
for Fracas at Bananito wrong on remonstrating with the distinguished Fruitman Agent in charge, this latter replied by On Saturday evening last there occu dravving his revolver and firing at the Mr. Joseph Di Giorgi, President of The life of the battleship or floating Fortresses has encour rred at this place a quarrel betyveen Alcalde, fortunately he missed his mark.
the Di Giorgi Fruit Company, aged in recent years a wonderful amount of discusions and contuvo Jamaicans, David Lunan and Frein Company with the Manager and Case of Sedition the Secretary of that fruit concern call troversies as to its utility and adaptability in war fare; some derick Davis it developed into a fight is a much ed writers going so far as to compare them to the Elephants which In our former issue ve gave inforat Kingston a week ago on the younger and strongerman than Lunan Vulcania coming from Vera Cruz Hannibal used without effects against the Romans some two got hold of a stick and flogged the mation that Mr. Marcus Garvey yvas Mexico where he has organized indicted for Sedition in Jamaica. FurFruit trade. There vvill be constant centuries before the birth of Christ being found too unhandy for latter vwho having a machete in his hand ther information has just come to hand calls of his fruit Ships at Jamaica, The quick manipulations, quick movements being the winning points flung it at Davis cutting him on the that in consequence of an artele vvhich calls being New York, Vera Cruz, in all Combats of today. The Pugilist who has a quick foot for his machete and returning, gave Lu appeared in The Blackman of 14. th Kingston and back to New York. If action and thus able to get out of the way of his opponents nan four nasty chops, one in the head January entitled, The Vagabonds heavy punch, has much in his favour for a victory at the long and thre in the upper parts of his body.
the Police had taken an action against vve had influential, far visioned fruit run, and so on in every struggle, whether it be a pugilistic bout, Both vvere immediately conveyed himself as Editor in chief, Councillor grovvers in this country, there is no a competitive educational examination, or an oratorical conflict, to Limon by our active and energetic Coleman Beecher as Manager, and reasori vuhy these boats could not call Mr. Aikman Editor, under a charge Seditious Libel.
he who has a quick retort, a speedy come back will always Agent of Police Sanchito.
at Port Limon on the vvay to Kingston.
Mr. DiGiorgi confirmed to a Glea.
have the upperhand in all controversies and so it is being argued Cause of Rejections The information yvas laid on 24. th ner Reporter that there is a proposiin Paris, in Rome, in London and now in New York that the January and the first hearing fixed for In consequence of our investigations the th February tion being argued for a merging of inhuge battleship is too unwieldy to be an efficient fighting ma relative to the great rejections in our terests betyveen his Company and the The case is eagerly vvatched with chine; she will do well enough to fight her class but very unhandy last issue, information has reached us very anxious interest by his friends inAtlantic Fruit Coy.
for smaller craft which have all the advantages over her, of speed from one in a position to know that side and outside of the Island. very It will be remembered it vvas Mr.
and range, the battleship being by far a better target, places her the chief cause of recent broadcast re influential Barrister has been engaged DiGiorgi vho tried to get a footing for the Defense.
in Costa Rica in 1913.
at a great disadvantage. Some experts say had it not been the due to the fact, of the discovery of quickness of England Cruiser fleet, the Germans would have a germ, of the nature of a gigger won the Jutland naval fight, and if that was won then in all (Niguas) which Iperforates the skin of probability, England would have had to surrender.
the Banana, and penetrates the fruit It is being therefore argued that it is not probable that any thus rendering it unserviceable; this is Nation will build another battleship; what with pilotless airplanes are adjacent to woodlands and in operated by Radio and submarines, she has become too vulnera abandoned areas.
ble and expensive a machine to be counted upon as highly ef The other cause is from Black Spots ficient. Battleship costing anything up to fifty million dollars, so prevalent on our fruit now a days which would build over a thousand Airplanes, and any one of caused from the drought Si no ha hecho, hágalo y entonces quedará convencido de que these airplanes operated by Radio might launch a Torpedo or a If these are so, why should the es el mejor de la Capital, es más cómodo y económico.
United Fruit Coy. not make repre.
ES LA DELICIA DFL PUBLICO gas bomb and render a battleship useless with her hundreds of sentation to the government and send 100 varas al Norte de la Botica Oriental.
Tons of intricate machinery and her twelve or fourteen long a sample of the deseased fruit to fange huge Calibre guns cannot now be counted upon as a safe the government laboratory so it could DO YOU GO FREQUENTLY TO SAN JOSE. implement. It is therefore quite safe to predict that the fate of ba analized and a proper diagnosis the battleship is nearing its last ebb; because with the rapid devfor public instruction? Then they would Have you visited THE HOTEL LATINO?
be blameless; is it late for doing so?
elopment of the stability of Aircrafts, submarines, mines, Depth vve wonder.
It you have not, do so and you will be convinced that it is the bombs and Cruisers, the Battleship is beeng rendered more asbest in the Capital, it is certainly the most comfortable and economical.
sailable and less useful. The London Conference has been inauFalse information It is the delight of the general public.
gurated for the possibility of Naval reductions, we can therefore There seem to be some very misleadTourists seeking rest and quietress do well to try safely look for some decision towards eliminating these giant ing statements being circulated sutside HOTEL LATINO of this country as to the lamentable ease of Submarines while England and Italy are stoutly opposing chievous Agents, vvo are making life Gun Platforms; we find France and Japan, advocating the incr100 yards to the North of Botica Oriental conditions existing here, by some misthe submarine, being too deadly to their Coastlines as well as most miserable for some poor innocent too inhuman to their Merchant Marine which are nearly all so persons.
built as to be quickly convertible into Auxiliary Cruisers. While Some tvvo vveeks ago a boat coming Here now lets go boys. Where he leads we ll follow England in consequence of her Insular Coast line is depending here from the Dutch West Indies he can give us the latest hits of the season. Who?
yet we find the proposition for a cessation in the Construccion of having been told in their Island home much upon her Battleship Fleet to protect her Seaport Towns, berught dozens of coloured labourers WELLINGTON these floating Fortresses has come from the labour government that there was plenty of work here The practical and qualified TAILOR of Madre de Dios.
of Mr. Ramsay Mc Donald and is getting immense support from a remunerative vages, consequently He has now placed a Branch in Siquirres but wont all parts of the world in consequence primarily, of the intolera they came, some of them giving up to be fooled and get stranleave Madre de Dios in the Cold. When in Siquirres ble cost of these machines as compared to their corresponding ded in this country.
just watch for his Signboard at the South East end utility. American sentiment is clearly in favour of the battleship the same thing occurred, of The Market.
but with the adverse opinion of France Italy they both being when some seventy more came in on He begs to thaok his customers for their patronage too poor to follow in the race of Construction of these giant the Dutch Steamer Stuyvesant from Cuin the past, and promises his interest in serving them fighters, concurred in by Japan, backed up by the pressure of the racoa, under similar misrepresentation.
for the future.
British Labour Party against the enormous expenditure necessary make the trip by the next boat, hoping WELLINGTON for this class of Armaments now considered Obsolete, it is logi to get to Nicaragua as soon as they TAILOR cal to prophecy that the days of the giant Battleship are num are able. These people are finding thembered.
selves in an avvful plight, the Scarcity of work here and their money to keep them until they can go somevvherelse. The attention of the Government has been aroused vvith a view of preventing the next For the convenience of our readers manner acceptable to the Unitep Embarcation.
we translate an article wirtten by Mr. Fruit Co.
Incidents Eusebio Rodriguez in La Tribuna On the other hand, the Agents of of 9th inst entitled Costa Rica or the this powerful Company, contracted emIn Limon on the night of the fire United this is the dilema.
ployees, as well as sudsidized Lawyers alarm at Cine Moderno, the Police In my way of thinking the appro etc, spare no pains to make Port Limon, January 29th. 1930. As it is very seldom upon occasions propalike mine that you find men with cha arrested the two sons of the Governor aching elections of Deputies reveals ex ganda for popularizing their Candidates for election, as well as to eliminate LOYAL HOPE LODGE NO.
ritable feelings and honesty as was evi who happened to be in the Theatre ceptional importance, in as much as it economic OF from the lists of likely Candidates for denced in the officers of your lodge.
the show, both vvere illtreated because naturally they refused to go to independence of of the country or its slav election the therefore wish you all success, and names of such ery and therefore its sovereignty.
table citizens as Solicitors Venegas and To the Officers and Members of the hope that you may continue in your No one will ignore the fact that since Above Named Lodge.
sphere of good, charitable work, and selees when their father heard of it he the passage by Congress of the Banana: are well acknowledged Nacionalists of is said vvhen he went up there was Law to check the abuses of the United rectitude, substituting for them CandiGreetings: vvill never forget the Loyal Hope Lodnovvhere to be found the official who Fruit Coy and altho it is not ge No. 19, of dates more accesible to her desires Company has broThe problem lem in debate today and have taken great pleasure in sending vvould have to set them at freedom.
Wishing you a prosperous and finan There has been a marked tension in in play your noble body this letter of appreciaits which the coming election has to decide cial meeting, am.
tion, thanking you for the honorable this tovvn betyveen the officials of the inside as well as outside of it, to create is, Shall National interests triumph Police Department and the Gobernadifficulties for the country and the way in which you treated me during and so save our Sovreignty? Or Shall the time of my worries and bereaveYours obediently, cion for some time novy, and this act the United Fruit Coy. triumph and ernment, for it is made to appear that is no doubt due to the strain. The Goverthe difficulties in the ment through the death of my dear e country are due pri so drown our country dominance; husband because the victory of the Company (Signed) EDITH GREER nor we are informed has made serious marily to this patriotic Law. do not representations to the Executives, as wish to analize now whether this law signifies, not only the final consummato the abuse of Povver exercised on would supply the correct formula for tion of the Banana Monopoly but the the dignity of his household. 303 development of the Banana Industry or day is not far distant when it means also no cutting nevertheless the abuses of the Coy, but it is assured that our pre Commercial Importations, a Monopoly Week ago the Agent of Police sent crisis is due in a great measure to the hostile attitude of the Fruit Com Costarricans will remain as employees at Cultivation in the Monte Verde of a baser category in the businesses of No solamente debemos trabajar sino también debemos divertirnos. La Branch is said to have made urgent bany, by stopping all works, dismisvida sin distracciones es pesada y triste. EL CINE MODERNO le proporcall to Siquirres for help as there was cing all sorts of shackles on the receival sing employees, reducing salaries, pla. this powerful Concern.
The Trust disposes of an enormous ciona la manera de distraerse todas las noches con películas y expectáculos a Riot existing there. The Alcalde of of Bananas, rejecting enormous quanti. Capital and counts among her employ.
nuevos, que le dejarán sonrisas y descansará su espíritu para las nuevas luclias dels vida ties of fruit etc. etc.
Vuelvase modernista gaste la infima suma de 25 céntimos y gozará ments only to find there yvas nothing To their influences it is due too that pay, and so soon as she gets the maadmirando las más lindas estrellas de la cinematografia Mr. Arias rias only got one million dollars jority in Congress, she will also court Pelicul Parlantes! Siempre Estrenos! Dr. VARGAS ONLY OSTEOPATH tead of the loan for Roads and street Fellowcitizens we are in a solem drugs, no surgery. Office 125 yards reconstructions as it was arranged to fiVISIT CINE MODERNO moment. In order to give our yo. es north of Botica Oriental. Box 534, failure of Mr. Soley Güell in obtaining manner clear and unmistaken to nance. To the same cause is due the we ought to have before hand, And see for yourself the education to old people as well as the San Jose.
the Loan which he required for the of thinking of each Candidate or DeCredito Hipotecario.
puty relative to the conflic between young from TALKING PICTURES FOR SALE Since the passing of the Banana Law the United Fruit and the country, under the Executive Council has manifested at All work and no diversions makes Jack a dull boy no consideration should we vote for occasions and in different CINE MODERNO 15 Hectareas with ways its disapproval of it and has sig. beforehand vvhether he is with the any candidate who has not manifested farm of cacao, bananas, yams etc. and small nified its intention gives you a new scene every night of your life, giving you a new to modify it in the Coy. because to say that they are with lease on life every morning when you get awake. You are not seeing next session of Congress.
Potrero. Admirable place for a start in the Company or vvith the Country Publicly it is guaranteed that those am stimulating one and all of the he best pictures if you do not visit THE MODERNO life.
Candidates who are sympathetic to the Candidates that they should, during the government are compromised to vote Ask The Searchlight.
Continued of Page Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas for reform of the Banana Law in a shortness of Patriotic election Call LETTER OF APPRECIATION wuch respec force, the powerful Clois not yet put in ught enormous resources, Vaya al Cine Moderno de limón in a. e way Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica


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