p. 4


PAGE THE SEARCHLIGHT Saturday 15 February. 1930 Commercial interests between Canada and The British West Indies Atlantic Hotel imported 783. 660 Situado 150 yards from South of the Market in front of For the benefit of our readers we concerned think you will agree, with Total 31. 512. 718.
Orange Crush factory take the following from the Gleaner to regard to the Canadian National Steam If we add to this snch products as ATLANTIC HOTEL offers to the public in geShow the increasing trade within the ships services to the British West In sugar, rum. molasses, coffee, tea, cocoa, Empire dies, that this feature is adequately ta: rubber etc, the total comes to well neral Clean confortable Rooms.
Col. Brown Describes Establishover the 100. 000. 000 mark.
ment of Trade Agreement at Annual appreciate and be much more familiar These figures, think, show conclu Meal Service to order, cakes, Ice Cream as per desire Convention of Eastern Canada Fruit than am with the requirements of the sively that there can be no question and Vegetable Jobbers: Essentials of people of Canada in fruits and vege about demand in the Canadian market.
We also attend to wedding feasts, Picnic Parties Supply, Demand and Transportation: tables. How ever might say that the Banana Supply Calls Pact a Unique Document in total value of Spscial dinners or at Home tea service whether at the HOTEL tropical fruits. coconuts History of Empire.
and what we might call, out of season From the point of view of supply or in your own Homes vegetables, imported into Canada for from the British West Indies; our first Moderate Prices, all attention given to BoarFIGURES SHOW CONCLUSIVELY the year ended November 30th, 1929 item is bananas. The banana story is ders English french spoken. Call be convinced.
DEMAND IN DOMINION MARKET which you will notice is for a year end long, and one with which you are faired only six weeks ago, amounted in ly familiar. Suffice it to say that prior Telf. 3271. Box 614. San José, Montreal, Jany. 11. How the present round figures, to thirty one and a half to the inauguration of the new banana Canada West Indies Trade Agreement millions of dollars.
service with Jamaica by the Canadian came to be established. was described by Colonel Brown assistant to Made up as follows: National Steamships last May, trade returns showed practically no bananas as the President of Canadian National Bananas, stems 872. 660. 894. 820; from the British West although no doubt certain quantities Indies yesterday at the annual convention of 25. 235. 585. 043. 957, Lemuns, boxes, an grapefruit or. States. CAFETERIA MODERNA Eastern Canada Fruit and Vegetable 375. 527 1. 748. 548; Limes boxes, For the year ended the 30th of NovemJobbers. He added that as Canada pro 623 356; Molons No. 531. 774 ber, 1929 Canada ceeds on its sure road to becoming a 732203; oranges, boxes, 229. 205 stems of bananas. Direct importations DE Mrs. AIDA CRANSTON great and prosperous nation so will the 300. 912 pineaples crates, 170, 718 Indies to add to their production for 6516587 coconus, number, 219, 563 commence until May, 1929, therefore Wheo in Limon if you feel like a home served sale in the Dominion.
71. 047 3. 944; coconuts, o. p, number, for the year in question direct ship944, lettuce, valuements only took place for months.
meal, go to CAFETERIA MODERNA, Aida will Three Essentials 990. 296; cabbage, value 364. 301; During these seven months however make you feel at home. The only comfortable dicelery, value 622. 917; onions, value the direct importation of bananas into Apart from the financial aspect he. 667. 852, potatoes, sweet cwt.
ning room of its class in Town, private and Cosy. Tea, breakfast or Luncheon for Picnic Parties, said, there are three essentials to the 48. 215 133. 462; patatoes, white, cut, John, from the British West Indies, promotion of any commercial enterprise 711. 602 164. 347; tomatoes, bushels. amounted to aproximately 526. 000 private dining rooms to entertain ladies as well as. they are supply, demand and trans 650. 545 045. 926; other green ve stems, or 68 per cent of the total im gentlemen, Banquets and dinners provided at Shortest portation. As far as transportation is getables, value 065. 640.
portations into the country, from all notice. Cream, Cakes, coffee or soft drinks as you sources, for a whole year, and 81. per order.
cent of the total imports from all sourSpecial attentions to my customers.
ces during those seven months. As far to Aida as the supply of bananas is concerned might say that the island of Jamaica 3rd. Avenue and 70. Street Limon.
produces more bananas than any other Among all the food products that have arrived in this country none of them are single country in the world.
ንጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥ as of a recognized Value es Bananas in Jamaica account for over 50 per cent of the value of the island TODDY exports and number from 18 to 24 million stems a year or between five an ideal food for children and mothers; for adults that work excessively in mental and six times Canada present requirements operations, for CONVALESCENTS, for wasted Organs and worn out energies, Toddy, to the most frail is the nutrition most adaptable, and in consequence of its agreeable On being discharged at Canadian ports those bananas not sold locally GRANT flavour, its efficacy as an easily digested food, it has rapidly been accepted in this Republic, as the best.
are shipped in refrigerator and heater Suits made to order in the Shortest notice. ComA food made up of fats which must be taken in large quantities to be nutritious cars and distributed by Canada railways to every part of Canada from plete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings to the system, MEATS and their complicatioun is unneccesary instead of being beneficial result PREJUDICIAL, which is not the case with TODDY which in small quaHalifax to Vancouver Flannels always on stock, come in when in San José ntities acumulate greater nutritive energy.
With that. think, we can let the see my recent arrivals.
Mothers ought to take in consideration the delicacy of digestive Organs of banana business rest on its laurels, setheir children and therefore provide them with a healthy food. There is nothing better cure in the knowledge that suplies from North Fast Cercer of Central Avenue where the Plaza Viquez Tramway starts than TODDY which taken in adequate meals is a marvellous builder for children.
the British West Indies will be availaCold or Hot in any way you like it, it will be found palatabe, greeable effiSuits also made on the Raffle Series system come ble for all time The idea of a Canada West Indies in and get a number.
Trade Agreement is no new thing. It This precious FOOD may be had in all Drug stores and Establishments.
had its inception when Canada instituIn Serie Dravving No. 38 vvas vvon by Ticket No. 85 belonging to ted the British Preferential Tariff in Juana Arias 1897, and extended it almost immediaIn Serie Dravving No. 20 vvas won by Ticket No. 14 belonging to Juan Antonio Solis tely to the British West Indies. Later These dravvins were done; In the presence af Messrs Ofelio Feoli, Jor.
the whole idea of closer trade relations ge Calvo, Alfonso Sabatino and Amado Solano The National Life Assurance was placed before the Imperial autho.
Serie Is in course of formation take a chance by paying G350 vveekrities, who provided for a conference ly until your number is draven, you pay no more.
Try, your lock you may only pay or instalments but in any case you in 1909.
get a suit after paying up your quotas.
Col. Brown is now in Jamaica with a party of Canadian Towists.
BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 ገጥሞጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥ Weak men and women Should drink Toddy SASTRERIA GRANT cacious.
Think Over the Future of Your Family PEOPLES FORUM may fool people all novv light seve.
TEN CENTS DAY will bring a thousand colones to your Family at your death, How many dimes do you throw away each day thoughtlessly? Only one of these dimes invested in a life insurance policy will save your family the anguish of a penniless bereavement. life policy will supply ready money to cover the expenses which the death of the father or husband may bring.
Life policies without medical examination, for one and two thousand colones.
Fill in the attached coupon, send it to us, and without any obligation on your part we will send you an application form and rate of premium.
Our policies carry the full guarantee and responsibility of the State indeed to antic is a matter ntic farces. vyho An Advice man built a room to shelter his head, vver to Mr. Smith most preposterous much less a platform? Is this vvhat the letter in your issue of the 1st Feby. from Limon, 11th Feby. 1930. platform of th vvas built Pacuarito stating he has lived there 30 Mr. Editor for by the body of intelligent men years and he lias never seen or heard The Limon SEARCHLIGHT vvho built it, vvhile Cornyvall vvas of such happenings, he is only on imPlease allovy me space in your Va rres? Is it built for the purpose of ta. to decieve the public in general. But enjoying the fat of the land Siqui poster Uvho tries his best at at every step luable paper, to var parents Sender king ignorant personalities there. to be ome of the people some their daughters to Puita for bathing of the time but he cannot fool all the versal Negro Improvement Association? all the time for the except under good guardianship as the vvill ask Mr. Smith as President of is turned on to him. Why, has he element they have to meet there is not the Division to put a stop to such red connection vvith the sometimes around that meeting place plediting tonede slack speeches as he is and also the A Mission? because does not tend to improve their morals.
permitting there as it spells the ruin of they have found him to be a deceiver So beg to vyarn the mothers parthe Division vvhich this man is assis therefore he has novy to keep doyvn.
ticularly to prevent their girls from time to verin ge abhantee Coral Pode acquainted with his personable cabinet going there to bathe as the place is dent of the Division, a gentleman, vve met on a fevy occasions at dances getting a bad name Thanking you for space Sir yours proud, a man respected by all classes of whom all coloured people are and Im told they are practising music.
So he ll soon find out his mistake truly.
to come on his platform, what a farce, vvhen these night havvks and peddlers FATHER it is of The Monkeys take a chicken or tyvo from his roost and then he vvill be called upon to On Mr. Cornwall prone stand by the doctors bill, for these very Platform forget are vvilling to forgive and to but vvhen it is seen that those havvks at present have their clavvs are full of sin forget vvhat Jesus right on to his chickens and Im sure vyrote on the ground at Cappernaum, they cannot step from them then he Limon, 8th Feby. 1930.
vvhen the sinful woman was brought vvill be more astonished; ofcourse he To the Editor of to him, one gets aroused, and feel like neither lives here nor in Pacuarito.
THE SEARCHLIGHT casting a stone, hovvever if Mr. Thanking you for space Sir.
Dear Sir: Cornyvall has no blotches on him Please permit me space in your es has done nothing to harm the remain. Hitchcock teemed paper to refer to a fevy subjects from Siquirres to Limon from 1921 CORRESPONDENT treated by one Cornvvall of Limon to 1929 let him come up and declare Siquirres.
in your issue of 25th January.
it on his own Platform to those that He refers to an article in your paper Knoyy him.
Mr. Hitchcock. Sorry cannot puof the 4th Jany. Which he says vvas Thanking you Mr. Editor.
blish your former letter it is too persprepared against Mr. and Hon.
onal, and only tends to stir strife.
Smith, Mr. Mitchell and Himself. Nowy SOD. DELEVANTE the first Exhibition of his ignorance is You can save money by ordering your time, then may ask him what of Mr. Reply to Mr. Smith shoes trom Smith honourable from vvhere is it? If AZEVEDO BOOT STORE he had any sense of honour he vuold Siquirres, 9th Feby. 1930. Special attention is given to all orders in have given some sort of report and the selection of materials, so as to ensure encouragement of what transpired in Dear Mr. Editor of Strength durability whether for gents, Convention to the people who sent Indies or children shoes THE SEARCHLIGHT him there. Further on, this man has the Deformed feet fitted, all at reasonable Being a constant reader and a vvell prices. All my shoes in stock selling impertinence to challenge a gentleman cost price, consult my prices before buying no companion of his, TO HIS plat vvisher of your most valuable paper the elsewhere.
form to air his ignominious talk of best production in its time, it therefore AZRVEDO al Monkeyismo Lorrangetongism, as thisas debehees metas jumuan, tasgive an ans The Shoe Store Limon Box or (DETACH THIS COUPON)
Banco Nacional de Seguros Dpto. de Vida San José de Costa Rica My name in full is.
My address is.
My occupation is Sex. was born at.
on the. day of in the year. would like an Insurance for


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