p. 4


Before the Judges Vaya al Cine Moderno de limón The coloured Troupe in San José Eating up one words Before the Police Court of Limon in spite of protests from themi as memJohnathan Mitchel, Charles Constantine bers, as they were untrue, and damaging Cornwall and Theodore Smith in their not only to the gentleman bnt to the Several Capacities as 2nd. Vice Presí organization, for which reason they dent, Secretary of Trustees and President were there to protect the interests of of the Limon Division of the the Association as the membership did respectively were called to answer not sanction such thing, and gave over these men to be punished for their Nation to wit, saying on their own misdeeds, without having it to public platforms appear as tho the membership encoura he had robbed a document and 500 ged such a thing.
from the Association, and for advising The evidence proved that Mitchell the members not to buy his newspaper and Comwall did make use of these the SEARHLIGHT expressions repeatedly in the presence men were called at p. of Smith on the Public Platform who of Monday 17th. inst. to say whether did not reprimand them for doing so they had done these things and why. in his capacity as President, even tho They all swore they had never said or protests came at times from the memdone any such thing at anytime. They bership against such actions.
were however given 24 hours to put The Sentence of the Court is now in their defence in this Criminal accu awaited; but the meantime it is very sation against them.
satisfactory to the complainant that in Which expired at 15 on Spite of their professed bravado They Tuesday 18th. at which time witness have eaten up their own words Furthes were called and declared that these er details awaited.
remarks were used and continually so, No solamente debemos trabajar sino también debemos divertirnos La vida sin distracciones es pesada y triste. EL CINE MODERNO le proporciona la manera de distraerse todas las noches con películas y expectáculos nuevos, que le dejarán sonrisas y descansará su espíritu para las nuevas Juchas de la vida Vuelvase modernista gaste in ínfima suma de 25 céntimos y gozará admirando las más lindas estrellas de la cinematografia Películas Parlantes. Siempre Estrenos!
VISIT CINE MODERNO And see for yourself the education to old people as well as the young from TALKING PICTURES All work and no diversions makes Jack a dull boy CINE MODERNO gives you a new scene every night of your life, giving you a new lease on life every morning when you get awake. You are not seeing the best pictures if you do not visit THE MODERNO.
Again San Jose has been invaded by a coloured Troupe, they held their first performance on Saturday last in Theatre America, they were applauded tremendously by the immense crowd that went out to see then.
Their songs, dancings and drills were unsurpassable The dancers held the crowd in a wave of enthusiasm and surprise.
The Black Jazz Orchestra is a great Novelty to San José.
These FOR SALE The ovvner being desirous of going home to seek his health is vvilling to sell at a Song. Farm of Hectareas, a horse and a newly built House at 24 miles. No reasonable offer refused, All information from this paper.
ALCIDES RAMIREZ COMISSION. MERCHANT Box 106 Limon My experience for more than 30 years places me in condition to take good care of your interests in Limon. Whether as your Representative or Commission Agent.
ALL YOUR NEEDS WILL BE ATTENDED THOROUGHLY Try my capacity and efficiency.
3ΣΧ 4ΟΣΧΟ To those it Concerns THOROUGHBRED PUPS FOR SALE THE VOGUE LA ROSA DE FRANCIA JOHN ROGERS. TAILOR Pola de Peña The name is the hall mark for Tailoring, Donde encontrará todo lo que puede necesitar una dama para su toilette y FAR AND NEAR artículos para regalos etc.
Among his clients are the most fastidious, the elite; the people that complete assortment of ladies vvearknow. Convince yourself.
ing apparel and the finest materials for LIMON, Box. 83.
embroidering, hemstitching etc.
For yvedding dresses, and such like requisites there is no equal in San José vvrite Ap. 104 or give me a visit.
Central Avenue near The Singer Co.
Do you love your family. Insure yuor life in THE NATIONAL LIFE ASSURANCE BANK By this the Public will be informed that the publication of the objection to the marriage of Cecil Clayton to Miss Gwendoline White by Albertha Hinson of the Limon Service Bureau is cil Clayton has been honourably married to Miss Gwendoline White by the NELSON Civil Courts of Costa Rica.
TAILOR. PI BOX 466. PT. LIMON, Hoping that the public will now recognize the said Miss Gwendoline White as Mrs. Cecil Clayton; Hence it Remember when you need, a snappy suit. Call will be seen that Solicitor Egbert see me. My best advertisment is always a satisfied Brown has honourably won his Case Customer, my price is wethin the reach of all. Call in this suit.
be convinced.
By this means we also beg to intimate to our many friends, that we leave by the Ariguani for Jamaica on the 14th. inst for a few months vacation, where we shall be pleased to be at the Service of any of our friends who may care to order us, and to say farewell to those whom we have The National Life Assurance not been able to see.
CECIL CLAYTON under the guidance and void, for ce From the pure blooded pair of dogs Lion and Lioness imported from London at a cost at 110, 00 when two months old.
Lion is Great Danes, whose father is Registered with the Kemal Club London England, and Lioness) is a Wolf Hound Their parents are great hunters as well as Guard Companions for owners and Premises, As hunters they have no equal in the country.
These doge were imported to guard my store premises, and you need no Watchman From them now have a fine lot of Pups which sell for 50. 00 ca.
If you need a real good dog, whether for watch or Hunting drop in and see them. Lion is also retained as a Bull for breeding purposes, Fees on Application.
Port Limon Box o ΟΣΟ ΟΣΣ Do Not Throw away Money on Smokes that do not satisfy The Relief fund Think Over the Future of Your Family As the management of our Branch of Trade is able to please the most fastidious smoker, especially now owing to the fact that we have just enlarged our workrooms on the experience of our many years of applica.
tion to this line, we can offer tobacco in leaf and cut form in many varieties, qualities and prices.
you throw Especialities in cut Tobacco granulated and suitable for Cigarettes to the taste of every smoker: Cuban or American style rope tobacco also for pipes.
Again we are inviting suggestions from our readers, as to what Charitable purposes shall we employ this 166. 00 in the hands of Ensign Wright of the Salvation Army and de posited in Keith Bank. This Amt was the proceeds from a train run in aid of the sufferers of the flood sixteen months ago and since there has been a distribution to the deserving ones at the time of need. am suggesting, if there comes up no better suggestion that this money be used for doling it out at Easter time to deserving poor by the Salvation Army officers. Any names of really poor persons may be sent in to myself or Ensign Wright, before Holy week. Information solicited.
The Searchlight TEN CENTS DAY will bring a thousand colones to your Family at your death, How many dimes do away each day thoughtlessly? Only one of these dimes invested in a hfe insurance policy will save your family the anguish of a penniless bereavement. life policy will supply ready money to cover the expenses which the death of the father or husband may bring.
Life policies without medical examination, for one and two thousand colones.
Fill in the attached coupon, send it to us, and without any obligation on your part we will send you an application form and rate of premium.
Our policies carry the full guarantee and responsibility of the State Exclusive Agency for PALMARIAN YELLOW CIGARETTES Depot for Cigars of all sizes, forms and prices.
The Most Wellknown Brands of Cigarettes Kept in Stock Plants of the best kinds of Tobacco from Palmares and Turrialba Amost alarming tumour Our products gained the Silver Medal in the last National Exhibition, and were honorably mentioned and awarded Gold Medal in the Exhibitions of Limon and Heredia respectively.
From La Tribuna we see that Doctor Luis Paulino Jimenez (owner of the five Story Costa Rica Hotel under construction) in association with Doctor Carlos Pupo, has performed a most wonderful successful operation, by successfully from a woman a The size weight of this makes it alarming that the patient should be yet alive well after assuming such a proportion, taking us weighing sisteen kilos Pass by THE PALMAREÑO TOBACCO PLANT Northeast corner of the San Jose market, or by the Annexes (DETACH THIS COUPON)
Banco Nacional de Seguros Dpto. de Vida.
San José de Costa Rica My name in full is.
My address is.
My occupation is Sex. was born at.
on the. day of. in the year. would like an Insurance for THE OLYMPIC GAMES Fifty thousand people paid gate mo.
ney at the opening of The Central merican Olimpic games on the 15 inst.
615 athletes entered for the different games from countries, Cuba, Costa Rica, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Honduras, Panama, Jamaica, Guatemala and San Salvador. All the groups marching past the Judges with theirsdifferent flagsbibliote Administered by VICTOR MANUEL HIDALGO OUR PRODUCTS SOLD BY ALL SHOPS


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