p. 4


Court Proceedings and Decisions Ruperta Henson opposes marriage of Cecil Clayton This Is The Opportune Moment to complainant lainant matrimony Este Es El Momento Oportuno matBuckner with another band VA UD, CON FRECUENCIA SAN JOSE?
To secure for yourself a good property in San José Mr.
DANIEL UJUETA sells a fine Commercial corner lot in a Central respectable locality with. complaint has been filed in the to solemnize matrimonies. This license vernor for decision. Mrs. Biggerstaff Governor office for the Province of was granted him in San Jose, where a was represented by Attorney Daniel Beatiful Residence Limon by Ruperta Henson opposing copy may be obtained from the archi Zeledon and her husband was defenFor permission to visit inspect write or see him at the the proposed marriage of Cecil Benja ves. This license was never given to ded by Attorney Rufino Solis Acting min Clayton, a Northern Railway Bag any other Priest of the Anglican Church; IMPRENTA UJUETA. Apartado 15. Telephone 2837.
upon the advice of his Counsel Biggersgage Carrier, so far as know, the license vvas never taff was reluctant in advancing the He sells to the best offer coming, go be inspect it make an offer (better known which was to have been effected since known as Gwendoline White. used by any other Priest ce in in charge of the subsequen amount ordered by the Police MagisChurch. This trate and his arrest followed and was January 22nd, last. The is valid, obligatory and upheld until the defendant finally made alleges that on May 27, 1917 she enteindissoluble.
Austin Buckley, Archdeathe payment.
red into the solemnity of matrimony con in Central America. This is the Sarah Foote Abel has filed a similar de hacerse de una buena PROPIEDAD en San José, DANIEL with the said Cecil Benjamin Clayton, Archdeacon statement. In view of this petition against her husband Frank Augustus Abel. The defendant denied UJUETA le vende, esquina comercial punto acreditado y céntrico, December 28, 1929, in the presence of performing the movemor refrained from of opposition the matrimony and the the tiff charges and has filed a buena construcción.
Reverend Salmon, who officia ter will be submitted to the Judicial counter charge alleging that his wife Véala para que haga su oferta, que se venderá ted at the ceremony, and the witnesses authorities for a final decision. The has been unfaithful. The case will be a la mejor proposición whose names appear on records of the complainant was represented by the tried in the course of the coming week Informes en la IMPRENTA UJUETA APARTADO 15 St. Marks Church of the Anglican de Limon Service Bureau while accused and the public will be informed accornomination. where the marriage was was represented by Solicitor Egbert dingly. The plaintiff is represented by performed. certificate subscribed by Brown the Limon Service Bureau and defendant Archdeacon Austin who exer by Solicitor Alvarez sises ecclesiastical juncover the POLICE COURT NEWS Another of those demands was filed Roslin Thompson against was given to the complainant for pre The Police Court has been kept raher husband Ivanhoe Thompson, claim Here now lets go boys. Where he leads we ll follow sentation to the Governor, vouching ther busy during the past month; deing that her husband has abandoned for he can give us the latest hits of the season. Who?
mands for separate maintenance were his home and duties and is staying certificate is dated January 14, 1930 numerous, domestic negligence is bewoman. The defendant WELLINGTON and acknowledges the existence of the coming fashionable, but the women are has replied denying the charges and marriage of Cecil Benjamin Clayton to getting alert to their rights.
alleges that his wife was the one who The practical and qualified TAILOR of Madre de Dios.
Ruperta Henson. To WHOM IT Charlotte Biggerstaff sued her hus abandoned him because he objected to He has now placed a Branch in Siquirres but wont MAY CONCERN: hereby certify that Aaron Biggerstaff for separate religious matrimony in the Baptist leave Madre de Dios in the Cold. When in Siquirres the enclose is a copy of the matrimo maintenance, and was awarded thirty Church. Evidence has been offered by just watch for his Signboard at the South East end uy in question, solemnized at the St. colones monthly; but a second demand both parties and the case will come of The Market.
Marks Church, That in regards to the induced the Coun to increase the up for a a hearing within a few days.
omission of civil formalities, the Reve amount to one hundred colones. The Mrs. Thompson is represented by the He begs to thank his customers for their patronage rend Salomon was granted a li defendant Biggerstaff appealed and the Limon Service Bureau and her husband in the past, and promises his interest in serving them cense as tho he was a Catholic Priest matter is now pending before the Go by Solicitor Alvarez.
for the future.
In the case of case of Jose Arancibia versus WELLINGTON James Diaz wherein the plaintiff sues for the recovery of a dog, the case was TAILOR CAFETERIA MASON dismissed, Court being unable to find prima facie evidence of trespass. SoliciWHAT. MASONIC CAFETERIA?
tor Carlos Orozco Amador represented the Complainant Arancibia while the No, Mason cafeteria which is owned and run on the most Modern defendent Diaz was represented by the lines and cheapest terms by Limon Service Bureau.
In the case of Mrs. Melani Barrientos Mrs. ISOLINE MASON versus Beatrice Martinez, charging asAT THE EASTERN SIDE OF THE SIQUIRRES MARKET sault and disoitted. Attorney Daniel conduct, the defenHA VISITADO EL HOTEL LATINO?
was It is the only place of its kind in Siquirres where you can be Zeledon appeared for Mrs. Melani while attended to from 30 a. to 12 Si no ha hecho, hágalo y entonces quedará convencido de que miss Martinez was defended by the Li es el mejor de la Capital, es más cómodo y económico.
Members of Lodges are cordially invited as a resort after mon Service Bureau meetings for a Repast: Beafsteaks, Eggs, Coffee, etc. always hot and ES LA DELICIA DFL PUBLICO ready for you. IN COLDS, there are Frescoes, snowball or Cream James Cable, was fined 5. 00 for 100 varas al Norte de la Botica Oriental.
also on hand.
Alfred Malcolm, Sidney Green and Adolphus Brown. were sentenced to DO YOU GO FREQUENTLY TO SAN JOSE?
serve ten, fifteen and thirty days in jail for the larceny of coffee from the NortHave you visited THE HOTEL LATINO?
ΤΣΟ ΣΟΣΟ 30 hern Railway dock. Special Agent Nelson prosecuted.
It you have not do so and you will be convinced that it is the Anita Gilfilmore best in the Capital, it is certainly the most comfortable and economical.
vvas assessed a fine of 25, 00 for It is the delight of the general public.
assault and battery on the person Miriam Lewis. The trial Tourists seeking rest and quietness do well to try case consumed considerable time in HOTEL LATINO From the pare blooded pair of dogs Lion and Lioneas imported from view London at a cost of 110. 00 when two months old.
of the efforts of their Attorneys to 100 yards to the North of Botica Oriental Lion is a Great Danes, whose father is Registered with the Kemal decision their favour. The Club London, England, and Lionessa is a Wolf Honnd Limon Service Bureau Represented the Their parents are great hunters as well as Guard Companions for ow complainant Lewis vvhile Solicitor Carbers and Premises, Ax hunters they have no equal in the country.
los Orozco Amador represented the These dogs were imported to guard my store premises, and you need to defendand Gilfilmore.
Watchman From them now have a fine lot of Pups which sell for 50, 00 ca.
Gumms and Edward Lewis If you need a real good dog, whether for watch or Hunting drop in and see were ftned: 00 each for being drunk them. Lion is niso retained as a Bull for breeding purposes, Fees on Application. and disorderly.
Muriel Demit and Herbert Forbes AZEVEDO were fined 10. 00 each for disorderly conduct.
Translated from La Tribuna of 3 30. nevvcomer and Knovvs nothing about Ernest Drummund was fined along The Shoe Store.
Port Limon 0, Box Nº conditions of the Life of Limon.
with Agustine Scott 10. 00 each for bouring Class of Limon we received From one of the leaders of the LaTo say Jamaicans ure svvarming here assault and battery.
Cladius Anderson was sentenced to the following unfavourable impressions ting it as mildly as one can)
now is much vvanting in Truth (pulserve thirty days in jail for carrying as a consequence of the excess in imthey are rather syvarming out to more propitious concealed a shoemaker knife with migration that is congesting that Port with unemployed.
which it was alleged he intended to if that Leader of falsehoods, knew vvhat he was talking about, he would do great bodily harm.
Itsis well understood Says our informant that the actual crisis is passing all all these coloured Foremen over the country but is more heavily brought here, by the Company at a Time Keepers are men who uvere extraordinary immigration of Jamaicans No solamente debemos trabajar sino también debemos divertirnos. La the arrest of Henry Dennis and James handlingey danym na gireater quantities good enough for him to live in and vida sin distracciones es pesada y triste. EL CINE MODERNO le proporciona la manera de distraerse todas las noches con películas y expectáculos Eustace Alberga charging each severally Resulting that, the Negro Race has the positions they novy hold.
have been trained to occupy the nuevos, que le dejarán sonrisas y descansará su espíritu para las nuevas with assault with a deadly weapon. This fault, that the sons of the Soil are treatluchas dela vida ed in such a hostile manner, because they Would he considered it fair to disVuelvase modernista gaste la infima suma de 25 céntimos y gozará vestigation that is being conducted in admirando las mais lindas estrellas de la cinematografia invade every department of the Fruit possess them of that which they vvorkconnection with the affray which OCed hard for in Rains and Shine to Películas Parlantes. Siempre Estrenos!
curred at Nine Miles on the afternoon twenty per cent of Company in which there is not even of the 7th February, in which both merit? For the mere object of employed parties were severely injured. They were forking him into it possibly only to live There are no white Time Keepers, nor white best positions a life of debauchery. simply because taken to the Limon Hospital for treatAnd see for yourself the education to old people as well as the ment, from where Alberga was dischar works in which the natives should he calls himself white? No Mr. leader be found there are coloured ged on Sunday morning the 23rd. folyourself by honest sober application lowing a petition of Alberga Attorney he government and the Ployees. You must abide your time and prove the Legislators young from TALKING PICTURES to the Alcalde requesting his provisio to duty that you shall merit vvhat confidence is reposed in you.
All work and no diversions makes Jack a dull boy nal release.
of excessive immigration, especis still in custody ially at the present moment when there Poor CINE MODERNO in one of the Hospital Ward.
Negro, one fellovv feels he The is somuch lack of work in the must not come out of the Tunnel, here Limon Service Bureau is representing ch In gives you a new scene every night of your life, giving you a new Alberga while Attorney Filadelfo GraItalians, Portuguese again another feels he should not even be lease on life every morning when you get awake. You are not seeing nados represents Dennis.
and Jamaicans swarm; they go about given employment in the Zone vvhich in groups of four and six without work he has helped to make habitable. This he best pictures if you do not visit THE MODERNO.
BAR REPORTER and without money, to remedy this evil is certainly being betyveen Hell and one of the social neccesities with the deep Blue vwhich the country is at present con These are matters vvhich the think.
FOR YOUR HOME fronted and it must be done. ing men of the Negro Improvement Editor Remarks vvho ever this Leader Association should take up, and leave One large Victrola with sev. of labour may be, it is evident he is a bickerings alone.
eral discs for sale at a sacrifice JOHN ROGERS, TAILOR ask THE SEARCHLIGHT.
The name is the hall mark for Tailoring, COMISSION MERCHANT Box 106 Limon FAR AND NEAR An Organ for Sale My experience for more than 30 years places me in condition to take Among his clients are the most fastidious, the elite; the people that fine eleven stops Organ for Sale good care of your interests in Limon. Whether as your Representative know. Convince yourseelf.
in first class condition. Can be seen at or Commission Agent.
LIMON, Box. 83.
Mrs. Bucknor home In Limon Prices ALL YOUR NEEDS WILL BE ATTENDED THOROUGHLY very moderate for Cash.
Trxmyr capacity and efficiency.
Nacional Miguel Obr MrsRUCKNOR, Ebdi. Biblioteca del Ministerio de Cultura y Juvend THOROUGHBRED PUPS FOR SALE gain the Thomas False Attack knovv that Vaya al Cine Moderno de Limón natives pitchVISIT CINE MODERNO ought to give their problem of attention to this Dennis Country Limon the is THE VOGUE ALCIDES RAMIREZ


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