
Safety First Printers Petition om mo LIMON SL it is cusis a freagainst sands Journal velope every PACHECO PHOTO STUDIO Advertise For some time now the Printers and During the past six months there First is applied vvhen the youngster Printing establishments of this country have been more accidents in the various creeps too near the edge of the stair have placed a memorial before the BUSINESSMEN PROZ.
branch of activities than any other like case. The school boy would find it President to protect this Industry against ORGANIZED AND EN period venture to say for the last profitable by preparing his lessons at what they feel an unjust forcign comTen years. These mishaps have had so home before going to school. The car petition brought about by the Rich Bureau established for the greater many attendant fatalaties that the public, penter by securing his scaffold in the Corporations and Firms, but until now understanding, satisfaction and protection of the is becoming askant. Ofcourse it is proper manner would avert Speaking public, in their legal affairs, and a Colin accidents vvhich often entail permanent being suspected that powerful influence Department annexed for the protection of Businessmu.
quency of occurences of any kind the disability and fatality.
is being brought to bear with a view wheels of investigation and observation unscrupulous debtors.
of smothering this petition.
The engineer and other motive poA Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to generally brought into motion, some vver operators by reading their orders One will have to be acquainted with lose; a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute contimes vve find public sentiment very tvvice vvould avoid overrunning their the formalities of the Customhouses to fidence of the public for honesty and efficiency. Both much tinged vuvith criticism. Hovvever limit and would not so often commit appreciate the thousands upon thounovv operated under the direction of a Barrister with the vinter is not identified vvith any Homicide and suicide at the same time.
of dollars of printed matter that over twenty five years practical experience, acquired on the foregoing characteristics, but rather The farmer by propping a bunch of is brought into the Country.
the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as vvish to make a fevy observations and Banana that threatens to up root vvould All large Foims and Organizations Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and suggestions to readers of this valuable be better off by the value of the stem: bring in their labels, printed Stationery, Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials The pedestrian by stopping at cros Bill heads, letter heads etc. Is it any are the records of the cases he has conducted as Judge The year 1930 has nearly completed sings to observe the movements of wonder then that there is so much and Counsel.
a quarter of its cycle and as is custo traffic vvould reduce the annual toll of unemployment in the country.
EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ many we all make or renevv resolutions traffic fatalities. House vvives by placing There is no reason why all these Barrister their crockery in the center of their printed material which are admitted alIntestigator at the commencement of each year.
Some of us adopt slogans and decide cup board vould be better off vvhen most free of duty should not be prin Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager that these individual slogans should be the chickens start fly about or Baby ted in the country by placing a prohithe guiding principles of our daily acti goes near.
bitive Tax on such tings.
BRANCH OFFICE MAIN OFFICE vities, others set up mottos which The secretary by placing each co It may be argued that the governSan Jose, 50 yards West of the respondence Limon; Oposite Arrasty Theatre they hope to live up to during the year, Presidencia in its appropriate enwould lose revenue, but it would ment vvould avoid dispatching contrary not because the materials for printing Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of her slogan or motto. The slogan Safety communications would come in greater quantities besi Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba ard Jamaica, California, First, is often mistaken to be intended The Book keeper by checking over des finding work for the unemployed New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, only for the Railroad Department but his entries at the time of posting vvould printers. Since writing this article we vyish to state that this is very con not sometimes find himself compelled find that the proposal to place a duty trary, idea, Safety First is a Universi to do the vvhole month vvork, over of ten colones has been agreed on in ore slogau, it is adoptable to phase in one night when his trial Balance four colones per Kilo on such printed of human endeavour and therefore may fails to prove correct.
be said to be the father all mottoes. The The store keeper by looking about people of every race set aside certain the corners and into empty cases vvould days on vvhich they perpetuate the me not so often lock avvay someone vvho mory of their famous men sometimes becomes the unknovvn partner after its a warrior, and explover, an inven he has retired. Solicitors by studying tor or an originator, Not long ago their brief correctly vvould not so of in front of the Side Chapel of The Cathedral.
the people of the United States celebra ten ommit technicalities which someIN ted the Fiftieth anniversary of the exis. times cost them their case.
San Jose. TELEPHONE 3439 tence of Electric Light, payig great The foregoing comments will no tribute to the great Edison. The same doubt be sufficient to shovy the evident The most exquisite foishing touches.
people set aside the 4th of July for vvorth, and the valuable service ve their national Holiday. The same people could each render ourselves by the vvould do vveil to find out the origin adoption of this simple motto Safety SasBRO ator of this greatest of all modern slo First or seguridad ante de todo.
gans set aside a day for demonstration LA ROSA de FRANCIA and so impress upon the vvorld the BRITTON vvorth of its adoption.
If our captains of industry vvould POLA DE PEÑA hold their annual Safety First celebration our people would more readily You can save money by ordering your Donde encontrará todo lo que puede shoes from When is the time to trust?
necesitar una dama para su tiolette y inculcate the principles of this invaluDear Mr. Editor: Is it vvhen friends are o true?
able AZEVEDO BOOT STORE artículos para regalos etc.
and the number of acslogan it vvhen comforts vvo?
cidents which very often occur through Special attention is given to all orders in lack of precaution would be reduced the selection of materials, so as to ensure In this Lenten season vvhen all is And in all we say and do Strength durability whether for gents, complete assoruncnt of ladies, wearTo a minimum. This slogan is even We meet but praise?
misery and suffering, lack of the necesladies or children shoes vvorthy of an ornamental frame in the Nay! but the time to trust.
ing apparel and the finest materials for Deformed feet fitted, all at reasonable sities of life, unemployment so rammost conspicuos place in Is vvhen vve stand alone, every home, embroidering, hemstitching etc.
crices. All my shoes in stock selling at pant in every quarter of the globe, inany household that characterizes its post prices consult my prices before buying For wedding dresses, and such like fectious descases in Eastern as vvell And summer birds have flovin, elsewhere requisites there is no equal in San Jomovements upon the principles Safety And every prop is gone; as the Western Hemisphere, still specialize in my well known Men First is vvell on the road to success.
All else but God.
se write Ap. 104 or give me a visit bereavements of a tragic nature in so working Boots; still unbreakable.
If we begin at the cradle, vve find that Central Avenue near The Singer Co. inany homes, individual as vuell as NaWhen is the time to trust? mothers vvould have less hair rising Azevedo tional turmoils, disagreements of opi Is it some future day, frights and babies less bruises if Safety The Shoe Store Limon Box nions among the Nations families When you have tried your vvay, of the earth. It is meet right in all And learned to trust and pray EBANISTERIA BUJAN these Calamities that your readers should By bitter vvoe?
be directed to turn their attentions in Nay! but the time to trust?
THE CHANCE MAY NEVER WALK YOUR FRENTE AL PARQUE CENTRAL this season of suffering to the man Is in this mo need, of sorrovvs who bore our griefs, who Poor, broken, bruised reed!
WAY AGAIN You find the girl and we will find tho sinless, vvas bruised for our transPoor, troubled soul, make speed.
the House furnishings at ridiculous prigressions and trust him as in this beauTo trust thy God.
With the prospects of The Nicaragua Canal; The Carretera (Main Roads) ces, what. Only weekly payments oft tiful selection: through Alajuela, San Carlos, to Lake Nicaragua the Canalization of Tortuguero 25 cents and your house furnished.
When is the time to trust?
Do you realize what a home in San Jose will mean to you. Is it vvhen hopes beat high, BUJANS FURNITURE FACTORY When is the time to trust?
When sunshine gilds the sky, Is it when all is calm, Northern side of the Central Park.
And Joy and ectasy AS FOR SALERE When floats the victor palm, Fill all the the heart?
Of joy and praise?
Nay! but the time to trust beautiful home in Barrio (Village) Mexico, overlooking the Torres bridge to the North and the Savannahs to the South West, idealistic Views.
Nay! but the time to trust Is vvhen our joy is fled, When sorrovv bows the head, Sell out in Limon and enquire of the SEARCHLIGHT. Prices ete.
And all is cold and dead, Weber Pianola, also for Sale. The maker is the guarantee And prayer is one long cry, All else but God.
Day School Oh, help and save!
SELECTED THE SEARCHLIGHT Negroes independent when storm clouds till the sky, Personal appearance is the Royal Road to success.
Situated at 37 Miles on the premises of Mr. Morgan. This gentleman as a loyal Negro has presented a building as a School to ali parents and Guardians vvho are desirous of improving their children in the seve elementary subjects. Instrumental and vocal music being taught extra see the yvell knovvn teachre and instructor. WALTELS for prices.
TO RACE HORSE KEEPERS The only place in the country where you find Specially imported horse, chicken or pig feed is at THE ALMACEN TOMAS FERNANDEZ He Specializes in hay, oats and a specially cracked and mixed food for horses, of Corn, oats, Rye and bran.
Send your order with remittance to ALMACEN Tomas FERNANDEZ, San Jose and vvhatever you need in San Jose vvill be put at your door.
Fresh crises and groceries of all kinds. Special attention to orders from the lines.
Easter is on your heel, and the only place you can be elegantly fitted out is at THE LITTLE PARIS of Mrs. JACK DE PASS An Ambitions Limonense HER ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE This Is The Opportune Moment We are proud of the archievements of don Alberto Pardo Jocks, son of To secure for yourself a good property in San José. Mr.
starts on Monday 31st. inst. for a week only to get you ready for our much beloved and respected ex.
DANIEL UJUETA sells a fine Commercial corner lot in a Central the Easter holidays.
Governor of Limón Don Rogelio respectable locality with Pardo. This young gentleman vvas born in Limón, and by dint of determination Beatiful Residence See her Silk dresses, and stockings to match her Gotham silk of his father vvho as a Merchant of hosiery are simply CHIC.
For permission to visit inspect write or see him at the Limon vvas much admired respected for his probity of actions and for his IMPRENTA UJUETA Apartado 15. Telephone 2837.
Her assortment of silver coloured laces with the Ladies transpa charitable dealings, to all vvho were He sells to the best offer coming, go inspect it make an offer rent straw Hats can be worn to match her fancy Zephyrs.
in less fortunate circumstances than himself, found himself in a position to educate his children in a line of thought This time she has not forgotten the gentlemen, her Silk as well as to inculcate in them the ambition to Linen Shirts are simply THE FLARE and at prices too that cant revvard their fathers attention to them.
be beaten, and all this plus 20 per cent for all Cash purchases.
de hacerse de una buena PROPIEDAD en San José, DANIEL Young Mr. Pardo, has passed very creditably his studies in his College and UJUETA le vende, esquina comercial punto acreditado y céntrico, Watch the windows for House furnishings, Just buena construcción.
Peach. has been selected to represent his school in Science before the EnginVéala para que haga su oferta, que se vendeve Dont forget only one week of it.
eering Department of the Columbia a la mejor proposición University; and we hope soon to see Informes en la IMPRENTA UJUETA. APARTADO 15 him occupying an elevated position lin the direction of his country technical affairs.
de la bioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Este Es El Momento Oportuno


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