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PAGE THE SEA Old resident of Estrada Charged with the Murder of her Husband now Held in the Limon Police Station Awaiting Trial a secause of him; of sons same clinations band, ՊՈՊՈՊՈՊՈՊՈՊՈՊՈՊՈՎ Wirbnb SVA UD, CON FRECUENCIA SAN JOSE?
Mrs. Roslin Dunkley the wife of Lu and his wife had been living separate Questioned in connection with this Judge. ie claims that it is all a frame ther Stanford Dunkley is now held in for some time and that the Tuesday statement ALBERT WRIGHT admits up that when she was arrested and the Limón Jail, along with one wil. previous to the assassination Dunkley that Ford did call at his home and re taken to the Police Magistrate at Estra.
liam Ford, a black Jamaican farmer, and his wife had a quarrell over some mained there for one night (on Friday da, she was never questioned but she charged with the murder of her hus banana cheques which caused the DunkJune the 28th. but this was the very was taken directly into and locked up band which occurred between the 20th. ley woman to complain to the Police day that Dunkley corpse was found in a dark room; that some hours later of lune 1929 at 18 Miles Magistrate at Estrada, reporting among and that he did see him take the train she was called into the Magistrate near the Village of Estrada.
other things that her husband had threatthe following day, Saturday, but did office and instructed imperatively to In pronouncing the indictment the ened to take her life if she did not Court sustains that the murder is a agree to transfer her banana cheques EDWARD LYNCH and THOMAS the preceding wording of which were heinous one having being committed to him; that the very day Dunkley murder of her husband in view of the MOWOTT, testified that on Wednesday written in spanish; that she was again wilfully. and with expressed corpse was discovered, Ford disappeared fact that Mrs. Dunkley was living some malice aforethought very early from Estrada having walked distance from were her husband lived ter home at 18 Miles and told him later called into the Magistrate office According to the records of the proEs(some six blocks away) and could not that he was very tired and asked that for second time and upon arriving trada until the following day Saturday ceedings Mrs. Duukley conspired with to kill her husband, belearn of his disappearance if she had he be permitted to sleep there that there, she found Messrs James and William Ford while he was on the freight train kind of request was granted and that the ful. Henry Hylton sitting in the said office; some dispute in connection on his way to a distant section, and cret watch over his movements. lowing morning Thursday the 27th. that both gentlemen then asked her if with a banana farm owned and mana that he HILL noticed that Ford de Another witness, CLIFFORD ROYAL, When the witness MOWOTT woke the signature appearing on the docuged by the woman accused and be portment was rather unusual: he was Deposed that on the Monday prior to no at five o clock, he found out that ment was hers and she replied to the cause of the deceased making known very nervous and endeavoured to conthe commission of the crime Ford told Ford had already left.
affirmative but that no one ever read his disapproval of Ford pretentions to ceal himself, and, finally, that notwiths him that on the following day. TuesMRS. DUNKLEY DENIES SUPPOSED nor translated the statement written be the husband of his eldest daughter tanding Mr. Dunkley forceful opposi. day) he would be going to 24 or 28 there on.
EXTRAJUDICIAL CONFESSION Josephine Her version of her husband death, The indictment is erected on pure visitor of Mrs. Dunkley with whose Ilowing Dunkley death, while he was Attached to the report sudmitted to so far as a guilty knowledge circumstantial coneerievidence as will be daughter he maintained intimate rela at 24 Miles, he was accosted by the CRIMINAL COURT by the Police ed, is negative. Her statement is to the inferred from the transcripts of the fo tions.
man who exclaimed to Say, you Magistrate for Estrada who conducted effect that on the 27th of June, her llowing testimonies, received in the The next witness, CYRIL HUTthe Police Inquiry soon after Dunkley husband left for his farm, being a banever stopped until you killed Dunkley. course of the CHINSON testified that he saw the preliminary examination: but that he was innocent, from the body was found dead, was a statement nana cutting day and that as he had The first witness to testify was ALBERT deceased Dunkley late the Thursday fact that he was nowhere in the viciniHILL, who stated that for divers reabearing the signature of Mrs. Roslin not returned as customary she sent evening, prior to the discovery of the ty he suspected William Ford of corpse, with a load of banana; that the crime at the time it occurred; Dunkley said to be an extrajudicial someone in search of him the following that the gun which he Ford had was confession made by her in the presence moming only to learn that he had being the chief actor, the man who being a neighbour of Mrs. Dunkley, the property of a third person who of Messrs James Hylton. the dispenser) been found dead with two bullu shot and killed Luther Stanford Dunkand Henry Hylton (the teacher) whose wounds in his body; that although it ley not only because of his reproachshe, Mrs. Dunkley made a statement that whenever that owner called for it, it, signatures are appended thereon as was the consensus of opinion that he able reputation but because he had to his hearing to the fact that her, hus he would excuse himself from delivering witnesses.
was killed by William Ford she could seen him on the Wednesday before band had not returned to his room for by saying that he had given it In that statement Mrs. Dunkly is sup.
not testify with certainty that he had Dunkley was killed in a secret and ra some time; and that, that statement to another person to repair, for he pose to have asserted that she knew killed him.
ther suspicious conversation with the aroused his suspicion against Mrs. wanted the gun for his own use; that that William Ford had killed her hus Mrs. Roslin Dunkley is a woman decuased wife; that the deceased and Dunkley, as soon as he learned of the the witness knew that Dunkley and his band from the fact that when the de of about thirty eight years of age and wife had been living separate for some wwwwwwwwww fendant Ford had learned that her hus the mother of five children all of whom time on account of differences grow band had threatened to toke her life, where born during her wedlock. She ing out of a banana farm; that Ford; the previous Saturday and on another says she was married to the deceased CAFETERIA MODERNA against the deceased will was was a frequent day, Ford offered to kill him (her hus in Jamaica when only eighteen years of visitor of his wife and had lovingsters would promise to give her deceased country immediately after in band) provided she (the defendant) age and travelled with him to this toward her eldest da DE Mrs. AIDA CRANSTON that Ford had told one Joseph and her eldest daughter and that Seemingly, the unfortunate woman is in confidence that he had a book she answered Ford saying, that nothing the object of the sympathy of all her When in Limon if you feel like a home served from which he intended to teach Mrs. could be decided then to which Ford friends and acquaintances who mainDunkley how she could kill her husmeal, go to CAFETERIA MODERNA, Aida will responded that she was a fool; that tain very strong doubts as to her gut the deceased, Luther Stanford Ford motive in killing her husband in the matter which has brought her make you feel at home. The only comfortable diDunkley. This witness concluded his was not due to any interest in her but detention. Information will be given ning room of its class in Towo, private and cosy. testimony with the statement that he Tea, breakfast or Luncheon for Picnic Parties, private diniog rooms to entertaio ladies as well as conspired with Ford hot kill her husbkley and her daughter. Mrs. Dunklev, how. lopments in this calles ever, emphatically denied ever making gentlemen. Baaquets and dioners provided at Shortest Another witness, JOSEPH DUN such a statement to the Estrada Criminal BAR REPORTER.
notice. Cream, Cakes, coffee or soft drinks as you KLEY (The individual to whom Royal refers in the foregoing statement) deorder.
clared that some time during the month Special attentions to my customers.
of June last year, Ford, called at his to Aida home in search of some plantains and he there and then made a statement to 3rd. Avenue and 7th Street Limon.
the effect that the deceased was constantly illtreating his wife and that if he HA VISITADO EL HOTEL LATINO?
continued he would not live any longer than the following month; that he Ford had a book from which he could Si no ha hecho, hágalo y entonces quedará convencido de que teach how to kill any one. The witness es el mejor de la Capital, es más cómodo y económico.
concluded his testimony by saying that ES LA DELICIA DFL PUBLICO Ford visited Mrs. Dunkley home against 100 varas al Norte de la Botica Oriental, The National Life Assurance her husband will, Four other witnesses, SAMUEL DO YOU GO FREQUENTLY TO SAN JOSE?
THOMPSON, gave corroborating testimonies to sustain the circumstance that It you have not do so and you will be convinced that it is the on Friday morning the 28th of June, best in the Capital, it is certainly the most comfortable and economical.
before the deceased body was found, It is the delight of the general public.
that they heard and saw the defendant Tourists seeking rest and quietness do well to try Mrs. Dunkley crying and upon being HOTEL LATINO questioned as to the cause, was to them all 100 yards to the North of Botica Oriental the same time that she TEN CENTS DAY was crying because her husband had left for his farm from the day previous will bring a thousand colones to your Family and had not returned home up to that moment The witness then went in Do you love your family. Insure your life in at your death, search of only to find shot and dead in his farm.
THE NATIONAL LIFE ASSURANCE BANK dimes do you throw away One witness, HANSURD ANGLIN, averts that early on the morning of each day thoughtlessly? Only one of June the 28th. While he the witness You would not have seen the best in Siquirres, if you these dimes invested in a life insurance was going toward his home he met the defendant Ford going toward the did not visit policy will save your family the anguish direction (from east to west)
or from 18 Miles where the deceased of a penniless bereavement. life poDunkley farm is going in the direc THE PEOPLE MARTER licy will supply ready money to cover The ninth witness, CECIL DOWfor your supply of general merchandise and groceries for NER, testitied to the effect of him the home or the Farm.
the expenses which the death of the being present when Mrs. Dunkley sufather or husband may bring.
mmoned her husband before the Police Our Ladies fancy goods gents shirts and underwear a Magistrate Court at Estrada where she specialty Life policies without medical examination, for accused him of gross insults accompanied one and two thousand colones the use of obsecene lanHe is also Agent for THE SEARCHLIGHT guages and illtreatment that the Police Fill in the attached coupon, send it to us, and Judge reprimanded Dunkley and warn without any obligation on your part we will send ed him continuance of Mc. INTOSH. Siquirres you an application form and rate of premium.
such a misconduct; that while the witness and Mrs. Dunkley were yet in the Our policies carry the full guaransaid Magistrate Couri, Dunkley passed by and his wife shouted to him, the tee and responsibility of the State deceased, You beat me eh? You want to kill me eh? But you are going to die before me. These occurrences took place, according to the witness Downer (DETACH THIS COUPON)
a few days before Dunkley was assasThis property consists of 7040 hectareas, and has a sea beach Banco Nacional de Seguros sinated.
facing of 26 miles on the Carribbean sea as the eastern boundary.
Dpto. de Vida.
FORD PIEADS INNOCENCE AND The old Cocoanut grove is a belt extending the entire length of OFFERS ALIBI EVIDENCE the coast line of over 7000 bearing trees. The new and unexploiSan José de Costa Rica ted grove consists of over 60. 000 bearing trees.
My name in full is.
Upon being questioned at the preThe southern point of the property is miles from Greytown examination, the defendant My address is.
or San Juan del Norte as properly named the entrance William Ford emphatically denied ha expected Nicaraguan Canal.
My occupation is.
ving any participation directly or in.
Rio Indio, Rio Maiz, and Spanish Creek are rivers which run Sex.
directly in the killing of Luther Dun through the property making entrances from the sea easy.
kley; that he was nowhere in the vi Find out and study this proposition. An opporiunity for inI was born at cinity of Estrada nor near the crime vestors The property is under the custody of the respectable buon the.
day of.
on the date in question; that he had siness firm known as the BLUEFIELDS MERCANTIL Co. for the been in 28 Miles staying with one Al benefit of creditors of the creditors. Get in touch with The BlueI would like an Insurance for bert Wright from some time before fields Mercantil Co, or get immediate preliminary information in and subsequent to the death of Dun Limon through this paper.
kley and that after leaving 28 Miles acirea inghe Ghee 9B Lannoitalisieru sinaldelibliot Think Over the Future of Your Family stated of Luther Dunkley him How many opposite 15 Matina.
tion of against the Invest in a good Property in Nicaragua liminary to the in the year.


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