
PAGE Gleaning from afar Demands of mahatma Ghandi of Bombay Helpful Propositions at high imprisoned 8 tions 10 that 11 12 13 vvho like good, Invest in a good Property in Nicaragua EDITORIAL This Indian Chief does not fear the and making such revenue subject The Legislatiye Conncil of Jamaica Anger of Lord Irving, Viceroy of India to Legislative Control rd. Abolition of Taxes on Salt products opened on 25th. Feb. The following for the British government. Ghandi gentlemen vvill occupy their Seats chief of the Hindus movement in fa Reduction by 50 of military Ex.
In our present crisis altho very serious in all its phases, yet Messrs Charles Davis, AS indiano The abolition Nominated members of the house; vour of Independence, asks through the nevyspaper The Young Reduction by 50 in the Salaries Taxes, The of something can be done to ameliorate it if all parties who claim Vickers, Wigan, John Mc Civil Officials Liberty of political prisoners etc.
to have any interest in the well being of the country would only Phail. Fraser, Percival Lindo, A protectionary tariff on National Ghandi vyho has been clothes fabrics cooperate. Of late we have been having visits from personages Leonard DeCordova, Sir William Mo several times for his Championing the The approval of a Reserve Lavy who seem much interested in the building of The Moin Tortu mison, Dr. Lawson Gifford, and Dr.
Basil Wilson cause of his countrymen, and is still not afraid of further punishments. deguero Canal and all sorts of sugestions about it, yet nothing deLiberty for all political prisoners.
finite seem to be thought of all ghese ideas thown out by different Mining operations have been started at clares that Reforms are necessary and except in cases of Assassinations.
individuals. promises that if his demands are accedon a property in Portland by the GuSuppression of poltical persecued to, the Viceroy vvill not hear his Mr. Martinez from Colorado Bar came and he has shown lly Bross.
Experiments have proven people speak any more of Civil disSahon of the Chapter of Sethat he is doing a fair business in bananas planted in the area obedience.
in the Penal Code.
surrounding this waterway with the American Fruit Co. and his there are good results in the samples Authorization of all Indian Exiles If they satisfy these vital necessities of avvay; indicating that it is rich in possibilities for betterments if the government would only spend Copper. miniug Engineer is directo return to their Country.
dhe duntry, the National Congress of vvill participate cordially in Abolition seven or eight thousand colones in clearing certain parts of the ting operations and a quantity of tools ovh of the dept of criminal vvhatever Conferences are held vvhere investigation, substituting therefor projected route of this Canal, and yet the government while has been brought down from the there may be perfect liberty of speech, nited States to exploit the mines.
popular spending hundreds of thousands on Roads that are not immediasinse Lord Irvin the viceroy announced Granting licenses to carry firearms to tely productive works will not think of making an outlay of a defend oneself, subject to pofew thousands which would immediately be able to reimburse The Co. has again taken over government will comply faithfully with pular Control such expenditure. Other propositions have been made for cons an immense quantity of lands in Jamaica, his obligation of maintaining order. This leader puts one much in mind The Conservatives hovvever believe that of the great Negro leader Marcus Gartructing the second section of the Canal from Matina onward by the purchase for 275. 000 of the banana properties, Reids Pen the demands of Ghandi have fevv pro vey who is suffering much indignities which could easily be done to the mouth of the Matina River Tvvickenham Park, Orange Park, and babilities of be being converted into a reality.
for within two score of thousands; it is assured that there is an on account of seeking reforms in the Wheegus Know Dobson farm in St. Catherine near Among other conditions of his people but inexhaustible quantity of timbers to be found in the Tortuguero Spanish Tovyn.
that a revolutionary movement without Ghandi is not afraid of imprisonments, violence, prevents a revolution by and San Carlos Valleys, now if an equitable tax on all logs say in a cause which he feels is righteous violence but fear more the revolutio as he feels his body is at the disposal Several small holdings at Four Paths five cents per foot superficial for five years be placed on all nary Violence than the anger of Lord of those in authority but the righteousthese logs to be floated down the Canal to a mill to be placed in clarendon are being sold at Auction Irving. and asks the followving reforms. ness of his soul in the cause of the say at Swamp Mouth, this freight alone would pay for the Cons. by the Government. These settlers borrovved money rom the agricultural 1st. Total prohibition of alcoholic drinks freedom of thought for his Race is truction, it only needs the Cooperation of the government as well Loan Bank at May Penn 1923. after throughout the land.
from God.
as the land owners in those districis.
AFRICANUS the disastrous fire in that vicinity vvhich 2nd. Reduction by half of all Taxes, Ofcourse it is no use for the land owners and settlers to destroyed the Canes from Denbigh to expect the government to do everything to tide our difficulties Clarendon Park, and in consequence over, they must think, advise and work so as to bring the project of the need of Irrigation those debtors to a Success. The Railway Co. must be drafted in also to coin spite of the fact that the time of reoperate because Railway freight will be an enormous item on all payment has been extended, hence the products brought down by the Canal, which will really be a feeder unfortunate step that is now being forThis property consists of 7040 hectareas, and has a sea beach for our Railways ced upon the government to auction facing of 26 miles on the Carribbean sea as the eastern boundary.
The old Cocoanut grove is a belt extending the entire length of In the United States and other large Railway centres, the off these holdings.
the coast line of over 7000 bearing trees. The new and unexploiRailways advise and help the farmers and producers to secure ted grove consists of over 60. 000 bearing trees.
better crops and products because they are encouraging larger The 5th of March being Ash Wed.
The southern point of the property is miles from Greytown business for themselves in freight. In Canada last month we find nesday the usual Races vvill be held at or San Juan del Norte as properly named. the entrance to the Sir Henry Thornton, Chairman of the Canadian National Rail Marlie and Knutsford Park. There has expected Nicaraguan Canal.
ways telling the Exhibitors of the Canadian National Exhibition been an unsuccessful attempt between the Río Indio, Rio Maiz, and Spanish Creek are rivers which run officials of the tvvo Racing Associations through the property making entrances from the sea easy.
Association in an address, to look to raising of some other proto race a week apart. so as to give an Find out and study this proposition. An opporiunity for induct besides Wheat, because they cannot reach the maximum of opportunity of better attendance of the vestors The property is under the custody of the respectable buefficiency unless some other crops are raised, for the lands will fans as well as the horses, but neither siness firm known as the BLUEFIELDS MERCANTIL Co. for the side could give up Ash Wednesday, so benefit of creditors of the creditors. Get in touch with The Bluedeteriorate if all our energy is put on one product, The day of throats must be cut. There is a long mired farming is here he said, we must raise live stock. gar.
fields Mercantil Co. or get immediate preliminary information in string of Entries booked for Marlie as Limon through this paper.
den Truck, poultry and other products, so is that day here in usual Costa Rica, bananas lands are worn out, we must look to something else, but we must all cooperate, the Railway Authorities must not look on with an eye of indifference, for freight must George Washington CRICKET Another Grand old man be found with which to maintain the Roadway Rollingstock and pay the enormous sum of 150, 000 quarterly to ihe English The West Indian Team scored 471 Bondholders, the Co. is rich but no man likes to draw on his On Saturday all flags were flown in in their first Inning in British Guiana In a letter appearing in another cohonour of this Grand old man who Roach 209, Headley 115, Hunte 53. lumn from Don Carlos Orozco, Amareserves to maintain any business; so we all must cooperate, was born 198 years ago on 22nd day The had wickets down for dor to Lic. Don Ricardo Jiménez assome must work, others think, others advise, others finance the of February, in Westmoreland County, 120. Look much like a followon. king him to withdraw his former de scheme Let us all make suggestions how best we can surmount our present difficulties, instead of criticizing the efforts of others, remembered by the thoughtful of every The Seditious Libel Case Congress in spite of the fact that his let us improve it and advise the adoption of our improvements his thoughts towards living a correct Messrs Garvey and Aikman have apif it is not adopted then we can afford to criticize but not until we advise betterments.
be a thinking evil to no man but doing pealed from the judgment of the Respontan cously against his wish elected good to all a life of usefulness to his sident Magistrate. They were both granted Among other things he says that Don bail in the Sums of 250 and 150 Ricardo Must remember that from his had intercourse. First in War, First in respectively. In the meantime Mr. Gar past archievements as thrice President in the hearts of his counvey was sworn in to take his seat on he is only Saviour for the Country trymen, Firsrt by his Will to emancipate the Kingston and St Andrew Municipal at this Crisis, his slaves. His conduct was exemCouncil on Monday last, to which he threatened by a Commercial Ecoplary hence it is that at the first fewas again elected; unopposed this time. nomic disaster, but also International deral Convention NELSON depreciation, hence with his called, he was sent from Virginia as a simple delegate, but can say with emphasis. Lives of such experiences, the Nation calls him and by unanimous vote he was selected as he should answer. It is true Don RiTAILOR. PO BOX 466. PT. LIMON, men, all remind us.
Chairman of for We can make Our lives sublime cardo today has got no party in Politics JO but Jesus went alone in the Temple Remember when you need, a snappy suit. Call for the great American Nation, and And departing leave behind us osutuon Footprints on the Sands of Time. among the doctors but how did see me. My best advertisment is always a satisfied was elected two years later as the First What a coincidence it is that Mr.
so it is better to go in SingleCustomer, my price is within he reach of all. Call President of the United States America, serving for of Eberhardt the American Minister to be convinced.
two terms, and Costa Rica, should arrive here on the ed, for Jesus could have pandoned the even after retiriug to Planters life he week following the Great Washington sins of the World by a word, but it was was appointed Commander in Chief Birthday and in this month of Presihis self abnegation in mounting the dents.
Cross that gave Christianity that glor: with France was feared. As he lived THE SEARCHLISHT begs to wish Mr.
ious Victory over death and all its so he died and was buried an unostenta Eberhardt a most useful life in Costa enemies. Thus he is called and he must tious Life on his Estate at Mr. Vernon Rica, so that he may be looked upon 14th. Dec. 1799.
as The Head Corner Stone of Costa his country. Tiberius outshone Tacitus If we follow his example in life, we Rican American Reciprocal goodwill.
because the thinker is greater than the Tyrant; and so we beg to congratulate Don Ricardo in such recognition, it is drawn are that he must, so as to get true he has been pierced by his enemies words on happenings in our Liberty the counter move in obeah to them. slander, Hall of Ligion.
What an argument to be placed before but now that the mistaken vision of his With the cooperation of our subscribers we are hoping to open up a The doctrine of Love, Unity and an audience, in a supposedly Educative Pictorial Section of this Journal. We vvill therefore be grateful if any of our nished: Now that his remar enemies has been acknowledged and Truthfulness among the members of leader? How can you expect assembly; is such a man fit to be a Patrons vvho vvould be vvilling to help us to make this departure a success invite vvill send us the Photos of themselves, their Homes, or their business places scope for harnessing the resources of the his way to his private residence the Limon Division of seem if proper to be set aside now and Superstition respectable, intelligent coloured people with themselves inserted, so vve vvould be able to have them reproduced at Country is not taken advantage of, are and Ghost stories are being taught into the folds for the Improvement and a Small Cost in our Columns rightly appreciated; and condoned for, in Liberty Hall by the President Mr. dignified wellbeing of coloured citiTheodore Smith. No sooner was Mr.
we toofeel his glorious Victory will only zens Jinsitrinin birbiriwtirib be consummated when he comes out Smith installed in Office by our ExAbraham what in thy bosom pluck and assists to straighten matters out; out; its evident if voodoism is uptober 1928 than in November he de CAFETERIA MODERNA and bring prosperity back to the counpermost, you cant pluck the fruits of try clared thad there were Gliosts with love, Unity and self preservation as is We wish Don Ricardo will acquiesce evil Omen hanging around the down.
taught by Garveyism.
DE Mrs. AIDA CRANSTON to the confidence of his friends.
stairs Office, and if the members did Mr. Smith is School Teacher for the not consent to remove the Office up and children of The day School, stairs in the Hall he When in Limon if you feel like a home served would and when such arguments are to be President, well naturally the seed was as thrown out before them, what sort of meal, go to CAFETERIA MODERNA, Aida will Bloodless Revolution well sown, and the fruit was proeducational ideas can the rising genemake you feel at home. The only comfortable diduced, the Office was removed up ration inculcate?
ning room of its class in Town, private and Cosy. The Republic of Santo Domingo has stairs at great Cost. This Obeah talk Thanking you for space afforded me Tea, breakfast or Luncheon for Picoic Parties, passed thro a bloodless Revolution Mr. Editor yours sincerely for Racial has continually been going on but the General Vasquez signed an agreement climax came on Sunday night the 16th uplift.
private dining rooms to entertain ladies as well as by which a new election will be held inst when this gentleman in an open Sgd. Delevante gentlemen. Banquets and dinners provided at Shortest address in a Mass Meeting, told his notice. Cream, Cakes, coffee or soft drinks as you in conformity with the wishes of the Revolutionary party hearers that an Obeahman told him order.
that six of his members had put Obeah FOR SALE The safety of the Monarchial governSpecial attentions to my customers.
ment of Spain is also heavily in the on him. Now Sir, as Man thoughts House, Farm of four Hectareas to Aida balances. Republican government may are so will his utterances be and so will his actions be, and as revenge is of Cane vvith an Iron Mill and Copper replace it at any moment. Avenue and 7th Street Limon.
always foremost in the human mind, at Svvamp Mouth very Cheap. Enquire hence the logical deductions to be of THE SEARCHLIGHT Tropiedad de la Biblioteca Nacio Advertise WIMMUNALIMA country peace, First THE STANDARD prejudice hof that great Asembliyution what was was it to frame a North he Superstitious President of Finding resign DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMOS


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