
Saturday 1st. March 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT PAGE CURRENT ITEMS runand left Hotel Frances Industrial New Orleans According to modities: Among the lodges News of the World Organizations THE VOGUE Cieneguita Bridge Coal Contract The youngsters elected to get a bath JOHN ROGERS, TAILOR with the illluck that they never came out The Municipality of Limon spent We are pleased to see that the govalive; one seem to have got swamped The name is the hall mark for Tailoring, quite a surm in the repairs of The Cie. ernment has awarded the Contract for by a wave and the other going to the neguita Bridge which was very badly in supplying 3, 000 tons of Coal needed rescue was not strong enough to bring FAR AND NEAR need of attention. This Bridge was cons for the Pacific Railway to Mr. Manuel him ashore both died embraced in tructed nearly thirty years ago by Mr. Quesada. Don Manuel has been the each others arms.
Among his clients are the most fastidious, the elite; the people that Field in the Construction of the first Commission merchant to cut down We beg to tender our heartfelt symknow. Convince yourself.
Rio Banana Railway but soon after the the prices of Coal and the freight of pathy to the unfortunate mother and LIMON, Box. 83.
Santa Rosa line was built. this line Coffre etc. by the ships of the Com other relatives of the deceased children, ning along the beach towards West pany which he represents therefore he who were great favorites with every falia was found unneccessary, hence the deserves to be supported. His price in one in the Community.
Northern Ry. Co took up the Track this instance is forty six shillings per the Bridge to the use of the English Ton.
Convalescent Municipality, which quickly fell into a very bad condition, on account of the Drowning ELECTRICAL OPTICAL OFFICE We are glad to learn that Mr. ALaction of the Salt air, consequently the Governor Don Jose Hernandez San. very sad case of drowning oc berga of nine miles is recruiting facurred at Portette on Sunday last when vourably from the recently barbarous of Dr. Elias Blanco chez saw the necessity of keeping in little Miss Luz Hernandez and her attack made on him. He is out of good order this, which is the only Brother Edgar, accompanied by their Hospital but according to the Doctors Optometrist and Occulist means of Communication between the mother and Mr. Victor Manuel Salazar diagnosis it will be six months before Telephone 3085. Street Alfredo Yolio Apartado 128 City of Limon and the rising, and dense visited that place.
the arm will be of use to him.
ly populated Suburb of Cieneguita; for Old Folks Member of The Optical Faculty of New York.
the people of Cieneguita are much graA SPECIALIST ON TNE HUMAN VISION teful to Don Jose and The Municipal officials.
possesses the latest inventions apparatuses for examining Central Park the eyes, Special assortment of Spectacles with Crystals and The old fashioned Iron Railings around The Central Park has been demolens of all kinds to suit your sight. With a special lished, and the Streets are being made Cartago as a Health Resort is THE SWITZERLAND of the Americas, wider around the Park, so as to acDepartment for collocating Artificial eyes.
Visitors from the Canal Zone sing the Praises of the attention commodate the Cars parking around it.
It gives an air of freedom in the vicicare taken of them by the Administration of nity and certainly adds much in the modern appearance of the principal THE HOTEL FRANCES OF CARTAGO Park of the city. The Special Committee on Street reconstruction must be congratulated for their ideas in this Nice, comfortable airy Rooms, beautiful Scenery of the surrounding direction.
country Nevy Orleans alvvays recognized as States and Central South America An Example Set Convenient Trains to visit the country East or west. To spend a a World Port, its imports and exports There are the bagasse Mills vvhich convert We are informed that as a punishVacation at THE HOTEL FRANCES CARTAGO is always to return.
being only inferior to those of York, the trash rubbish from the Sugarcane has developed into a great manufactu into Pasteboard for Walls, a material ment for the wreck 48 miles as reCharges and accomodations suit all Purses.
ring center during the last tvvo decades. which formerly was throvv avvay as ported in our last. Engineer Gayle was to the industrial investi rubbish or used as fuel. There are great replaced by Engineer Wray for 15 days gations carried out recently by the Com. Spinning Mills making vvearing fabrics and Conductor Stilley was also given Do you love your family. Insure yuor life in mercial Association, there appears to exist 15 days vacation without pay for folfrom the Coton grovvn and manufacmore than a thousand factories in Nevy tured around New Orleans which finds lowing on to his first section within ten Orleans, affording vvork lor 41, 000 vvork for several thousands of people; minutes of his start.
THE NATIONAL LIFE ASSURANCE BANK vvorkmen. Eightytvvo articles of Ravy many products from Steel such as Cabmaterials are utilized for the manufact inets, drums, rooftiling vvindovy door uring of six hundred different classes of frames and smelted materials are made goods in this great center of distribution, in Nevy Orleans. There is a factory facilitating there by all classes of com vvhich employs more than a thousand persons making tin packages in vvhich The importation of Mahogany, along are packed and shipped articles of food Repatriated 20 puncheons Lime Juice and 600 with the lumber industry of Louisiana from this port. Aparatuses for lighting boxes of Grapefruit for England.
By the Manaqui arriving in Jaare the factors which cooperate to make purposes of several descriptions are also maica there yvere repatriated by the Great ship building feat this place an important manufacturing made. Among the many articles of daily center for making Furniture and buildPanamanian government 15 men; of necessaries made in New Orleans are, Something novel in shipbuilding octhese fourteen vvere said to be Insane ing material. In reality the greatest Fur jute fabric s, leathers, scarfs, Ropings, Con U. NI. Activities.
and one paralysed. They vvere escorted curred at the ship building yards of niture factory of the South is built on crete pipes heaters, clothing, Cigars, meeting of the Presidents Conclave home by capt John Paul Russell of the Messrs Workman Clark Ltd. at the the Banks of the Missippi in New Orleans. Syrups, Shoe setc. etc.
of the vvill take place at Alexandria Graving Docks Belfast, vvhen Another factory makes use of the American Medical Corps.
Its geografical position renders a the Waldeck Hall on Sunday 2nd.
The Co Ship La Marea of knots of the pine vvood hranches of There must certainly have been very lirichness of itself but it would be March, to discuss greater Unity among 3600 tons, Sistership of the La Playa the trees vvhich are left in the vvoods, vely time son board that Ship conveying useless vvithout the great constructive the Divisions, and election Officers for vvas cut in tvvo and 30 feet of hulk from which are extracted several distinct 14 Crazy men.
ideas of the members of its Municipal materials of Commerce, Dyes, Alcohol, the year; all Divisions are cordially inspiced into her, so as to admit the bodies who operate from time to time Squadron vited to attend.
Turbo electric generators vvhich repla Ink Terpentine, paints, Soap etc. by to get out the great facilities afforded ce the Diessel Electric Machinery with means of chemicals. There is also a mill by its natural resources for the transWhat with Picnics, Tea parties, ga vvhich she was formerly installed and from which is extracted valuabie oils portation and expeditious embarcation meeting is being called at the at mes, Balls, Theatrical and other enterof at the same time enlarging her refrige from the seed of the Cotton, an article its Excelsior Hotel in San José for the tainments, the men of the Squa rating space. This is a masterpiece of thrown avvay up to few years ago.
manufactured materials and products, facilities which cost 22. 000. 000 purpose of reorganizing the San Jose dron vvho spent their shore leaves at Engineering skill.
There is also the largest Sugar refDivision on Sunday 9th March.
and afford an almost unlimited resource Kingston seem to have had the time of inery in the vvorld, in vvhich is refi for industrial enterprises along the vvatheir lives for the fevv days they vvere ned all the ravv Sugar made in the ter front Grand Lodge Session there, they left on Sunday 16th. The South, and that from the enormous Inasmuch as Nevy Orleans Knovun There will be the regular quarterly flagship Concord led the vvay and the quantity of Canes imported from Cuba. throughout the vvorld as a great pleameeting of the Grand Lodge of the other 13 boats slovvly steamed out The importance of this city as sure resort in vvhich there alvvays reigns M held in The Concordia Rooms after her.
While the father of the Scout Moa great Sugar emporium, has given supremely the Spirit of Carnaval day.
Port Limon on Saturday night the birth to the establishment of seven great Our Products vement the World over, is being feted confectionary factories, which send their its throughrful men have now found a 15th March. There is a difference vvay to convert it into a great Industrial existing betyven the Progressive Lodge It is gratifying to note that the in their attentions. On Sunday 16th, the products to all parts of the United Metropolis.
of Siquirres and the Grand Lodge, Jamaica Planter of the producers asso Scount Troop attached to the St. Marks vvhich it is hoped will be settled at ciation left a fortnight ago vvith a cargo Anglican Church under the Supervision this meeting for the purposes of a clo. of 95. 000 stems of bananas, and 46 of District Commissioner Revd ser understanding.
casks of Honey, 20 puncheons of rum, Ryecart, Commanded by Scoutmaster George Hooker, Paraded to Divine Service, They again fell ALCIDES and at o clock they marched out the Church premises under the orders of COMISSION MERCHANT Father Ryecart, along with Scout ChaP. Box 106 Limon plain the Revd, Archdeacon Buckley, Si no ha hecho, hágalo y entonces quedará convencido de que rector of the church, also in uniform.
es el mejor de la Capital, es más cómodo y económico.
My experience for more than 30 years places me in condition to take They headed tovvards The British ViceES LA DELICIA DFL PUBLICO good care of your interests in Limon. Whether in legal or commercial Consulate led by Troop leader Sydney 100 varas al Norte de la Botica Oriental, matters.
Crovvther, and Instructor Louis LaviANY OF YOUR NEEDS WILL BE ATTENDED niere, Scoutmaster Saunders, and his DO YOU GO FREQUENTLY TO SAN JOSE. THOROUGHLY assistant Brevvster, all three of whom Try my capacity and efficiency.
acted as Buglers for the day follovved Have you visited THE HOTEL LATINO?
by Drummers Fred Paul, Joseph Reid and Aikman, then the Troop colours It you have not, do so and you will be convinced that it is the borne by Royal, the Union Jack by best in the Capital, it is certainly the most comfortable and economical. Salmon, and the Costa Rican Flag It is the delight of the general public.
by Coleman, vvith the Scoutmaster Hooker keeping the ranks in order, Tourists seeking rest and quietness do well to try HOTEL LATINO they arrived at the Consulate vvhere GRANT they Yvere received by His Britannic 100 yards to the North of Botica Oriental Majesty Vice Consul Mr. Bovvden Suits made to order in the Shortest potice. Com vvhere the usual Honours vvere explete stock of Eoglish and American tweeds, sergiogs changed. They then headed for the Flannels always on stock, come in when in San José Gobernacion vvhere they were received see my recent arrivals.
and refreshed by His Excellency Don Here now lets go boys. Where leads we ll follow José Hernández Sánchez; they then North West Corner of Central Avenue where the Plaza Viquez Tramway starts headed for the Commandancia vvhere for be can give us the latest hits of the season. Who?
they were very cordially entertained by Suits also made on the Raffle Series system come WELLINGTON our Inspector of Forces Mr. Iglesias.
in and get a number.
They were then marched back to Bar The practical and qualified TAILOR of Madre de Dios.
racks and dismissed at the Parade ground He has now placed a Branch in Siquirres but wont In Serie Dravving No. 40 vvas vvon by Ticket No. 89 belonging to on the Church Premises after vvhich Juan Bla Coronado.
leave Madre de Dios in the Cold. When in Siquirres In Serie Dravving No. 22 vvas vvon by Ticket No. 22 belonging to the District Scout Commissioner The Manuel Rojas Revd. Cecil Ryecart congratulated the just watch for his Signboard at the South East end These drayvins yvere done; In the presence af Messrs Jorge Rojas, Troop very much for their bebaviour of The Market.
Marcial Vargu and Carlos Luin Aguedas.
and archievements in so short a time He begs to thank his customers for their patronage Serie Is in course of formation take a chance by paying 3. 50 vveck.
under service, and provided them with ly until your number is drayva, you pay no more.
in the past, and promises his interest in serving them Try, your luck you may only pay or instalments but in any case you refreshments. The Boys 33 in number for the future.
get a suit after paying up your quotas.
felt all highly elated over their day parade, and are determined to draft in WELLINGTON BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 all their friends in the Ranks by the TAILOR Nacinextricallagen Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotec del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Scout Movements at 30 VA UD, CON FRECUENCIA SAN JOSE?
RAMIREZ SASTRERIA GRANT Este documentos Broniedad de la Bibliotec


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