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Saturday Ma HEALTH EDUCATION PACHECO PHOTO STUDIO Carta Blanca COFFEE LIMON SERVICE BUREAU AND Current Items Continued to page To all Divisions of the bat, but being more accostumed to sucking flowers and making honey, mounts of the discharge from the sick; This advises all Divisions and ChapNow that there is so much talk being who are ill with typhoid fever. 2)
then in handling food or drink carry the they too, could not stand the variety of indulged in as to the merits or demerits Persons who have had the disease and ters of The Universal Negro linprovof vaccination in our Smallpox scare, recovered. About three persons out of disease to themselves and to others.
Balls which the Cosmopolitan Bowlers ment Association that the next regular, had up their sleeves in store for them.
Carriers may soil their hands with it behoves us to have occasionally a every hundred who have had typhoid Sessicn of the Presidents Conference their own discharges and infect those The smoke made however by she little talk with our readers on the fever continue to discharge typhoid germs will be held at Pacuarito on June 1st Cosmopolitan Apairists could not drive prevention of infectious deseases. The whose food they handle. Carriers for months and year. 3) Persons who for the purpose of nomination of Olhave had mild cases first we take is Typhoid fever, as is of the Beas from their hive without inflicand who are housewives, cooks, waiters, or ficers for the ensuing year and other typhoid, who were not made very ill treated in a Special Bulletin by the by it.
ting who handle food in hotels, restaurants, which they did by compiling important business. You are therefore 52 There are many of this third group Central Board of Health in the little thus making them victors by markets, and shops, especially handlers requested send your president and Typhoid Carriers are the of of milk and vegetables, like lettuce, another island of Jamaica member to represent you at persons (2) and (3. those who have had which are eaten raw, are very dangeА very fine day was spent, and Cap this Session, to assist groups in our delibe the disease and recovered or who had THE CAUSE OF TYPHVID rous on account of their great opportain Paddyfoot and Secretary Richard rations, especially as we have in our FEVER son of the Cosmopolitan along midst the International Organizer Mathe disease in too mild a form to be tunities for spreadding the disease.
with their men must be cumplimented dame, T, De Mena.
recognized. but who continue to carry By Flies. When discharges from for the hospitality shown the visitors; FARQUHARSON Typhoid is a catching disease caused and discharge typhoid germs.
a typhoid patient are not disinfected JOSEPH by eating or drinking the tiny typhoid Sgd. President no pains were spared to make them and are left uncovered by being thrown Sgd. Secretary HOW TYPHOID FEVER IS comfortable and to afford them a fine germs which are too small to be seen on the ground or into an open back days sport; for which The Bee Hive In Fruit Circles with the naked eye. These live and SPREAD insanitary, surface latrine, flies may car C returns them many thanks and multiply only in the bodies of human this bowel filth on their feet and legs The Vacarro Bros. have bought out can only promise them a similarity of beings; and they pass from infected Typhoid fever germs are passed from and bodies directly to the food. This the Di Giorgi Fruit Co. They are also affability when the return comes.
persons mainly in the bowel filth. Or.
a typhoid fever patient or a carrier mode of infection is especially dangebargaining to merge over the Atlantic OLD SPORT dinarily, typhoid germs do not live lon to a new victim in one of the follo rous in villages where the homes are Fruit Co. but proceedings have been ger than a few days, or a few weeks wing ways near, especially if there are open surface suspended as the Manager of the Atat most, outside the human body. By Gontact Persons who care latrines or the people use the bush.
Cricket at Pacuarito lantic Fruit Co. Mr. Muller is Typhoid germs pass from the bodies for typhoid patients frequently get thelr dead. By Water. The discharges from of three groups of persons. 1) Persons hands soiled with small (invisible) 2a typhoid patient or carrier are often On Monday 5th inst the Juvenile They have also offered to take over thrown on the ground or into an insaStarlight of Cairo visited Pacua the business of the Jamaica Producers nitary latrinc. From these places the rito to try conclusions with the Juvenile Association, offering them a ten year filth and germs may enter the drinking Progressive of that place, on contract at seventy five cents per bunch; Headley Park. The homesters won the further negotiations are being carried on water.
During the rainy season filth may be toss and sent the visitors to bat who carried from the place of deposit into could only muster 22 Runs, in 55 min Mrs. De Mena well, spring, or stream. This is casily in front of the Side Chapel of The Cathedral.
possible when the surface drainage is terrific bowling of Ken Wareham, who from the open latrine or bush toward the took Wickets for 14 Runs. The Continued to page Well, spring, or stream; and especially Progressive then tried the bat and made San Jose. TELEPHONE 3439 necessary if the Negro is to become a 44 Runs of which young Smith and better man and woman.
so if the water supply is not protected Samuels made 16 against cntrance of surface water.
If Mrs. de Mena retained anybody The most exquisite finishing touches.
the 2nd innings The Star in office in opposition to the wishes of There should always be a distance could only make 23 Runs, due to the anyone or the membership she has done of more than 100 feet betwen the sabowling of Davis who took wic it in the belief that such an officer is nitary latrine and the water supply, kets for 15 Runs. Pottinger again maand the latrine should be on lower ground king top score of worthy of his position, and the only one in the bunch hence perhaps she than the spring or well. It should be reThe Progressive went in and made is right.
membered, however, that bowel filth 84 Runs, of which Smith top scorer For after the close of a very elois usually spread through the suragain made 31 and Smith 16. Young quent speech she resorted to a brief face washings and rarely does it porco Corrington of Cimarrones did well with case, and brought forth a little powder late through the soil when it has been the ball for the Cairo Youths, but the puff with which she patted her pers.
buried. Because of this a pit latrine, if Smiths Wareham allowed him no piring nose, thought that after all it is fly tight and sanitary, is much sa passage The skipper Sinclair must she is essentially a woman, and a brave fer than a surface latrine for a house be complimented for his management one too.
very near to a protected water supply. of his team.
AN OBSERVER Local Boards of Health should not allow In one pound tins houses to be built near protected streams.
mm at any progressive grocer Lastly, persons, chickens, dogs, pigs, and other animals may soil their feet Better quality better price with carelessly deposited bowell discharges from a typhoid patient or carrier and take this filth to a well or spring or stream in this way spread typhoid germs.
BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED HOW TO AVOID TYPHOID Bureau established for the greater convenience, FEVER understanding, satisfaction and protection of the EnglishSpeaking public, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Sanitation The installation at Department annexed for the protection of Businessmen every home and school of latrines which against unscrupulous debtors.
are so constructed that the bowell filth Law Firm does not encourage litigation to cannot be reached and scattered by lose; a a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute conflics or animals or rain is the best infidence of the public for honesty and efficiency. Both surance against typhoid fever novy operated under the direction of a Barrister with Safe Water Supplies. Wells and over tyventy five years practical experience, acquired on springs and catchment areas and pits the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as should be protected against the entrance Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and Friedmann.
of surface water: if they become turbid Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials or muddy after a rain they are receivare the records of the cases he has conducted as Judge ng surface water and are dangerous.
and Counsel.
Protected streams should not have open EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ closets on their watersheds. If there Anti tuberculosis Institute of Ber doubt about the drinking water being Barrister Investigator safe, it should be boiled; boiling for lin, consisting of Sub cutaneous in Attorney at Law Notary Public Suiting Manager 10 minutes will kill typhoid germs. Avoid Carrier Infection.
BRANCH OFFICE «CarMAIN OFFICE San Jose, 50 yards West of the iriers) are persons in good health who Limon; Oposite «Arrasty Theatre Presidencia unconsciously carry and discharge typhoid germs. Such persons are dangeCorrespondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of rous when they handle food. cook Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, California, degree of the disease, by means of who gives a history of the occurrence New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, one or two Sub cutaneous of typhoid where she has worked should be suspected as a carrier.
injections of the Vaccination. If all the homes Were sanitated and had safe water supplice, there would not be many chances of typhoid spreading. But there are val always ignorant and careless people who will not usc latrines and who are a source of danger to their more inteD. NELSON lligent neighbours. Modern scie science has a protection against growth TAILOR. PO BOX 466. PT. LIMON, adopted by the German Government of typhoid germs in the body, through ANTITYPHOID VACCINATION.
in May 1929 and now also by the Two Remember when you need, a snappysuit. Call give protection for two Brazilian Government by law passsee me. My best advertisment is always a satisfied years.
The injected into the arm and is safe and practically painless Customer, my price is within the reach of all. Call ed 17th. February 1930 It does not make any sore; and it gives be convinced.
wonderful protection, as has been pro(Articles Nos. 32, 37 and 38)
ven in the Army. The vaccine is prepared by the Government laboratory and can be given by your doctor.
Wonderful cures are being Typhoid fever in most parts of the Colony seems to be mainly flyborne obtained in Costa Rica from homes which do not have sanitary latrines. Also, there are probably an unusually large number of carriers For full information apply to the in the Island. But there is no reason for taking chances with a disease that Cartago as a Health Resort is THE SWITZERLAND of the Americas sole concessionaires attacks and kills so many of its victims. Visitors from the Canal Zone sing the Praises of the attention Sanitation, Safe Drinking Water, Avocare taken of them by the Administration of idance of Contact and Carrier Infecfion, and Vaccination give Protection.
THE HOTEL FRANCES OF CARTAGO San José, Costa Rica FOR SALE Two Farms on the PaNice, comfortable airy Rooms, beautiful Scenery of the surrounding and no distance from the Pacific Railcountry.
way: one coltivated in Potrero, Corn, Apartado 861 Beads and Fruite. The other in QuebraTelephone 3654 dillas, abounding in Lumber and good Convenient Trains to visit the country East or West. To spend a banana lands Vacation at THE HOTEL FRANCES CARTAGO is always to return.
Apply to doña Austolia de Rojas, San Jose: adjoining the Templo Biblico Charges and accomodations to suit all Purses.
nip Enter Randaberintoxicon Bislostas TUBERCULOSIS DEFINITELY CURED New method, discovered by Prof Dr.
Chief Physician and Surgeon of the jection of living bacilli of the turtle.
Cures possible for first and second THE STANDARD Friedmann Anti tuberculosis Vacuna This remedy has been officially injections vaccine is Hotel Frances


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