
Saturday 17 May. 1930 ACE The sad tragedy of Sunday 11th inst on the Shores of Port Limon DISPUTE OVER DEAD BODY DDDDDDDDDDDDDD ODOS LOOUOOUOOOD It was shortly after five oclock of Customs our much beloved rily interred in the General Ce.
in the afternoon of Sunday 11th don Ricardo Mora Fernandez, metery because it was found Windsor Castle Carron Hall. the body was detained until 11 inst that the Mexican plane Mo and the men under their Com that the Casket was too large May. great Excitement at a. next day Monday.
An Aunt of the dead man, RELOS commanded by Coronel mand such officers are worthy to be conveyed in the Mayab districts of Roak Spring, Essex Pablo Sidar the intrepid Mexi representatives of any government atho an passenger plane; and and Rose Hill when the fami stole the corpse out of the in which it was and can Ace and Lieutenant Rovi as well as Dr. Salsbury and the the Doctors Facio, Hernandez lies of Thomas Scott who died room rosa both prominent members Administration of the Co. Rojas who consulted on the at Essex, fought over his dead Struggled with it almost nude of the Mexican Aviation Corps, and the Representative of The question opined that, to open body; three Sections of relatives for some distance, assisted by on their projected route to Bue Tribuna with Anselmo who was the leaden inner casket might trying to get the corpse for two other women and placed it in another room about a nos Aires in the Republic of Ar first on the sport, for the untiring be injurious to the conducting burial. graves were dug one gentine; passed over Costa Rica, efforts they put forth to save aviators due tho the emanations in each district, and after great chain away. She flogged the inland by way of Guapiles and (were it possible) the occupants of the formalina used for em struggle and disgraceful Scenes dead body thoroughly after reSiquirres (toward Limon encir of the Morelos when the news balming.
as a result of which the Police moving it away.
Wild Scenes followed this cling the town by way of an of the fall into the sea reached The customary military honors had to be called, in the body Official recognition, and started them from two women who were were given by the guns of was finally interred at Rock action of the woman. Two faon her route; but in a few mo. on the beach and Saw the fall the Artillery and headed by the Spring he lived at Essex but milies of the dead man met at ments she returned hovering aroEssex and in the fight and but the 11th May was doomed infantry the procession moved not long before he died he reund like a wounded bird; at that for atragedy; ever since Saturday from the Mexican Legation to the moved to Rock Spring where confusion knives and Sticks were time there was raging a terrible morning there was as tho a gloom Cathedral Metropolitana, where he died on April 27 at a. frleey used. Eventually the body was buried at Rock Spring.
wind accompanied by terrific was hanging over Limon; the it was met by the Papal Inter after years illness.
flashes of lightning and thunder; skies grew not only cloudy but nuncio with the Secretary of the On account of the confusion (from the Gleaner)
the plane seem to rise away out muffled, the streets looked sad, Archbishopric of Costa Rica of sight in an attempt to get a darkness overshadowed the and a score of priests; after the 900S0USDUSC0C 900 600 (do out of the way of the storm town, the seas brokein in an en solemn requiem Mass was sung, Gran Hotel Continental but she was doomed, as appar. furiated manner, the winds lashed the Cortege proceeded to the ently she was struck by a flash by in an angry mood, the entire Cemetery attended by represen Situado en Calle 3a. 25 varas al Norte de la Imprenta Alsina of lightning came down a vicinity grew ominous, and the tatives of all Departments of the San José. Propietario: JULIAN PASTOR total wreck with the lifeless body sad result of our prognostica government as well as the DipOfrece a su clientela, habitaciones especiales para familias en un of the great aviator Sidar about tions got its realization on Sun lomatic Representatives of nearly edificio construído expresamente para HOTEL y contra temblores.
three miles to the South of Li day evening. This sad spectacle every nation on earth and a Cuartos con baño de agua fría y caliente. Se atiende también órdenes mon, while the other was no will never be forgottin by all throng of citizens seldom seen para Bailes, Bautizos y Banquetes. Servicio esmerado con el confort where to be found. From the who witnessed the evil forebod gathered on any occasion.
más exigible.
condition of the body of the ings as the forerunner of this The manifestations of sympaOffers also to her English Speaking clients, an exquisite RES.
TAURANT AND BAR ROOM service and Specially built dead man and the exploded ga sorrowful mishap; culminating in thy exhibited in this incident Earthquake proof Rooms for family use vvith hot or cold water soline tanks and other parts of the death of two valient princes cannot fail to be most effective Baths, modern sevver system, at very moderate prices.
the airplane, it is evident that of the air.
in strengtheuing the bonds of 25 Yards North of Imprenta Alsina in 3rd Street. Pays special attention she was caught by a ray of special Train came down friendship sincerity already exto Weddings, Baptisms Balls and Banquets light which occasioned a terri from San Jose, with the Mexi isting between the Mexican and Soecial rates for families Established in 1914 ble explosion that caused the can Minister, and represen Costa Rican peoples. BOX 990 TELEPHONE 117 JULIAN PASTOR wreck blowing Rovirosa into tatives of this government, and Such an imposing military flagments; from the fact that an took the corpse to the Capital funeral ceremong along with the CIOSDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD020 (NO extra Lung was found by Dr. on Monday after it was embalm expressions of sorrow simpSalsbury and an odd boot by ed by Dr. Salsbury; it was athy has never been seen many Puntarenas sees first train some one else, one arm and a kept, in State, in the Mexican persons.
leg of Sidar was also missing. Legation until the arrival in the The first electrically drawn have been going a little further Much credit must be given to airplane Mayab of General Aztrain from San Jose to Panta every day on the service of the our Governor don Jose Hernan cárate, Chief of the Aerial Squadrenas goes on record today; Pacific Railway, but today the dez Sanchez; The Commandante ron from Mexico. Solemn don Arturo Robles Peralta Requiem Mass was said at the the lines.
his Assistant don Rafael Ygle Cathedral at 30 on 16th inst.
By Cyrillo Siquirres sias Bonilla; the Administrador and the remains were temporaMORAZANDRY CLEANING The presence of seven or eight detached units of the Pocomaya clan withOF CALVO Telephone 3330 in the precincts of the Politica JefaYour clathes cleaned pressed by steam pressure at 150 per suit, giving tura the other morning did awalken them to you as good as new. Ladies Garments also attended to Our steam curiosity, but they certainly failed to machines do not burn the edges or make them appear shine as the hand improve the frontage of that historical GRANT building one bit. For one thing was Ironing does: 150 YADRS WEST OF DR. FIGUERES CLINIC strongly in evidence: The presence Suits made to order in the Shortest notice.
also of an element that was not fully complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels representative of always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals.
the respectable section of the community.
North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts Now, Pocomania had for once been Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number, winnings obliged to face the light of day, which by the way, is a very powerful and Miss Mae Craig has Administhis week Mr. Horatio Bottomley known dangerous enemy of their craft, as the tered on the Estate of In Serie Drawing No. 50; won by Romilio Picado Tikect No. 64 result of a police round up the previous Marke in the United States, and as John Bull. Attended his puIn Serie Drawing No. 33; won by Juan Rojas Ticket No. 120 In Serie Drawing No. 10; won by Felix Ramírez now that Administration has been blic examination as a Bankrupt justice to show use a cause why they obtained, an application will be at the London Bankruptcy Court.
In presence of: Rodolfo Marin, Victor Ml. Azofeifa and Ofelio Feol bipeds, very nocturnal in their habits, made at the Appellate Division BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 that are a little worse than the of the Supreme Court, which and his Estimated assets are 1000 apart pestiferous fly that goeth by day or the from two book psalming mosquito that goeth, by night a continuation of the hearing of 11. 500 109. 984 of his liabiwas on Monday last for the debts of dubious realization of great deal worse than crowing dogs and the appeallby the defendants in THE MUSEUM OF THE INDIAN barking cocks. though not quite so litties are due for his former bad as the noisesome pestilence that the case of Marke vs.
the Universal Negro Improve of which he was sent to prison transactions of 1922 on account THE ONLY PLACE WHERE YOU CAN BUY GENUINE walketh in darkness.
But Pocomania, white or red turbanINDIAN AND NATIVE SOUVENIRS ment Association.
ned and batoned. to boot, performInca, Maya, Aztec Pottery, Gold, Jade and Silver Ornaments and Antique ed that simple Office of explaining Stone are acting for the de he was releaced in July 1927 Messrs Milholland Ashenheim at Maidstone Gaol from whence jewelry. Jaguar. Boa Constrictor and other skins.
was not with so much credit to themfendant Organization whilstMes. Printing Co. The Phoenix Press Baskets, Orchids, Canes, old Coins, Stamps, Spanish Shawls, Postals, etc. selves, that one could have observed srs Cargill Cargiil Dunn reI also buy Tiger and Lion skins, Pottery and gold ornaments from the on the face of each member of that presented the Plairtiff Mar Co. toukun a new Weekly Journ tombe of indians, antique jewelry ete.
Direction. Calle 5, Dext door to The Aguila de Oro in Central Avenne headquaaters. yes. one could have ke before his death; the death al, The John Blunt.
Bottomly as Editor of The Look for the sign of The Indian grin of triumpha grin that might appeal, in the matter of the levy the British Government no end Doña EMMA de BROAD Proprietress. BROAD Manager John Bull, gave the Heads of Well be as broad as the broad stairway sale of the King St. Liberty of worries Exposures during APARTADO 531. San Jose Costa Rica. TELEFONO 3138 leading to, or from, la Politica Jefa Hall of the Organization.
tura de Siquirres.
the war, so he had to be silencAnd those who bad eyes to see might ed at any cost hence all his trouZABEZA BERSAN have seen the mechanic standarll bearer with this little blue cross, wee se To whom it may Concern This epalbles. The same is happening to the SEARCHLIGHT, but accorLOANS! LOANS! LOANS on his breast, going ahead of the little lie that my wife Mary Jane Richards, bunch of frivolities absurdities and nee McDonald to whom was Married ding to Charlie Higgins We PERSON WITH 10. 000 CAPITAL heard him, if they had ears that could hear in the year 1918. Left my home and are on top of em.
Is willing to aid publie with loans, provided tangible guaranprotection on the 11th March for Cris singing in his little heart, to the tune tee is given. For further information and arrangement, apply tobal without my Knowledge and Conof OnWard Christian Soldiers sent, to associate with another man with LIMON SERVICE BUREAU whom she has been discovered carrying between and p. daily, except Saturdays, and from od illicit amorous relationships Doctors su DLATERNTA for the 12 to p. on Sundays.
treatment of gonorrhoen, do not therefore hold myself respons metritis, floodings, inflamations of the Marcus Garvey and it does much contracters or any abdonien.
Sgd. LORENZO RICHARDS Dr. Zeledon Office and dwelling 25 Miss. Henrietta Port Limon, May 8th. 1930.
yards North of Carmen church GUILLERMO CARRANZA SOLIS Vinton Davis Lawyer and Notary Office near National Theatre; LAWYERS NOTARIES The case against these two (Arcadas. San José.
intrepid leaders of the Univer Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON AND CARLOS SILVA sal Negro Improvement Asso2349 Office BOX NUMBER 1234. TELEP.
Offer their services to the English Speaking Public as Solicitors before ciation for making incorrect the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; Notarial do3625 House ingivings under the Amusement cuments also prepared at Lowest prices.
Taw Law of Jamaica has been iopeithdrawn ha case avainst them Ministerio de Cultura y juventud, Costa RENGLISH SPOKEN SASTRERIA GRANT Marke vs. John Bull Again?
Ticket No. 13.
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