
EDITORIAL BY LATEST ADVICE What of Sugar Crop Mr. Garvey Condemned Health Talks to the body Repatriated THE VOGUE Life is but a dream but Death is certain In the suit against Mr. MarSo as not to cause a slump in the Sugar Markets of the cus Garvey for Seditious libel: World, a Presidential decree was put out in Cuba that activities he has been sentenced to six in harvesting the 1930 crop should not start until 15th. January months imprisonment and the and so it was, that after near eleven months of inactivity on the Editor of the Blackman Mr.
Cuban States, It can well be immagined the bustle that was in evidence on that morning. The cutters had been at work for a What Autotoxemia Means man who takes poison every day Aikman to three months.
week ahead preparing the Canes and on the morning of the 15th for breakfast, will sooner or later quit The human body works wonderDetails to follow.
January 156 Central Factories bursted out in grinding Canes, Lo fully well when its 000 parts are in working. So, also, a cell that has poison for breakast, will soon break down.
comotive and stationary Engine whistles all drawn wide open correct adjustment. Yet it is extremely to announce to all in the different vicinities that after nearly a Most persons to day would not knovvcomplex. Each part is built up of milingly take poison for breakfast. Yet lions of cells, tiny bits of living matter, year sleep, life on the Estates were set in active motion once each of which is specially constructed many a person to day is feeding a FOR SALE more; Immagine the Joy to the labourers and businessmen alike do a particular kind of work. Throsteady diet of poison to the tiny cells on that morning, no Community can better realize that Joy than that compose the body. So true is this, ugh the microscope we see nerve cells. that the resultant abnormal bodily con The ovvner being desirous of going we here in Costa Rica can in our straitened circumstances at skin cells, and many other kind of cells dition is well enough known to have home to seek his health is willing to that differ distinctly from one another present, immagine the spurt that would be made by our labouan awesome name of its own, which sell at a Song in structure and do different work in is Autotoxemia.
rers to get out to work this morning if we had all over this Farm of Hectareas, a horse and country 156 large Sugar factories set in operation this day, and a nevvly built House at 24 mes. No This name is derived from three LaTo work well, each cell must have why should we not, why cant we? Now that Bananas have fail adequate air, water, fuel, drainage, buildtin words meaning self, poison, blood reasonable offer refused, All information and is given to a condition wherein from this paper.
ed if the government was alive to the best interests of the country ing material and power. The nerve why could she not insinuate to her Capitalists the idea of starting other cells going. The blood stream cells generate the power that keeps the there is self poisoning of the blood or poison automatically entering the up say twenty Centrals in different parts of the country. Sugar gives them air, water, blood stream from within the body. FOR YOUR HOME is one of those products which finds employmet for 8 of any material and drains away their waste AUTOTOXEMIA is to blame for many Community in which it is manufactured. The Doctors, Lobora products, some of which are poisonous.
of the common diseases that afflict torical chemists, The Civil Mechanical Engineers, the Mechanics, if the drainage is retarded, the poison mankind, as will be shown in another One large Victrola with sevarticle.
Plumbers Coppersmiths, Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Coopers, Maaccumulates and irritates the cell, makeral discs for sale at a sacrifice sons and all their apprentices; the veterinary Surgeons, the sading it work overtime until it is exhausted. If the blood stream carries poison Dr. Alejandro Vargas Araya ask THE SEARCHLIGHT.
dlers the shoemakers, are all given work on a Sugar Estate, to the cell, the effects are equally diseven the Tailors Seamstresses are constantly employed to clothe astrous.
Osteopath the workers; then we come down to the common labourers our boys, girls women are engaged turning Trash, weeding caring Canes, planting cowpeas and other such manure crops, out of season the Ploughman boys caring working animals whether with oxen or Machinery, the drainmen, planters, reapers, wag, So as to relieve the tension of unemgonmen Carriers; then there are your better class of educated JOHN ROGERS, TAILOR ployment the Costa Rican government has got the Nicaraguan Minister Mr.
youths coming up as Field, stillhouse and sugarhouse bookeepers, The name is the hall mark for Tailoring, Elie Hazera to make economic arrangewho become your Overseers and Attorneys in the future; then ments for repatriating about 400 Nicayour professional Sugar Refiners and Distillers all to be provided FAR AND NEAR raguans who are at present unemploywith work, so it will be seen that in Sugar producing countries ed in this country this move vvill Start the population is of a more educated class, because nearly every Among his clients are the most fastidious, the elite; the people that inmediatelly know. Convince yourseelf.
man has an idea of some trade or profession, every boy or youngman coming up has an ambition to be at the top of the ladder LIMON, Box. 83.
in his line of trade someday; not so with bananas there is no Catholics in Limon vvill all hasten prospects whatever on a banana farm but to be a foreman. we thereto the Pier on the 28 th. inst to meet fore exhort our Executives to foment the idea of Sugar producand do homage to the Archbishop of tion.
Costa Rica, his eminence Bishop Castro It increaes the value of our lands, enhances the output of vvho has left Cadiz on the 10th. inst on his Way home and expects to arrive our bananas by a system of Rotation in crops, thus Killing out here on or about the 28th. inst.
the desease germs by liming and intense cultivation, and finally we have a more thriving and industrious population, each having Protect your family by insuring yourself in The Nacional his own little holding with his small stock around his homestead Assurance Bank a governmental institution.
to help to feed those who are in constant employ.
The Cost of a Policy of 1000 ranges fron three to five Queen of The Carnaval to be held in Miss Gladys Muller has been elected There is no reason why we could not produce one quarter or an eighth part of what Cuba does, last year Cuba turned colones per month according to your age Dont delay. Write the Panama early next month, the populace out 156. 815 tons of Sugar and this year on account of drought SEARCHLIGHT at once for all particulars, up to 50 years old of their approval of the choice of Miss gave a great demonstration, as a sign and other causes it is estimated at 900. 000 tons, besides her Muller, her father is one of the most Rum and fuel alcohol.
no doctors certificate. For Policies up to 2000.
popular Merchants in Panama Last year England took 582. 945 tons of Cuba crop; is there is any reason why with all our well drained abandoned banana lands, we should not have a few Centrals on those old farms producing even an eigth part of that amount.
It is true that we may have adverse prices in the product just now but that is no reason why we should fold our hands, prices of every product come and go, but we must only regulate It is hoped that through the influenlabour prices of the product by the prices current in foreign Cartago as a Health Resort is THE SWITZERLAND of the Americas, ce of the Committiee appointed to markets because at whatever prices our products are sold labour Visitors from the Canal Zone sing the Praises of the attention investigate the development of the Bamust be cut to suit the sales of those products and our people care taken of them by the Administration of nana Industry in another tvvo months will be prepared to work rather then starve and beg. We hope vve shall hear something refreshing in therefore that our Executives will look to subsidize and help any THE HOTEL FRANCES OF CARTAGO attempt made at Sugar production because by so doing they will be creating a more intelligent, industrial, thrifty and self dependent Nice, comfortable airy Rooms, beautiful Scenery of the surrounding Community, and new areas will be brought into settlements country.
No blacks for the Interior villages, by which the government must derive more territorial and Commercial Revenue, and on the whole there will be a moConvenient Trains to visit the country East or west. To spend a re happy and contented populace thaa we have at present.
Vacation at THE HOTEL FRANCES CARTAGO is always to return.
There is much complaint on the par Charges and accomodations to suit all Purses.
of some thoughtless Costa Ricans of the vvhat is considered Encroachment Here now lets go boys. Where he leads we ll follow of coloured people beyond the Tunnel for he can give us the latest hits of the season. Who?
in a complaint by some regoist to the correspondent of The Tribuna, he WELLINGTON claims there is a lavy forbidding the The practical and qualified TAILOR of Madre de Dios.
entry of coloured people Beyond the He has now placed a Branch in Siquirres but wont Tunnel; does that gentleman forget leave Madre de Dios in the Cold. Wheo in Siquirres On Tuesday the 18th. inst at about Gayle, Stilley vvas on his head car in that don Thomas Guardia, contracted 35 a. was on my way from Bo front he vvaved dovvn Gayle, but it just watch for his Signboard at the South East end nilla when heard the vvhistle of those coloured people here to do the of The Market.
vvas on a curve at 4774 miles. Stiley Engine coming towards me, between and one of his his Brakemen Simpson vvork that could not be done by him, He begs to thank his customers for their patronage Mile 48 47. Then this train came jumped to the Right then follovved and after those people fulfilled that in the past, and promises his interest in serviog them to a stand still, and about five minutes Foreman Kid White and his men. mission is it fair to tell their progeny for the future, after heard big uproar, then saw There stood St Clair his green flag Costa Ricans by birth that they canN. WELLINGTON Eng 62 coming towards 48 Mile post man all frightened to death, the flag where there is a spur telephone to man vvith his flag not have free access to any part of the Just TAILOR car lengths set out a broken car, followed by Eng back from his Caboose vvhen he country in which they were borni?
61 with a caboose half broken up pushed wo least telegram Is that gentleman suggesting the Diin front and three flat back. About w vision of the Country from the Tunnel about 25 labourers. collision occurred in this way. Eng 62 left Las Loserious only scratches men got hurt but no Posts bruises, only Brake man Percy Harris got knocked to San Jose white, and Tunnel to Limas at 20 a mgoing west. Work rear end of his work train who mon governed by blacks?
picked up by to work going in the same direction vvest after both trains vvere gone, He NELSON Engineer Jacobson on Eng his five man told him some part of his ha vvhere he tenderly treated was broken and he stopped to liabilities we TAILOR. O. BOX 466. PT. LIMON, around and the dispenser, about tyvo see what it was, but did not whistle beg the cooperation of our Subscribers days after savy Harris out back to his please send in your dues up to end of out his flag man to protect his Rear job. This is the result of an inexperienRemember when you need, a snappy suit Call end. And Conductor St. Clair a nevy ced conductor flagman;yve are avvaitthe present month.
see me. My best advertisment is always a satisfied Conductor around here, having choiced ing to hear who the train master vvill Our collector will be along the lines Customer, my price is within he reach of all. Call a green railroader for his flag man discipline for this vvreck.
from Sunday 2nd prox for this purpose.
be convinced.
for they both are only about months in the service vvas a little careless. Then Your for The Searchlig shovved up Engine 61 at about 45 a. Conductor Stilley and Engineer Jim An Ex Brakeman. Limon Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Hotel Frances The Banana Question this respect.
Railway accident at Antonio an should at cars with off the THE STANDARD train Enes bill followice with labourers vvas motor car going 62 claims Engine Advertise


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