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MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION (1. 00 SINGLECOPY 25 THE SEARCHLIGHT EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123. CARTADO PUBLISHED SATURDAYS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to the Interests of the Province of Limon Costa Rica generally YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY 22. MARCH. 1930 21 The Team in Limon Our Base Ball Hopes good New Columbia Records Agricultural Bulletin There is a serious misunderstanding ing that this money has been misapin Base Ball Circles. Some of the Clubs propriated By the League Board and With the arrival of the Ari ship after spending according to the fit condition of health to share in the are complaining that the sum of two not yet been returned them guani in Limon with the members of Capt the most pleasant vacation they pleasant Association of the impromptu hundred and fifty colones deposited This tends to blot the dignity of the the team touring the West had on the tour.
outing as he would have done.
with the Board of Control of the Board, hence an explanation is necesIndies. The Managing committee of At p. the members of the Com On Board a charming two hours League as a guarantee of good faithsary from the gentlemen comprising the Limon Friendly and Literary Asso mitee of the and Messrs, were brought abruptly to an end, by that the Matches would be played out the Board.
ciation displayed remarkable enthu Spyer, Ruduck, Cox, and Hayling went the heaving of Anchors, at which time by them in accordance with the regusiasm. At daybreak Mr. Aubrey Spyer down to the ship aud escorted the there could clearly be seen the sad ex lations made therefor, has been unduly who had been very kindly granted Team and the West Indies play pressions in the faces of some of the tampered with. This amt should have FOR YOUR HOME two days leave for the occasion by ers again to the Club rooms vvhere hosts, at the thought that they would his immediate Chief Mr. Scoltack along they were at home to the friends and soon with Mr. Charlie Hayling were at One large Victrola with sev.
members until eleven oclock companionship of gentlemen who had competing, five in number, after the Season is over if there are no charges the dock and got out alongside by On Friday they could not stand the in a few short hours made themselves against any Club. The season is past eral discs for sale at a sacrifice the first Launch going. Boarding the enchantment of the Cosy nook at the so agreeably friendly and at home with and gone and some members of some ship they made straight for the great dockyard of Portette, and again every one they met.
clubs principally the Giants are claim ask THE SEARCHLIGHT.
Manager Mr. Mallett and the Captain they were all motored out to the never The Club asked Mr. Hendren to the Hon. Calthorpe, to get to be forgotten Coney Island of Li accept a tie pin made of Costa Rican permission for the team, Mr. Decaires mon.
coin and Mr. Headley a pair of and Mr. Headley, to accept their They remained there for a couple of links also made of Costa Rican gold invitation to have a pleasant day ashore hours frolicking in the waves, then coins in recognition of their prowess with them; this being granted all motored back to the rooms of the As in the Test mafches. similar present members of the team, prepared for sociation and had a last look in at the was handed the Manager Mr. Mallett, shore leave, and with the exception of Library, with its beautifully bound set to be presented to Mr. Roach of TriMessrs Haig and Stevens who went of Encyclopedia Brittanica and other nidad for his brilliant 209 Runs also to San Jose, all directed their attentions expensive books, the reading, the ping in Test Cricket to a day on the beach where they pong and Billiard rooms.
On Board this ship there were se1603 Billie (Waltz)
were surprised by a very pleasant and Then a after thanking the members of veral gentlemen and Ladies of British agreeable picnic on the shores not of the Friendly and Literary Association, Nobility going to Jamaica to spend a My Window of Dreams (Waltz)
Honolulu but Portette interspersed by and particularly Mr, Spyer for the agree few weeks, some too joined in the 1623 Marion (Waltz)
refreshing dippings in the briny Blues. ably surprising pleasure in which seabathing and enjoyed themselves imAfter the outing they all motored back they had been accommodated the party Loved You then as Love you now (Waltz)
mensely on the beach at our famous town and were delighted to be en went aboard at three oclock.
dry docks at Portette.
tertained in the Club rooms of the The only disappointment being that Among these travellers being Coro By Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra Association for a short while when Mr. Astill who is the great Pianist and nel Diggle, The Countess Fitz Wi.
they were accompanied back board Songbird of the Team was not in a lliams, Viscount Milton, Sir and Lady (THE JAZZ KING)
Beltram Jones, Major and Mrs.
Welshman, Capt and Mrs. Dawson Too much praise cannot be show 1683 Makin Whooppee (Fox Trot)
ered on the heads of the members m Bringing a Red Red Rose (fox Trot)
of the Association for this praiseworthy 1505 Out Town Gal (Fax Trot)
With gratitude have we received a Don Juan Gomez, comes out with effort to entertain these visitors, but copy of the Agricultural Bulletin issued another most inspiring article in which especially Mr. Aubrey Spyer who was Just a little bit of Driftwood (fox Trot)
under the direction of don Luis Cruz he exhorts his youthful countrymen to the live wire in the whole movement Bolaños a son of our old friend don come out and dedicate themselves The Manager, Captain and team have By ted Lewis and his Band Luis Cruz Meza, and certainly the heart and hand to the manipulation of expressed themselves of the immense delight it has been to them to discover compilation of this work deserves great the soil, and especially in cattle rearing.
1296 Good Night (Waltz)
merit which needs less capital, less labour in this far away spot such a band of From the leading article by the elder and gives greater profits than any other loving and hospitable Britishers as The Sweetheart of Sigma Chi (Waltz)
Luis Cruz, the enthusiasm as an agri line of agriculture. As we have said the they ve met here, and have promised 1313 Mary Ann (Fox Trot)
culturist is earnestly exhibited. He starts entire Bulletin is a noble effort from to send the Club, an Official Group Cobble Stones (Fox Trot)
Picture of the Team; will ask the Maby blaming the Directors of Education noble minds but these two articles are 1251 Aloha oe Blues (Hawaian)
for not giving Agriculture a higher pe to us more stimulating than possibly rylebone C to send back a letter of destal than they do in the Schools, he even the authors would conjecture, and appreciation for the spontaneous out. On the Shores of Honolulú (Hawaian)
complains that his couutrymen do not we sincerely hope our rising genera.
burst of goodwill and attentions extendtion will leave the Towns with their ed the Team. Because throughout the even go for excursions around the o Vocal Refrain (Lorver Cave)
country so as to know what sort of movies, Dance Halls and other amuse trip they have never so thoroughly ensoil they own even in their own Pro ments alone and turn their attention joyed themselves as they have done in Wishing to give the best service Limon vince. He depreciates the fact of the more Zealously to the mountains in In this pleasant at home there were to our Clients in Limon and increasing importation of Dairy pro this purely agricultural country. This ducts having risen from 97. 000 in Bulletin is worthy of a much wider present our old friends Mr. Ben Sankey, the Revds. Forde and Siley.
the line we will Gladly Mail rethe year 1924, to 318. 150 in the circulation It may be mentioned that throughout the pleasing chats, continually the topic cords to any address at the turned on our newly found young POSTPAID Master Geo, Headley whom profesFollowing Prices: sionals and Amateurs alike all look at as one of the champion bats of cricket Record 50 and among those considered the worlds The chamber of Agriculture of Car for those who can make it possible first batsmen, and it is gratifying to 6. 75 tago has made arrangements with the to spend a week vacation, seeing Co note that with all the Eulogy showered 9. 75 Co. for transporting a group of lon, Panama, Balboa, the Locks, old on his head, Mr. Headley, remains as Tourists from this Country to Panama Panama, La Toboga, Caleta, and any unostentatious as a lamb. we all wish to spend the Holy week in that Rep. point of interest for a hundred dollars him continued successes in his career.
FONT NIETO ublic. The tourists will remain in Pa is remarkably reasonable, it will be The Ariguani wcighed anchor at nama for five days. The trip will cost indeed a week of rest, for one shall p. taking away from Port Limon AGENTS one hundred dollars going and com have nothing absolutely to think of. The four Cabin passengers among whom ing including Hotel fares and visits to steamers Toloa and Ulua will be set BOX 737 SAN JOSE was Mr. Anthony Muschett; there also the principal sites of interest to Tou apart for the trips going and returning. were fourteen steerage passengers for rists. This is a magnificent occasion Jamaica.
or GOYENAGA Co. en 100 COLUMBIA DEALERS LIMON Dr. VARGAS ONLY OSTEOPATH in Costa Rica, no drugs, no surgery. Office 125 yards north of Botica Oriental. Box 534, San Jose, BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED The great exhibition of horn and It suits not only the pleasure seeking Bureau established for the greater convenience, mane stock to come off at Cartago on public but all those who are interested The Motor vessel Pasagero Capt.
29th. 30th, and 31st. inst. promises to understanding, satisfaction and protection of the Englishin Stock rearing to come and see the Speaking public, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Cooper arrived here from Puerto Ca be a great thing. We understand that best blood of Costa Rica, Mr. Lester Department annexed for the protection of Businessmen bezas on the 18th. inst. And left the several races both in Trotting and gal Norton of Siquirres has been delegated against unscrupulous debtors.
same date for Cristobal with the follow loping will be witnessed, Special to represent the Exhibition Commitee Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to ing passengers for that place from train we learn will leave Limon on along the lines in the province of Lilose; a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute conmon. Anyone therefore caring to ExLimon, Humberto Gutierrez, Alberto Saturday the 29th. returning on Sunday fidence of the public for honesty and efficiency. Both Rodriguez, Carlos Vicentes Santos, Jose 30th. this will be a great convenience hibit his Stock should apply to Mr.
novv operated under the direction of a Barrister with Montes Corquiero, Hernan Arroyo, and will mean much enthusiasm for Norton for information.
over tvventy five years practical experience, acquired on Amando Bonilla, there were also on the Exhibition.
the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as her, intransit for the same port from Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and Pto. Cabezas, Ishmael Guerrero, Juan Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials Ferretti, Did Thomas, Gerardo Castago, Scientifical Eye Examination are the records of the cases he has conducted as Judge Curtis and Martin Caracos. For and Counsel.
Limon, Anita Patterson.
Glasses of all Classes and Prices EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ The Pasagero will return here from AURELIO BERMUDEZ Colon on Saturday 22nd, taking Mail Barrister Investigator passengers and Cargo for Bluefields, Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager Pto. Cabezas, Pto. Castillo, Belize and Pto. Barrios, leaving at p. the MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE same day.
San José, 50 yards West of the She will return here from those Limon; Oposite Arrasty Theatre Presidencia Ports on 18th. April on her way to Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of Colon, returning here on the trip Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, California, North on the 20th. April. All informaNew York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, tion can be had from her Agents don Just in front of Leon Bonilla at the office of Mr.
Smythe building. of Siglo Veinte, ngprio ton HOTEL COSTA RICA year 1929.
Excursion to Panama LIMON SERVICE BUREAU The Great Stock show in Cartago AND The Motor Ship Pasagero CONSULTORIO OPTICO RIVERA Este documento es propiedad de la Bibliote 20


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