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MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION 00 SINGLE COPY 25 THE SEARCHLIGHT EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123. CARTAGO PUBLISHED SATURDAYS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY 22. FEBRUARY. 1930 18 News of the World MEETING OF FEB. 10 a possibility duties DIVERGENCIAS Cabinet fallen Immense ship building The General business meeting of the Chances of Sugar that were not detrimental to the Divi of Britain Limon Division of the sion, and reccommended a reconsideraThe French Cabinet under Mon. Tarwhich took place on Tuesday night tion by the membership before taking dieu has fallen aud a new Cabinet is By latest news, the British govern The building of Merchant Steamers February 10th. ended in a very disa any step that would eventually prove being called into existence possibly by mert is determined abolish pre and Motor Iron ships of the world has greable uproar.
great losses, although apparently prohimself or by Mon. Briand or Mon.
ferential Tariff on importations of Bri increased since 1914, by over 20 000, 000 The uproar and abrupt closing of tecting the Division interests.
tish grown Sugar this will be an awful tons; but the British Merchant Marine Camilo Chautemps, in consequence of of the meeting came about through a There was of an this the Naval Disarmament Conference, blow on Sugar from the West Indian still far surpassing any other country display of disatisfaction from the mem understanding between the membership will call a halt for one week until the Colonies. Lord Olivier who headed the the world, it bership caused from unbalanced remarks and the rostrum when one of the offi French Ministerial affairs are again set recent Sugar Commission sent to the the output of England and Ireland has from the rostrum in trying to explain cers in a long and stretched out arguin working order.
West Indians Island to investigate the been several hundred thousands of tons to the membership the reasom why the mentation, infuriated the membership ahead of all the cost of production and other matters other countries of the musical instruments belonging to the by accusing them of Sugar destroyed coming to the relative to the Industry is pleading with World put together, they having put Division are scatterred around the town meeting to boycott the Hot Lord Passfield Minister of State for the on the Waters 500, 000 tons of steam and in the hands of and operated by It is regrettable that persons who asAt Kingston Jamaica in consequence Colonies, to discourage such an idea, ers and Motor Vessels while Germany various persons.
sume the responsibility of other people of the Rigid prohibition Law on im as the West Indian Sugar Industry comes second vvith 249, 000 tons: Ho The membership through several verb interests cannot command their mode portation of Sugar in Jamaica, five po could not compete in the open market land 186, 000 tons; Japon 164, 000 tons; al questionings from the floor and ex. of speaking to harmonize with the lounds of Sugar was seized from a Paswith importations from Java Cuba, The United States 126, 000 tons, Den officers on the rostrum were determined gical and natural demands that will senger coming from New York and without a preference or compensation of mark 111, 000 tons; and Sweenden. to have a satisfactory understanding for from time to time be requested.
destroyed by the Customs Officer. This some kind, thus sounding the death 107. 000 tons.
the reason of apparent irregularities as SPECIAL CORRESPONDENE.
passenger is much enraged over this note of the Industry in these Colonies, action and has written to the governArrival of a distinguished their questionings that they expected ED NOTE. It is hoped that Mr.
ment on what he feels an outrage.
Savings by Disarmament Soldier that if the instruments belonging to the Corn will also report such meeting Division should be in serivce in pub to the Blackman so that the Editor Bishop retiring Field Marshal Paul Sanford Methuen lic functions not connected with the of that Journal can realize who is poMr. Alexander, first Lord of MG. Ass n, they expected that the Division Iluting the Division activities whether Bishop DeCateret, who has operated the Admiralty, answering to questions arrived on the Camito in Jamaica should be entitled to some pecuniary it is the Editor of The Searchlight or as Lord Bishop of Jamaica for sixteen in the House of Commons, as to the on 7th inst, on a pleasure trip He held consideration, and it was the officers he himself with his great ideas of boyyears, is about resigning the diocese possible savings of geat Britain in con a Revievy and Inspection of the Local as custodians of the peo cotting not The Searchlight this time and returning to England. Some church sequence of the agreement accepted in forces on the Polo grounds Up Park ples property to demonstrate and make but The Hot 6, which is composed folks are thinking to petition that principle by all Nations on Naval DisarCamp on 11th, vvhen the Governor effective their zealousness.
Bishop Bentley who worked as Asst.
of his daughter and a few other hence mament, said that if a suspension of invited all memhers of The Old ComDishop for some time but is now Naval buildings was to be adopted for rades Association of the late West InThe officers in reply besides apparent his notorious protection of The Hot evasiveness protected their operations working as Bishop of Barbadoes, be the six years up to 1936 as is sugnot evidently for the interests of The dian Regiment to be present at the fall to the best of their ability without ta Division as it ought to be but for what returned in the place of Bishop De gested, there would be a saving of in. This must have been a beautiful king in account the pretensions of the personally what can be got out of it.
Cartaret, over 51, 000, 000 because the estimates sight.
questionings. The membership took as These instruments vvas for Britain Naval Expansion are as one of the a pointer a letter of protest written by Bananas from Jamaica Mr. Garvey Egyptian items questioned by a correspondent follows for 1931. 030, 000; for 1932 Mr.
Cooper a financial member of the vvhich he reports, to the Blackman as 065, 000; for 1933 10. 050, 000; for Statue Stolen For the month of January up to the 1934 11. 873, 009; for 1935.
Division and Coronel in charge of the polluting, but which we call clarifying, Scouts wherein he disclosed that the 26th, there were shipped from Jamaica 12. 035, 000; and for 1936 10. 370, 000 more yet to come Mr. Reporter. Has that The Police are actively trying to 962, 104 stems of Bananas, musicians who operated the instruments fifty colores yet been paid?
thus effecting an enormous saving in unearth the vvhere abouts of Mr. GarBesides 38, 470 ponuds of dried Ban Taxation to the Country.
belonging to the Division, not alone Continued in page ana figs.
made a charge of ONE HUNDRED COLONES FOR MUSIC WHICH THEY RENDERED IN THE HALL, reAnother Charge cently, at a function conducted by Mrs.
Connell for the benefit of the girls against Mr. Garvey guild, and which gave a result of only 682 00, as gross receival and of Charge against Miss Henrietta Vincourse brought a loss of 18 00, but ton Davis and Mr. Marcus Garvey for Acaba de ser electo en la Re neada por las sectas clericales el confesor era el consejero del the musicans threatened besides, the false ingiving has been placed before pública de Colombia un nuevo abre los ojos y sacude el opri Gobierno y no se movía una intervention of the policeman when the Courts.
Mrs. Connell was not forthcoming immandatario, un presidente que mente manto del fanatismo que paja sin consultar antes con los mediately with the balance.
It is stated that they both entered into a Bond with the Collector General for es una verdadera promesa de asfixiaba su esfuerzo hacia el Ministros de la Iglesia.
The rostrum again defended this inmensos beneficios para el fu progreso. Ahora quiere marchar La intervención de los sacera true ingiving on account of the Enon the grounds that the function allutertainment Tax, on all their functions turo de la grande y culta nación de la mano del siglo en que se dotes en la política se acentúa ded to was carried on without the for the month of August 1929.
sanction of the President for the use del sur; este mandatario es nada encuentra: siglo de luz, de liber cada vez más, la prueba la teIt is claimed by the Revenue Departmenos que el brioso intelectual tad y de progreso. Tras ese ideal of the band, and suggested that what nemos en la campaña para dipu happenned to Mrs. Connell was the rement that the ingiving was false because no returns were given in for y conspicuo ciudadano Jefe del buscó y hallo el Mesías de sus tados recién pasada, participaron sult of the wandering away from the Concerts and other entertainments, which Partido Liberal Dr. Enrique Ola ambiciones; luchó por él y lo muchos sacerdotes y miembros ruling and control of the officers of the were carried on at Edelweis Park on ya Herrera. El eximio patriota proclamó en las urnas electorales de congregaciones religiosas en Division. This declaration although clo the 1st, 2nd, and 8th of August. Eviasí distinguido, supo imprimir en por mayoría abrumadora director el torneo, se influyó por todos sed the matter, left the membership en dences by detectives, the Police and el corazón de su pueblo el amor de sus destinos para un nuevo los medios en el ánimo de los tirely dissatisfied others have been put in that, on those The membership then re opened the por las verdaderas libertades, el período presidencial.
creyentes católicos para inclinar issue of the operation of the musical insdays admissions were taken up by Ticculto fervoroso al liberalismo bien los hacia sus bandos y mediante truments at private functions, and ques. and three shillings and on those days kets at the gate between one shilling entendido, base del progreso de esta argucia lograron muchos de tioned the participating of the Division there were on the 1st day between six los tiempos en que vivimos; y Mientras Colombia hace es ellos obtener un puesto en el in the profits of the earnings of the and ten thousand persons entered by se impuso por la voluntad de sus tas avanzadas de progreso, aqui recinto del Congreso.
band. But the only explanations that fees, on the 2nd. 8th. from two to was forced from the rostrum was, that compatriotas contra dos fraccio en Costa Rica damos un paso Estos hechos y las manifestathree thousands these musicians who operate under The Case against Miss Davis was nes del mañoso y fatídico Par hacia el retroceso, vamos camino ciones publicadas en días pasa the name of the Hot were informa first gone into and postponed for 19th.
tido Conservador.
del pasado, en que la intervención dos por un influyente político lly organized during the last Chrismas inst. The defence is claiming that those Después de cerca de cincuenta del clero en los asuntos del Es de que se irá metiendo al Con season to save the Division from an days would not come under the scope años de estar Colombia mango tado era indispensable, en que greso, poco a poco, el elemento entire failure of the programmed func of the Amusement Tax, being only untion for the season, and that they also necesario para tener una mayo gave free rehearsals at the Sunday night der a Ritualistic rite of opening the maría y ganar discussions of the Conference, but no partida cuando meetings, and played at reduced and arguments for the defence has been vuelvan a tratar la libre entrada special price at the regular functions put forward as the prosecution has not de instituciones religiosas al país, of the organization yet been closed; If the prosecution sucson los síntomas alarmantes de satisfied at this juncture, theatened of 100 for each offence.
Tho membership not feeling entirely ceeds, the Law implies a Maximum fine la enfermedad que se avecina. drastic dispositions in regards to the BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY Debemos poner vallas a esta Crown Solicitor Mr. Harvey Clarke musicians, but the president then made is prosecuting and Mr. Simp.
ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED corriente, impedir con todo es efforts in explaining certain technicalities son is for the defence, fuerzo el avance de la intervenA Bureau established for the greater convenience, ción religiosa en los asuntos understanding, satisfaction and protection of the EnglishSpeaking public, in their legal affairs, and a Collection civiles para no vernos más tarde Department annexed for the protection of Businessmen en las garras de un poder que against unscrupulous debtors.
extrangule nuestra libertad y Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to detenga nuestro progreso.
lose; a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the public for honesty and efficiency. Both No vamos contra la religión To secure for yourself a good property in San José. Mr.
novy operated under the direction of a Barrister with católica, vamos contra el abuso DANIEL UJUETA sells a fine Commercial corner lot in a Central respectable locality with.
over tvventy five years practical experience, acquired on de sus directores que apartánthe Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as dose de la misión que les ha Beatiful Residence Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and sido encomendada, se entromeFor permission to visit inspect write or see him at the Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials are the records of the cases he has conducted as Judge ten en la politica y tuercen el IMPRENTA UJUETA. Apartado 15. Telephone 2837.
and Counsel.
rumbo de sus obligaciones. Lo He sells fo the best offer coming, go inspect it make an offer EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ mismo podríamos combatir cualBarrister Investigator quier otra tendencia religiosa, sea Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager esta protestante, masónica o teosófica que apareciera con ánimo MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE de terciar en lo político.
de hacerse de una buena PROPIEDAD en San José, DANIEL San José, 50 yards West of the Ha sonado el clarin de la voz UJUETA le vende, esquina comercial punto acreditado y céntrico, Limon; Oposite «Arrasty Theatre Presidencia buena construcción.
popularque nos anuncia el peliCorrespondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of Véala para que haga su oferta, que se venderá gro; pongámonos en guardia e Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, California, a la mejor proposición iniciemos nuestra defensa!
ONAL New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, Informes en La IMPRENTA UJUETA APARTADO 15 LIMON SERVICE BUREAU AND This Is The Opportune Moment Este Es El Momento Oportuno Nacional Miguel Obregón Liza ARTURO NDEVJEPliated


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