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Costa Rica sportsman dead here by the Immortal Ex President RaInspiration for higher Company to be very strict on their they may be ambitious and aspiring as fael Iglesias to lay out the project for thoughts Conductors when taking such chances that young lady teacher vvho has It is with regret we have to record the San Jose Pacific Railway in 1896 as these with the lives of passengers had four years in Las Cascadas and the death in San Jose Hospital of Mr.
and he has been a conscientious worker Moin Mar. 2nd 1930. in their hands they should be heavily left Direct from there to Costa Rica a Juan Goban better known among his for the Government ever since. laying fevy months ago to teach for the To the Editor of out the Rio Grande y Barranca Bridges sporting friends as «Negro. Juan was The East bound Train delayed us school of Cahuita. We as parents built San Lucas. The girls College and most diligent in any call that concerned THE SEARCHLIOHT for over half an hour by refusing to should show her our warmest appreseveral other Bridges, Roads, Deviations sports and was very gentlemanly in all back into the nearest Switch not more ciation and vvishes of success in her his associations, as a Cricketer he and buildings. He was a most kind was Dear Sir: than 500 yards from him because he sphere of work. Trust you wont say and affable employer of labour. His much admired by other Cricketers, in claimed the Road; but he should have my space in THE SEARCHLIGHT, is too Please allow me space in your estedeath is a great blow to the government Base Ball he held his own, but he was used his discretion for the convenience lengthy.
emed Weekly to express my vievvs as a Consulting Engineer he was much best known as a Foot Baller. He was a about some of my brother corresponof the passengers.
Should express the feeling of us much sought for member of the Li sought.
Thanking you in advance.
all dents. notice that instead of using it would take a page. All can say bertad the champion club of Costa Rica THE SEARCHLIGHT wishes him a Cir their inteligence to the best advantage, is that the people vvere dissappointed and Juan was always on the first team cle of Perpetual Light JOSEPHS they use it to lamblast other people, vvhen the Chairman Mr. Camp. being one of the best Forwards that Correspondent Pacuarito by their weak points and bell in thanking them for their conduct Costa Rica boasts of.
An Ex President dead magnifying them. should like to say. Conference of Presidents announced the good night song.
His Club La Libertad did all they Brothers look at the good there Thanking you for the space you could for him in life and in death. His Ex President Taft died after a long is in man and not the bad because all have given me.
Mr. Editor loss is a great blowy to sport.
and painful illness at 15 a. of the Wellvvisher from Cahuita.
of us have short comings and cannot THE SEARCHLIGHT begs to tender to 8th, inst. He is the first man that has justify ourselves in the sight of Please allow me space in your vahis bereaved father, sisters and friends held the positions of the Chief of State God.
Brothers come forward with luable columns to say a few words to Correction our its heartfelt condolence.
and Chief Justice of the United States.
your mathematics, your history, tell my fellow workers of the A. us about Fulton, Hannibal, ShakesIn consequence of his illness he had to connected to the Conclave of PresiEstrada, March 1st. 1930. great Engineer gone resign the Chief Justiceship of the peare, Sir Isaac Newton who discovered dents.
The Editor Limon and was replaced by Mr.
the lavvs of gravity. Geo Washington Notifications for a meeting were sent the way of all flesh Hughes and others. In conclusion, out to all the Branches asking them to THE SEARCHLIGHT It is singular that Mr. Edward Terry Mr. Editor you are known through say.
meet at the Waldeck Hall on 2nd of March but only five Branches were Dear Sir: out the length and breadth of Costa Mr. Vicente Gregg is dead, at the Sanford another of the Judges of the age of 82 years. Mr. Gregg was born in Supreme Court of the United States Rica, to be respectable gentleman, so represented consequently some of the kindly wield your Editorial wand, at business, had to be postponed for a date 22nd, instant, relative to the death of In reading your publication of the New York in 1848, graduated in Cor. Should have died suddenly also on the nell University, and was brought out Sth just a few hours between them.
to be fixed. am therefore appealing Luther Standford Dunkley, have found these correspondents for instead of doing good they are unknowingly to all concerned to be more serious in certain statements attributed to me retarding the progress of THE SEARCH this matter, so that in case a represen vyhich must, in justice to myself and LIGHT, and indirectly trampling on the tative of the Organization comes here Mrs. Dunkley, respectfully request be privelege offered by the press. May we wont be found wanting. At our these gentlemen make retraction and next meeting there will be selection of Altho leannot deny the fact that come forward appeal again with Officers, to carry on the affairs of the vvas called by the Police Magistrate of schemes for our betterment. Again Conferences; dont fail to send your Estrada to give a declaration in the thanking you Mr. Editor.
President and one of your officers, to matter and did declare. my statement help to select capable men to fill the Miss Julia Salazar who was accept the gratitude of Decent vvas limited and rather brief, but yet elected and sent to Miami to America by your refusing to beg to Remain Offices of chairman and Secretary. it vvas the truth the vvhole truth and Obediently yours JOSEPHS nothing but the truth, so. represent Costa Rican beauty violate the Laws of Decency, Viante Sanguinetti My statement vvas: that, on Thursday as Miss Costa Rica, gained 2nd you are thereby acclaimed the Moin Secretary Presidents evening prior to the discovery of place in the great beauty Com Queen of Ethical Beauty.
Conference of Dunkley corpse Save the deceased petition among nine Latin Ame The Base Ball Crew vvith a load of banana; and that being rican Countries. Miss Panamá President of the Christian Civie League H: Copp a neighbour of Mrs. Dunkley heard Editor of the Limon Our Chauffeurs her making inquiries as to her husban (Miss Mélida Boyd) won the vvhereabouts, as she observed that he first Prize as the beauty of LaSEARCHLIGHT Mr. Editor: did not return to his room the night tin America, Sir Miss Janet Eastman (Miss Permit me space to call the attention before, or vvords to that effect. That is Miss Costa Rica would have Texas) of 22 years old won the Please permit me space in the columns of some of our Car Drivers of this all. never made any statement tending of your weekly paper to ask why the City, that to be in keeping with ordi to impress the Police Magistrate that won undoubtedly the first place beauty Prize as Miss United players of the Base Ball game in Limon nary decency they should dress them from Mrs. Dunkley conduct suspected but she refused to promenade States. Among 50 American girls can be more decent?
selves more tidily, and cease puffing that she was an accomplice to her hus practically naked (in Bathing on Tuesday ilth. inst and the Why the Romances of their night their Cigarettes in the faces of their band death.
suit) before the Cinematograph competition for Latin Roaming can be ended with the Amepassengers with the wind throwing the In honor to the truth, have no picture takers, for being thrown rica came of on Wednesday 12th dawn of day? Why their games and smoke dovyit their throats, this seems reason to suspect Mrs. Dunkley in any on the Screens of the World; for before 60. 000 spectators at MaPastimes with the Feminine Sex must absurd, and does not tend to give our manner vvhatever.
be Broadcasted at the Base Ball Park?
which she has been acclaimed dison Square Garden Stadium City a good name, so far as civility Please accept my gratitude Mr. EdiWhy cant they have more respect for a benefactor by the Christian where the Exhibition took place.
goes ior for your kind attention to this rethemselves and their mates? Why is it The majority of our Chauffuers are quest, and avvaiting the honor of your world; see Telegram sent her by At the last moment it was that the negro boys and men of that only svvift to jostle for passengers but favour, remain Mr. Zedekiah Copp. President decided on the refusal of Miss Crew are delighted in scandalizing the do not cater for the comforts of their Very truly yours, of The Civic League of Chris Costa Rica not to exhibit their names of their girls and sweethearts at Patrons. Some positively smell as foul CYRIL HUTICHINSON tianity Miss Costa Rica. please beauty in Bathing Suit.
the Base Ball Park? Why cant we res as they are arrogant.
pect our women as the Spaniards do? Thanking you for space allovved me EDITORS Note: It is my pleasure to indeed a shame to hear the dis An old Citizen.
make such rectifications, especially in graceful arguments which is carried on the behalf of one in misfortune; but at the Base Ball Park by the Base Ball Concert the statements attributed to Mr. HutCrews.
IE any Reader doubts this statechinson is an exact copy of the indicment, then would advise that reader Dear Mr. Editor: tment and a faithful translation.
to visit the Base Ball Park of Limon during Practise time and be convinced. Permit me space to express myself Oh its disgraceful, and many of you in your most appreciative paper THE BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY know it ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED Thanking you Mr. Editor. remain yours be published but because we had no Bureau established for the greater convenience, light searching in the corners of Costa By governmental decree, the 29, th understanding, satisfaction and protection of the EnglishA BASE BALL FAN Rica it could not be done. There vvas 30;th and 31, st of this month have been Speaking public, in their legal affairs, and a Collection a striking concert proprietors were Mrs. set apart as the days for celebration Department annexed for the protection of Businessmen Railway Mishaps Young Wilson and Miss. Cox. of The Nacional Exposition of Cattle against unscrupulous debtors.
We vvere again accommodated in the Horse Kind as well as Poultry, Pigs Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to To the Editor of seven day Adventist Church by a simi and such like Small Stock.
lose; a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute conTHE SEARCHLIGHT lar entertainment. By said Mrs. Young Any one in the Country wishing to fidence of the public for honesty and efficiency. Both Mrs, Watson; at this time coope exhibit his stock of any kind must novy operated under the direction of a Barrister with Be good enough to allow me space rating with Miss Clarke, teacher of make application to do so, to The Naover tvventy five years practical experience, acquired on in your most valuable paper to publish the school of Cahuita. Which cional Centro de Agricultura en San the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as an incident which occurred on Sunday vvill be long remembered. As the chil Pedro de Montes de Oca, or to Messrs Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and 2nd inst. boarded the west bound dren did excellent in their songs, Dialo Alfredo Volio Mata; and don José RosSupreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials passenger train for Guapiles at Waldeck, gues and single pieces. They also per si, in Cartago.
are the records of the cases he has conducted as Judge at 50 at arriving at Madre de formed tvvo very pretty drills, espe For Poultry application must be and Counsel Dios, where a Coach is always left to cially one by eight tots vvho vvere made to don Roberto Brenes in San EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ be attached to this train to proceed there tutored by Miss Iris Thompson a student José. When a delegate will be sent vvas none there and the Conductor of the Cartago girls College, Miss LiBarrister free to inspect the animals applied for.
Investigator ordered to cimmorrones which is the lian Cox, presided at the Organ. They So as to care the animals under Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager meeting point between both these trains started a 30 mi and could not exhibition for the six days they will No sooner than we left Rio Hondo at entertain the very many encores and be under the care of the Department, MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE full speed, we met the East bound on a altho they curtailed the program yve the sum of Ten Colones each must Limon; Oposite Arrasty Theatre San José, 50 yards West of the Curve, it was only the Providence of Presidencia never left the room untill 12 odlock be deposited.
God that saved a collision of both that night, and in spite of the cold day The Chief Judge of Hom Mane Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of passenger trains they came to a halt which lasted till night the room vvas stock will be Mr. Emil. Cooper exPanama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, California, five yards from each other, or we all filled to the full. hope every mother pert Caltleman of Chicago It behoves New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, would have been knocked into Eternity will help fathers in trying to civilize, all who are interested in farm life tooted am therefore appeding to the good educate and promote their children that Nac visit the exhibition le LIMON SERVICE BUREAU AND SEARCHLIGHT. Some time ago we had The Exhibition at Cartago eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


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