
Saturday 15 March 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT PAGE CURRENT ITEMS Retrenchments Our Coffee Crop was due to his determination that the Contraband in Drugs The Lottery Scheme German Navy was brought second in Our Minister of Gobernacion Mr.
In consequence of our financial crisis Up to now we have shipped away Naval strength in the world. He was Last week over a hundred pounds there have been several series of tickets Luis Castro Quesada so as to effect an 286. 184 sacks of Coffee, the entire annoyed because the Kaiser would not of Morphine and other narcotics was left unsold in the office.
economy of 300. 000 in his Depart crop is expected to be 336. 184 Sacks consent to try the full strengths of both taken from a passenger on a French The Junta de Caridad. board of ment, is suppressing many Agencies of Last year our shipments were 301. 401 Navies during the the world war, and liner going into New York and confisCharity) which contiols the Lottery Police and replacing them by an ordi The Pacific Railway did not do half afterwards was the means of adopting cated. The appraised value was more have been thinking to curtail the aumnary Juez de Paz. He says in many ins of the business it expected to do, after than 300. 000 the Ravages of the Submarine.
ber of tickets issued and of course the tances they serve the same purpose at going to an enormous expenditure iu War Anniversary value of the Prizes. The vendors of a remarkably reduced cost.
preparing Bodegas etc. The exporters Our Monroe Doctrine tickets however have met and proposed found it more advantageous to ship by Bath in Limon Monday last was the 25th Anniverthat as this would have the effect of the Atlantic Port.
sary of the Russian Japanese War; while In commenting on Senator Clarkes depreciating the importance of our LoAt last there is a proposition on Movement of Trains interpretation of this much discussed attending a Cinematograph function in ttery which would result in a greater foot for a Public Bath in Limon, brought commemoration of the Victory, a fire privilege, so far as it applies to the loss in the purchasing influence; that into being by private Capital, this is From today onward the Train leaving broke out by an explosion of a Naptha impossibility of European Expansion the Board should increase the number a great necessity long felt, which will Siquirres for The Monte Verde Branch tank, at Fusan, Corea when 102 chilof prizes instead of decreasing them; be immensely patronized not only by will leave at the same hour on Satur dren out of 134 that attended the functrada Mexican Minister for Foreign Afmaking say ten more prizes of a thouthe Community but by Tourists from days instead of Fridays as formerly tion lost their lives; the operator of the fairs, said it has never been accepted sand colones each.
the Interior as well as those visiting That on Tuesdays remains unchanged Cine also lost his life.
as having any bearing on Mexican This is a thought in the right directhe Country.
foreign or internal affairs therefore he tion, because in times of financial disCarpenters Demonstration Naval Conference cannot discuss it, never having been tress, it is by increasing the earning caA deserving Recognition On Monday evening last there was a recognized by Mexico as applicable to This great assembly met again on pabilities of the populace even at a loss her.
The Municipality has decided to great demonstration in San José of 8th, inst after nearly three weeks inacto the government that public confierect a monument in the Park Vargas hundreds of Carpenters and joiners tivity due to the Parliamentary Crisis dence is restored.
San Jose water Supply to memorialize the name of don Ra who are asking the Executives Counin France, during which time CabiRailroad Mishaps fael Iglesias, and to name the Plaza cil to place a Prohibitive Tarriff on the nets Came went. Tardieu fell, Then During last week over 800 vvater Foot ball, Plaza Rafael Iglesias hereafter, Importation of Furniture so as to pro Chautemps formed a Radical Cabinet, supplies were cut of by the Turncock, On Sunday Evening March 2nd. what a long time to see the necessity tect the Local Industry. Shoemakers that fell in its first Session was coming from Limon on the Guaare also asking a rise in duties on of giving honour to whom honour is Poincaré was then Called, but he for non payments of rates, our most piles train which was about 25 minudue; Fancy calling the Park, after don shoes, already very excessive. expressed his inability but promised to energetic Acting Governor, Mr. Garcia Solano, says there are 483. 000 overtes late and about a sharp curve between aid Tardieu to again form up. This Balvanero and yet the man who made Madre de Dios and Rio Hondo there due Municipal rates unpaid and must Limon the Park has nothing to re Today is the Annual Marathan Race was done, and after a bitter fight with be collected to help to meet the liabishowed up the pasengers Extra from mind one of the merits of snch a be from the Capital to Puntarenas, always the oppositionists who were enraged lities for improvement works.
Guapiles for Limon, and the bad luck got up by the foot ball Club La Li.
over the failure of their man Chautemps; was it was our He also suggests to the Executive same conductor St.
The Searchlight begs to congratulate bertad. An excursion train leaves San with the help however of the PoincaCouncil that of the one million sevenclair going to Limon and conductor the Municipality for its awakening, due José at p. and returns on Sunday rists he got a vote of confidence of hundred thousand colones deposited in Mangel for Guapiles. The people all no doubt to the presence of real old night. The fare being 8. 00.
360 to 316. Hence he was able to set Embargos etc. in the Juzgados and got frightened and started to Jump.
Limonenses like don Antonio Escalante There are contestants in the great out immediately for the London ConJudicial chests that one million could Conductor St. Clair claims that he stopped and others.
race, who will jump off at p. ference. The five powers then fell into safely be put in Pavimentacion Bonds at Cimmarrones for over minutes on today.
account of difference of watch between Nicaraguans Repatriated vvhich would help to relieve the strinGhandis Tactics him and his Engincer and when his Activity in Limon Div. gency thro which the Municipal Board By overtures made by this governtime was expired he proceded. Mangel British diplomats are determined not ment to the nicaraguan Minister Mr. HaU.
is passing in consequence of all the vvorks of Improvements going on, and said he thought that St. Clair would have waited at Cimmar ones for him zera; the Repatriation of all Nicaraguans to accede to Ghandi demands. In a On Tuesday February 25th, an exthese could be gradually redeemed as recent demonstration one of his chief as they may be called for, some who are unemployed in this country being his Regular of Meeting point wil Start this week.
lieutenants Vallabahei Patel was arrested traordinary meeting vvas convened for But he did not Remeinber that point the presentations and discussion of the vvhich will remain for years dormant.
and sentenced to three months imprisThey will be sent to Puntarenas and of the Rule which says. East bound Very great idea of Mr. Solano, and Financial operations of the Division from there by onment for an address delivered which government launch to trains have Right over west bound trains it is expected that it will be sanctioned.
was considered Seditious on the th.
during the months of December 1929 of the same class or inferior. learn Port Soley from there they will be taand January 1930 inst.
ken aboard the Nicaraguan Launch La that our trains master has disciplined.
Mr. Cunning 1st Vice President, preOur Tramways Chomba home.
Prisoner freed Engincer Heslop for some 30 days sided and conducted the details of the As the difference in the Levels of and conductor Mangel was Relieved Our Electric Railway The famous North Pole explorer meeting in a very satisfactory manner.
The various items vvhich composed the present reconstructed streets are so by yard Master Bell on Tuesday; for Frederick Cook who was sentenced to The first Electrically fitted Engine the operations, created comments and great, in some saw them all came of the old line places the Tramvvay train here this morning in Siquirres.
was tried out from San Jose to La Sa Courteen years and nine monites baies investigations. But the Chair disposed Rails being two feet higher, it is pro Engineer Allen is relieving Engineer bana on Monday when the President Mail to defraud, was set at Liberty on of them by giving the limited informaHeslop.
of Republic and the Secretary of putruction to close the central Avenue in Monday last.
tion appertaining to their financial conblic works accompanied the Expert Ennections, and would not allovy or envvhich the Tramvay runs from Cuestrain On Friday Feby 27 saw a gineer Mr. Cabrol.
Great Naval man dead tertain investigations on those matters ta de Moras to the corner of the Hosarrive in Limon about 30 with It is understood that the Steam Enthat should be taken up at the regnlar pital. but the Tramvvay Co. objects a man by the naine of Luis Calvo, who gines will not be abandoned on this Admiral Von Tirpitz is dead. Alfred business meeting as provided for. There and proposes to take up the Rails in got his toor broken about incles Road until the Electrically driven En Von Tirpitz was one of the greatest vvas quite a tendency by the member that Aveuue and lay the line in 2nd.
above the ankle it is understood, he gines prove a success.
Naval experts Germany has known.
Avenue North ship to force the Chair into the going in of details on various of the items works at Las Lomas with Foreman but the membership vvas made to unValuable Property Sold White; and was coming from 49 Miles to Lomas and got in colision with anderstand that he Mr. Cunning vvas deputed by the President only to conduct That valuable grazing property other punp car, for neither Car had, Knovvn as Saborio, at seventeen miles any brake apliances he is now in The National Life Assurance business in connection with the Financial report from Limon, has again changed hands, the Hospital.
It must be admited that there vvas Leon, to Mr. Laprade of San Jose. It having been sold by don Juan Jose EX BRAKEMAN an atmosphere of toleration exhibited would seem as if don Juan Jose, is Cricket at Pacuarito on the rostrum that has been absent also trying to get out of Limon; there.
for quite a vvhile. On the other hand vvas a time when he controlled our very interesting game of Cricket the temperature of the membership at was played at Pacuarito on Monday the latter part of the meeting became Bread, Milk, Beef, Rum, and groceries 8st. inst between the Reliance of slightly in Limon; vvith the exchange of SaPacuarito and The Starlight of Lindsay one of the officers on the rostrum vvho defied and regardhe is only left with the monopoly of lessly disobeyed the ruling of the chair, Beef and nearly that in Bread.
muster 63 runs against the deadly bowling of Davis who TEN CENTS DAY it can be impartially said that both the floor members and the rostrum condFrench Bananas captured wkts. The Skipper Sinclair also took wkts. The home team ucted their querries and responses with will bring a thousand colones to your Family The French Transatlantic line of steam replied with 71 runs, against the bomarked improvement of ethics, admit ers are fitting out special boats to wling of Francis who bowled with at your death.
ting that a certain amount of self transport the Bananas grovvn in Gua precision and judgment, taking wkts.
restrain vvas put in force.
daloupe and other French West Indies, The principal scorers were TomlinHow many dimes do you throw away We are very glad to be able to report and is making arrangements to open son Reliance. 17 Francis Starlight the forementioned, and must add that up a large European market in this 16. The plucky captain of the Reliance each day thoughtless y? Only one of if this attitude is continued there will article. This seem like follovving suit rescued his side by putting on 12 runs be a better undersianding with all the of England who has helped the Jamaiat the 10th. wkt. when it seemed these dimes invested in a life insurance interested parties ca Banana Producers Association vvith doubtful on the home team We are recomending that the memfour boats. CRICKETER policy will save your family the anguish bership should respect the authority of a penniless bereavement. life poinvested by them in the officers, and these in turn should respect the rights licy will supply ready money to cover of the membership by virtue of not alone the Constitution but by their contthe expenses which the death of the inued support, and although firmness DOCTOR IN THE HOME father or husband may bring.
in ruling is neccesary, it is also neccesary to concede a certain amount These Remedies have stood the Test for 48 years of toleration, and we are sure and do Life policies without medical examination, for hope that this attitude vvill be the means SOLOMON Liver Tonic for Bad Nerves, Indigestion and Biliousness.
one and two thousand colones.
of eradicating the continued distancing SOLOMON Lung Balsam for Coughs and Colds.
Fill in the attached coupon, send it to us, and of the membership and officers, and SOLOMON Healing Oil for Cuts, Wounds and Sprains.
without any obligation on your part we will send chiefly scandals and uproars that from Use SOLOMON Highgrade Cocoanut Oil Pomade Grows and strengthens the Hair.
you an application form and rate of premium.
Agent for Costa Rica, Botica Grillo Port Limón Through the instrumentality of our energetic Harbour Master Rodrigo (DETACH THIS COUPON)
Soto a nevv Launch vvith modern machinery has been furnished this Port for Banco Nacional de Seguros the use of the Harbour master and his men.
Dpto. de Vida.
Election petition San José de Costa Rica My name in full is.
spite of irregularities proven in the We beg to solicit your PRINTING JOBS of any kind at count of the votes polled at some staMy address is.
PRICES BELOW THE LOWEST tions. The board appointed to scrutinize My occupation is.
same has declared Messrs Gutierrez aud Whether it be WEDDING or INVITATION CARDS Placards for Races Sex.
Granados duly elected as Deputies for or Picnics, Tickets, Stationery or programmes, BOOK of RULES was born at.
Congress representing Limon. Mr. Eduardo Maroto, has asked that the deSashes for Lodges, printed in gold or Silver on Ribbon crimped paon the. day of. in the year.
claration be annulled from the fact he per or cloth. would like an Insurance for says that it is illegal and contrary to public sentiment, there having been esWhatever your printing may be however technical, get our prices betablished a solicitud pending seeking fore ordering elsewhere. Telegram will bring your work to you in two to annub the Electiousisona Naccount of days. From THE SEARCH From THE SEARCHLIGHT.
irregularities at certain nolling stations to Think Over the future of Your Family SOLOMON JAMAICA REMEDIES tee and responsibility of the State To our friends Suscribers

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