p. 6


Page PROHIBITION ying it CONSULTORIO OPTICO RIVERA OUR LOTTERY SCHEME What is Autotoxemia that a committee of which the people whom Know are heavy THE SEARCHLIGHT Saturday Naval Conference THE ROTEL IDEAL An understanding has been arrived at betwveen Great Britain, The United En su nuevo y amplio local, construido de cemento armado y madera, States and Japan as to their Armaments Following on our information Prohibition has only got 191100 varas al Norte y 50 al Este del Mercado, Paso de la Vaca. vvhich it is expected vvill so harmonize re the Literary Digets Prohibition 909 votes meanwhile, for moOfrecemos a Ud. y familia, servicio esmerado, buena alimentación, dor good intentions that France will agree voting in our last issue, this dification of the Law there are mitorios higiénicos contra temblores.
to the proposals put to her also.
week we are able to show that 224. 141 votes, and for Repealing Honradez y puntualidad ofrece esta casa. Visitenos y se convencerá. Esmerica is to retain 180. 000 Japan.
pecialidad para pasajeros de provincias, prohibition is not so much in the law there are 287. 885, the 108. 400 and Great Britain 150. 000 Tons.
lavour among the population of combined force against Prohibi :0:0:0:PRECIOS ECONOMICOS. 0:0:0:Cruisers of six ineh guns.
the United States as might be fion would therefore be 512. 026 United States vvill have 143. 500 JaIn its new and commodious building constructed of reinforced concrete made to appear. In the voting votes.
and wood, Situated 100 yards North and 50 yards East of the Market, pan 100. 450 and Great Britain 189. 000 Tons towards Paso de la Vaca of Twenty States it shows that Of destroyers United States vvill have SECOND REPORT OF THE POLL EN SAN JOSE DE COSTA RICA PE)
150. 000 Tons 150. 000. Japan 105. 000 Great Britain For For For Offers its patrons and clients, the most attentive service, Higienic And of submarines each of the three State Total Prohibition modification Rapeal Rooms, First class meals at all hours. Special care to our clients from Povvers vvill have 52. 700. Tons.
the Lines, at very Moderate Prices California 16, 709 19. 377 20. 847 This gives a nevy lease of life in 56. 933 Mr. Mrs. LUIS ARLEY the progress of the Conference vvhich Conecticut 196 495 507 198 was considered a failure.
Dist. of Culumbia 022 326 227 575 Georgio. 529 054 024 6, 607 New Cabinet Illinois 19. 502 26. 215 37. 657 83. 884 Indiana, The nevy German Cabinet has been 12. 355 842 261. 29. 468 formed by Herr Bruening and took the lowa.
12. 960 181 362 30, 503 Scientifical Eye Examination oath of Office on 31 st. in presence of Kansas 11. 968 721 343 20. 032 Michigan President Hindenburg and their first 847 792 314 25153 Glasess of all Classes and Prices session took place in the evening Minnesota.
11. 225 11. 518 13. 858 37. 001 is supposed that Bruening will adopt Missouri the dictatorial attitude but the chancel13. 161 11. 648 18. 211 42. 960 lor has already advised him that orders Nebraska 051 291 683 11. 025 are in his hands to dissolve Parliament New Jersey 655 12. 968 19. 548 39. 256 if he does not act Constitutionally.
New York.
24. 296 54. 917 84. 128 163. 341 North Dakota 1, 160 085 Russian Colony 179 424 Ohio 22. 387 23. 484 23. 231 69. 042 Russian Count in the United StaOregon. 555 779 996 330 Just in front of tes has made overtures to this goverment Pensilvania 906 064 750 10. 720 thro the Costa Rican Minister at WashSouth Dakota 370 118 916 404 HOTEL COSTA RICA ington to form a Colony of Russians Washington here, of Russian soldiers Officers if 103 975 094 17. 173 the government vvill afford them the Wisconsin. 322 10. 341 14. 744 33. 405 lands for Colonization.
191. 909 224. 141 287. 885 703. 935 Dr. VARGAS ONLY OSTEOPATH in Costa Rica, no Thus it seems so far to be inst for more than two hours drugs, no surgery Office 125 yards only in Congress that there is Charging that the Dry Law was north of Botica Oriental. Box 534, such a great majority in favour a faili from nearly every standSan Jose of Prohibition and we find that point, and that under it drunSenator Dings of Maryland held kenness and crime has generally In consequence of an Edito purchasers and difficulty among theļattention of the Senate on 2nd. increased.
FOR YOUR HOME rial in this paper a fortnight the vendors.
ago, the writer was asked to have In that Editorial a plan was One large Victrola with sev an interview with Mr. Avendaño suggested but in this Article The Road to Moin by way of the Cemetery is a fact, The Canalization of loin eral discs for sale at a sacrifice the Treasurer with respect to the will suggest another.
Tortuguero is also beyond dispute dissatisfaction existing in the man The new plan which is being Therefore to be ready for the Work live near ask THE SEARCHLIGHT. ner in which the Lottery drawing announced by the Junta is not AS FOR SALE is being done. Mr. Avendaño at all satisfactory and am sure was approached and he asked that neither myself nor many The best House on the Camp one Road where the Cars will pass for Moin all accommodations for a comfortable homo fine flower garden and lots of fruit trees, Registered. Title be (Continued)
Por priees mud att intention write THE SRARCHLIGHT should assist on Snnday 30th. buy; on the contrary they will Before going into the effects of Autoat the drawing; In consequence continue buying the Panama toxemia, let us examine the causes of of the Cartago Exhibition we. Ticket no matter what the Law this condition. Knowing that such a attended late, but saw the draw says on the matter.
condition can exist, we must find out ing carried out as it is cus do not see why a scheme (1) what to do to prevent its occurrence, tomarily done, and are pleased after the manner of the Panama and (2) what to do to stop it when present. At once we are impelled to that by the merest coincidence Lottery cannot be arranged.
ask: What makes the poison and fhe prize happens to fall in would beg to suggest the Where does it come from? or, at Limon but we wouldlike to following plan which am sure least, Where is it before it automatical call the attention of the Pre would meet approval from all ly gets into the blood? This article sident, Secretary Treasurer sources.
has been written to answer these ques.
of the Junta, that the mode of Print 10, 000 Tickets numbered 1603 Billie (Waltz)
tions and to outline a simple, practical drawing is not the exact point from 0000 to 9999 sold at 20. 00 method to prevent self poisoning and My Window of Dreams (Waltz)
to stop it when present.
at issue.
each would yield 200, 000 less 1623 Marion (Waltz)
Alimentary Tract, an Automatic faction is that the formation of the Junta 20, 000 leaving.
The great point of dissatis. Ten per Cent which would give Loved You then as love you now (Waltz)
Machine the category of the prizes does 180, 000 to be disposed of in The blood stream gets its supply of not give satisfactory result. and prizes and Commissions etc. out By Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra water, fuel and building material from until a more convenient scheme of this figure the following Prithe digestive system, and when poison. HE JAZZ KING)
is there, it gets that, too. To undersis put in operation, there will zes would be drawn.
tand how the poison gets there it is always be discontent among the 1683 Makin Whooppee (Fox Trot)
necessary to know something of the working of this important part of the First prize of 50, 000 m Bringing a Red Red Rose (Fox Trot. 50, 000 Second 15, 000.
15, 000 1505 Out Town Gal (Fax Trot)
The digestive system is also known Third as the alimentary canal or the gastro 10, 000.
10, 000 Just a little bit of Driftwood (Fox Trot) intestinal tract. It is an automatic con 4, 000 each to the ending Nos.
veyor or transport system, to carry food of the grand Prize.
36, 000 By ted Lewis and his Band materials from mouth to stomach and 99 100 each to the ending Nos. 9, 900 intestines, and to carry the waste 900 30 each to the ending No.
1296 Good Night (Waltz)
27, 000 through the colon to the rectum. It is 10 300 each to the approximations also, a chemical laboratory and retort The Sweetheart of Sigma Chi (Waltz) to break the food materials into the of the grand prize, above 1313 Mary Ann (Fox Trot)
elements needed by the body. Its strucand below.
3, 000 Cobble Stones (Fox Trot)
ture is practically the same throughout 10 its entire length. Though the succes.
100 each to the approximations 1251 Aloha oe Blues (Hawaian)
sive parts have different names, they of the second prize.
1, 000 are really only differentiated segments Total in Prizes. On the shores of Honolulú (Hawaian) 151, 900 of a single tube.
10 Commission to vendors 20. 000 o Vocal Refrain As a transport system extending con Cost of Administracion Incidentals 8, 100 tinuously from the lips to the rectum, Wishing to give the best service it must run on schedule time. Any 180, 000 delay will cause confusion and disrupto our Clients in Limon and It of the modern automatic machines Instead of having one ball for the effect of Killing out the imthe line we will Gladly Mail re. which receives raw materials and trans each number, you should only portation of foreign lotteries escords to any address at the form them into a finished product, have forty Balls numbered with pecially the Panama lottery which wrapped and labeled ready market.
POSTPPID from four noughts up to four we are buying because we like Following Prices: The various motions of such a machine nines.
are so accurately timed that the slighthe system better, and no matI Record 50 test delay, will clog the machine, turn The Lottery would only play ter how rigidly the law is enout an inferior product. And, if not three numbers, first number to forced it will always find ready 75 corrected, wear out the machine itself. the first prize, second number sale here, except our Lottery 75 Though the length of the human ali to the second prize, and third system is made similar to it in mentary tract totals less than thirty number to the third prize; and the lines indicated above.
feet is divided into several sections by valves or station stops which in the numbers would be formed FONT NIETO We write this article with the large measure, regulate the time schethus. If the number is 7926, the hope that our contemporaries will AGENTS dule, slow down the sonveyer and prefirst number pulled out of the read and, consider this plan, and vents reverse action.
Urn or barrel, by a six or seven if they approve of it they will BOX 737 SAN JOSE In nexst article will describe the mouth which is responsible for many year child is first number of the set up a propaganda in aid of or GOYENAGA Co. en ills.
prize and the last one drawn the SEARCHLIGTS plan until it Dr. Alejandro Vargas Araya would be the ending number. be adopted, or suggest a better COLUMBIA DEALERS LIMON (Osteopath)
This scheme and manner of proposition to make our Lottery drawing would create confidence Scheme, more appreciative aud MT8 Phoeb hinnela) Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas delimispubliou mind andoswould have enticing to its customers.
New Columbia Records body: ted servid service.
may be likened to one for 23 93 a propiedad de la Bibliteca Naci


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