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EDUD MANAGED MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION (1. 00 SINGLE COPY 25 THE SEARCHLIGHT EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123. CARTAGO PUBLISHED SATURDAYS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY APRIL. 1930 23 THE GREAT EXPOSITION AT CARTAGO On Saturday last at a. the Pre our stock, and the time has just arrived milk Industry, but to shovy that step the Visitors to the old Capital. The son of the Jamaica stud Philantrofis sident of the Republic arrived at the vvhen, to support the great plan of by step by degrees, it vvas the ideas of President of the Republic delivered a also imported by Mr. Norton, Then Campo Ayala where the Exposition the President to further help in the this administration to lend every sup. great Oration, during vvhich he com the tyvo Jamaica stallions Philanvvas held and accompanied by his development in stock rearing in port for the development by the selec plimented all who had helped to trofist and Dreamer both importations general Staff, and the representatives and dustry of the country it was decided tion of the best class of animals to in bring about such a successful meeting of Mr. Norton but sold to Mr. Molina specially invited guests, he immediately to open this Exhibition so that rich and crease the capabilities of our Industry and said that he was truly surprised of Cartago, the former, and the later threvy the doors open after a fevy vuell chosen remarks, when the Band took poor could appreciate vvhat vvas being and to augment the National resources to see such a magnificent shovy, and novy ovvned by don Jose Monge of done in the interest of this branch of in this branch.
vvas pleased to find the money vvhich Turrialba, vvent for the event of the up the beautiful strains of the Nacio Agriculture, on which the country so At the close of his remarks he vvas vvas Spent by his government to aid day. Philantrofist coming in the vvinnal Anthem at vvhich moment everyone much depends for its prosperity, and the Shovv vvas so vvell spent.
in the great Asssembly came to attengiven a vvonderful applause, and conner.
he vvas proud to see the efforts put gratulated for his great discourse and tion and Salute.
The Minister of Fomento and AgriOn Sunday night a banquet vvas forvard by the farmers and stockovyners Don Arturo Volio Minister of Public in bringing fovvard so formidable an for the part he had taken in bringing culture of Panama, Mr. Clement, said again given at the Hotel Frances by about such an admirable idea of an this vvas indeed a first class Exhibition, Earl Cooper for his acknowledged works, improvements, and Agriculture Assemblage of the best stock in the Exposition which had been crovyned then read a voluminous address as to country, he also made special mention vvith such successes it is almost incredible to think that in probity and efficiency as Judge. The the necessities vyhich vvas seen by the of the courtesy of the representatives first speaker giving the Toast of the government of don Cleto Gonzalez vvho had been invited among them tvventy years Costa Rica has made the Mr. Emil Cooper the Judge vvho Viquez, to open such an Exhibition, being The Minister of Publle vvocks evening to Mr. Cooper vvas don Mohad been asked for through the diploStrides she has, my journey with my desto Martinez, to vvhich Mr. Cooper, as means of fomenting the prospe.
matic relationships of Costa Rica and associates has profited us much, vve and Agriculture of Panama, Mr. Luis suitable replied The speech of the rity of the country. He said that it Felipe Clement, and other great stock The United States, then started to make have come, vve have seen, and yve evening was that delivered by don novy over a half a century that such men of Panama and Nicaragua, as vvell have learnt much, and we are going Arturo Volio. Then Mr. Joachim Varhis adjudications men as The Peraltas, Jimenez, Sancho, as the Diplomatic representatives of the At p. the Bull fights started congratulate this country and its stock Tribuna gave the closing speech in back to Panama to do likevvise, for gas Coto one of the Editors of La Vglesias. Volios, Molinas, Chavarrias. United States, Mexico, Uruguay, Ecua and a very lively time vvas spent Gomez and others have been trying to breeders.
dor, Nicaragua, Chile, Guatemala, Peru, vwhich he eulogized don Ricardo Jiimprove the blood of their stock Mane On Sunday again the doors vvere On Monday the show was brought menez, as one of the greatest propa and Horn but it is novy tvventy five also thanked La Tribuna. vvho helped throwyn open at when another years since the government has been through its daily columns to make the record crown visited the Exposition.
to a conclusion, vvith horse racing and gandists in the importation of Blooded other diversions, at vvhich time the stock and Mr. Cooper experience of giving every assistance possible for the Exposition the great success it vva He On Saturday night a Sumptuous din Mare Cricket beat, a son of philantro stockrearing and offered him in the importation of first class stock from Eu ended his discourse by saying it vvas ner vvas glven by the Rotary Club of fist; Waterboy a son of the Jamaica name of don Emesto Ortiz Jevveller rope, Ameriea, Jamaica, Chile and Peru, not to rival other greater countries in Cartago at the Hotel Frances of Car stud Waterman Imported here by, and stock breeder a beautiful Medal in to improve the blood and capabilities of their achievements in the meat and tago in honour of the Exposition and Mr. Lester Norton beat Fireball as memory of Campo Ayala.
vvas Saludo Elogio Bienvenida la ex elsa embajadora de belleza estupenda, soberana!
Bienvenida la estrella que engalana el cielo de esta Patria encantadora!
Costa Rica Para hacer el plogio de su cara preciosa no tengo los pinceles de un consumado artista, ni tengo la palabra de um florido estilista, ni puedo ofrecer algo que merezco una Diosa.
Son muchos los encantos que atesora y es tan grande su gracia sobrehumana, que si sale imprudente en la mañana puede muy bien avergonzar la aurora.
Quiero sencillamente decir alguna cosa en honor del arcángel que fue hacia la conquista del gojo de laureles y el cetro imperialista.
que merecían su frente y su mano virtuosa.
Su regreso triunfal es una fiesta que inflama de placer los corazones y en sourisas de amor se manifiesta.
Su cara es el poema más dulce que Natura compuso en un instante de infinita grandeza: le dio a sus labios rojos el fuego y la dulzura!
Para rendirle culto a lo divino ofrendémosle todos mil canciones y alfombremos de rosas su camino!
Srita. Julia Salazar Loría su tez marfilina le dio un sonreir eterno!
con jugo de azabuches tiñó su real cabeza, y ahogó en sus negros ojos las noches del invierno!
PEDRO UJUETA The Peoples Forum Current Items Jersey Limon, March 25th. 1930. and Mitchell, said the letter should not be congratulated on having had two Exhibition Prizes The Holstein breed. Was easily yvon Box 243.
be recognized. will say according to succesful years in college where he is by Don Rafael Vargas, vvho had the the Constitution if an Officer or Officers studying Medicine. remember twenty In the exhibition the principal prize best Bull, estimated by the Judge to Mr. Editor of do not submit himself as a member years ago when we worked together vvinners vvere for the Guernsey breed weigh 3000 lb. In covys he took Ist of the Div. that he or she is belonging as labourers on the dock but brain the successors of Alfredo Volio. 2nd. place. Don Juan Rodríguez THE SEARCHLIGHT to, they should not hesitate to brought him money and with brain The Guernsey Bulls vvere certainly took 2nd place for Bulls, and 1st. plaPlease permit me space in your vaVacate his or her seat as an Officer and money he has started on the road as good as anything to be produced ce for young Covvs.
luable paper, to publish a very impor Messrs Besenty, Sinclair and Mrs. to fame we are glad to see that the anyvvhere in the world.
Sinclair said that such an important The The Ayrshire breed. This vvas all man who has left the ranks still has a tant letter that was sent to the membreed. This vvas vvell conbers of the A. on Tuesday monopolized by Mr. Franz von Tattemletter should be distroyed and placed kind word, a gentle look and a kind testede betvven Robert Hermanos, Don night the 19th. inst. Insighting them into the Waist basket, but did not send hand shake for those he has left behind. Julio Sancho, Don José Joachim Pe bach getting 1st. place in Bulls Covvs, Yrs truly, of the dangers hanging over the Divi that valuable letter to any of Uncle ralta; Coto Aguilar Bros. The best Calves, he Specializes in this Rreed.
Young Covus, Heifers, young Bulls sion. Caused by a Divisional report on Tom Idiotical. Negro. Let me see what Norton Gayle Bull hovver fell to don Julio Sancho, the 8th of Jany 1930. By the Officers The Shovy of these animals vvas can be done for the Three blind mice.
and best Covv to Coto Aguilar certainly all that could be desired.
into the Journal of the Black man in See Proverb 26ch. 3vse. whip for Bros, heifers young Bulls fell to Rothe horse. bridle for the ass, and a The accommodation provided by the bert Bros.
Jamiaca Against one Mr. Nation Who was a President of said Div, no rod for the fools back Proverb. 10ch.
government vvas exceptionally good for Cuba Creek, March 29th 1930 the first venture in such an Exposition.
887. His turn of Office was finished 21 vse. the lips of the righteous feed and he had honourably given up many but fools die for ewant of wisdom. The Editor of THE SEARCHLIGHT Thanking you Mr. Editor for Space instead of Love, Unity and Truthfulness.
possession. Mr. Nation, was New Trading Company Sir: They are not truthful for they have Charge Crimminally, through the paper.
yours. Delevante and no name was sign to the Black Please permit me space in your valreally eaten up their vvords if they deny having used the vvords for vvhich you The old Firm of Felipe Alvarado man paper of which had forworded uable Journal to suggest these fevy an immediate letter to the members to lines.
have put them in Court, nevertheless Cº, has been dissolved by mutual the blemish is on them, for THE Consent and a nevy one formulated by get the names of the Officers who had Alas! vvhat movunful nevys are coMr. Nation, made such a publication and present SEARCHLIGHT is vvorthy to be read by the same partners for the same purpo ming from the Limon Division of the all negroes throughout the land.
ses, with a Capital of 600. 000. trathem to Mr. Nation for action, and free Cartago. something has gone wrong, Leaders of Limon avvake from your ding as Commision Merchants and ships the Division, as am almost certain it is telling of trouble sharp, hovy difAgents. Don Felipe Alvarado being the Div. has no sinister Imotive against Dear Sir: slumbers, face the foe but do not try ferent are the merrymakers today.
to fool the poor people, you are only President and Mr. Escalante Vice PreMr. Nation, Also to Send Mr. Nation a thought you might like this news of When yve see Officers a leaders at the sident as usual letter showing him the members knew throvving avvay the chances of the a great Jamaica: helm giving instructions to their folloprosperity of your Division. Thanking It is presumed that this is a means nothing about such a publication. The vvers not to buy nevyspapers that are you Sir for the space given me yours of calling in the inmense quantity of letter was read, and after read. Some of Mr. Jeremiah Uriah Spencer, Allick giving them instructions, those are truly.
outstandings due to the old Firm and the Officers said the letter did not res who has just arrived and who intends ruinous leaders, ruinous teaching: They suspect Officers. Messrs Smith. Cornwall spending his vacation among us, is to are teaching our people Voodooism haite de curationes probleem. si e Madure teaching. com. peopleWoodooismiotecas del Ministerio de One. ficom, the Race tained recently and starting afresh.


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