
Saturday 22 March 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT PAGE ΚΡΙΣΣΟ ΣΟΣ ΟΣΟ ΟΙΣΟΣ PERSONAL REMEMBER YOUR OLD FRIEND MALICK With a complete stock of wearing apparel and adornments for the Home.
At his Store La Samaritana adjoining La Botica Oriental at the Eastern side of the Market.
He has served you well in the past and is waiting to do so again.
Ap. No. 824 SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA Telephone No. 3345 ΙΣΩΣ ΣΟΣΟΣ ΟΣΟ ΩΣ spheres SOLOMON JAMAICA REMEDIES In our travels along the lines, we Doctor Shaw as is familiarly called have come across our much admired by almost every resident of the ProSpiritual adviser. The Revd. Siley in vince of Limon, is one of those whom charge of the circuit of Wesleyan acti from the confidence which he enjoys vities in the Province of Limon.
in the community, is at the beck and Mr. Siley has been away in the Isle call of every soul in affliction whether of Springs for a few weeks attending Physical or Spiritual. He is indeed the the conferences of the Wesleyan Synod, Father of Siquirres, hence he finds and has returned to us looking the himself fagged out, wasting in energy picture of health.
he has away from It has been very gratifying to know his people for a few days.
that wherever he has visited in his old We wish him a pleasant stay in this of labour, the constituents have beautiful climate, so that when he reall been inviting him to turn his back turns he will find himself much retowards Limon and remain with them. cuperated in his accustomed. Vim.
This Shows a contrary thought to the Biblical Sayings a King is not without honour save among his own people.
Mr. Siley is also an Idol here not We were pleased to find Barrister only among the followers of John during last week. Mr. Odio is the head of Mr. Emiliano Odio Mendez in Limon The Searchlight begs to welcome the Law Firm of The Limon Service him and to wish him many long years Bureau, and was here to direct seveof continued usefulness among us, so ral important lawsuits which were enthat he too may find himself encircled trusted to the firm.
with the endearment with which his We wish h! a pleasant and profitable predecessor Mr. Pitt is held by all time in the principal Port of the Re Sundry.
public Maritime Movements DOCTOR IN THE HOME These Remedies have stood the Test, for 48 years SOLOMON Liver Tonic for Bad Nerves, Indigestion and Biliousness.
SOLOMON Lung Balsam for Coughs and Colds.
SOLOMON Healing Oil for Cuts, Wounds and Sprains.
Agent for Costa Rica, Botica Grillo Port Limón To our friends Suscribers Ariguani of Elders Fyffes arrived, sailed March 14th. with about 7000 sacks Coffee, and several passen.
ger for Jamaica including Mr. Cecil Clayton and wife Among the passengers in transit on Ariguani was the English Cricket team on its way to Jamaica, several of the Cricket enthusiasts among whom were Messrs. Chas Hayling and Spyers were early at the pier awaiting them to give them a welcome. The Manager Mr. Mallet; Capt. the Hon, Cal.
thorpe, Messrs Aimes. Hendricks, Voce. Gunn, Sandham, Stephens, and others of the English team have made themselves sociable in Limon, by having a luncheon at Portette to which were invited several of the members of the Limon Literary Club, who also gave them an impromptu reception in their rooms. Among the party there were also two West Indian cricketers Merss Headly and De Caires.
14. Ulua arrived with an unnsual number of Tourists from New York. Among the passengers for Costa Rica was Mrs. Chittenden. Teutonia of Hamburg American Line, arrived with nearly 100 passengers We beg to solicit your PRINTING JOBS of any kind at PRICES BELOW THE LOWEST Whether it be WEDDING or INVITATION CARDS Placards for Races or Picnics, Tickets, Stationery or programmes, BOOK of RULES Sashes for Lodges, printed in gold or Silver on Ribbon crimped pa.
Naval Conference per or cloth.
After over thirty years of residence in these dimes our old friend Mr. AnOur old friend Mr. Abraham Mendez has been spending a few days of tony Muschett has returned to his narest among his family in San José, and tive land. Mr. Muschett has made himselt possibly to consult with The Junta de Commercial life of Costa Rica, having Lottery Scheme, which is giving so pronouncedly identified with the Caridad on the intricate question of much anxious thoughts just now.
honourably and faithfully from boyhood for several years, this Firm sold out to Messrs Steinvorth Hnos. and with it, Mr. Muschett, there came the time of the retirement From the Province of Limon of Messrs Steinvorth Hnos. Mr.
Muschett with the support of Messrs Lindo Bros. bought over the business With all the friendly tact that Mcat Cimarrones wich he had been man Donald has been using to get Italy sing, after 18 years business career France to understand each other reat Cimarrones finding that no further lative their terms of equality, he has expansion could be made he sold over to not been able to accomplish much as Mr. Guillermo Castro a wealthy chinese Mussolini is still insisting on Merchant of Siquirres, and after arran of equality with France but Franging his transactions with Mr. Stanley ce will not hear of such a thing henLindo in a most creditable harmo ce the deadlock is still nious manner, he has elected to return as tightly on as ever it was. Japan also will not to Jamaica to try his luck there after having been here from boyhood.
agree with what America wants and so We are all proud of him, these are the progress of reduction of Naval forces has not progressed much up to the sort of Jamaicans in foreign parts now.
that make pleasant history for those at It is being resolved to send the difhome abroad. We wish him every ferences between France Italy on to success at home, the League of Nations that being so, the success of the Conference cannot During last week we met our much be said to have been attained.
esteemeed friend Mr. Charles Aubrey Briand Tardieu have gone back to Shaw, of Siquirres in the Capital whiParis to return vvhen Mussolini gives ther he has been for a few days rest. in, so the Conference seems a failure Whatever your printing may be however technical, get our prices before ordering elsewhere. Telegram will bring your work to you in two days From THE SEARCHLIGHT.
his terms To cease Scrapping Gran Fabrica de Melcochas PHOTO STUDIO VA UD, CON FRECUENCIA SAN JOSE?
LA ESTRELLA LA TROPICAL To The Editor, Apartado 973 San Jose Teléfono 2909 THE SEAROHLIGHT Melcochas garantizadas por su duración, no hay quien las trabaje igual Sir: Candy sweets guaranteed to remain bard and fresh. No other factory Permit me Space in your valuable can give you this class of work.
Journal to give expression to my thoughts as things appear to me.
As read your weekly paper, the most ESBADSZABEZAO important question that confronts me is, What is the reason for so much bickering in the Port Limon Division at this time. Our Hon. Marcus Gar vey has placed before the world a proIf you need a modern PHOTO come to gram for the benefit of Negroes, but see it is changing fast into a program PHOTO STUDIO JIMENEZ of voodooism and unpleasantness in this Division, such as is facing the Central Avenue West public a blamed shame have to appeal to the Conclave of Apartado 609 San José, Telephone 3521 Presidents to see that this thing is stopped. Will the Conclave take a trip to OE BASSZA Limon Division and Interrogate the reason why? Inviting your presence to have a conciliation of the unpleasantness and so put a stop to all these publications. If this is not done it may be a ruin to the A.
in this Pankhursts Statue Cricket News country, and in doing same, other things may be there that you may help to To immortalize the name of Mrs. The Cricketers of the team straighten out too. beg of you Pre. Emmeline Pankhurst, who inaugurated who have been playing in Barbadoes, sidents for we are being hissed in our the claims to Womens rights of suffrage, Trinidad and British Guiana arrived walks in life so as to save us from Ex Premier Baldwin unveiled a statue in Limon by the Arriguani along walking with our Heads down, please erected to her memory on the 6th. inst; with Geo Headley the hero of the West to safe guard the integrity of our Asand the Bishop of Barking will dedi Indies and Roach and Searley and Desociation, for in all its history have cate it and her Tombstone on June Carires on their way to Jamaica to ennever seen such things reaching the 14th, the anniversary of her death. gage the Jamaicans starting on the 17th eyes of the Public The sufferings and imprisonments of inst.
We will be the sufferers in the fuMrs. Pankhurst to establish Womens The batsmen of today are getting ture, all due to bad seeds being sown. Rights of Voting are yet fresh in the such masters of the bowling that the Thanking you for space afforded me.
memory of all those who have been Cricket Board of Control England is Yours for Racial uplift.
following history, and need no Com adopting the wideniug of the wickets ment. The Statue is erected within a as well as new loaw on Leg before few yards of the spot where she was GREGORY wicket by which a player can be out first arrested for her propaganda on from a ball that breaks either woman rights.
way. This will come in force at the opening of the next season.
Si no ha hecho, hágalo y entonces quedará convencido de que es el mejor de la Capital, es más cómodo y económico.
ES LA DELICIA DFL PUBLICO 100 varas al Norte de la Botica Oriental.
It you have not, do so and you will be convinced that it is the best in the Capital, it is certainly the most comfortable and economical.
It is the delight of the general public.
Tourists seeking rest and quietness do well to try HOTEL LATINO 100 yards to the North of Botica Oriental NOTE ITEMS ARTISTIC PHOTO Co.
The best Convexed Enlargements Established in 1927 ONLY REPRESENTATIVE AURELIO DE LA MORA 75 yards East of Teatro America Ap. 1378. San Jose. Tel. 3423 House furnishing at 25 per week SASTRERIA GRANT Furnitures, doors windovys. The Cabinet maker Bujan makes at the lovvest prizes. At 25 vvekly, you can get your house furuished.
Hotel Frances Para muebles puertas y ventanas LA EBANISTERIA BUJAN le dará los precios más bajos: Además muebles en abonos de 25 cts. semanales. Dirijase frente Parque Central. Teléfono 3118.
Cartago as a Health Resort is THE SWITZERLAND of the Americas, Visitors from the Canal Zone sing the Praises of the attention care taken of them by the Administration of THE HOTEL FRANCES OF CARTAGO GRANT Suits made to order in the Shortest notice. Com.
plete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings Flannels always on stock, come in when in San José see my recent arrivals.
North West Corner of Central Avenue where the Plaza Viquez Tramway starts Suits also made on the Raffle Series system come in and get a number.
In Serie Dravving No. 43 vvas vvon by Ticket No. 100 belonging to Gonzalo Solano Ia Serie Drarving No. 25 vvas vvon by Ticket No. 92 belonging to Julio Cubero In Serie drawing No. was won by Ticket No. 96 belonging to Luis Cuadra These dravvins vvere done; In the presence af Messrs José Henekin Jorge Calvo Ramón Bonilla Try, your luck you may only pay or instalmente but in any case you get a suit after paying up your quotas, BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 You can save noney by ordering your shoes from AZEVEDO BOOT STORE Special attention is given to all orders in the selection of materials, so as to ensure Strength durability whether for gents, ladies or children shoes Deformed feet fitted, all at reasonable crices. All my shoes in stock selling at post price, consult my prices before buying elsewhere. still specialize in my well known Men working Boots; still unbreakable. A2RVEDO Nachboo Signalizano del shimonalendowiec Nice, comfortable airy Rooms, beautiful Scenery of the surrounding country, Convenient Trains to visit the country East or West. To spend a Vacation at THE HOTEL FRANCES CARTAGO is always to return.
Charges and accomodations to suit all Purses.


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