
1950 RAMIREZ PHOTO STUDIO Nuevo Plan para los Sorteos de la Lotería THOROUGHBRED PUPS FOR SALE 650. 000 III Mysterious Drowning PAGE THE SEARCHLIGHT Saturday 29 March PERSONAL ALCIDES Mr. Fay, Chief Dispatcher and COMISSION MERCHANT Asst. Trainmaster has been ill for nearly Box 106 Limon a fortnight, but we are pleased to anIf you need a modern PHOTO come to nounce that since the 28th he is again My experience for more than 30 years places me in condition to take at his desk. Mr. Neil acted in PHOTO STUDIO JIMENEZ good care of your interests in Limon. Whether as your Representative his place.
or Commission Agent Mr. Fay has been a subscriber to the Central Avenue West ALL YOUR NEEDS WILL BE ATTENDED SEARCHLIGHT from its first issue THOROUGHLY Apartado 609 vvhich shovys that he vvishes us vvell San José, Telephone 3521 Try my capacity and efficiency.
and vve take opportunity in thanking him, and if our vvishes can be converted into a tonic for his convalescence vve are ready to give him all that is in ΟΣΟ ΟΧΣΧΟ ΣΧΟΣ: our povver.
Mr. Leopold Greenvvood, Acting Chief Clerk in the Master Mechanic Como resultado de un Edito to y producirá los resultados office is having a serious attack of rial publicado en este diario en más halagadores para todos. malaria, yve vvish him soon back out vvith us.
From the pure blooded pair of dogs Lion and Lioness imported from la semana pasada, he reflexiona Este plan es el siguiente: London at a cost af 110. 00 When two months old.
Our young friend Charles McKenzie Lion is a Great Danes, whose father is Registered with the Kemal do y visto que en realidad el Se lanza una emisión de. proprietor of the Sastreria Moderna is plan de la Lotería actual es muy 10. 000 billetes a 20. 00 cada Club London England, and Lioness is a Wolf Hound recovering. We feel pleased.
Their parents are great hunters as well as Guard Companions for owMrs: McPherson of Camp 1, and a thers and Premises, As hunters they have no equal in the country.
malo y no despierta interés, ni uno, que darían. 200. 000; deda los resultados que se desea duciendo un 10 para la Junta LIGHT has been ill and vve vvish her staunch supporter of the SEARCHThese dogs were imported to guard my store premises, and you need no Watchman From them now have a fine lot of Pups which sell for 50. 00 ea.
como entrada líquida o sean a speedy recovery.
If you need a real good dog. Whether for watch or Hunting drop in and see En vista de esto, propongo a 20. 00; y quedando para pago Madame De Mena, International Orthem. Lion is also retained as a Bull for breeding parposes, Fees on Application la Junta el siguiente plan que si de premios y demás gastos.
ganizer of the Assn, is expected soon to disentangle the continual AZEVEDO se adopta será de magnífico efec 180. 000.
entanglements of the Costa Rica DiviSE JUGARIAN PREMIOS sions. It is said that she is bringing with The Shoe Store.
Port Limon Box her a very strong broom. We knovv 1r. Premio Mayor de 50. 000 hovy well she can svveep.
ΠΣΤ ΤΖΟΣΕ και τα 20.
15. 000 15. 000 3r.
10. 000 10. 000 Premios de 000 cada uno a las últimas cifras BEAUTY PARLOUR at THE CHIC de PARIS del 1r. premio 36. 000 At Siquirres on Sunday afternoon 36. 000 Manicuring done with the famous products of The Institute of Beauty of Paris, Mr. Eugenio Passini and his eldest 99 Premios de 100. 00 cada Dying with our superior Inecto which we receive continually. We massage son vvho do business in the uno a las últimas cifras with Ash of Volcan Kemolite.
market of that place vvere seen to The permanency of the work by our special machine. Gallia is guaranteed go del 1r. premio 900 900 in the direction of the dam of the Sifor six months.
900. Premios de 30. 00 cada quirres river, nothing more vvas seen PRICE PER HEAD 20. 00. or heard of them until eight o clock uno a la última cifra del on Monday morning when an alarm 27. 000 11. premio The work done at CHIC DE PARIS is in charge of a young lady whose 27. 000 diploma was obtained in Paris you will also fiud at CHIC DE PARIS all vvas raised as some one gave infor10 Premios de 300. 00 cada sorts of supplies of the best quality for children mation of having seen the tvvo bodies And the lowest prices in the City.
iu a small pool of vvater drovvned.
uno a las aproximaciones al 1r. premio 000 The consternation in Siquirres vvas 000 10 great because the water was not conPremios de 100. 00 cada sidered sufficient to cover a man much uno a las aproximaciones less to drovvn tvvo strong men, in a al premio 000 000 MUSICAL AGENCY sound state of mind; The elder Passini vvas a man who vvas much cared for Total premios Central Avenue adjoining Costa Rica Mercantile Co. 151. 900 in Siquirres having done much acts BEECHE MONTES DE OCASIO of kindness in the vicinity.
10 Comisión vendedores 20. 000 20. 000 PROP.
It is being suspected that foul play Gastos Administración y vvas meted out to both men and the Accidentales 000 Everything known in Music, Records of all Makes, Musical Instruments 100 bodies throvun in to the water as and accessories of all kinds. We have a popular Club for TALKING It is said the bodies shovved marks of Suma total 180. 000 MACHINES paying 3. 00 per week only.
blovvs inflicted. This is for the authoWe sell Magazines of all kinds Write us for any kind of information rities to investigate because it is imposdesired Agreguemos también otras mer número hubiera sido el núsible fo imagine that tuvo men under sugestiones que ayudarán a dar mero 7926, la primer ficha saP. Box 1475. The Cigar Store Telephone 4100 ordinary circunstances could get drovvned in the small volume of vvater confianza al público: En vez de lida del barril sería la número vvhere they vvere found. Both bodies sacar del jarrón o recipiente y la última saliendo una por vvere sent to Cartago to be interred una ficha por cada número preuna sería el y asi en esta vvhere the family a resides very painfu miado, se echarían en este 40 forma saldrían los otros preimpression vvas exhibited on the arrival fichas numeradas desde ceros of the Trains and much expressions of mios.
sympathy for the bereaved Widovy hasta nueves que serían los Llamando a un niño a coger of Dr. Elias Blanco Children. The bedies vvere exhumed que al salir del jarrón formarían after burial and an auptosy held but los números premiados.
las fichas como se hace en PaOptometrist and Occulist vve have not been hable to get the La Loteria jugaría solamente namá, sería la manera de aseTelephone 3085. Street Alfredo Volio Apartado 128 doctoes verdict. números siendo estos los gurar la confianza del público.
Member of The Optical Faculty of premios sobre los cuales giran Ercribo este artículo con la New York. SPECIALIST ON THE HUMAN VISION idea de que mis lectores esDr. VARGAS los demás.
El número que salga de pri tudien este plan y si lo juzgan OSTEOPATH possesses the latest inventions apparatuses for examining mero sería el mayor, el se bueno me ayuden para hacer Spinal Treatments for any desease.
gundo seria 20. premio y el que la Junta lo adopte y si no, the eyes, Special assortment of Spectacles with Crystals and If your back aches, some thing worse fol lows. Take my treatment before its too tercero por su orden correspon para que sugieran otro mejor lens of all kinds to suit your sight. With a special late.
dería al 3r. premio: que tienda a salvar nuestra Lo125 yards North of Botica Oriental La manera de proceder sería teria que está en mucha decaDepartment for collocating Artificial eyes.
San Jose.
en esta forma: Se llamaría a un dencia y puede morir según el niño cualquiera de los que con sistema actual, pues cada día se curran al Kiosco y se le haría juega más Lotería extranjera por poner la mano para coger las no atener la de aquí ningún fichas; supongamos que el pri atractivo para la gente.
The. Limon Division is Passing vvithin the realms of the lavvs of the be called upon to shoulder the great through a very crucial crisis, the meet Organization.
burden of Lavy expenses, have clung Bings have continued to be comparable Up to this moment the obstinacy on together to denounce these men vvho to Volcanic eruptions. caused from the part of the officers has increased to have acted contrary to the aims and obstinacy on one side of the membership such a height, that the most vulgar langua objects of the organization by courting NELSON and determination from the other side, ge has been put into circulation by them strife instead of harmony in the Division, hence there is a split, and if yve should to assist in the defence vvhile on the and their cheif determination is that TAILOR. PO. BOX 466 PT. LIMON, follovv Biblical sayings which are ge other part every measure of determina these Officers vvho, have abused their nerally true this is a vivid illustration tion has been summoned to have the trusts be made solely responsibly for Remember when you need, a snappy suit. Call that divided house must fall. rights of the membership established. whatever may be the results of the case see me. My best advertisment is always a satisfied Fortunately the side that holds on It is quite a satisfaction to note that Customer, my price is wethin the reach of all. Call to their tenacious obstinacy not caring the membership realizing that they will SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT vvhat results may be forthcoming are be convinced.
certainly in the minority, being only three Officer and a few members, inte To the Members of the rested personally in them and those in the majority are determined to establish Throughout the country their opinion as the most feasible for the better working of the So much has been said and done re that these abuses yvere done by then The differences stands thus; The lative to my attitude in the lawysuit star in retaliation of assaults on them through membership in its majority discounte ted up against Messrs. Smith, Cornvvall the SEARCHLIGHT called on the tenance any responsibility of the Divi. and Mitchell and incidentally the membership of Limon Division by sion in the case novv in the Lav courst that it is right that my attitude letters of the 16th Febrnary and again betwveen ths Editor of THE SEARCH should be explained.
orf 18th March to counteract these in75 Yards south of Central Avenue and certain officers of the These three men have been slanjurias to me, by punishing these men Division, as these officers were not dering me, times vvithout number with refuting these statements, but up to Near La Iglesia Merced authorized to create the trouble vvhich the consent of the membership on their novv instead of doing that, the majority they are being sued for in the public public Platforms, not having the sense are furthering these slanders by public courts. The officers in the entanglement to know that that constitutes a criminal discussions in which am being furargue that the abuses committed by as vuell as a civil action on themselves ther maligned by members. principally them vvas intended to retaliate to of for which as Officers of the Associa Messrs Sinclair, Eindley, Mrs. Jackson Apartado 771 Telephone 3289 fences received through the Searchlight.
But the membership in its majority retion, the Association is equally culpable and Mrs. Sinclair. This advises again in a Civil suit; except she shows her that if those Officers are not punished fuses to admit that personal quarrels disapproval by endeavours to refute and prevented from defaming me as is Gran novelty in Umbrellas should be sheltered under the name these actions, and punishing such Of being still done;vvhen shall have done sick cotton parasols of all colours of the organization, and as these officers ficers for the wrongs Committed. my vvorst dont think me an enemy of so implicated obstinately refuse to meet They go further and publish a Di The Organization as is being said, but of Fixed prices to defy Competition the opinion of the membership, the visional Report in the Blackman nevvs their evil practises, habits and charactlatter decided to indid the officers for paper, reiterating the same remarks eristics of mudslinging at everyone abuse of Office requesting of them with which they have been calum vvho vvill not descend to their level Mtoe vacate office untilmathecio case Biljotriedol Miniatigdemieturadimitting oltrepen meetings NATION ELECTRICAL OPTICAL OFFICE for Old Folks NEWS THE STANDARD organization.


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