
CURRENT ITEMS Sporting News What our Judges say Prizes for coffee cultivation religious duties pertaining to his many Missions, a vvedding ceremony. The in Trinidad Olympic meet in Cuba In the claim of James Hall Rudd An impetus is being stimulated all contracting parties being Mss. Young against the Northern Ry. Coy. the Court The West Indian Team in Trinidad over the Island of Jamaica to small daughter of Mrs. Young of Guacimo The Cuban training Cruiser Patria is of Arbitration under the Accident Law settlers, by the Jamaica Agricultural and Mr. Chas. Brown also of the Vi.
lost the 2nd Test match vvith the expected here on 7th of Marc to decides that the Coy will pay to Hall Society by means of offering Prizes for cinity. Team by 167 runs, In the first convey the sportsmen from Costa Rica his medical expenses and 668 in the best cured coffee fields and the best Inning the Englishmen made 208 runs, who will be competing in the InfoCash for his temporal. incapacity. deduct cured coffee. In class Mr. N.
and in the second they declared vvith nacional Olympic games to be held amts. he might have Thompson of Ginger Ridge in St. CathIt is very lamentable to note the 425 for eight vvickets. The Trinidad in Havanna.
already received from the Coy. and a team in return made 154 runs in their erine got the first prize of And atrocity committed by a man at miAmple preparations are being made subsistence pension of 259. 20 anually Mr. Thomas Jackson the second prize les named Dennis on the person of first Inning and 212 in the second, for all competitors from Latin America, as from the 15th. October 1929.
of 2, 10. In class II, Mr. Benjamin our much respected citizen Mr. Al For the Pat Hendren made passage free by this Cruiser, and board The Company is obliged to deposit Anderson won the first prize of 10. berga of that vicinity. For a very trivial in the 2nd Inning 205 not out and and Lodgings arran ged for at one dollar in the Banco Nacional de Seguros to Mr. Coleman the second prize of affair Dennis choped him on his arm.
Ames 105; a Subscription vvas made per day. This certainliy gives any ambisatisfy this rental the sum of 3, 908. 75 and Mr. Samuel Fuller the third The friends of Mr. Alberga gave Den on the ground, in appreciation of the tious sportsman an mpetus to have to be paid to Hall for his ration allowfine cricket by these tvvo men, and nis an avvful flogging vvith the usual a try.
prize of 10. Mr. Thompson ance at the rate of 21, 60 monthly in Sticklicking both are in the Limón 75 vvas raised and a cheque for 50 also won the Cup offered by Messrs Foot ball in Costa Rica advance on account of his permannet Lascelles Demercado vvas handed to Pat, and 25 to Ames, Co. through Hospital. We do hope Mr. Alberga partial incapacity their Agent Mr. Jim Casely for the best arm uvill soon be in use to him again. By coincidence it also happened to be Hendrens birthday, he received many football team by the Libertad, leaves Sunday defeat of the Herediano cured coffee for shipment. He must hovvever vvin it for tvvo consecutive congratulations, this also completed his them by a far vvay ahead the ChamThe claim of Ishmael Wade vs The seasons before it becomes his property.
1000 run mark in the Tour a great pion team of Costa Rica. It vvill be Mr. McIntosh, Agent of THE SEARCHLIGHT at Siquirres vvas also on Hamburg American Coy. for the loss of accomplish ent.
remembered it was the Herediano his leg on board their ship is now placed The Costa Rican Coffee business in the Capital. He vvas robthat vvent to Jamaica and did such before the Judges for sentence, by solibed in a most barefaced manner of The team novy playing in good work there, and now they are tor Mr. Ramon Zelaya the stages for Season of 1929 30 tyvo hundred dollars through Nevv Zealand vvon the first test match the last in the Cup Competition, Is it proofs etc. having been gone through.
the complicity of tvvo men in Police and drew the second, in the draven that the Libertad is so mighty Strong Up to novy 200, 000 sacks of Coffee garb, vvhom he thought to be really match New Zealand made 440 runs or has the Herediano deteriorated so Great Strike have been shipped from the port of Li Policemen but when he resorted to in the first inning and 164 in the secmuch, or are the Jamaica teams so mon. It is estimated that this year the Police station he found they vvere ond for vvickets and declared. The backvvard?
The Soviet government are massing crop may reach within the neighbour frauds. made 320 in the first and troops on the Roumanian frontier, vvhich hood of 350, 000 sacks of about 60 107 in the second for vvickets at causes much unrest in those regions. The kilos each. The average output is is geWe vvere pleased to note in a recent the call of time; thus resulting in a safety of Bessarabia is feared.
nerally about 250, 000 sacks, shovving dravv.
issue of The Bluefields Weekly that The European Communist Confer that this year crop vvill proove an Mr. Luis Mena Solorzano is engaged ence has issued a decree to Interna increase of 100, 000 sacks, or more French footballers tional Communism of the World to sole representative in the Atlantic Costarricans may feel a bit cheered if they have been suffering from disCoast of Nicaragua of the large Mfg.
cease all vvorks on the 6th of March, The French International Rugby team defeated all Ireland by goals to nil.
Miss Julia Salazar, vvho has been elecas a threat to American Capitalists, vvho apointments in their other products Perfumery Co. of New Orleans Known as The La Valierre Co. Mr. Mena left They also beat the Scotchmen on ted by popular vote as the type of Costa encourage so much unemployment in and enterprises as besides an unusual Bluefields recently for New Orleans in Nevy Vear day. they seem mighty Rican beauty and simetery of figure the world. This step is intended to increased crop, the London price for connection with business relative to this article has maintained favorably.
shovy the strength of Communism to strong.
to represent Costa Rica at the Beauty the firm.
Contest to be held at Miami vvas the the World.
We are expecting to get the visit of Personal an Italian football team in Costa Rica recipient of a vvonderful demonstration Wireless Telephones at an early date to compete vvith our today when she left accompanied by It is with great regret that vve learn Sportsmen here.
her uncle Mr. Enrique Salazar.
of the very serious illness of one of the The procession started headed by The Tropical Wireless Coy. vvill oldest landmarks of Limon Constructhe San José Band from the Temple inaugurate a Wireless Telephone Station tion life, Mr. James Stiebell. according of music and an inmense crowd it in Panama on the 1st March as to to the Doctors he is nearer the other Dr. VARGAS ONLY OSTEOPATH in Costa Rica, no vvas that led her up to the Atlantic open up Radio Telephonic Communi side than this.
Station to board the train on her vvay cations with Costa Rica, Guatemala, Sir Esme Howard British Ambassador drugs, no surgery. Office 125 yards to Limon.
Honduras, Nicaragua and The United to the American goverment, who made north of Botica Oriental. Box 534, We sincerely vvish Mss. Salazar will States.
We vvere pleased to meet. Mr. BenSan Jose a flying trip through Costa Rica some bring back the Laurels to Costa Rica.
jamin Sankey in the capital he came months ago, will soon retire from the new Fruit boat up on very important business relative diplomatic service of his country and to his Farm at Alsace Loraine.
will be returning home this month, He FOR SALE Mr. Camille Chautemps, leader of We notice that the Glasgovy shipwas given a most appreciative send off the Radical side of the house, has forbuilding firm of Alexander Stephens by Britishers headed by Mr. John farm of 15 Hectareas with med the nevy French Cabinet, it is a Co. have launched another fruit boat for Pastor Forde vvas also on a visit Davis former American Ambassador to the Elders Fyffes Coy. of 5, 500 tons, during the vveek to the Metropolis, after Britain, Sir Harry Armstrong British cacao, bananas, yams etc. and small pity Mon. Tardieu refused Portfolio in she being 400 ft long by 51 feet beam completing his business in San Jose he Consul General and Mr. Frederick Hubb the nevy Cabinet Mon. Briand is hoand 35 feet in depth.
Potrero. Admirable place for a start in vvever in it and so is Mon. Albert Sagoes to Guacimo to perform among other Canadian Trade Commissioner along with over a thousand members of the life.
Traut, as Minister of Marine vvho vvas Community, sa Ask The Searchlight.
associated vvith the Washington Conference in Naval Parley.
Miss Costa Rica In Diplomatic Circles Atlantic Hotel SASTRERIA GRANT News of the.
Weak men and women Should drink Toddy Lord and Lady Baden Powell were An Organ for Sale due in Jamaica on 7th. inst This father FOR SALE of the Scout movement of the world fine eleven stops Organ for Sale Situado 150 yards from South of the Market in front of will be welcomed by all Scouts in the in first class condition. Can be seen at Orange Crush factory House, Farm of four Hectareas Island, although he is not travelling on Mrs. Bucknor home In Limon. Prices ATLANTIC HOTEL offers to the public in geaccount of the movement but merely of Cane vvith an Iron Mill and Copper neral Clean confortable Rooms.
on pleasure.
very moderate for Cash.
at Svvamp Mouth very Cheap. Enquire Mrs. BUCKNOR, Limon. of THE SEARCHLIGHT.
Meal Service to order, cakes, Ice Cream as per desire Mr. Eberhardt newly appointed American Minister to Costa Rica arrives on We also attend to wedding feasts, Picnic Parties 28th. to take up his duties, in spite of all the clamour that was made to Spsoial dinners or at Home tea service whether at the HOTEL the contrary, or in your own Homes. GRANT Moderate Prices, all attention given to Boarders English french spoken. Call be convinced.
Suits made to order in the Shortest notice. Complete stock of English and Americao tweeds, sergiogs Telf. 3271. Box 614. San José, Flanels always on stock, come in when in San José veys Egyptian Statue vvhich vvas stolen see my recent arrivals.
from his home Somali Court in Musgrave Avenue tvvo vveks ago. The North East Corner of Central Avenue where the Plaza Viquez Tramway starts Gardener says he was out tor a stroll and savv an automobile drive up to the Suits also made on the Raffle Series system come home but thinking it vvas visitors going in and get a number.
up to see Mrs. Garvey vyho vvas indisAmong all the food products that have arrived in this country none of them are In Serie Dravving No. 39 vvas vvon by Ticket No. 20 belonging to posed, Mr. Garvey being at Edelvveiss Augusto Flores as of a recognized Value es Park, had kept on his vvalk, but vvhen In Serie Dravving No. 21 vvas vvon by Ticket No. 76 belonging to he returned he found the thieves had Juan Rivera TO D disconnected the electric light from the These dravvins vvero donc; In the presence of Messrs Mario Fonseca, Jorge Calvo, Edwin Chavarria statue and this removed from its peSerie Is in course of formation take a chance by paying 50 vveekan ideal food for children and mothers; for adults that work excessively lo mental destal and gone.
ly until your number is drayva, you pay no more.
operations, for CONVALESCENTS, for wasted Organs and worn out energies, Toddy, This vvas one of his art collections of Try, your luck you may only pay or instalments but in any case you get a suit after paying up your quotas.
to the most frail is the nutrition most adaptable, and in consequence of its agreeablə Eastern antiques vvhich he had been flavour, its efficacy as an eosily digested food, it has rapidly been accepted in this Re selecting in his travels, and cost him BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 public, as the best. 2, 000. food made up of fats which must be taken in large quantities to be nutritious It is being suspected that this is the to the system, MEATS and their complicatious anneccesary instead of being bepe act of enemies of the movement rather ficial result PREJUDICIAL, which is not the case with TODDY which in small qua than a robbery for gain.
ntities acumulate greater nutritive energy.
Mothers ought to take in consideration the delicacy of the digestive Organs of Chief Scout in Jamaica their children and therefore provide them with a liealthy food. There is nothing better than TODDY which taken in adequate meals is a marvellous builder for children.
Lord Robert Baden Powell had a Cold or Hot in any way you like it, it will be found palatabe agreeable effi vvonderful reception by the Boy Scouts Cacious.
of Jamaica, altho he is not travelling No solamente debemos trabajar sino también debemos divertirnos. La This precious FOOD may be had in all Drug stores and Establishments.
in connection vvith Scouts movement vida sin distracciones es pesada y triste. EL CINE MODERNO le proporbut merely on pleasure. The girl guides ciona la manera de distraerse todas las noches con películas y expectáculos Duevos, que le dejarán sonrisas y descansará su espiritu para las nuevas also formed a Guard of Honour to luchan dela vida Lady Baden Powell.
Vuelvase modernista gaste la infima suma de 25 céntimos y gozará admirando las más lindas estrellas de la cinematografia.
CAFETERIA MASON Películas Parlantes! Siempre Estrenos!
You can save money by ordering your shoes from No, Mason cafeteria which is owned and run on the most Modern lines and cheapest terms by AZEVEDO BOOT STORE Mrs. ISOLINE MASON Special attention is given to all orders in And see for yourself the education to old people as well as the the selection of materials, so as to ensure AT THE EASTERN SIDE OF THE SIQUIRRES MARKET Strength durability whether for gents, young from TALKING PICTURES ladies or children shoes It is the only place of its kind in Siquirres where you can be Deformed feet fitted, all at reasonable All work and no diversions makes Jack a dull boy attended to from 30 am to 12 prices. All my shoes in stock selling ut CINE MODERNO Members of Lodges are cordially invited as a resort after cost price, consult my prices before buying elsewhere meetings for a Repast: Beafsteaks, Eggs, Coffee, etc. always hot and gives you a new scene every night of your life, giving you a new still specialize in my well known Men ready for you. IN COLDS, there are frescoes, snowball or Cream working Boots; still unbreakable.
lease on life every morning when you get awake. You are not seeing also on hand.
he best pictures if you do not visit THE MODERNO. AZRVEDO The Shoe Store Limon Box de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.
Vaya al Cine Moderno de Limón VISIT CINE MODERNO


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