZERLAND of the Americas Road. He will be here in a few days expected Nicaraguan Canal.
Visitors from the Canal Zone sing the Praises of the attention he replied.
Río Indio, Rio Maiz, and Spanish Creek are rivers which run We are pleased of the acknowledgcare taken of them by the Administration of through the property making entrances from the sea casy.
ment of Mr. Archibald capabilities as Find out and study this proposition. An opporiunity for in.
a Road builder.
vestors The property is under the custody of the respectable buTHE HOTEL FRANCES OF CARTAGO From Estrada siness firm known as the BLUEFIELDS MERCANTIL Co. for the benefit of creditors of the creditors. Get in touch with The Blue.
Nice, comfortable airy Rooms, beautiful Scenery of the surrounding The well digging proposition has been fields Mercantil Co. or get immediate preliminary information in suspended at this place, by the Muni Limon through this paper, country.
cipality. This is the dryseason and the Convenient Trains to visit the country East or west. To spend a best time to sink a well, but the works were started in good shape and all of Vacation at The HOTEL FRANCES CARTAGO is always to return. a sudden stopped. It is a great pity beCharges and accomodations to suit all Purses.
cause not only that the vicinity is sadly lacking of a water supply, but that it rains start in, we are likely to lose all the money that has been spent on them The Concrete pipes that were sent up here seem to have been as Some of them are broken y casted, to pieces in unloading. They should he Reinforced Castings with strong bonding wire. We have good men around us, who have done considerable works in this direction it is a pity that men should No solamente debemos trabajar sino también debemos divertirnos. La GRANT be brought from elsewhere to do such vida sin distracciones es pesada y triste. EL CINE MODERNO le proporworks, resulting at times in a Manner ciona la manera de distraerse todas las noches con películas y expectácu, on Súits made to order in the shortest dotice. ComDuevos, que le dejaráti sonrisas y descansará su espíritu para las uue as very unsatisfactory.
luchas dela vida plete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings San Clemente Vuélvase modernista gaste la fufima suma de 25 céntimos y gozará Flannels always on stock, come in when in San José admirando las más lindas estrellas de la cinematografia see my recent arrivals.
Mr. Jesús Hernández of this Farm North East Corner of Central Avenue where the Plaza Viquez must be complimented, in fact a purse should be made up by the people who Tramway starts.
rear Pigs and Cattle from Bananito to All work and no diversions makes Jack a dull boy Bonifacio, for his Smartness in killing CINE MODERNO Suits also made on the Raffle Series system come two large Tigers in January, on the Ist he Shot one and on 31st. he shot gives you a new scene every night of your life, giving you a new in and get a number.
another immense one measuring two lease on life every moming when you get awake. You are not seeing BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 feet six inches in height a real brindle he best pictures if you do not visit THE MODERNO Tiger about a hundred yards from a Este documento espanidad de la Bibliotea Nacionan ranchon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotery THE STANDARD San Jose Invest in a good Property in Nicaragua Hotel Frances Sastrería Grant Vaya al Cine Moderno de Limón VISIT CINE MODERNO


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