
PAUL Saturday April 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT CURRENT ITEMS vvith such since meellbellecen Furniture Store of Enrique Valle Co.
The Tramway License iustructed by Mr. Cameron Duff.
Jamaica Banana dollars for tyventyfive to thirty years at thought that the girls vvere a bit skinThere being no opposition to the per cent; but no confirmation yet ny although their dancing vvas suThe Tramvay License of the Jamai. application the extension vvas granted Up to novy Jamaica has sent to Euas to their interests in the Banana Indus perb. The musievvas the best Jazz ca Public Service, has been extended it is expected that the New License ropean, American and Canadian Mar try. It is suggested that if they mean music heard in Limon for quite a vvhile.
for another year as from 10th, Feb. will soon be considered.
kets 740. 900 stems of Bananas business, they should send a represenruary against 670. 740 for last season. tative here to discuss the points at The Tramvvay Co. or Jamaica Pu Company Merger The United Fruit Co. is not buying insue.
Rejoicing day blic Service License to operate has in the open market these tvvo vveeks, expired sincer a couple of years ago, Mr. Muller President of the At leaving it all to the Jamaica Producers The Labour Party May 6th has been decided on as a and application had been made to the lantic Fruit Co. and Mr. Kervin Association; she is merely Shipping her day of rejoicing throughout the British Governor in Privy Council for a nevy Vice President of the DiGiorgi Fruit oven production of fruit The McDonald Cabinet met vvith Empire on the completion of the 20th not yet considered the new application ta Vale, one ot the large properties of a defeat on monday but not sufficiently Anniversary of His Majesty king George License, but the Privy Council has Corporation are both staying at Agual Unemployment crushing to warrant resignation. accession to the Thnone.
pending the entry in the field of ano the Atlantic Fruit Co in Jamaica.
16 Wiliam Green President of the AmeHis reign has been accompanied ther Company with better Concessions is expected that the merging of inter rican federation of Labour speaking Blackstar Demons hence the Co. has had to be getting ests of both Companies is being before the Commercial Committee of vyeighty matters of state, as vvell as his recovery from his very extensions from year to year.
arranged for as vvas announced by The Blackstar Dancing Demons serious the Senate, said that the number of that it gives occasion for illness At this extension the Co. vvas re Mr. DiGiorgi some time ago in the unemployed during the month of Fe.
has undoubtedly emphasized a good a special celebration presented by Hon G, Smith Daily Gleaner Their Majesties expect to mark the bruary in the United States amounted Impression on Limon Theatre Fans, Sportsmen and sportsvvomen. And Anniversary by distributing gifts and to 700. 000 vvhich is an increase although the first night programe was Medals to all the members of the Royal Percent The salaries of these unemployed calcurtailed on account of the late arrival Household vvho have served them for culated at 4000. 000. 000 per annum of their baggages, they certainly made these tvventy years shovvs shortage in monetary circulation up for this in the following night A State procession it is expected vvill in the Country, he assures the Senate exhibition. The majority of the com take place at all Cathedrals throughout CENTRAL AVENUE ments made on them vvere favorable, the Empire in Keeping with that at CUESTA DE MORAS that if something is not done to alle Westminster Abbey.
viate the still some of the more equipped Fans ious conditions existing it is We make first class Furniture best materials in Mahogany, Ceserious ruptures in the US Civil life of the Country will be the KG dar or the best lumber in the Country according to your taste. result. and reccomends the adoption At prices that defy competition; vvorkmanship unsurpassable.
of the Wagner lave vvhich 113 appropriates a permanent fund of Send you orders Enrique Valle Co. 150. 000. 000 to to help the unemployed.
Th same enigma confronts the Mac TELEFONO 3219. San José vve guarantee your satisfaction, a Donald Cabinet, the 125 yards to the North of Market towards much disatisfied from the fact that satisfied customer is our best certificate of Honor (PASO DE LA VACA)
the elections the principal platforms of the Labour party was the promises lllllllllllllllll made by them that they had schemes OFFERS HIS CLIENTS on hand which would solve the unemployment problem, which Clean and Comfortable Beds, airy Rooms COASTWISE VESSEL vvhat really put the party in povver, and all accommodations at and since then McDonald has done Moderate Prices.
nothing but think of lessening ArmaThe Motor vessel Pasagero will make regular Calls at ments vvhich vvill also lessen labour, Meals served in American style Port Limon every month on her way from Bluefields Henderson has done nothing Snovvden to Bocas del Toro and Colon.
has done nothing.
under new management On the return voyage she will accept Passengers and Smallpox Cargo from Port Limon to Bluefields, Pto. Cabezas, VISIT THE HOTEL VICTORIA SAN JOSE Tyvo nevy cases have been discoPto. Castillo, Belize and Pto Barrios.
vered one in Paraiso, and the other And Convince yourself. Telephone 3687 For further particulars enquire of her in Monte Redondo there are novy ten cases confirmed. Vaccination being rushEnglish Spoken AGENT Señor Don LEON BONILLA ed in all the villages around up to novy there are 100. 000 persons VacPORT LIMON cinated, feared HOTEL VICTORIA is novv vvas HOTEL EXCELSIOR The Banana Loan In connection vvith the Loan vvhich vvas announced a fortnight ago. It is verified that a syndicate of Bankers, represented by Watson Williams Co.
of Nevy Orleans have made an Offer to Loan the government five millions of Mrs. VIRA WILLIAMS To my many friends and Patrons This serves to advise you that have not removed my HOTEL EXCELSIOR from in front of Alsins Printery as had intended to do. am still at the old spot thoroughly renovated; and from 1st. April, will be at your disposal with new clean, Airy and comfortable Rooms and a Boarding House where you can have your meals attended to in the real Jamaica style.
MRS. ELVIRA WILLIAMS PRIVATE BOARDING HOME To get the best homelike accommodation and food while in San Jose come to the private BOARDING AND LODGING HOUSE OF CHEPITA SIBAJA NEAR THE CENTRAL AVENUE Situated 175 yards North of Iglesia de la Dolorosa American and English visitors invited.
The Salvation Army SASTRERIA GRANT EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ LAWYER AND NOTARY Office 50 yeards to the West of the Presidencial Residence Avenue de Las Damas, San Jose TELEPHONE 2756 GRANT Suits made to order in the Shortest notice. Complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings Flannels always on stock, come in when in San José see my recent arrivals.
North West Corner of Central Avenue where the Plaza Viquez Tramway starts Suits also made on the Raffle Series system come in and get a number.
In Serie Dravving No. 45 vvas vvon by Ticket No. 63 belonging to Francisco Fernandez In Serie Dravving No. 27 vvas vvon by Ticket No. 142 belonging to Juan Solis Vargas In Serie drawing No. was won by Ticket No. 64 belonging to Leonardo Mora These drawins vvere done; In the presence of Messrs Manuel Rojas, Jenaro Jimenez and Rafael Cardona Try, your luck you may only pay or instalments but in any case you get a suit after paying up your quotas.
SOLOMON JAMAICA REMEDIES BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 ands of it rrvil To the anonymous enquirer about the Salvation Army in Siqulrres.
This organization is one of the most charitable of all religious Societies, and the reason why she does SO much out door work is to carry the doctrine of Christianity into the reach of those vvho for vvant of proper apparel or those who are averse possibly like yourself to enter a place of Divine vvorship do not go.
The use of the Drum and Clarionet may be to call attention of those possibly like yourself vvho turn a deaf ear to other means of advising you that the time has come when you should spend ten minutes in serious meditation Why she has to solicit your aid in the Streets. is because such as you are, would never think of donating a fevy Cents of vour earnings for the propagation of the Gospel for continuing to civilize yourself and those of your class Lastly, it takes thousands and thous.
of dollars to build a chapel vvhere you might be accommodated; so you see take many years of begging consi dering that of your generosity, am sure you vvould not give more than five cent tovvard. Sa religious cause, whereas you migth give many colones to support a vicious, scandalous assembly of vvanton debauchers, much to the de preciation and disrespect of yourself and your Race The Salvation Army is guided all over the world by men and women vvho have been test and found capa ble to uplift the degraded of mankind, and is doing most useful work in any locality in which they operate, and vve vvould advise you to enlist under its Banner and be saved from degraThis correspondent who is such a covvard as not to sign his name asks.
Why cant the Salvation Army keep their meetings indoor?
Why cant they do without a big drum clarionet to make such a Scandalous noise in the Street they like to beg so much money?
Why cant they be satisfied?
Why dont they build a Chnrch in Siquirrres vvith vvhat money they get nat Mibeiromagatingsoatel sight Nacional de Bibliotecas DOCTOR IN THE HOME These Remedies have stood the Test for 48 years SOLOMON Liver Tonic for Bad Nerves, Indigestion and Biliousness.
SOLOMON Lung Balsam for Coughs and Colds.
SOLOMON Healing Oil for Cuts, Wounds and Sprains.
Agent for Costa Rica, Botica Grillo Port Limón HOTEL RIALTO The first idea of a traveller on going into a Town is to find himself a clean, comfortable room in which there is a good bed in a healthy quarter, and this meets your requirements in no other Hotel as it does in Do you love your family. Insure yuor life in THE NATIONAL LIFE ASSURANCE BANK HOTEL RIALTO dation, THE VOGUE in the new upstair, fireproof and earthquake proof building, 50 yards North of the North western gate of the San Jose Market, adjoining the Botica Nacional.
The HOTEL RAILTO is a bran new Hotel in a bran new building, with bran new Beds and other furnishings. The only old thing in it is the management; It is run by may don Luis Vanni who is an old Limonense and knows how to cater for a traveller.
First class meals, at very moderate Prices or as per your orders; with a fine Cafeteria and Soft drinks of all kinds.
JOHN ROGERS, TAILOR The name is the ball mark for Tailoring. FAR AND NEAR Among his clients are the most fastidious, the elite; the people that know. Convince yourseelf.
LIMON, Box. 83.


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