
EDITORIAL Negroes independent Day School The Question of our Lottery This Is The Opportune Moment Este Es El Momento Oportuno Socks Stocking Store By Radiopress Situated at 27 Miles on the premises of Mr. Morgan. This genTo secure for yourself a good property in San José. Mr.
tleman as a loyal Negro has presented DANIEL UJUETA sells a fine Commercial comer lot in a Central This is a matter that is absorbing very serious attention among a building as a School to all parents respectable locality with all classes of the Communities of every Province. The purchasers and Guardians who are desirous of Beatiful Residence of the Tickets are not keen on buying, consequently the vendors improving their children in the seve For permission to visit inspect write or see him at the are not happy over their speculations, which causes an anxiety to elementary subjects. Instrumental and vocal music being taught extra see the IMPRENTA UJUETA. Apartado 15. Telephone 2837.
the Board of Control of this Institution.
well known teachre aud instructor He sells to the best offer coming, go inspect it make an offer As one goes along the lines you can hear all sorts of opinW. WALTERS for prices.
ions as to the merits and otherwise of this most interesting subject, and all sorts of conjectures are thrown broadcast on this all important matter. The Lottery Scheme has always enjoy Maritime Movements ed great enthusiasm in the populace, speculators have always de hacerse de una buena PROPIEDAD en San José, DANIEL looked forward to it with great interest as a means of enhancing in the Port of Limon UJUETA le vende, esquina comercial punto acreditado y céntrico, ones Savings Account; but today when earnings are so very prebuena construcción.
carious, the enthusiasm grows very complex.
for the week ending March Véala para que haga su oferta, que se venderá There are those who alth o hardly earning enough to provide 22nd 1930.
a la mejor proposición the proverbial bread water for selves their families, yet they Informes en la IMPRENTA UJUETA APARTADO. 15 will stint themselves of a meal two, so as to take the only March 17th. of the chance of making a raise to seek for fresher fields, or to meet Co. arrived from New Orleans and a pressing obligation which means the upkeep of his honour, or sailed 19th, inst.
the downfall of his former prestige; and so each one goes into March 18th. Motor vessel Pasajero. the business as a last resort; but as we bave said of late the arrived at 30 and sailed at. 30 see list of passengers) By our constant direct importations we can supply you the best line of results do not satisfy and so a general discontent is to be found March 18th. Steam Tug San Juan in the minds of almost every investor in the business, arrived at P. from Bluefields, NicaThis discontent is to be found more extensive in the Pro ragua bringiug Mr. Marsh. Mr. Socks, Stockings, Neckties vince of Limon than anywhere else, and for several reasons. There Cress and others. Sailed at 10 and Ready made clothing at the is a suspicion reigning in the minds of most people that from the death of the Immortal (to the coloured people) John Hamburg Amerika Line, arrived. Sailed Keith, something has gone wrong with the Lottery, from the fact March 21th. Toloa of Co.
that since his death the falling of the large prizes are practically arrived from New York Sailed 22nd.
unknown to that Province, they conjecture that they are being CARTAGO, call in or write to MANUEL ANGEL HERNANDEZ handicapped, because the Province is depreciated on account of its colored population. Some go so far as to say that the Balls Comouflage corresponding to the Series of Tickets sent to that Province are We note that in the printing profes withdrawn and put aside; Some feel that. at each drawing inde.
sion there are being brought to focus pendent persons who have nothing to do with the placing of on the Community all sorts of Lights the balls in the Urns or globes selected from among the onlook first The Searchlight came on the ers should be chosen to draw the Balls prizes. All these sup horizon then whether it was with the positions, and suspicions, however we advise to be cast in the object of misleading the patrons of the London. According to the nine year explaining the Trinity. Seeing Shamroche rubbish heap and suggest that sound reasonings be put in their the Flashlight Printery under the theory, shipping, men say icebergs will he picked it up, and said God in three stead. There was a time when Limon bought up between thirty wings of the A. building in 1912, 1921 icebergs vvere unusually nu persons vvas like three leaves on one stem. he explained.
five to fifty per cent of the Lottery Tickets issuid; whereas to Limon issuing leaffletts and packages merous.
Washington. Equality betyveen men day that the purchasing capacity of the Province is so reduced, of writing paper with the flash hidden London. An America naval officer and vvomen in international lavy vvill there is not more than fifteen per cent now being sold here inside now we learn that another Light is to be introduced, but this time a Licut M. Winslovv, vvas wounded be urged upon the Hague conference we are creditably informed that of the 7000 tickets now being Dimlight and several other persons were struck for the codification of internationai lavy issued, there are only being sold in Limon 1000 of these, how As we have been repeatedly asked by bullets vvhen numerous Chinese by the Inter American Commission of then can it be expected that ones winning chances can be the if the writing Tablets being put on troops fired on the Steamer vvomen representing the vvomen of 21 same, when you are having six to one against you.
the market by the Flashlight is a side. Chipping off Ichnag in the Yangtse American Republics there, Miss Doris river, a dispatch said today.
Stevens, Chairman announced today.
What we would suggest to the Directors of the Lottery light of the Searchlight we beg to Scheme, would be to, Draw the Lottery fortnightly, issue 14000 Printing has nothing whatever to do Irish Free State Minister here. Who vili Washington. Michael MacWhite, Paris General Primo Rivera, Dictador of Spain from 1923 to January tickets, make the prizes more entrancing, make the 1st prize with the Printing on the Flashlight lead the Capital St. Patrick day cele 23 last, died of a heart attack today at 60. 000, a second prize of 610. 000 two prizes of 2. 000, which so far only makes and sells bration, explained vvhy Irish wear the aquiet Paris Hotel, practically an exile ten prizes of a thousand and pay for the three ending numbers writing paper at two Sheets and Shamrock on that day. When St Pa and almost alone. He was only 60 but as is done in Panamá.
envelopes for five Cents.
trick came to Ireland he had trouble had suffered from diabetes and worry and only recently had a severe attack This will create a greater Stimuuls to rich poor alike; of grippe. He died muttering, It was and better results must accrue and confidence regained.
Spain that did this. Spain that killed me.
Nevy York. Net income of vvell over double that for the preceeding year vvas announced by the Bethlehem CENTRAL AVENUE CUESTA DE MORAS Steel Corporation today in its report for 1929. The balance Sheet Showed We make first class Furniture best materials in Mahogany, Cea not income of 342, 242, 980 as compThis property consists of 7040 hectareas, and has a sea beach facing of 2673 miles on the Carribbean sea as the eastern boundary.
dar or the best lumber in the Country. according to your taste.
ard vvith 18, 585, 922 for 1928.
New York. spirited rally in the The old Cocoanut grove is a belt extending the entire length of At prices that defy competition; vvorkmanship unsurpassable.
afternoon trading today turned the trend the coast line of over 7000 bearing trees. The new and unexploiof the stock market upward and at the ted grove consists of over 60. 000 bearing trees.
Send you orders Enrique Valle Co.
The southern point of the property is miles from Greytown close the majority of shares up or San Juan del Norte as properly named fractions to the entrance to the TELEFONO 3219. San José ve guarantee your satisfaction, a points. Sales totalled.
expected Nicaraguan Canal satisfied customer is our best certificate of Honor 639. 640 shares. Jones and Co. InsuRío Indio, and Spanish Creek are rivers which run rance average was up 01, at 274. 26, Railroad through up the property making entrances from the sea easy.
up 27 and Utility e General Motors vvhich reached Find out and study this proposition. An opporiunity for invvas the feature of the day vvith a vestors The property is under the custody of the respectable buturnover of 145. 000 shares. Oil shares siness firm known as the BLUEFIELDS MERCANTIL Co. for the benefit of creditors of the creditors. Get in touch with The Bluetroleum of fields Mercantil Co. or get immediate preliminary information in Among the best gainers vvere Auburn Limon through this paper.
and sed at 92. 76.
New York Foreign exchange closed Here now lets go boys. Where he leads we ll follow steady. Demand Sterling 84. Francs 0391, Lira 0523. 4, Belgas. 1393. for he can give us the latest hits of the season. Who? Ante el señor Juez Civil de esta Pro plente por Limón don Filadelfo Gra Marks. 2393. 76.
vincia, sabemos que el Sr. Cyril Hickson nados, por parte del actor dirige la WELLINGTON Hall, súbdito inglés, en su carácter de cuestión el Corredor Jurado Mr. Egbert The practical and qualified TAILOR of Madre de Dios.
cesionario de treinta compañeros más, Browne Dicks.
KINGSTON SHAKEN ha entablado demanda ordinaria contra Si no hay un arreglo satisfactorio, He has now placed a Branch in Siquirres but wont la casa de los señores Cuillermo Niehaus la casa del comercio de esta plaza, caen este lío, pronto se dará publicidad leave Madre de Dios in the Cold. When in Siquirres very heavy Earthquake Shock al texto de la demanda, asi como a la occurred in Kingston on Friday 21st just watch for his Sigoboard at the South East end sa que está representada por el contestación que ha ella de, el deman no serious damage, apart from rupof The Market.
Eduardo Plate Seemane. Monta el reture of Telephonic Communications.
He begs to thank his customers for their patronage clamo dos mil colones por ahora, pe Asi, pues, tendremos a los lectores in the past, and promises his interest in serving them ro según parece, los daños y perjuicios de THE SEARCHLIGHT, al tanto de este ascienden a más de tres mil colones. lio judicial, en que se ha metido la Flower Gardener for the future.
El ori reclamo según parece honorable y respetable casa alemana, WELLINGTON es, por haber vendido la casa, que tanto prestigio conserva en el país. LA AMERICANA la Lancha Marta de su proTAILOR piedad, a 81 individuo de origen inglés, Cronista Fisgón contratados para trabajar en Andrew Phillips la vecina República de Nicaragua, sin 14th st. South of 30th and 32nd antes haberles advertido ciertas The Firm of Messrs Niehaus Co.
ELECTRICAL OPTICAL OFFICE laridades en sus pasaportes, y de ahí, has been placed before the courts by av. Prompt attention given que no pudieran desembarcar en Blue Mr. Cyril Hickson Hall and 30 others TELEPHONE 2897 fields de Nicaragua, habiendo tenido in a claim for return of moneys paid of Dr. Elias Blanco que regresar a este Puerto en la misma them for embarcación que los llevara, on their Launch Marta haus Co. for a refund of their pasperdiendo and for negligence.
Optometrist and Occulist de consiguiente su su contrata alla.
sages, but he refused entertaining any Telephone 3085. Street Alfredo Volio Apartado 128 Una vez en este Puerto dichos pasa men took passages on board such claim hence the suit this Launch to to Nicaragua where they The men al Britishers are represenMember of The Optical Faculty of jeros, exijieron del jefe de dicha casa were engaged by a contract for work, New York.
la devolución de los dineros que paga. when they arrived at their destination while the Firm is represented by solited by solicitor Mr. Egbert Brown, ron por los pasajes, o sean doce dóla Bluefields, they were not allowed to citor Mr. Filadelfo Granados our Sures y cincuenta centavos cada uno, y la land in consequence of an irregularity possesses the latest inventions apparatuses for examining casa o sea su se ha negado rotundarle a ello, que señor Plate, in their papers as per the Immigration Province of Limon plente Deputy in Congress for the regulations dando dichos individuos al garele en the eyes, Special assortment of Spectacles with Crystals and the lack of the Signature of the Official here. They therefore had This case is being watched with tierra extraña, con hambre y con sed.
much interest, as it involves an incilens of all kinds to suit your sight. With a special to return to Limon, thereby losing dent in maritime regulations whether Según tenemos entendido, la demanda the work for which they were engale ha sido ya notificada al señor Plate or not is a shipping Co. responsible to Department for collocating to Actificial preveu de la Biblioteca Nadonalised Chontantes de frente debnahegbeidpcas de Theteriosa Yoldata Plata ged.
see that all papers are correct under Furniture Store of Enrique Valle Co.
Invest in a good Property in Nicaragua vvere Río Maiz, 00 46. 64 La honorable casa de Comercio y Bancaria de los Sres. Gui sa group moved higher Simms Po llermo Niehaus y Co. de esta plaza, ha sido demandada Automecase, Eastman, Ingersoll Rand por desconocimieto de las leyes marítimas y gubernativas señor dado a origen del pasajes en que iban irregu passages Tor Old folks SPECIALIST ON TNE HUMAN VISION


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