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MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION (1. 00 SINGLE COPY 25 THE SEARCHLIGHT EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123. CARTAGO PUBLISHED SATURDAYS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY 15. FEBRUARY. 1930 17 News of the World Retrenchments interested in World Elections countries. There was no enthusiasm another tvvo million vvill die before Recently the Minister of Exchequer is vvhat counts; our internal manipufrom the act that only 30, 000 votes Relief vvill be able to reach them. has been making drastic efforts to ecoThis month has been one of diplolations are certainly necessary but it is our were recorded, out of approxiately The average annual income of a nomize in every department of Expendi international recognition that elevates matic and electioneering activities; we 100, 000 voters whose names appear on common Chinese labourer is about one ture and rightly so; it can well be the National dignity.
have had our General Elections for the Lists.
hundred dollars working Sundays too, immagined that he comes in for some In other countries even little Jamaica representatives in Jamaica and for Costa In San Jose the Republican party vvhich gives him about thirty cents per very adverse criticisms by thoughtless vvhen international or intercolonial sports Rica.
claim great victory as no one expec day frence vvhen calamities come like persons. Among some of the causes are decided on, tvvo or three gentlemen ted they would have secured out of as it is nowv, for it is said its over a from which criticism has come, is in Sports guarantee the EstiThe President of Mexico Mr. Pasthe nine representatives which were to year they have not had a shovver of Rain it is impossible for him to stand it.
because he refused to consider an ap mated expense, after which matches and cual Ortiz Rubio has just been placed be provided there.
in the Seat of government. There has In Limon The Nacionalist party Mr. There are many thousands vvho sleep ses for taking the footballers to Cuba subscriptions for the purpose, which also been Presidential elections in CoPaco Gutierrez won with his Substilombia by which Dr. Alaya Herrera was tute Mr. Filadelfo Granados. There is on the Sidvvalks and alley vvays having to compete in the International games invariably brings in more than enough no permanent lodgings to think of. to defray all expenses of the Tour, seats elected President of Colombia with however a protest in this, by the Re Such lodgings would cost him about agreed to the sending of a Deputation of five and ten guineas being paid for 350, 915 votes a majority of 68, 550 voformist party Mr. Luis Cruz Meza on 25 cents per month, and yet he can to the International Conference on Edu by the vvealthy so as to sell the les over the aggregate of his two op the grounds of inacuracy of figures at not find it; as his food costs him about cation to be held in Havanna, stress is funds vvhy cant this be done hereponents 28 Miles, La Perla and Talamanca, at 95 per cent of his earnings.
being made on his partiality in this vvhat government Official could be this last place he says the votes sent up decision, but aren comparisons odious regarded as a trustworthy guardian of for Mr. Gutierrez were 175 whereas there coming back to Pre war in this respect? Here is to be an ex his country finances vvho vvould look Spain dictator Primo de Rivera has is evidence statistics that there are days change of opinions on Educational prin vvith favour on such disbursements.
just resigned, thereby calling into being not the tenth part of this amount of ciples, of vvhich the country is so And as for pensions; vve can undera new Cabinet formed by Dr. BerenAn understanding has been reached vvanting; a Department which is the voters in that vicinity, in 28 Miles SO beteveen the Dutch and British governstand a gratuity in old age or illness or guer.
votes he says were given for Mr. Guvery essence in the life of every co other calamity being granted to faithful tierrez while there was hardly sufficient ments vvhereby there will be no neces untry, and vve have people comparing servants of the State. but pensions are sity for Passports to be visaed going in vvith sports and Pensions and the The new Minister for Nicaragua Mr.
voters there to organize the station at out of all reasonings. In Jamaica now into each others colonies. That is, a La Perla where only six votes were Elie Hazera has just presented his crelike.
britisher going into the Nether. ands her a certain percentage of salaries are derecorded, he says 61 were sent in for In Costa Rica vve have no Univerdentials to this country.
ducted monthly so as to provide a CiOur new American Minister Mr.
his opponent; at Pocora he claims, there East Indies, Surinam, Curacoa or West ities and Institutions for promulgating vil servants old age fund, but pensions Eberhardt will be here on 28th inst, the Agent of Police operated as Agent his passport vised by the Netherlands of us who are cavelling because, The ployee vwho holds perpetual service for only encourage unthriftiness. Any emand Mr. Roy Davis will also take for Mr. Gutierrez, which is contrary to law and as his opponents majority over Consular Officer; and the same vvith a Secretary of Education is being sent to ten, fifteen or tyventy years and does charge of The American Legation in Panama. Hence as we say there are him is only by 41 votes, he is seeking subject of the Netherlands, except for exchange opinions on the possibilities not so arrange his expeditures as to to annui these four Counts, by which going to Malta and India; nor con an very busy moves in Diplomatic relaof higher education for the improve leave him a small saving to arrange Indian go into the Netherland ment of our youths.
tionships in and around us this month he will be much in the Majority.
for his old age could not be consiStates vvithout the usual formalities. It of considerable importance.
On the contrary too much praise defed a vvorthy organizer of his emChina Pitiable Condition is to be hoped that Americans vvill cannot be shovvered on our Executives ployers business; employees in private The Elections soon exchange these courtesies with for doing everythink to promote, inter business concerns are not so considered According to a report hatided out by Britishers thus rendering travelling more national relationship tovvards equality why then should public servants be.
Our elections for replacing deputies the International Famine Relief Com convenient to all parties.
of efficiency of our Sons, because this in Congress has passed off very qui mission of China, there have died over etly without any acts of violence or tvvo million souls from starvation in incidents as is the Custom in these that country and it is estimated that Elections in Jamaica Prohibition vs. Freedom The Neita St. Anns The results of the election of repre found that nearly all the former representatives to the Legislative Council has sentatives have been returned there are also come to hand in which it will be only four new members of the 14.
For Kingston Mr. Dacosta beat Mr. A, Simpson by 560 votes St Andrews Geo. Geymour Marcus Garvey 762 St. Catherine Cawley Mc Neil 1193 Clarendon Smith Mc Cauley 988 Trelawny Ewen 27 Portland Abendana Allan Allen 78 St. Mary Westmoreland Vernon 62 St. Thomas Ehrenstein Randall 903 Wint Scott 807 St. Elizabeth Peter Sangster Tomlinson 58 Westmoreland Dr. Hudson Evans 181 Hanover Veitch Messam 192 SL James Mr. Lightbody Lowe 256 Manchester Nash was unopposed.
These gentlemen will protect the has been Chairman of the Parochial people rights before the Legislative Board of his Parish Westmoreland, one Council for the next five years; Jamaica a Lavvyer vvho has also had much to is to be complimented on the Select do vvith the Parochial affairs of his ion she has made. The inhabitants have Parish Portland, one a successful Merbeen sensible enough to return ten of chant who is also no novice in Parotheir tried and true men, and the four chial matters pertaining to the Parish new members, Mr. Abendana, Mr. West of St Thomas, and lastly one, a vvell moreland, Dr. Hutson and Mr. Ehr to do Planter of the banana Parish St.
enstein are all first class men who are Marys, and also one of the Parochial all accustomed to Political Institutions fathers of his Parish, vve are therefore vill we are sure give a good account convinced that our representative govern of themselves. One a Doctor vvho ment is in the hands of a good fourteen working LIMON SERVICE BUREAU In our last we Stated that the appro suggests, that something like a Judicial tion of the terrible means of official priation for 1930 to 31 will cost the review should be taken of all that has corruption which they were placing United States 800. 000 pounds Ster happened since the Volstead act became in the hands of Police and of Agents ling, but it would appear as if all this law on the 16th January 1920.
of the Federal Government all over money is being spent in a most unsa Times goes on to prove that some the land.
tisfactory manner, judging from the things must be put down on the credit (4) Another disappointed hope of the expressions of several leading American side of Prohibition and must be admit Prohibilionists of 1920 lies in the attiJournals the Statements of which the ted even by those who always have felt tude of the younger generation. It was Literary Digest is responsible for and are more convinced now that the confidently expected that millions of The Baltimore Sun says that the Eighteenth Amendment was a great youthful Americans would soon be corelative Strength of wets and drys is mistake and has culminated in a com ming forward into citizenship who had approximately what it was ten years plete failure.
never tasted liquor. It was howver Ago The Omaha World Herald says Io some parts of the country there frankly admitted and recognized at the the existing situation is intolerable dis has been an economic gain. Probably Anti Saloon Convention held in Decemgusting to both wets and drys vastly the number of drinkers among ber that millions of boys and girls unharmful to law and Society, and rapi men has diminished. Money once spent der Prohibition had fallen by curiosity dly drifting from bad to worse. for liquor has gone into saving or im. into drinking habits never before known The Jacksonville Journal declares proved standards of living. The old among youthful people of their age in that we are drifting towards Civil War style Saloons have been abolished ne the country; and now the demand isin America. Drifting? Well, more than ver it is hoped to return. That source that a special campaign well financed 1300 murdered citizens, slain under of social demoralization and political be organized by the Anti Saloon Leaprohihition, make us wonder if we are corruption has been got rid of, or at gue in order to save the young from not already at War. We cannot go on least driven into subterranean hiding; being ruined by alcohol.
this way. Not Prohibition, but the tragebut will all this offset the annual Cost?
From the foregoing arguments it dy of its enforcement has split this Na On the other hand the Times asks will seen that while the wets have tion as nothing has ever split it since that a few things be considered which had a very good case made out, the 1860 to 61 and it is as true today as honest Prohibitionists admit today that victory of Prohibition will be lasting it was then that a Nation divided can they did not foresee in 1920.
until a substituted system of Control not stand. 1) They never took sufficiently into can be proposed which will be accep The Cleveland Plain Dealer sees it their reckoning the possibility of smug table to al classes which, while giving that Prohibition is neither enforceable, gling liquor into the country with all a freedom of the rights of citizens will or unenforceable, but it is demostrated its consequencies and fabulous expeden also provide a system of Control as that those who differ about it, difier tures to subdue it.
a means of Moderation as a Substitute.
violently, and generally want no com(2) Prohibitionists were equally blind Up to now none is in sight, therefore promise.
in 1920, to the possibilities of an im the Victory for the drys must conti The Ohio Daily asks the question mense production of alcohol for beve nue, even though it is costing the na Will 1940 see the Prohibition problem rage purposes by processes developed tion forty five millions of dollars anas far from solution as 1930? and sees within the home all caused by Prohi nually to subjugate the rights of her no cheering ansvver to the question.
bition citizens as to what to drink and The St. Paul Despatch says, here (3) They did not have a just percepvvhat not to.
is the United States going on half wet Half Dry and Mr. Hoover noble experiment is halted in mid Stream; it should either go forward or backward if the country is to be saved. The Seattle Times says, prohibition has not yet passed its experimental stage, it was never so controversial, neither To secure for yourself a good property in San José. Mr.
side offers any statistics that the other DANIEL UJUETA sells a fine Commercial comer lot in a Central side will accept respectable locality with The Pacific Coast Journal says, but Beatiful Residence after all it would be contrary to any honest concept of the human average For permission to visit inspect write or see him at the to hope that Prohibition might soon be IMPRENTA UJUETA. Apartado 15. Telephone 2837.
made acceptable throughout the land; He sells to the best offer coming, go inspect it make an offer it would run against all commonsense reasoning to assume that any means of force or suasion could bring the fight to a quick finish. Ten years after all, is not long in the life of a Republic that has been built to withstand dis de hacerse de una buena PROPIEDAD en San José, DANIEL sensions within as well as assault from UJUETA le vende, esquina comercial punto acreditado y céntrico, without As a nation we shall survive buena construcción.
the turmoil of today and of tomorrow; Véala para que haga su oferta, que se venderá outlive and frown upon the fanaticism a la mejor proposición and intolerance now rising from all sides to obscure the view of our better Informes en la IMPRENTA UJUETA APARTADO 15 course Obregón Lizaga del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas And now The New York Times This Is The Opportune Moment lose; AND BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED Bureau established for the greater convenience, understanding, satisfaction and protection of the EnglishSpeaking public, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Department annexed for the protection of Businessmen against unscrupulous debtors. Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the public for honesty and efficiency. Both novy operated under the direction of a Barrister with over tvventy five years practical experience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials are the records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel EMILIANO. ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ Barrister Investigator Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE San Jose, 50 yards West of the Limon; Oposite Arrasty Theatre Presidencia Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, California, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, Este Es El Momento Oportuno

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