
EDITORIAL Rare Performance Maritime movements for the week ending Our Bananas On The Road to Success mentFlood Damage Air Mail Service There vvill be a Grand Musical Treat. at the Hall of the Salvation Army on March 15th 1930 Monday 17th. instant 30 pm. March 9th. Tug San Juan Nicara: Fyffes arrived, sailed March 14th. with Tableauxical American Wedding. betvveen Tom Thumb. and Josephine Bluefields. Passengers. Douglas guan, Capt o. Simons, arrived from about 000 sacks Coffee.
We have referred from time to time so persistently of the Shanks, The Historical stars movMarch, 14 Ulua arrived with Carl Krauth, Floyd Jones, and 12 an unusual number of Tourists from merits or demerits of the question of our Banana Industry that ing melting time anticipated. Friends passengers in transit for Bocas. Nevy York.
we may be considered burdensome by some of our Patrons, who all are cordially invited to come and see this beautiful treat, admission 75c. from Limon as passengers Otto BresSailed for Bocas the same day taking Postponement may not see Bananas through the same (sometimes green, someRefreshments free, times golden) eyes as we do; if there are any of these with whom sins, Whitmore.
ADJT. MRS. WRICHT March 12th. Tug San Juan. returThe Case against Miss Henrietta we clash swords we can only ask the clemency of the moment Davis is set for the 20th. inst.
ned from Bocas del Toro, with the foand continue thinking of the prospects of our Banana in the forllowing passengers Adams eign Markets and the chances of the resurrection of the Industry IN MEMORIAM Gershavy, Raymond Donnells, leaving in beautiful Costa Rica.
the same day for Bluefields with the PINNOCK We find in our foreign news that France is getting alive Eellesving passengers Marvin Marsh, as to the taste of bananas both from an alimentarical as well as In svveet and loving memory of our Douglas George Olsen, Floyd Jones, San José, 10 th March 1930 from an economical point of view and consequently she too like darling mother, Joseph Gershavy, Jose Martinez.
March, 12th. Str Van Ransellar of Sunday evening the 9th of March 1930 a first preliminary meeting vvas porting the bananas grown in her Tropical Colonies to find Eu Mrs. Martha Pinnock Netherland the Stor Who vvas called to rest on the 14 st.
Sailed on the 14th. vvith 1500 sacks held for the purpose of reopening the ropean Markets.
San José branch of the Universal, Negro And while we find fruit growers of the United States per March 1929.
Mach, 12th. Gasoline launch Elena Improved, Association. At the Home sistently trying to a law through the Senate to place a Dearest mother thou hast left us, arrived from Colorado Bar.
of Mrs. Williams. The Chief Lady heavy Tax on Bananas entering the United States, we see a Here thy loss vve deeply feel, March, 13 Ariguani of Elders Organizer Miss Eliza Scott lately from counteractant in the parliament of Canada whereby a Resolution But its God vyho has bereft us, Jamaica: assisted by ten other He vvill all our sorrovvs heal.
bers of the race, vvho promised to go has been unanimously adopted in the following terms.
forvvard on to the road of Success. Whereby it is much to the Interest of Canadá, The Empire Gladys, Frank, Eric, Dudley CarrieExtending hereby an open invitation to and the West Indies to effect a closer relationship be it resol and Mary.
all of the race, living in this and other ved to introduce free of duty all products fruits coming direct The elements are still averse to the neighbouring tovyns to attend our next from crops of The British West Indies; from this it can be inferquietude in European Countries. South meeting on Sunday 16th March 1930 FOR SALE ern France has been again visited by red that all bananas grown in British Colonies will flock into Calamities. Recent floods have caused at o clok, at the said Mrs. William Canada and the United Kingdom, leaving a much wider market The ovvner being desirous of going terrible damages, Rich Vineyards have Home infront of the Alsina Printing for our fruit in Europe and the United States.
home to seek his health is vvilling to been inundated and thousands of hoOffice ups tairs. The call for four hunAgain we find Mr. Cutter as President of the Co. in sell at a Song.
mes wrecked, over three hundred deaths dred Millions Negros (U. to be United his message before the Shareholders emphasizing the progress Farm of Hectareas, a horse and caused. The damage is estimated at REPORTER made by operations in trade between the Latin American Coun a newly built House at 24 miles. No 120. 000. 000.
reasonable offer refused, All information President Doumerge and his Executries and the United States, principally thro Bananas, Coffee etc.
from this paper.
tives have voted one hundred million amounting now to about a quarter of her trade with the world, Francs to assist but this will not cover You can save money by ordering your this being so, it is to be supposed that the United States would shoes from one sixth of the suffering caused. AZEVEDO BOOT STORE not be likely to place any prohibitive Tax on our Bananas going House furnishing at 25per week Special attention is given to all orders in into the States just now expecially when as he says her exports to these countries of the Carribean amounted up to October of By paying regularly 25 per veck the selection of materials, so as to ensure Strength durability whether for gents, 1929 to 446. 000. 000 and her trade has increased with these you can have your house furnished with ladies or children shoes a first class assortment of furniture.
Air mail service has been established Deformed fect fitted, all at reasonable countries from 300. 000. 000 in the year 1900; to more than. Call the Store Bujan at by an immensely Wealthy Airplane Co.
between Miami, Rio Janeiro Buenos crices. All my shoes in stock selling at 000. 000. 000 for last year, therefore our markets appearing the Western side of Central Park San post price, consult my prices before buying Aires Santiago de Chile, along the elsewhere.
perfectly healthy. We will now turn to our internal prospects. José.
Con 25 centimos por semana puede Atlantic Coast Route. still specialize in my well known Men i he Banana Law has been abused, condemned and punished for Ud. adquirir el mueble que necesite The same will also be inaugurated working Boots; still unbreakable.
all the evils it has brought down upon us, now what can we do en LA EBANISTERIA BUJAN, frente between Paris, Buenos Aires Rio AZEVEDO The Shoe Store Limon Box with it. From what we can gather we are perfectly cognizant al costado Oeste del Parque Central. Janeiro on the 15th. April.
of the fact that the Law will be made workable, that is, that it San José.
will be modified to meet the conditions that will satisfy the Company to continue their investments as heretofore. LA ROSA DE FRANCIA We have been very reliably informed, as we have said in this Journal some months ago. whatever might be said to the Pola de Peña GRANT Contrary to suit one obtaining the best advantage in a deal)
Suits made to order in the Shortest notice. Comthat the Chiriquí Lands Co. is a failure from a Banana point of Donde encontrará todo lo que puede plete stock of English and American tweeds, sergiogs view, to suit other purposes it might have served its purpose but necesitar una dama para su toilette y Flangels always on stock, come in when in San José Bananally it is out the run, and whatever may be said of LOS artículos para regalos etc. see my recent arrivals.
ta Rican Banana lands, they can only be beaten by the Jamaica complete assortment of ladies vvearlands; hence we are expecting soon after Congress meets in May ing apparel and the finest materials for North West Corner of Central Avenue where the Plaza Viquez Tramway starts to find a decided push in activities in this direction. The Rio Frio embroidering, hemstitching etc.
Suits also made on the Raffle Series system come San Carlos Railway must be built, to suit the Conveniences of For vvedding dresses, and such like in and get a number.
the Nicaraguan Canal and the Continuation of the Mr. Minor requisites there is no equal in San JoTo Serie Dravving No. 42 vas vvon by Ticket No. 42 belonging to Keith projected Pan American Railway Scheme and with all sé vrite Ap. 104 or give me a visit.
Cleofás Muñoz those lands adjacent a Railway Track and the Moin. Tortuguero Central Avenue near The Singer Co.
Ia Serie Dravving No. 24 vvas vvon by Ticket No. 99 belonging to Hércules Barboza Canal which also must be tackled this year, there is no reason In Serie drawing No. was won by Ticket No 135 belonging to why our Banana Industry Shall not be a flourishing proposition in Aristides Morales.
the near future. The only trouble is it never Rains but that it These dravvins vvere done; In the presence Messrs Maties Leiva Rodolfo Arguedas Jorge Calvo Dlanuel Rojas pours. so it looks as if it is going to come all of a sudden, so we Try, your luck you may only pay or instalments but in any case you shall feel like dividing up ourselves to meet the push; whereas we Pacuarito, February 26. Ladies Day get a suit after paying up your quotas, are now Starving, was fittingly celebrated by this Division of the on Sunday, 16th.
BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 February. There was a fairly large auThe visiting delegates were: Mrs.
Rennalls (Cimarrones. Mrs. Brown (Liverpool. and Mr. Charles James (Siquirres. Other visitors and speakers The best Convexed Enlargements Established in 1927 were: Mrs. Brovvn, Ex Lady PreOn Friday night last at half past eleWith the victory of The West Indian sident of the Division; Mr. Josephs, Team over the Team in Briven Engine 61, driven by Engineer ONLY REPRESENTATIVE AURELIO DE LA MORA Ex President; Mr. Fancy, Secretary; Mrs. tish Guiana the young Jamaican Cricketer Cavaness and Fireman Styphle, with Fowles, and Mr. Corniffe.
George Headley just rising into 21 75 yards East of Teatro America fifty loaded banana Cars, running thr o Ap. 1378. San Jose. Tel. 3423 The chair was ably filled by Mrs. years of age has been brought much into prominence. He has done vvhat Vreeld the Train. The Engine capsicame upon tvvo mules vwhich Douglas, the day School teacher here.
only four men in all the annals of zing in the ditch, as a result the fire The key note of the various speeches fifth, that is to make a hundred and over Cricket history has done and he the man, Engineer and a youngman who was woman rightful place in the imvvas on the Engine learning to fire, portant happenings of the age. It was Runs in both Innings of Test Match, lost their lives, gratifying to note that no one member he made in this Match 114 runs in the Severalmen got battered and bruised, of the sterner sex in any race was today first Inning and 112 in the second. one man by name of vvil. Kely saved disputing the claims that woman was West Indies 1st inning 471 second himself by Jumping on to the Telephone putting forth in establishing her position. Inning 290. Total 761 Rnns. C, vvires and hanging on.
all Cartago as a Health Resort is THE SWITZERLAND of the Americas. men were agreed on Ist. Inning 145 Runs, second Inning even helping her to her place. Thus, 327. Total 472; thus leaving the West On Snnday at Saborio a native got Visitors from the Canal Zone sing the Praises of the attention it became necessary that the men of the Indians victors by 289 runs.
mangled by the passenger train, his care taken of them by the Administration of negro race in particular should think The honours of body had to be taken up in a bag and this game goes to better of their womenfolk and offer Headly of Jamaica who is novv classed sent into Limon.
THE HOTEL FRANCES OF CARTAGO a protecting arm to the who were often the sad victims is among the Immortals Roach of Triof the nidad vvho made 209 Runs and Cons On Sunday last tvvo men vvent out unbridled lusts of unprincipled men.
tantine of Barbadoes vvho by his fine Shooting near by to Limon vvhen acciNice, confortable airy Rooms beautiful Scenery of the surrounding Pacuarito has been very fortunate in the services of Mrs. Douglas, silinen bfielding saved the En dentally the companion shot and killed Bovvling and securing bringing off a draw which country.
his friend, much sympathy vvas exhiwho, by the way, is an old Dea. they were bent on doing.
bited for both men.
Convenient Trains to visit the country East or west. To spend a coness High School (Jamaica) girl. The The four other Immortals refered to School which she conducts are Bardsley. Australia vs England. Dr. VARGAS ONLY OSTEOPATH Vacation at THE HOTEL FRANCES CARTAGO is always to return. here has now an average attendance in Costa Rica, no Charges and accomodations to suit all Purses.
of thirty odd, that in spite of opposH. Sutcliffe (twice) England vs. Australia drugs, no surgery. Office 125 yards ing forces.
and England vs. South Africa north of Botica Oriental. Box 534, from CT. Corniffe. Hammond England vs. Australia.
SASTRERIA GRANT Celebrate Woman day dience.
ARTISTIC PHOTO Co. CRICKET RAILWAY WRECK Hotel Frances The fact is, San Jose.
ΖΣΕ ΣΣΣ ΣΣΣΣΣ XM μεζΣχε χτες και θεατρική Gran Fabrica de Melcochas REMEMBER YOUR OLD FRIEND MALICK With a complete stock of wearing apparel and adornments for the Home.
At his Score La Samaritana adjoining La Botica Oriental at the Eastern side of the Market.
He has served you well in the past and is waiting to do so again.
Ap. No. 824 SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA Telephone No. 3345 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de LA ESTRELLA LA TROPICAL Apartado 973 SAN JOSE Teléfono 2909 Melcochas garantizadas por su duración, no hay quien las trabaje igual.
Candy sweets guaranteed to remain hard and fresh. No other factory del Ministerio de Cultura y Juver fan in you this class of work.


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