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MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION 00 SINGLE COPY 25 THE SEARCHLIGHT EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123. CARTAGO PUBLISHED SATURDAYS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY 17. MAY. 1930 29 Continuation of the President Message Glas Heróicas Bridges As was seen in our last report, The so arranged by Law issued by the same for machinery and equipiments, and Customs Department and Distillery Deputies and were it not done those had to mount very expensive plants for COURT PROCEEDINGS AND DECISIONS yield 70 per cent of the country rev Provinces which had their appropria securing the necessary macadam Venue tions passed for Roads would naturally other material so very necessary in Partners of Cleland Tram Company of The Pacific Railways yield 794, 500 squeal eternally. The Government so Construction works.
and the conversion and exportation char as to cover these necessary expenses, Which ofcourse remains the property ges coupled with other direct Taxa had to contract a Loan of two and a of the State Some of the Contractors Estrada Filed Suit Against James Cleland tions have brought 426, 000.
half millon dollars with the first Na work did not give entire satisfaction tional Bank of Boston which Contract and we have had to dissolve some ConStamp Paper, Postage other stamps as well as Telegraphs the public the money market in Wall Street. Certaintracts, and Carry on the work ourselves; Plaintiffs Lose Interlocutory Incident we shall soon have those roads comRegistry have rendered an excess of ly no fault of ours, we had to make ano pleted alth o not exactly as they were Limon, May 1930. Court within the time stipulated, a the estimated amount whereas Comther loan of a million to attend to all these contracted for. Cartago to mercial Licenses, the National printery, request for his removal as such depoworks, Having had three millions in An interlocutory incident was decided the section Alajuela, Grecia, Naranjo; by the Judge of the Civil Bench of the which, according to law, may sitor or manager is pending decision, exportation of Bananas have fallen much hand as a part of that from San Jose to Villa be savings on the estimates of below their estimates by a quarter million.
granLimón Circuit Court in the suit of 1928 and expecting to make a similar Colon; and a Section from Heredia ted. The plaintiffs Reginald James and You will therefore see that the year Reginald James, William Mowott; economy on 1929 which we really did, to Vara Blanca, if our loan will carry Clifford Royal and Joseph Johnson others are represented by Attorney Ru1929 has been a brilliant one for the We were able to carry on until the lat us on. These roads may appear costly fino Solis and the defendant Cleland against James Cleland, residents of Public Exchequer, but contrasting this ter loan came to us.
in their construction, but judging their by the Limón Service Bureau.
Estada, on the 4th. instant.
with that for 1930 it is expected that We are not yet sure if we will be utility to the country and the comAs it will be remembered, on the David Johnson must return if our Commercial and Agricultural munities which they shall serve, they conditions do not improve the prospects able to repay this loan by September will be found to be well worth the money 23 rd. December last year, the plain house to Edith Mills and as contracted but we shall try our best.
tiffs filed a suit against defendant, praywill be very gloomy.
In carrying out these public works we have spent On the other hand, the expenses had to invest in very heavy expenses (Continued)
ying, among other things that the de pay cost of action, the court fendant Cleland be included as a partdecides that the Treasury has had to bear has ner from a supposed corporation known In the case of Edith Mills versus been an exceptionally heavy one, beas Cleland Tram Company establishDavid Johnson to recover a house cause the ordinary disbursements coupled ed and operated in the district of which the defendant Johnson caused with the authorized public works amo.
Estrada, alleging mal administration and to be embargoed at 25 Miles as the unt to 36. 220, 065 65 In this amount however is included the sum of misappropriation of the Company property of Alfred Barnes, the Civil funds. The damages incurred are being Court has decided that the plaintiff 490, 897 32 for materials of consal glorioso Pablo Sidar estimated by the plaintiffs in the sum Edith Mills has proven satisfactory the truction of water works, Public buldof 6. 000. 00; the suit is therefore, ings Schools, Roads equipments, for this amount position of the ownership of the builBridges, Salaries and wages. Therefore ding in dispute and has accordingly Prior to the filing of the suit the Tuvo ansia de volar el cóndor mexicano: the total expenses, away from what plaintiffs requested and obtained an ordered that the building be returned would be termed Extraordinary Public to her and the defendant David Johnson cmbargo on the tram lines in dispute works expenses would remain at.
una ansia poderosa de inmensidad de cielo!
and recomendations were being made pay all the cost of action.
The plaintiff Edith Mills was represen 28. 729, 168 33.
batió sus fuertes alas valiente, sin recelo, that the management of the Company ted by the Limon Service Bureau and It is observed that the Department should be placed in the hands of a third the defendant David Johnson by Arof Public utilities has used up more y hendió las nubes blancas triunfante y soberano. torney Rofino Solis who has givin nomoney than any other because, away defendont James Cleland was retice of an appeal against this decision from what is termed special or extramoved from position of manager and ordinary works there have been spent Cruzó los altos montes y en el azul lejano, Mr. Justino Vallejos, the Police Ma In the Police Court for ordinary maintenance the sum of gistrate for the district of Estrado was 887, 728 02 as follows, Highways perdiose el ave austera a impulso de su vuelo.
In the of Slander suit in the above coun appointed to fill the vacany caused by general appropriations.
prefered by Mr. Nation against Cleland removal. Subsequently, on 039, 476 24, water works general. Qué intento lo domina. Cual es su justo anhelo. April 7, 1930, the defendant Cleland Messrs Teodore Smith, Johnathan Mit 109, 023 35, special Waterworks. 6, 767 55 filed a writ in which he complained chell, and Cornwall, President ¿Será saber del eter su misterioso arcano. Bridges, 101, 81178; Special that notwithstanding the fact that Mr. of the A. 2nd Vice President; Par Rºads 71, 400 56; Emergencies Vallejos, the manager of the tram line and Secretary of Trustees, respectively, in inundations of November 1928.
Vló, voló sin tregua, el ave majestuosa!
had been receiving all the fees paid the court decided these men are guilty of 430, 497 21; The Pacific Railway for the transportation of bananas. from the charge and placed a fine against Administration Maintenance. luchó contra los vientos, luchó contra huwwacanes!
the date of the embargo fof said tram them of 120. 00 each with cost of 727, 176 10 Repairs to Customs of line, he had not submitted any report of the case and damages arising from Limon 102, 974 50 Administration of trabó con tempestades su lucha más furiosa, in connection with his administration, the allegations to the complainant.
the Department 248, 600 72.
neither had he accounted to the Court The accused parties have however From the foregoing the activity of for the moneys that he had received appealed to the Jurisdiction of the Gothe government will be seen in trying y al fin cayó este cóndor herido por centellas, up to that time. The copy of this writ Vernor of the Province.
to place public activities at the disposal was forwarded to the manager and in muriendo como mueren en lucha los titanes. of the populace, on which account we view of his reluctance to report to the BAR REPORTE have spent nine millions in Schools, mirando hacia los cielos. soñando com estrellas.
water works, Highways Bridges.
The portfolio of Fomento has spent for its maintenance of the Departments and for taking care of the above mentioned extra works 36. 93 per cent Mrs. de Mena asked Messrs Corn declined to resign she would declare of the total appropriations; Public Indebtwall and Mitchell to resign their po their seats vacant. in that event what ednesses 13. 96, maintenance of the sitions on account of the general dis would happen, will they be retained in Finance Dept, 12. 05; Education 13. 32 satisfaction of the membership and pres office or will their positions remain Public Security 36; leaving 16. 38 per sure of certain facts against the gentle vacant?
cent for all the other expenditures men, which proved that their actions To a member who addressed her Legislative and Judicial Depts.
were not accordance with the cons she refused him the right to speak on For Public Safety we spent. titution of the UNIA nor in harmony the grouuds that he was not a memwith the weifare of the 668, 796 84 being C70, 000 less organization ber of the Limon Branch of the UNIA.
Sporting News the game. good reason why, watch Mrs. de Mena is an energetic little but of the Jamaica Division. The gen than the amount estimated, this incluone another, criticize one another, and des the Military, The Police, Musical woman with a good command of English, tleman said that he was under the im The Wanderer CC. Journeyed to most of all too lazy.
alho a Nicaraguan born.
Bands Instruments, Cuartels and pression that being a member of the Prisons, Marine (including receptions)
Estrada on the 5th, inst, and met the EsShe has a resonant voice and possesses Universal Negro Improvement Assoand Inauguration of the Juan Moratrada on their Oval, the game Thought a good vocabulary. She is quick to take ciation. meant that he was a memStatue.
was exciting all through, as both teams advantage of her adversary weak points ber anywhere. She claimed that he had showed their strength in their bowling.
and turn the tables on him. strong repeat with great pleasure that the no voice in the affairs of the Limon am sugesting that after The West The Batting Honors went to Gro Indian Team shall have gone to Aussense of humour and a keen wit which country spent practically nothing on Division, yet threatened to have his ves top scorer for the game with 23 Arms, Ammunitions and a standing but was in hard luck to have been tralia, that Jamaica should get together when on several occasions they appearenabled her to keep her audience in hand name struck off the rolls of the Jamaica Division for discourtesy, how inarmy the purely military being only a team and play a series of games with given out stumped when the ball was 60 of the expenditure, We spend consistent.
the Combined other Colonies on their ed to be un manageable.
on the ground, anyhow that the part grounds or in Jamaica.
But think she is a poor executive With regards to much in Education, much in works of the President, Umpires take in playing their game and too inconsistent to be convincing, she stated that she had no authority improvement, but in army and its equip when it comes to a batsman who starts She insisted on the resignations of ments almost nothing.
to get Runs The game ended in a Boxing at the y nor power to remove him from office, Messrs Cornwall, Michell yet advices yet vehemently remarked that he was The Public debt alc has grown this victory for the Wanderer Cr by 10 the house that they cannot replace them year to nearly three millions, the governgoing to romain in office. One would Runs.
Kid Grenald beat the Fighting Sam until the general election in October, think that her power in this respect ment has had authorization to issue in rounds of their expected rounds Then continuing she states that if they sounds ambiguous.
bonds to carry out certain Public problem to Solve bout monday night with a technical Parochial operations, from which it knockout. From what can be gathered If she has no power to remove him she shouldn have any to keep him, abstained, but from the fact, that we Could nt some of the gentlemen kidGrenald may take on Hiram Walker NOTICE! NOTICE!
were called upon to pay over a millon in opposition to the wishes of the maif his mgr. can make the weight in a first such as messrs Ben Sankey. Spyer class exhibition bout.
colones spent in the Construction of jority of the membership.
the Puntarenas Wharf, nearly. public look upon as respectable men, Cox. Spence and others whom the Eastern Middle and Western Cold The facts of the matter should be Cricket in Talamanca lines) Divisions of the Atlantic Zone faithfully accumulated and submitted to of the Pacific Railway, 281, 000 dif form a cricket Board and endeavour of the the proper authority, If there is any other to start a Cricket Competion in Liferences of exchange in the commutaThis Serves to Officially invite your To me the actions of Mrs. de Mena tion of the French debt and purchase their little labour and make a pitch in mon? Could nt all the Cricketers give On the 26th ultimo. The Bee Hive entire nembership and also ask for a were all prearranged, and her decisions of the Bonds of the old debt, 610, 000 of old Harbour journeyed to the Stadium so that cricket can take based on a pre meditated programme.
Chase Farm in the Talamanca Division special representative, to the unveiling on the San Ramon Rio Grande Highof our New Charter, at an early date Nevertheless our lasting impressions way; 500, 000 in advance towards a stand in Costa Rica?
to try conclusions with the Cosmopoli to be fixed by Madam De Mena, who were that she was absolutely conscientCan the young men of Costa Rica the Daving of the Streets of San Jose; tan on the Chase Oval and actually will unveil the Charter.
the government was forced to use its feel that there are a few Headley defeated the Homesters but only by ious in whatever she said, and that she Further notice will be sent to indi has her work at heart. One remark credit Gladstone, and others here? Dont you the narrow margin of Runs.
feel that your name can go on a big The Cosmopolitan went to the bat vidual divisions as to correct date please impressed me very deeply, and that is The matter of our Public Roads has head line to show the world that you at 11 20 and were dismissed for the help us to make it a grand Success This Universal Negro Improvement given rise to much comment and the can get Runs or bowl the Ball? Well small score of 48 due to the stinging public By orders Madre de Dios Div. cordial invitation to the general Assn at present is propaganda work government has been brought in for then give a day labour every body and bowling of Banfield and the invinand that is exactly what is needed at much censure the greater part of it build a pitch, you too may carn of (Aug.
easy cible Downer of Old Harbour; The present for the Negro Race. Propaunjustly, especially was it censured for 1929) of the world.
ganda was necessary if the Allies were taking up so much works in hand at is as good heterogeneige parem jednoteca Nacional Volg ons op took absilmNathal theliblioteca de migdal og horn y Juventud, Costa Rica. to win the war, and propada is the same time foresting that shamba Mrs. De Mena removes officers of the Unia Pedro Ujueta Current Items


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