p. 4


ANONYMOUS LETTERS This Is The Opportune Moment enable you to grant Este Es El Momento Oportuno error to Como se puede comprar el avión para Bolaños privelege press la your come of God them la compra siguientes PAGE You can save money by ordering your shoes from AZEVEDO BOOT STORE Special attention is given to all orders in Dear Mr. Editor: vvill not help any one who seeks to the selection of materials, on to ensure Strength durability whether for gents, To secure for yourself a good property in San José Mr.
make conditions miserable for others, Indies or children shoes am soliciting your favour for space for retribution shall be the result, for the Deformed feet fitted, all at reasonable DANIEL UJUETA sells a fine Commercial corner lot in a Central in the column of your valuable paper, Bible affirms that whatsoever a man crices. All my shoes in stock selling at respectable locality with to call the attention of my fellow Corsovveth that shall he also reap post price, consult my prices before buying elsewhere. Beatiful Residence respondents, to the damage they are am kindly asking my fellovy Codoing by vwriting Anonymous Articles. still specialize in my well known Men For permission to visit a inspect write or see him at the am thanking you in advance, for put the best side out; for it is a verily beleive that your dexterity vvill and dents, to turn themselves about working Boots; still unbreakable.
IMPRENTA UJUETA. Apartado 15. Telephone 2837.
virtue pure through out AZEVEDO my request He sells to the best offer coming, go inspect it make an offer This Nevys paper vvas a long felt vvant, papers are intented to beneThe Shoe Store Limon Box fit the public in various ways, so and should be highly appreciated by the fairminded Negroes, then why should when any one writes Anonymous Ar not great care be taken to safeguard its character of any individual it is a gross elucidate any further for a word is FOR SALE de hacerse de una buena PROPIEDAD en San José, DANIEL and a misuse of privelege, and enough for the vvise. hope The UJUETA le vende, esquina comercial punto acreditado y céntrico, should not be tolerated.
Searchlight will be the primary course The ovvner being desirous of going buena construcción.
We are in a mixed multitude and to enlighten the Negroes vvho are do home to seek his health is willing to Véala para que haga su oferta, que se venderá in an enlightened age. The privelege is miciled in these alien lands. Wishing sell at a Song a la mejor proposición given to any one to express their views through the press, which should be the erring Correspondents a speedy it a vvide spread circulation; and also Farm of Hectareas, a horse and Informes en la IMPRENTA UJUETA. APARTADO 15 for the betterment of the public. This reformation.
a nevvly built House at 24 miles. No being so, then Correspondents should reasonable offer refused, All information FRANK MOULTON OG.
from this paper.
ticles that will stimulate, renovate and Pacuarito edify the studious minded. It is an abuΕΙΣ ΣΧΟΣ of ΣΟΣ XXL: send Articles to the which are designed to spoil the peace of any group, or to damage or destroy the character of any one.
Al Comité de Aviación There are evil minded people who REMEMBER YOUR OLD FRIEND are very glad for the opportunity sending Anonymous Articles to the Los millones se componen de cén pública in buzón de su propiedad con press, but little do they know that such MALICK timos por consiguiente, si sabemos su respectivo candado para que nadie Articles are not valid in the eyes of aprovechar la acumulación de un centi lo pueda abrir y que tenga un cartelito mo más otro sucesivamente podemos con la siguiente inscripción: the intelligent public, for the intelligent Reclame people know, that there must be some With a complete stock of wearing apparel and adornllegar a formar un capital respetable. cualquier fracción en céntimos que le ments for the Home, Basado en este principio me proponsobre en su porte, aunque sea este de his name published; for if you are at At his Store La Samaritana adjoining La Botica go formar un plan que consiste en 62 céntimos y depositelo aquí, que Oriental at the Eastern side of the Market recolecta de céntimos que se han venibest, you cannot act the part of es para comprar el Aeroplano de Bola a coward traitor. If we vvill give to He has served you well in the past and is waiting to do perdiendo y que bien aprovechados nos, si deposita más de cts mayor others the best we can, the best vvill do so again.
pueden dar para la compra del aero es el beneficio que Ud. hace a este back to us, if we vvill do Ap. NO. 824 plano.
costarricense, y por consiguiente a su Telephone No. 3345 others vvhat vue should like them to La tarifa de correos actual establece Patria.
do to us then surely vve shall make que para enviar una carta de una pro Calculen los señores del Comité que vincia a otra, debe pagarse un porte de this world a better place for ourselves.
en el movimiento de correo de todas Environments have caused the Negroes 13 céntimos, porte sumamente incómo las provincias se enviarán un promedio ITX to be long deprived of priveleges, and ΣΟΣ do, que no es ni 10 ni 15 cts. Pues de 1000 cartas diario, este representaría bien el que tiene que escribir de una a nouv having the privelege to our own cts, por cada una, un depósito de paper, we should endeavour always to provincia para otra, o compra para pe 2000 cts. o sean 20. 00; en un mes write Articles that are educative, for gar en el sobre una estampilla de 15 600. 00; en un año e 7200. 00.
CAFETERIA MASON the people are being educated through cts, que quiere decir un regalo para el Más lo que tenga recogido el Cothe press. With some writers the spirit Gobierno, de céntimos; WHAT. MASONIC CAFETERIA?
suma necesaria o sería ya la oft times reveals things to una estampilla de 13 cts. y paga por aproximada para del for the benefit of the people; the result No, Mason cafetería which is owned and run on the most Modern ella 15 cts. regalándole al expendedor Todavía más, si la recolecta de céntilines and cheapest terms by de sellos d. o bien, paga 15 ds, y le mos resulta buena en soledas primertis of such ywritings gives new ideas and have been the turning dan un sellito de cts. como vuelto que meses, habrá quien preste el dinero Mrs. ISOLINE MASON point, and has enabled recibe y lo bota porque no le sirve de antes de tiempo para pagarle con las Frivolities and scandals cannot help AT THE EASTERN SIDE OF THE SIQUIRRES MARKET nada. Asi en esta forma se pierden diarecolectas to nationhood. but will retard progress riamente muchos céntimos que es pre Dejo en esta forma al honorable Co.
and destroy the morals of many, then It is the only place of its kind in Siquirres where you can be cisamente lo que me mueve a formu mité de Aviación una manera de hacer should write intelligently for attended to from 30 a. to 12 vve all lar este proyecto: lo que por otros medios se ha vuelto eyes are vvatching us. Any one vvho Members of Lodges are cordially invited as a resort after El Comité de Aviación colocará en difícil realizes vvhat is race consciousness, canmeetings for a Repast: Beafsteaks, Eggs, Coffee, etc. always hot and todas las Oficinas de Correo de la ReARTURO DEUJEP not expose, disgrace and scandalize their ready for you. IN COLDS, there are Frescoes, snowball or Cream also on hand.
people before the nations of the vvorld and when entrusted, neither vvill they defraud and Where there love there is safety, The National Life Assurance for love worketh no ill to his neighbours. The for Correspon public is impure motives.
Protect your family by insuring yourself in The Nacional For vyl enyy grudg permeates their minds they will seek and malice Assurance Bank a governmental institution.
to damage and malign those who merit the appreciation of the people, and The Cost of a Policy of 1000 ranges fron three to five may be on the vvay to success. If Ano colones per month according to your age Dont delay. Write the nous Articles are not suppressed, SEARCHLIGHT at once for all particulars, up to 50 years old the unscrupulous Correspondents will be only too glad for such chance, to no doctors certificate. For Policies up to 2000.
TEN CENTS DAY maligu and damage the characters of many decent and innocent people.
ΟΣ People who have nothing to protect will bring a thousand colones to your Family and nothing to lose, can easily scan: dalize their neighbours, if this does not at your death.
stop one of these tomorrovvs some one vvill be brought for defamation of How many dimes do you throw away From the pure blooded pair of dogs Lion and Lioness imported from the character, vvhich may give some London at a cost of 110. 00 when two months old.
each day thoughtlessly? Only one of an innocent Editor, so it is Lion is a Great Danes, whose father is Registered with the Kemal vvise to be on the safe side. Such Ar Club London, England, and Lioness) is a Wolf Hound these dimes invested in a life insurance Their parents are great hunters as well as Guard Companions for owticles must surely engender strife, which sometimes leads to malice, malice sobers and Premises, As hunters they have no egual in the country.
policy will save your family the anguish metimes leads to murder. Under these These dogs were imported to guard my store premises, and you need no Watchman conditions respect fully beg leave to From them now have a fine lot of Pups which sell for 50, 00 ca.
of a penniless bereavement. life po suggest to Mr. Editor, that if he vill If you need a real good dog, whether for watch or Hunting drop in and see throvy Scandalous, Anonymous, and them. Lion is also retained as a Rull for breeding purposes, Fees on Application.
licy will supply ready money to cover Nondeplume Articles into the vvaste the which the death of the expenses AZEVEDO paper basket, or publish their names in spite of their desire; it will be bet father or husband may bring.
ter for his protection, and better for The Shoe Store Port Limon the sale of The Searchlight. and betP. Box Life policies without medical examination, for ter for the peace of the community. It 3DX02 one and two thousand colones.
Fill in the attached coupon, send it to us, and An Organ for Sale without any obligation on your part we will send you an application form and rate of premium. fine eleven stops Organ for Sale in first class condition. Can be seen at Our policies carry the full guaranMrs. Bucknor home In Limon. Prices tee and responsibility of the State No solamente debemos trabajar sino también debemos divertirnos. La very moderate for Cash.
vida sin distracciones es pesada y triste. EL CINE MODERNO le proporciona la manera de distraerse todas las noches con películas y expectáculos Mrs. BUCKNOR, Limoni.
Duevos, que le dejarán sonrisas y descansará su espiritu para las nuevas lachas dela vida (DETACH THIS COUPON)
Vuelvase modernista gaste la infima suma de 25 céntimos y gozará admirando las más lindas estrellas de la cinematografia.
Banco Nacional de Seguros FOR YOUR HOME Dpto. de Vida.
Películas Parlantes! Siempre Estrenos!
One large Victrola with sev.
San José de Costa Rica VISIT CINE MODERNO My name in full is.
eral discs for sale at a sacrifice My address is.
And see for yourself the education to old people as well as the ask THE SEARCHLIGHT.
My occupation is young from TALKING PICTURES Sex.
All work and no diversions makes Jack a dull boy was born at Notice to Subscribers To meet our CINE MODERNO liabilities we on the. day of.
beg the cooperation of our Subscribers gives you a new scene every night of your life, giving you a new would like an Insurance for please send in your dues up to end of lease on life every morning when you get awake. You are not seeing he best pictures if you do not visit THE MODERNO.
the present month.
Our collector will be along the lines hence the from Sunday 2nd prox for this purpose.
extort them.
Life is but a dream but Death is certain dents to withdra Their names from the Think Over the Future of Your Family THOROUGHBRED PUPS FOR SALE trouble Vaya al Cine Moderno de Limón in the year.


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