
Saturday 15 February 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT PAGE Great Divorce Suit THE STANDARD years, ce, Hotel Frances по.
Law Matters before our Judges ily and that In the case of Octavius Hylton Ve Costa, John Campbell, James Pogson, which it would infer that a lady of NELSON rsus Adina Hylton (formerly Mrs. Wat Janies Corbin, Thomas Samuels, Geor such a renown would not overlook the son. The plaintiff stated as a basis for his ge Barnes, Marcial Gomez, George social consequences of a public scandal TAILOR. PO BOX 466. PT. LIMON, suitthat he had been married to the defen. Heslop. Christofina Bryan, Solomon and that therefore if there had been dant. who had been formerly the wife Bryan, Rafael Brown and James Stibble, any insults or slander at all the court Remember when you need, a snappy suit. Call of Richard Watson, deceased) for five while the defendant, Mrs. Hylton, offer felt that they were profered within the that see me. My best advertisment is always a satisfied at the time of the marriage ed the statements of Enos Burton, boundaries of their domestic chamber, Customer, my price is within he reach of all. Call with her children, some of which were Jefferson, Fred Russell. Richard Barnett, plaintiffs wife had been evidenced and be convinced.
located in this city and others in Pui Jose Toques, Barrett, Daniel Fran that under our laws gross abuses and ta and Santa Rosa; that he rendered cis and Henrique Grant cruelty must of necessity be collateral personal services to his wife and her After the term for evidence had ex as grounds for a divorce. The divorce children in the management of their pired, the case was taken under consi should therefore be, and was denied.
properties; that he furnished them with deration by Judge Octavio Rodriguez In considering the claim for compethe necessary money for their subsisten Mendez, whose decision denied the sation the court held that the plaintiff which was the product from his in rights of the plaintiff to the dissolution did not prove satisfactorily that he had come naming as such: his salary from VINCULO MATIMONI to the com been, during the time indicated in the the United Fruit Co. as a Dock Fore pensation and cost demanded. The suit. the administrator or manager of man amouuting to Seventy Dollars, court the properties owned by the defendant United States Currency, per month and witnesses whose testimonies were co and her children; that to the contrary the product from a cattle farm and dai rroborative of the fact that the defendant Cartago as a Health Resort is THE SWITZERLAND of the Americas, sufficient preconstituted evidence had TY which he owned at Santa Rosa; did insult and slander the plaintiff in been introduced to affirm the fact that Visitors from the Canal Zone sing the Praises of the attention that out of those incomes he also the terms alleged by him: one of them Mrs Anastacio Sanquillen Aranda had care taken of them by the Administration of made disbursements to satisfy expenses was a Costa Rican by origin and he been the manager of those properties for incurred in the administration of Mrs. doubted whether his knowledge of en some time prior to the death of the Hylton and children properties; that glish was sufficient to enable him to defendant first husband, Richard WatTHE HOTEL FRANCES OF CARTAGO notwithstanding his honesty and effi understand clearly what were the mean son; and up to the time that this deciciency in the administration and preser ing of the words that were in reality sion was being reached. This compenvation of those properties he was never uttered by the defendant Mrs. Hylton; Nice, comfortable airy Rooms, beautiful Scenery of the surrounding sation was also denied.
compensated in any manner whatever, in regards to the other two witnesses, country.
The plaintiff was represented by Atand, finally that the conduct of his the court did not feel that absolute torneys Antonio Segura and Tobias wife has been so reproachable that it Convenient Trains to visit the country East or west. To spend a credit should be given them from the Gutierrez, while the defendant was rehas degenerated in our constant hosti fact that a plurality of persons testified presented by Attorney Guillermo SerraVacation at THE HOTEL FRANCES CARTAGO is always to return.
lity disrespect and hatred; the result of relative to the good conduct of the deCharges and accomodations to suit all Purses.
which has been the ocurrence of fre fendant for honesty and chastity, from BAR REPORTER quent scandals in which she has insulted and slandered him in the most gross and public manner, and that she Patriotic.
deprived him of his meals and other domestic services incumbent on her as Contd. from page his wife.
The plaintiff also alleged constant vveek define clearly their attitude; and assaults and batteries; and that this of course it is a natural consequence action was being brought about with From the Bench ence, Barrister Emiliano Odio Mendez known as One By One located at 18 Miles.
the view of obtaining: first, a dissoluof the Limon Service Bureau will asume that those who Keep silent on the The annual vacation of the Judicial tion VINCULO MATRIMONI; sethe functions appertaining to Justice matter vvill be recognized as vvith the Department begun on February 1st. Of Beside being ordered to place Morris country there need be no blush.
cond, compensation for his services and the eleven Judges constituting the Suin possesion of the said farm, the defIn the Limon Circuit, both the CriWe ought not to hesitate to erase which should not be less than one preme Court of Justice of Costa Rica, endant had to pay the cost of the suit each name that figures on the lists, half of the value of the properties eight are now enjoying their vacation, minal and Civil Judges along with the amounting to 1600. 00 In this case vvho has not clearly given an underowned by herself and children; and while there have been held for emergFirst Municipal Judge are on vacation; the winner was represented by Attorney taking before the elections that they are third, reimbursements of all expenses ency duty, namely: Justices Jose Maria the Second Municipal Court will func Filadelfo Granados and the looser by incurred in the course of the suit fixed Vargas, Tomas Fernandez Bolandi, and tion in its regular form, until February Solicitor Egbert Brown.
opposed to all Monopolies, and conseat Five Thousand colones. He prayed quently pledges his word to oppose Several decisions in divorce cases Luis Fernandez Rodriguez; these Judges 21st, this Court is authorized to assume them vvith his force.
that the court would decide according are being retained particularly for the jurisdiction in Civil and Criminal mat were handed down Costarricans. We must open our provisional attachment purpose of hearing and deciding wrifs Edith Carnegie obtained divorce from ters of an urgent nature, such as: emeyes, and take a full measure of the of the properties indicated on the Rethe pre of Habeas Corpus Albert Carnegie on the grounds of bargoes in matters involving amounts importance and transcendency of this Cogistrar certificate be made.
It is announced in the Judicial Bullexceeding Two Hundred and Fifty illtreatment and infidelity. The plaintiff election that vve are about to make, so The defendant Mrs. Hylton denied etin of the 2nd. inst. that the honolones aud provisional releases on bail. Mrs. Carnegie was represented by the that tomorrovvvve may not have to the allegation of the plaintiff her hus rable Antonio Alvarez Hurtado, Chief In perusing the anual reports of the Limon Service Bureau and the defendant vveep like foolish women over the Circuit Courts of the Limon Province, Carnegie by Attorney Francisco Albert band, attributing the scandals and other Justice of the Criminal Bench of the we find that the activities of our Tri Prado Salinas.
rights and priveleges which yve do misconduct to h! the plaintiff. The Supreme Court, has been granted not know to defend like men, San case was opened for evidence and an additional sixteen days leave of community would imagine, and to subJoseph Rose a resident of Liverpool bunals are far more than our foreign Pedro de la Union, Grecia. both parties offered all the proofs that absence, begining from the date of the obtained a divorce against Ethel Rose 4th February 1930.
were available. The plaintiff Mr. Hylton expiration of his regular vacation (Fe stantiate this we shall quote briefly their on the grounds of infidelity and other offered the testimonies of. Sarah De bruary 21st) and that during his absstatistics from the year 1929 as follows. misconduct. The plaintiff Joseph Rose SOD, EUSEBO RODRIGUEZ Civil Branch was represented by the Limon Service Bureau while the defendant Ethel Rose On the 31st of December 1928 there Amador.
was represented by Solicitor Rogelio Sport were 875 cases pending during 1929 CRICKET 483 cases were filed and 111 were decided. Brotherton Limon most poEnglish pular barber obtained a divorce against The year 1930 has found the Civil icketers novy playing Charlotte Amanda Brotherton on the in The West Indies turned the trick on JOHN ROGERS, TAILOR Court with 1247 cases pending decisión.
grounds of infidelity and other miscon the Trinidadians. The first Match vvas The oanne is the hall mark for Tailoring, Criminal Branch duct. Mr. Brotherton was represented by vvon by the Trinidadians by 102 runs, the Limon Service Bureau while the novy the C team has turned the On December 31st. 1928 there were. FAR AND NEAR defendant Charlotte Amanda Brotherton trick by winning the 2nd match by 81 cases pending trial.
was represented by Attorney Rufino 133 runs the test match is novv being played.
Among his clients are the most fastidious, the elite; the people that In 1929, 144 cases were filed. 114 Solis.
know. Convince yourself.
were decided, and on January 1st. 1930 An interlocutory incident was decided The result this year of the Chamthere were 111 cases pending trial. in the case of George Hurgust better pioship foot ball games novy LIMON, Box. 83.
Among the cases decided in the Li known as Edward Bennet versus Lilian ended, finds the Libertad vvith 1st mon Civil Circuit Court during 1929 Hurgust or Bennet, in which the plaintiff place, the Alajuelenses 2nd place; of some importance, were recorded the prayed for an order from the Court rel. the 3rd place depends on the game following: easing him from the obligation of paying betwveen the Libertad and Herediano Do you love your family? Insure your life in Jose Salim Dejuk, a turk merchant, alimony to his wife Lilian. The pliantiff on Sunday next if the Herediano goes (better knownas Solomon) versus James gave as grounds for his petition the dovym to defeat before the Libertad Thenstead and Walter Bougle. In this fact that there had been malicious and then the rd place will be for the THE NATIONAL LIFE ASSURANCE BANK case the plaintiff Dejuk was represented volunteer abandonment on the part of Gimnastica.
by Attorney Filadelfo Granados, and his wife, the defendant, and another grave the defendants Thenstead and Bougle misconduct, all of which were proven in You would not have seen the best in Siquirres, if you by the Limon Service Bureau. The the course of the proceedings. An Organ for Sale plaintiff alledged that the defendants In view of the affirmative evidence did not visit were in possesion of a mule and a farm produced, the release was granted. The fine eleven stops Organ for Sale known as Mount Pleasant, both of which plaintiff Bennet was represented by the in first class condition. Can be seen at THE PEOPLE MARTE were his property and could be located Limon Service Bureau while the defen Mrs. Bucknor home in Limon. Prices some were in the vicinity of Estrada. dant was represented by Attorney AlbiThe suit was ventilated in the behalf no Villalobos.
very moderate for Cash.
for your supply of general merchandise and groceries for of the defendants Thenstead and Bougle BAR REPORTER Mrs. BUCKNOR, Limon.
the home or the Farm.
and the plaintiff ordered to pay both cost and damages.
Our Ladies fancy goods gents shirts and underwear a In the case of Abraham Mendez. the well known Jeweller of Limon) versus CAFETERIA MASON specialty Elisa Barrett. Mr. Mendez filed a suit WHAT. MASONIC CAFETERIA?
alledging that the defendant Mrs. Barrett He is also Agent for THE SEARCHLIGHT was responsible to him for a certaim No, Mason cafetería which is owned and run on the most Modern sum of money which he loaned her lines and cheapest terms by husband, and simultaneously with this suit a petition for an embargo against Mrs. ISOLINE MASON properties of the defendant was filed AT THE EASTERN SIDE OF THE SIQUIRRES MARKET and, accordingly, an embargo against a house owned by the defendant at Es.
It is the only place of its kind in Siquirres where you can be tiada was effected, The Local Court attended to from 30 a. to 12 decided the issue in favour of the defenMembers of Lodges are cordially invited as a resort after dant Mrs. Barrett and Mr. Mendez being meetings for a Repast: Beafsteaks, Eggs, Coffee, etc. always hot and dissatisfied gave notice of an appeal and ready for you. IN COLDS, there are Frescoes, snowball or Cream to the Superior Court at San Jose who also on hand.
This property consists of 7040 hectareas, and has a sea beach approved the decision handed down in facing of 26 miles on the Carribbean sea as the eastern boundary. the first instance in the behalf of Mrs.
The old Cocoanut grove is a belt extending the entire length of Barrett and ordered that Mr. Mendez the coast line of over 7000 bearing trees. The new and unexploishall pay both cost and damages incurted grove consists of over 60. 000 bearing trees.
red. Mr. Mendez being yet dissatisfied The southern point of the property is miles from Greytown has taken a further appeal to the Supreme or San Juan del Norte as properly named. the entrance to the Court. Sala de Casacion. expected Nicaraguan Canal.
The plaintiff Mendez is being represRio Indio, Rio Maiz, and Spanish Creek are rivers which run ented in all instances by Attorneys José Protect your family by insuring yourself in The Nacional through the property making entrances from the sea easy.
Hernandez Sanchez and Daniel Zeledon Find out and study this proposition. An opporiunity for in Umaña. The defendant Mrs. Barrett is Assurance Bank a governmental institution.
Vistors The property is under the custody of the respectable bubeing represented by the Limon Service siness firm known as the BLUEFIELDS MERCANTIL Co. for the Bureau.
The Cost of a Policy of 1000 ranges fron three to five ber. efit of creditors of the creditors. Get in touch with The Bluefields Mercantil Co, or get immediate preliminary information in In the case of Felix Morris versus colones per month according to your age Dont delay. Write the the Estate of Frederick Mc Neil, the Limon through this paper.
decision has been rendered in Morris SEARCHLIGHT at once for all particulars, up to 50 years old nbehalf an all instancesete Mortisnal Suediodoas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica recover from Mc Neil Estate a farm no doctors certificate. For Policies up to 2000.
THE VOGUE Mc. INTOSH. Siquirres Invest in a good Property in Nicaragua Life is but a dream but Death is certain


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