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The New Styles in Ladies Dresses with that yvas pular society of the famale of It has come to the point in Ladies Si no ha hecho, hágalo y entonces quedará convencido de que sort in a Lavv court might bring about dress making by a non discarding of es el mejor de la Capital, es más cómodo y económico. dresses where the knee skirts figure no exposals contrary to the doctrine of the shorts, as by adding a semicirmore as the height of fashion. morals as understood today.
cular threequarter skirt of a blending conES LA DELICIA DFL PUBLICO The long criticised, ostracised, threat But the most serious ocurrence in the trarity to the shorts that might be cut 100 varas al Norte de la Botica Oriental, ened, vvinked at, stared at, enticing, matter is the extraordinary steps taken say six inches from the vvaistband or petted, hated, admired and desired knee by students of an of Anatomy more, we find that the ladies seems to DO YOU GO FREQUENTLY TO SAN JOSE?
and above knee skirt, has been asked by that has been established in Berlin for be in sympathy both vvith the artists the leaders in fashion to take a second and the students. Ofcourse this vve exHave you visited THE HOTEL LATINO?
place the express purpose of studying the in the line of chic and up to perceptibility arrived at through certain pected ovving to the sympathetic nature date fashioned dresses.
It you have not, do so and you will be convinced that it is the texture of footivear material, as also the endovved to them.
But we find that with the same obs profusion lack of filiments covering or Still best in the Capital, it is certainly the most comfortable and economical.
our curiosity has been avvaketinacy that the knee skirts made room the tibial nerves of the feminine sex; as It is the delight of the general public.
ned and vve vvere wondering if the acquired prestige, in spite of the the students have taken the matter in nevy ensemble vvith the suveep Tourists seeking rest and quietness do well to try protests of husbands and mothers, and their own hands and have approached and those vvith the decolletage runHOTEL LATINO the threats from the pulpit, it remains the principal Houses of Fashion in ning right and left vould interfere defying the nevy skirts, that conceals Berlin, demanding immediate disconti 100 yards to the North of Botica Oriental the recent adoption in gait the leg and knee lines, and certain other ance in the advertisements of the neccessary to help in making the shorts conspicuous apparel of the sex. Things suveeps and semi sweeps, and to attractive. So we took advantage of favvhich not alone artists, but enthusiasts re establish and maintain the Shorts in miliar concessions acquired vvith a poand curious eyes acquired food for study its former prominent position until the dressmaker, and she opined, and contemplation. In so much that some academy is able to extend the corres that, that regular a rand vvell balanced rhythHere now lets go boys. Where he leads we ll foll of the artists who specialized in bringing ponding diplomas to its students. mic hip movement that has been devels for he can give us the latest hits of the season. Who?
out on paper and canvas the delicate oped in connection with the shorts. logical nature should be entertained but a perfectly educated adoption, that WELLINGTON minine leg, ultimately discovered through as the matter may bring about compli of course displays the peculiarity in the the unprejudiced indulgency of the shorts, cations The practical and qualified TAILOR of Madre de Dios.
lines of the human body and especially of flesh and cloth, we have defiled a protest with the leaders in fas cided to take a neutral attitude and vvhich adds He has now placed a Branch in Siquirres but wont ele sex, and hions of Paris, London and New York vvatch the developments gancy to the shorts. She also confi leave Madre de Dios in the Cold When in Siguirres for the abrupt interruption of the mag Notvvithstanding the differences of dentially explained that although the just watch for his Signboard at the South East end nificent enterprise that they had esta opinions that the matter has disclosed. syveeps are gracefully flared, and the of The Market.
blished. Unfortunately a matter like this vve have come to the conclusion that vvaist lines are distinctively corrected He begs to thank his customers for their patronage has not had any previous precedence in the long dresses have not had the vvel by being higher, she vyas afraid that Lavy courts whereby suits may be come that might have been expected, the care and interest that had been cre in the past, and promises his interest in serving them brought about, upon and around the for although authorities like the DELIfor the future.
ated and developed not alone in gait legs of Ladies. An interpretation of this NIATOR provides for an economy in composure, texture and color of footvear especially stockings WELLINGTON by both sexes, those vvearing them TAILOR and those admiring, vvould scarce be compensated by the additional exposure of arms and bosom that the nevy mode afforded. This of course shocked us as we are expert Among all the food products that have arrived in this country none of them are as of a recognized Value es STOCKING VENDORS Prosecuting the idea of retrenchments, The Costa Rican government is seekTODD the United Fruit Co. has decided to ing to adopt measures by which to abolish all their offices along the lines avoid the introduction into the country an ideal food for children and mothers; for adults that work excessively in and on the plantations, to dismiss mental operations, for CONVALESCENTS, for wasted Organs and worn out New President for Mexico and of people who are coming in to seek energies, Toddy, to the most trail is the nutrition most adaptable, and in conthe majority of clerks, only reserving employment, and so adding greater sequence of its agreeable flavour, its efficacy as an easily digested food, it has one or two from each intermediate numbers to our already long list of rapidly been accepted in this Republic, as the best. food made up of fats which must be taken in large quantities to be an attempt to assassinate him office along the lines, who will be ta nonemployed. This measure so far as nutritious to the system, MEATS and their complicatious is unneccesary ins.
vve can see is not directed against any tead of being beneficial result PREJUDICIAL, which is not the case with all The new President for Mexico Mr. office from the Farms and spheres of reports will be sent into that particular group or race as is done in TODDY which in small quantities acumulate greater nutritive energy.
Panama, but is principally directed toMothers ought to take in consideration the delicacy of the digestive Pascual Ortiz Rubio, has been installed operation, to the Timekeepers there vvards the thousands vvho come across Organs of their children and therefore provide them with a healthy food. There in Office and immediately after being who will assume the positions of Cois nothing better than TODDY which taken in adequate meals is a marvellous from Nicaragua to Chiriqui in search builder for children installed and leaving the Palace for his pyists more than Timekeepers. The of vvork and often stay here instead.
Cold or Hot in any way you like it, it will be found palatabe, agreeable private residence accompanied by his mandadors and Superintendents are It is therefore advisable that those efficacious.
This precious FOOD may be had in all Drugstores and Establishments. Communist named Daniel Flores, him Chiriqui and elsewhere, one Mandador at present availing themselves of the low rates of passage to Jamaica, will self, his wife, niece and his aide de run four or five farms, one Fore avail themselves of their necessary papers Camp were injured but not seriously man run two or three farms. Two Sua byestander was seriously wounded.
to prove themselves long citizens of this This attempt is perintendents will run the entire juris Country or they may find themselves dered the fruit diction and so on as nothing is to be considered the of Socialistic agitations that have been unable to return here vvhen conditions done.
are more propitious for them to return going on in Mexico for some time now In view of all this it is noted that the in search of work, vvhich vve feel vvill The National Life Assurance by Russian Terrorists, and in conse English boats are taking deck passen not be very far distant.
quence of which the Mexican govern. gers now at eleven dollars to Jamaica, ment has seen fit to break diplomatic Relationship with the Soviet Coin so that all who can get out had rather do so, these are the signs of the times. An Organ for Sale and has started a purging this pernicious element nas it seem to be an idea of getting as they be seen in an article published fine eleven stops Organ for Sale every one disgusted and abandon the in Tribuna. of the 5th inst a rein first class condition. Can be seen at production from an editorial in El looks on; with out any attempt at a Coun Mrs. Bucknor home in Limon. Prices Universal of Mexico dated 24th De.
ter move, what of the Canalization cember 1929. Entitled Los espectros Scheme? Can nothing be done to Save very moderate for Cash.
del Anarquismo.
us from starvation?
Mrs. BUCKNOR, Limon.
TEN CENTS DAY Weak men and women Should drink Toddy More Stringency Our unemployed there; vvho are by deporting all Think Over the Future of Your Family Street reconstruction Atlantic Hotel throw away will bring a thousand colones to your Family at your death.
How many dimes do you each day thoughtlessly? Only one of these dimes invested in a hfe insurance policy will save your family the anguish of a penniless bereavement. life policy will supply ready money to cover the expenses which the death of the father or husband may bring.
Life policies without medical examination, for one and two thousand colones.
Fill in the attached coupon, send it to us, and without any obligation on your part we will send you an application form and rate of premium.
Our policies carry the full guarantee and responsibility of the State It seem as if the reconstruction of Situado 150 yards from South of the Market in front of the Streets will soon be stopped in San Orange Crush factory Jose, the amount authorized for this work was five million colones, to be ATLANTIC HOTEL offers to the public in gederived from loans secured by Bonds neral Clean confortable Rooms.
which were issued at par.
Now no financier is doing business for love, Meal Service to order, cakes, Ice Cream as per desire hence no one will accept these Bonds for a loan at less than ten per cent We also attend to wedding feasts, Picnic Parties Which means a discount of half a million. The sum of 2. 888. 785. 84 has Spscial dinners or at Home tea service whether at the HOTEL already been Expended, leaving of the or in your own Homes.
full amount only 111. 214. 16 to be available by loans Moderate Prices, all attention given to BoarThe Commitee owe now to the ders English french spoken. Call be convinced.
Contractors up to the 15th inst.
Telf. 3271. Box 614. San José, 442. 087 for works done, and with other obligations brings up the present amts to to be met 692. 565, 90 There is only in the chest of the Commitee on Pavimentation from Mr.
Lindo Loan which cannot be touched but for actual works to be done 121. 632. 50 from other Loans by pro CAFETERIA MODERNA prietors who have contributed for the purpose of paving the street in front therefore DE Mrs. AIDA CRANSTON there is actual cash in hand from Contractors Wayss the rces 195. 012. 61, of which the When in Limon if you feel like a home served will need meal, go to CAFETERIA MODERNA, Aida will past months make you feel at home. The only comfortable ditheir fees 79. 500. It will be seen therefore that there is ning room of its class in Town, private and Cosy.
enough left to to carry on for another month, Tea, breakfast or Luncheon for Picnic Parties, and the Representative Mr. Effinger has private diniog rooms to entertain ladies as well as notified the President of the Republic that gentlemen. Banquets and dinners provided at Shortest if the balance of the Bonds are not reali notice. Cream, Cakes, coffee or soft drinks as you zable at once he will have to cease To leave the streets all dug order up as they are, what a State of affairs Special attentions to my customers.
that will be; and the President has advised to Aida the New Governor of San Jose, that there is not a cent availbale for contin3rd. Avenue and 7th Street Limon.
uing the repairs of the Streets as he a Nabad been doing, Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotee polnavupuu AVIA these three for pay rolls due for and their (DETACH THIS COUPON)
Banco Nacional de Seguros Dpto. de Vida.
San José de Costa Rica My name in full is.
My address is.
My occupation is.
Sex. was born at.
on the.
day of would like an Insurance for working in the year.


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